This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(2): e223929. April - June. ISSN 2477-9407.
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Tradicionalmente, la agricultura ha sido la actividad económica
principal de las comunidades rurales, sin embargo, existen otras
fuentes de ingreso que aportan al gasto en bienestar familiar. Empero,
se desconocen las dinámicas de estos ujos debido a la ausencia de
estadísticas ociales para poblaciones pequeñas, lo cual diculta
su análisis en relación con la pobreza. El objetivo fue analizar la
transición de los ingresos provenientes de las unidades de producción
agropecuarias hacia las fuentes del sector servicios y remesas,
mediante un modelo econométrico. Se tomó como caso de estudio la
localidad rural “Eleodoro Dávila”, Filomeno Mata, Veracruz, México.
En forma aleatoria, se aplicó un cuestionario al 33,33% de la población
y con los datos obtenidos se construyó un modelo econométrico del
gasto en bienestar familiar. La variable dependiente fue el gasto en
bienestar familiar, mientras que las variables independientes fueron la
diversidad de fuentes de ingresos. Se estimaron las elasticidades de las
variables independientes. Se encontró que las actividades primarias y
secundarias, los subsidios y las transferencias hogares contribuyen
al bienestar familiar. Se halló que ante un incremento en 1% del
ingreso proveniente de la producción pecuaria, se genera un cambio
de 0,05% en el gasto en bienestar familiar, mientras que la producción
agrícola genera 0,16%. El comercio, las remesas internacionales y
nacionales generan los mayores efectos con 0,81%, 0,71% y 0,48%
respectivamente. La situación que prevaleció durante el 2019-2020 en
la comunidad de estudio permite concluir que el sector agropecuario
ha perdido preponderancia como fuente principal de ingresos.
Palabras clave: Modelo econométrico, remesas, gasto en bienestar.
Tradicionalmente, a agricultura tem sido a principal atividade
econômica das comunidades rurais, no entanto, existem outras fontes
de renda que contribuem para os gastos com o bem-estar familiar. No
entanto, a dinâmica desses uxos é desconhecida devido à ausência
de estatísticas ociais para pequenas populações, o que diculta sua
análise em relação à pobreza. O objetivo foi analisar a transição da
renda das unidades de produção agropecuária para fontes no setor de
serviços e remessas, por meio de um modelo econométrico. Tomando
como estudo de caso a localidade rural “Eleodoro Dávila” município
de Filomeno Mata, Veracruz, México. Aleatoriamente, foi aplicado
um questionário a 33,33% da população e com os dados obtidos
foi construído um modelo econométrico de gastos com bem-estar
familiar. A variável dependente foi o gasto com o bem-estar familiar,
enquanto as variáveis independentes foram a diversidade de fontes de
renda. As elasticidades das variáveis independentes foram estimadas.
As atividades primárias e secundárias, os subsídios e as transferências
familiares contribuem para o bem-estar da família. Constatou-se
que um aumento de 1% na renda da produção pecuária gera uma
variação de 0,05% nos gastos com o bem-estar familiar, enquanto
a produção agrícola gera 0,16%. Comércio, remessas internacionais
e nacionais geram os maiores efeitos com 0,81%, 0,71% e 0,48%
respectivamente. A situação que prevaleceu durante 2019-2020 na
comunidade em estudo permite-nos concluir que o setor agrícola
perdeu preponderância como principal fonte de rendimento.
Palavras-chave: Modelo econométrico, remessas, gastos com bem-
The concept of poverty is conceived as a condition in which
the population is far from reaching a standard, social norm or state
of optimal situation for its good development (ECLAC, 2018).
Considering that the ability of a person to possess the elements of
well-being does not only depend on whether they are free or have
permission to acquire what they need, since a fundamental part is
having the economic capacity to acquire them (Stezano, 2021).
As Sison (1995) indicates, economists associate well-being with
per capita income, the level or quality of life of the inhabitants of a
In a general way, and despite the multidimensional and complex
nature that it may have, it is said that poverty is a condition in which
one or more people have a level of well-being below the minimum
necessary for survival (Berneche, 2010, p. 31)
Considering the above, Camelo (2001) indicates that “household
income and spending are central elements for the evaluation and
study of the living conditions of families” (p. 5). In order to evaluated
it, several methodologies are used, one of them is the Poverty Line
(LP) proposed by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social
Development Policy (CONEVAL). It is an approach that classies a
household as poor if its income or expenditure is less than the value
of an LP. The latter represents the added value of all the goods and
services considered essential to satisfy basic needs (a food basket and
a non-food basket) (CONEVAL, 2019).
In this sense and taking into account that the food and non-food
basket are considered essential for the good development of a person,
it is concluded that this is nothing more than an expense in well-being
and the poverty line is the possibility of be able to afford that expense.
In this way, Mora and Cerón (2015) point out that the expenditure
made on the welfare of rural households comes from a total family
income, and this in turn depends on various sources, either from
productive units or from national remittances and international, trade,
government programs, among others. So, knowing the diversity of
sources of income for spending on welfare, it is possible to generate
public policy proposals that can help improve the conditions of
certain populations that require it.
In the same context, Gurusamy et al. (2018) indicate that “the
importance of the study of the social well-being of households lies in
the fact that the results can be used to propose specic intervention
strategies, taking into account productive, socioeconomic and
environmental characteristics” (p. 215).
However, the information on income and expenditure, which is
exposed by the National Survey of Household Income and Expenses
(ENIGH) of Mexico, is only displayed for populations greater
than 2,500 inhabitants, leaving aside rural localities, which are
characterized by being populations smaller than that. In this way, the
lack of information at the local level of rural economies results in the
difculty of recognizing the sources of income destined for spending
on family welfare, which represents a problem for the analysis of
these economies.
In this context, Mora and Cerón (2015) analyzed factors that
inuence the diversication of activities, using data from the National
Survey of Rural Households of Mexico (ENHRUM) of 2008, and in
turn, determine the impact of this on the income of rural households
in Mexico. They reveal that diversication of activities is the key for
increasing income in rural households, which leads to the conclusion
that public policies must be better focused, taking as a priority
families with lower incomes.
n =
N ∗ Z
∗ p ∗ q
N − 1
+ Z
∗ p ∗ q