This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Razz and León. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40 (Supplement): e2340Spl035-6 |
maps and thus indirect estimates of carbon in aboveground vegetation
(Zhang et al., 2021).
Simulation models also play a key role in quantifying carbon in
agroforestry systems. These models simulate various management,
plant composition and land use scenarios, facilitating the assessment
of long-term effects on carbon sequestration (Mandal et al., 2020).
However, these models require accurate and up-to-date empirical data
to generate reliable results.
Despite methodological advances, challenges persist in
accurately measuring carbon in agroforestry systems (Dold et al.,
2019). The heterogeneity of these systems makes it difcult to obtain
representative samples and extrapolations to larger scales. The lack
of methodological standards can lead to inconsistent results across
studies, complicating the comparison and synthesis of ndings.
There is sufcient scientic evidence that has shown that climate
change in recent years has become one of the main problems that
society is facing, not only from the environmental point of view, but
also the impact on human health, demographics and the economic base
of society. The challenge today is to control or reduce greenhouse gas
emissions caused by anthropogenic activities, through agreements
between governments of developed countries and environmental and
social policies.
An important point for this problem is mitigation, and in this sense,
the use of agroforestry systems is a viable option, the contribution
of these systems can be important when considering their benets,
among which we can mention the sequestration and storage of carbon
from the aerial part, soil and roots, and that when well managed can
be considered as important carbon sinks and thus reduce the negative
impact of gas emissions that affect the environment.
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