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Conde et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(3): e234024
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surface drip and subsurface drip at 20 cm. Likewise, the treatments
irrigated by surface drip and subsurface drip at 20 cm also presented
statistical dierences (p˂0.001), with a dierence of 15 % less water
applied for the treatment irrigated by subsurface drip at 20 cm.
Research conducted in China by Yan et al. (2016), applied water
sheets in subsurface drip irrigation at 30 cm depth of 162 mm (1,620
Referring to water productivity, they presented statistical
dierences (p˂0.003) between the furrow irrigated treatment and
those irrigated by surface drip and subsurface drip at 20 cm, for
furrow irrigation a water productivity of 2.63 kg.m
was obtained,
for surface drip irrigation water productivity was 7.02 kg.m
, and
for subsurface drip irrigation at 20 cm of 8.23 kg.m
. Research by
Stanghellini (2010), found that the average water productivity in the
65-country drip-irrigated maize crop was 7.0 kg.m
Similarly, water productivity, the treatments irrigated by surface
drip and subsurface drip at 20 cm, presented statistical dierences
(p˂0.003) (table 3). Water productivity in the treatment irrigated by
subsurface drip at 20 cm, in relation to water productivity in furrow
irrigation was 3.1 times higher, and 1.2 times higher than water
productivity in surface drip irrigation.
The management plan for furrow, surface drip and subsurface drip
irrigation generates dierent strategies for its use and management,
by having dierent frequencies and number of irrigations. Furrow
irrigation required less frequency and fewer irrigations, in contrast to
surface and subsurface drip irrigation at 20 cm, which were applied
with a higher frequency and greater number of irrigations. The volume
of water supplied by furrow irrigation was greater than the volume
of water supplied by surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems.
Water productivity was higher with subsurface drip irrigation at 20
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