© The Authors, 2024, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author:
Plant extracts
Bromatological and microbiological analyses
Sensory evaluation
Physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory characterization of fresh cheese made with the
Amazonian plants Mansoa alliacea and Eryngium foetidum in Pastaza, Ecuador
Caracterización sicoquímica, microbiológica y sensorial de queso fresco elaborado con las plantas
amazónicas Mansoa alliacea y Eryngium foetidum en Pastaza, Ecuador
Caracterizaçao físico quimica, microbiológicas e sensorial das queijo fresco produzido a partir das
plantas amazónicas Mansoa alliacea e Eryngium foetidum em Pastaza, Ecuador
Janeth Paulina Ulloa Morejón
Manuel Lázaro Pérez Quintana
Gretty Rosario Ettiene Rojas
Wildo Briñez
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244113
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v41.n2.03
Food Technology
Associate editor: Dr. Jorge Vilchez-Perozo
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Ingeniería
Agroindustrial, Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Pastaza,
Departamento de Química, Facultad de Agronomía.
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Departamento de Sanidad Animal y Salud Pública, Facultad
de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo,
Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Agrarias, División
de Estudios para Graduados, Facultad de Agronomía.
Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela.
Received: 24-01-2024
Accepted: 25-03-2024
Published: 19-04-2024
Plants have nutritional properties and benecial eects on health, so
fortifying dairy foods with plants from the Ecuadorian Amazon could
produce dairy products with high nutritional values and unique aromas
and avors. This study characterized the physicochemical, sensory, and
microbiological properties of fresh cheese made from the Amazonian plants:
wild garlic (Mansoa alliacea; (Lam.) A.H.Gentr) and culantro (Eryngium
foetidum L.). Cheeses were made with both species (dry sample and ethanolic
extract) at 5 % and 25 % under a completely randomized experimental design
with a 2
factorial arrangement, with three replications and 24 experimental
units. The physicochemical properties established in the NTE INEN
1528 Standard (moisture, ash, dry matter, protein, fat, pH, acidity, lactose
content, lactic acid, and chloride) were determined in the cheeses. Sensory
analysis was performed with an untrained panel. Microbiological quality
was assessed in the cheese selected in the preference test, according to the
NTE INEN 1528 Standard. The treatments aected ash content (3.20 %),
pH (5.95), moisture (55.28 %), total solids (42.20 %), and protein (20.84
%). The cheeses QF7 (dry extract of culantro, 5 %) and QF3 (dry extract of
wild garlic, 5 %) presented the highest median acceptance, corresponding
to “I like it very much”, with QF7 getting the highest acceptance (71 %).
The fresh cheese presented high protein, fat, and calcium content, as well
as adequate microbiological quality, which characterizes it as a caloric and
nutritional food.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244113 April-June. ISSN 2477-9407.2-7 |
Las plantas poseen propiedades nutritivas y efectos beneciosos
para la salud, por lo que la forticación de alimentos lácteos con
plantas originarias de la Amazonia ecuatoriana, podría generar
productos lácteos con altos valores nutricionales, con aromas y
sabores únicos. En este trabajo se caracterizaron las propiedades
sicoquímicas, sensoriales y microbiológicas del queso fresco
elaborado con las plantas Amazónicas ajo de monte (Mansoa alliacea;
(Lam.) A.H.Gentr) y culantro de monte (Eryngium foetidum L.).
Se elaboraron quesos con ambas especies (muestra seca y extracto
etanólico) al 5 % y 25 %, bajo un diseño experimental completamente
al azar con arreglo factorial 2
, con tres repeticiones y 24 unidades
experimentales. En los quesos se determinaron propiedades
sicoquímicas establecidas en la Norma NTE INEN 1528 (humedad,
cenizas, materia seca, proteínas, grasa, pH, acidez, contenido de
lactosa, ácido láctico, cloruro). El análisis sensorial se realizó con un
panel no entrenado. La calidad microbiológica se valoró en el queso
seleccionado en la prueba de preferencia, de acuerdo a la norma
NTE INEN 1528. Los tratamientos afectaron el contenido de cenizas
(3,20 %), pH (5,95), humedad (55,28 %), sólidos totales (42,20 %)
y proteína (20,84 %). Los quesos QF7 (extracto seco de culantro
de monte, al 5 %) y QF3 (extracto seco de ajo de monte, al 5 %)
presentaron la mayor mediana de aceptación, correspondiente a “me
gusta muchísimo”, obteniendo QF7 la mayor aceptación (71%). El
queso fresco presentó alto contenido de proteínas, grasas y calcio, así
como adecuada calidad microbiológica, que lo caracteriza como un
alimento calórico y nutricional.
Palabras clave: extractos vegetales, análisis bromatológico y
microbiológico, evaluación sensorial.
As plantas têm propriedades nutricionais e efeitos benécos para
a saúde, pelo que a forticação de alimentos lácteos com plantas
nativas da Amazônia equatoriana poderia gerar produtos lácteos
com elevados valores nutricionais, com aromas e sabores únicos.
Neste estudo, foram caracterizadas as propriedades físico-químicas,
sensoriais e microbiológicas do queijo fresco elaborado com as plantas
amazônicas ajo de monte (Mansoa alliacea; (Lam.) A.H.Gentr) e
culantro (Eryngium foetidum L.). Os queijos foram elaborados com
ambas as espécies (amostra seca e extrato etanólico) a 5 % e 25 %,
sob um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com
arranjo fatorial 23, com três repetições e 24 unidades experimentais.
Nos queijos foram determinadas as propriedades físico-químicas
estabelecidas na Norma NTE INEN 1528 (humidade, cinzas, matéria
seca, proteínas, gordura, pH, acidez, teor de lactose, ácido lático,
cloretos). A análise sensorial foi realizada por um painel não treinado.
A qualidade microbiológica foi avaliada no queijo selecionado no
teste de preferência, de acordo com a NTE INEN 1528. Os tratamentos
afetaram o teor de cinzas (3,20 %), o pH (5,95), a umidade (55,28 %),
os sólidos totais (42,20 %) e as proteínas (20,84 %). Os queijos QF7
(extrato seco de coentros do mato, 5 %) e QF3 (extrato seco de alho
do mato, 5 %) apresentaram a mediana de aceitação mais elevada,
correspondente a “gosto muito”, tendo o QF7 recebendo a aceitação
mais elevada (71 %). O queijo fresco apresentou um elevado teor de
proteínas, gorduras e cálcio, bem como uma qualidade microbiológica
adequada, o que o caracteriza como um alimento calórico e nutritivo.
Palavras-chave: extractos de plantas, análise bromatológica e
microbiológica, avaliação sensorial.
Cheese is one of the most popular foods in the Ecuadorian market;
according to Pulso Ecuador (Consulting Company), 84.3 % of urban
households in the 15 main cities regularly consume this product
(INEC, 2021).
The nutritional value of cheeses is unquestionable due to the
signicant amount of protein and fatty acids they provide to the daily
diet. Nowadays there is a greater awareness of its components and
consequently of the types and quantities that should be consumed to
obtain a healthy and balanced diet.
In recent years, eorts have been made to produce cheeses with
greater health benets (Nogueira et al., 2018), with reduced fat and
reduced-sodium cheeses being marketed (Talbot-Walsh et al., 2018).
The fortication of dairy products with plants native to the
Ecuadorian Amazon could help provide dairy-based foods with high
nutritional values, in addition to imparting unique aromas and avors,
and in this way, the nutritional properties and benecial eects on
health provided by plants would be exploited (El-Sayed and Youssef,
Most of the plants found in the Ecuadorian Amazon have not been
studied, especially in Pastaza, a province where there are countless
plants that throughout history have been consumed by the natives
(Nieto and Caicedo, 2012), among which the following stand out:
wild garlic (Mansoa alliacea; (Lam.) A.H.Gentr) and culantro
(Eryngium foetidum L.).
Wild garlic is used as an aromatic spice and as a popular natural
medicine to cure various diseases such as blood circulation and blood
pressure, it has also been used as an anti-inammatory, sedative, and
natural energizer (Sanchez, 2015). Additionally, wild garlic is used in
gastronomy for its aroma, which is perceived mainly in the root and
tender leaves, its avor and its use as a condiment are attributed to the
organosulfur compounds that are responsible for the smell and typical
avors of garlic.
On the other hand, culantro is a little-known plant from the
Ecuadorian Amazon and is used in the preparation of some processed
foods, especially for its concentrated aroma. It is considered as
a natural therapeutic alternative to relieve the u, treat diabetes,
constipation, fever, and stimulate appetite (Palmarola, 2012).
Trends in the food industry in recent years include the use
of compounds with biological activity, preferably of plant origin
(Cenobio-Galindo et al., 2017). This interest, both from industry
and consumers, has increased and has given rise to the concept of
functional food (FF), which refers to foods or ingredients that improve
the general state of health and/or reduce the risk of disease (Yang et
al., 2015; Younesi and Ayseli, 2015). In this regard, the study of the
native plants of the Ecuadorian Amazon could contribute signicantly
to scientic knowledge, in the creation of new functional products
and their application in the food industry, for the benet of human
beings (Lalama et al., 2016) considering that studies have shown
the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of some plant extracts
(Bezerra et al., 2022).
Based on the above, the objective of this study was the
characterization of the physicochemical, sensory, and microbiological
properties of fresh cheese made with the Amazonian plants Mansoa
alliacea and Eryngium foetidum in Pastaza, Ecuador, incorporated
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Ulloa et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 40(2): e2441133-7 |
into curd as an innovative ingredient, destined to be a natural fortier
due to its nutritional properties.
Materials and methods
The fresh cheese was prepared with pasteurized whole milk,
rennet, and calcium chloride (CaCl
), added to form the curd,
following the owchart described in gure 1.
The dairy industry (LACTO) of Ecuador, supplied the whole milk
after heat treatment to guarantee the safety of the product to be made
(65 °C/30 min), the cheese was manufactured in the laboratories of
Agroindustry, Bromatology, Chemistry and Biology, attached to the
Department of Earth Sciences at the State Amazonian University
(UEA) according to the processing technique of González (2002).
Curd was made by adding calcium chloride (20-30 mL) diluted in 1/4
cup of water to the milk (38-39 °C), followed by rennet (7-10 mL)
also diluted in 1/4 cup of water, the milk was left to rest for 20-30 min.
Subsequently, a knife was introduced to verify that it was perfectly
curdled. The curd was cut into squares (~2 cm) and separated from
the whey with a previously sterilized tissue (a process carried out
according to the INEN 1528 standard (INEN, 2012)). Subsequently,
the dough was turned with a stirring paddle and left to rest (10 min)
to complete the draining (70-80 %). It was washed with potable water
(35 °C) and salt (400-500 g) was added. It was then molded with PVC
molds (4.5 cm Ø and 2 cm high). Finally, wild garlic and culantro
were added, and eight formulations were prepared according to the
description in table 1.
The wild garlic (Mansoa alliacea) and culantro (Eryngium
foetidum) used in the production of fresh cheese were grown at the
‘Centro de Investigación, Postgrado y Conservación Amazónica
(CIPCA)’ of the State Amazonian University (Carlos Julio Arosemena
Tola Canton, Napo Province, Ecuador).
Table 1. Treatments used in the production of functional fresh
Ingredients Sample type (% m/m) Treatments
Wild garlic
(Mansoa alliacea)
5 QF1
25 QF2
Dry sample
5 QF3
25 QF4
(Eryngium foetidum)
5 QF5
25 QF6
Dry sample
5 QF7
25 QF8
Finally, the cheese was turned (3 times/20 min), entangled and
pressed for two (2) hours, and stored in polyethylene bags at 5°C for
ve days. A total of 24 cheeses were made with an average mass of
454 g each. Samples of each formulation were analyzed in triplicate.
Physicochemical analysis
The physicochemical parameters established in the NTE INEN
1528 Standard were evaluated, according to the AOAC methods
(AOAC, 1995). The moisture content was determined by the
gravimetric method (AOAC, 925.09), as well as the ash content
(AOAC, 923.03), and proteins were evaluated using the Kjeldahl
method (AOAC, 920.105). The Werner-Schmid technique (ISO
1735:2004) (ISO, 2004) was used for fat content. For total solids
content, the same sample from the moisture measurement was used
(AOAC, 1995). For ionic acidity (pH), a potentiometer (Orion
brand) was used with direct immersion of the electrode in the cheese
(Covenin, 1977). The lactose concentration was determined using
the Lane-Eynon volumetric method, the lactic acid content by direct
titration with a titrated sodium hydroxide solution (AOAC, 1995), the
Figure 1. Flowchart of the production stages of fresh cheese made from cow's milk (Bos taurus) fortied with Mansoa alliacea (Lam.),
A.H. Gentry (wild garlic) and Eryngium foetidum L. (culantro).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244113 April-June. ISSN 2477-9407.4-7 |
chloride content was evaluated using Mohrs direct titration method
(Fischer and Peters, 1971), and the calcium content was evaluated
from the ashes obtained by titration with potassium permanganate
) (AOAC, 2012).
Sensory Evaluation
A randomly selected untrained sensory panel (100 judges) was
used to determine sensory acceptance and preference of fresh cheese
(QF1, QF2, QF3, QF4, QF5, QF6, QF7, and QF8). Samples from
each treatment were randomly coded with three digits and presented
individually to the untrained sensory panel (Watts et al., 1992); the
analysis was carried out over three days. A 10-point hedonic scale
(ranging from 10, I like it extremely, to 1 I dislike it extremely) was
used for the quantitative evaluation of the sensory attributes of taste,
color, smell, and texture (Saltos-Saltos, 2010) and general acceptance.
On the other hand, preference was evaluated at dierent times and
only the two best fresh cheeses obtained from the combination of
the treatments evaluated were used. The untrained sensory panel
responded to the question “Which of the two samples do you prefer?”,
and also commented on the sensory attributes of the product (Saltos-
Saltos, 2010).
Microbiological evaluation
The microbiological quality was assessed in the fresh cheese
selected in the preference test, following the provisions of the
Ecuadorian standard for fresh unripened cheeses (NTE INEN 1528,
2012). The sample of each treatment was subjected to serial dilution
(10-3); in three previously sterilized Petri dishes, one (1) mL per
plate of each dilution was added and then 20 mL of culture medium
(potato dextrose agar, Bioxon brand) was added, and incubated at 25
± 1 °C, for 72 ± 2 h (NTE INEN 1529-10; INEN, 2013) for one, two
or three days in the case of molds and yeasts. Samples were cultured
on nutrient agar medium (Bioxon brand) to allow the proliferation of
aerobic mesophilic bacteria, at 35 ± 2 °C, for 48 ± 2 h and counted at
24 and 48 h (NOM-092-SSA-1994).
For the determination of coliforms, samples were incubated on
crystal violet, neutral red, and bile agar with glucose (VRBG), and
incubated at 37 ± 1 ºC for 24 ± 2 h (NTE INEN 1529-13; INEN,
2013). For the determination of Escherichia coli, 3M Petrilm E. coli
plates were incubated at 48 °C, for 4 h, counting was performed after
24 ± 2 h, then an additional 24 ± 2 h were incubated for counting
(AOAC 991.14). The growth of Salmonella was carried out following
the methodology described by the Ecuadorian technical standards
INEN 1529-15 (INEN, 2013).
Experimental design and statistical analysis
The experimental design was totally randomized with factorial
arrangement 2
, with three replications and 24 experimental units.
According to the Shapiro-Wilk test, variables with non-normal
distributions were transformed with natural logarithm; homogeneous
variables were transformed using Levene’s test. ANOVA and
Tukey’s test were used for multiple comparisons of means at 5 % for
treatments that had statistically signicant dierences in their means.
In the sensory analysis, the medians of the ranges were compared
using Friedman’s non-parametric test during the three days. Two
treatments with the highest median (scale, 1 to 10) were selected, and
the one with the highest percentage was selected in the preference
test. The SPSS software, version 24, was used to analyze the data.
Results and discussion
Physicochemical properties
The results of the physicochemical analysis (table 2) in the cheese
samples, in relation to moisture content, total soluble solids, calcium,
protein, and fat, did not follow a normal distribution (Shapiro-
Wilk; p<0.05), so they were transformed into logarithmic form and
subsequent analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Highly signicant dierences (p<0.001) were found between
the treatments for the variables ash, pH, moisture, total solids, and
protein. The protein content, total solids, and pH were higher for QF8,
concerning the other treatments (table 2), while the highest ash and
total solids content, as well as the lowest moisture content, were for
QF4. The moisture content of fresh cheeses such as QF4, QF8, QF7,
and QF3 was low (Table 2) but higher than the range reported by
Guzmán et al. (2015) and by Bermudez-Beltrán et al. (2020). These
cheeses themselves are among those classied as semi-soft (65 %) by
Díaz et al. (2017) in their study on fresh cheeses from Toluca, Mexico.
The moisture content in cheeses with ethanolic extract can aect shelf
life and storage due to the possible loss of protein hydration water
and rmness due to compaction and interaction of protein micelles
(Castro et al., 2016). The moisture content of fresh cheeses is within
the limits established by the INEN Standards (2012).
Compared to the other treatments, QF4 had the highest mean ash
concentration (table 2). The lowest mean ash content in QF2 (table
2) was lower than the value reported by Díaz et al. (2017), with 3.30
% ash, determined in cheeses marketed in xed and popular markets
in Toluca in Mexico, but was higher than the ash content reported by
Table 2. Physicochemical analysis of fresh cheese made with wild garlic (Mansoa alliacea) and culantro (Eryngium foetidum), added as
ethanolic extract and dry sample at dierent concentrations (5 and 25 %).
Chlorides (%)
1.60 1.60 1.70 1.72 1.67 1.61 1.75 1.75
Lactose (%)
1.83 1.81 1.90 1.92 1.84 1.84 1.90 1.90
Lactic acid
0.23 0.21 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.24 0.26 0.27
Tot Solids. (%)
Calcium (%)
1.93 1.90 2.10 2.11 1.95 1.88 2.11 2.13
QF: treatment. Dierent letters in the row show signicant dierences (p0.05), means according to Tuckey’s test. Each value represents 3 evaluations.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Ulloa et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 40(2): e2441135-7 |
Anchundia et al. (2019) for kneaded cheese (2.52 to 2.91 %) from
Ecuador and the one reported by Bermudez-Beltrán et al. (2020) in
Swiss cheese made from the fruit of the plant Physalis peruviana
L., fortied with moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) in powder and
gelatin form.
The higher the concentration of ash in QF4 cheese, the higher the
overall mineral and organic matter content (Komansilan et al., 2021).
This variable is frequently used to determine the mineral content of
milk and dairy products (Himed-Idir et al., 2021); indicates that the
minerals of the nished product may be aected by the brine used
(Komansilan et al., 2021). In this regard, Pulido et al. (2018), noted
that the main components are calcium, as well as phosphorus, and
traces of iron.
The protein content in fresh cheese ranged from 20.10 to 20.84
%, with higher values in QF8 and QF7. This is consistent with
previous studies (Pulido et al., 2018), but diers from Ecuadorian
kneaded cheese (Anchundia et al., 2019). Cheeses with rosemary
(R. ocinalis) powder (Himed-Idir et al., 2021) or A. unedo extract
(Masmoudi et al., 2020) had higher protein content. As well as in the
Swiss cheese made by Bermudez-Beltrán et al. (2020) with the fruit
of the plant P. peruviana, fortied with moringa (M. oleifera) leaves
in powder and gelatin form (41.06 % - 41.83 %). The Ecuadorian
technical requirements for protein content are 18%, so the samples
evaluated meet these requirements (INEN, 2012).
There were no signicant dierences in fat content (table 2).
However, it was between 20.11 and 20.84 %, so it can be categorized
as semi-skimmed or low-fat fresh cheese because its fat level is
higher than 20 and less than 45 %, according to the INEN 1528
standard (INEN, 2012), which denes it based on the crude fat
content. Bermudez-Beltrán et al. (2020) reported lower fat content
(3.85 - 4.10 %) in Swiss cheese made from the fruit of the plant P.
peruviana, fortied with moringa leaves (M. oleifera) in powder and
gelatin form.
The ionic acidity (pH) of the cheese samples depended on the type
of plant with which it was fortied. QF7, QF8, and QF3 had the highest
ionic acidity values (table 2), while QF4 had the lowest. These values
are higher than those of cheese made from cow’s milk (Diaz et al.,
2017). Conversely, studies conducted by Himed-Idir et al. (2021) did
not nd signicant dierences in pH between the analyzed samples
of fresh cheese fortied with ethanolic extract and the dry sample of
R. ocinalis. The pH of cheese aects the microbiological quality
and texture since a pH close to neutrality aects the degradation and
proliferation of bacteria.
A pH higher than the isoelectric point favors cheeses with higher
moisture (Castro et al., 2016), as observed in the present study (table
2). The addition of ethanolic extract resulted in a lower pH for the
ethanolic extract compared to the dry sample (table 2). El-Bialy et al.
(2016) did not nd dierences between the aqueous extract and the
oil of O. basilicum, but they did nd a decrease in the pH value during
the storage time.
In terms of total solids content, the highest mean corresponded
to QF8, QF7, QF4, and QF3, treatments that included the addition of
dry samples (table 2) for both concentrations and species evaluated,
which in turn corresponded to the lowest moisture content (Tunick,
2023). Likewise, it was observed that the highest content of total
solids (table 2) corresponded to the highest content of protein and fat
in QF8 and QF7 (Felix et al., 2021).
Aective test of acceptance
Sensory analysis, according to the application of the Friedman
test of median ranks, showed highly signicant dierences (p<0.001)
between the treatments for all the attributes evaluated table 3).
Table 3. Sensory analysis of fresh cheese made with wild garlic
(Mansoa alliacea) and culantro (Eryngium foetidum).
Treatment Taste Smell Color Texture
General Accep-
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.25
9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.50
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
aNote: Sensory scores according to the 10-point hedonic scale, where 1: I dislike it
extremely, 2: I dislike it very much, 3: I dislike it moderately, 4: I dislike it slightly,
5: I neither like it nor dislike it, 6: I like it slightly, 7: I like it moderately, 8: I like
it a lot, 9: I like it very much, and 10: I like it extremely. Treatments with the same
letter are not statistically dierent for each sensory feature, according to Friedman
test of median ranks at the signicance level of p<0.001. Each value represents
100 assessments.
The highest median acceptance for avor was for QF7 and QF3
(table 3), equivalent on the hedonic scale “I like it very much”. It is
important to note that fresh cheeses with QF7, QF8, and QF3 were
the ones with the highest pH values (table 2), and therefore the lowest
acid taste, which could explain the greater acceptance of QF7 and
QF3 cheeses (Da Conceicao et al., 2007).
One of the scopes of this research was to obtain a distinctive taste
and smell after the supplementation of fresh cheeses with wild garlic
and culantro, as well as to provide a better taste for better acceptance
by consumers. The general preferences (acceptability) for smell were
for QF7 and QF3 (9, 9, respectively), equivalent on the hedonic scale
“I like it very much”.
According to Waizel-Bucay and Waizel-Haiat (2019), odor is
directly related to the secondary metabolites that plants produce,
including avonoids. On the other hand, Dwivedi et al. (1973)
asserted that some minor precursors of taste, such as polyphenols,
nucleotides, and carotenoid pigments, contribute to avor.
In relation to color, QF7 and QF3 had the highest median
acceptance score (table 3), equivalent on the hedonic scale “I like it
very much”. The parameters considered inuenced the color of the
product and, consequently, the level of acceptability of the panelists.
The appearance of the nal product was not pleasant for the panelists
when a higher concentration (QF8) was added, possibly due to the
green color produced by the incorporation of the plants (Kuikman
and O’Connor, 2015).
The QF7 and QF3 cheeses had the highest median acceptance
scores (Table 3) for texture, equivalent on the hedonic scale “I like
it very much”. QF7 and QF3 had lower moisture content and higher
total solids, pH, and fat content (table 2); texture factors that support
the increased acceptance of QF7 and QF3 by panelists. The lowest
median acceptance of the texture attribute by the tasting panel (table
3) was for treatments with ethanolic extract, due to the higher moisture
content (Ruvalcaba-Gómez et al., 2020) and lower pH (table 2).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(2): e244113 April-June. ISSN 2477-9407.6-7 |
Regarding general acceptance, the evaluated treatments presented
a positive sensory acceptance concerning this attribute, with QF7 and
QF3 standing out with the highest median acceptance score, while
for QF2 and QF4 it was lower (mean sensory score: 5.25 and 5.50,
respectively). Conversely, Kuikman and O’Connor (2015) found
greater sensory acceptance of control than treatments incorporated
with moringa (M. oleifera).
Aective test of preference
Of the 100 panelists who participated in the preference test,
71 % of participants selected QF7, compared to QF3 (29 %). The
use of Amazonian plants had a very good acceptance, and the most
successful way of incorporating them was as a 5 % dry extract.
Microbiological analysis of the fresh cheese selected in the
preference test
The results of the microbiological evaluation carried out on the
cheese selected in the sensory analysis are presented in table 4.
The results obtained were compared with the Ecuadorian
Technical Standard NTE INEN 1528 (INEN, 2012), observing that
the cheese of the QF7 treatment met the food safety parameters for
human consumption. Considering the results, the main foodborne
pathogens, such as Salmonella spp., were absent in the processed
product; similarly, E. coli., Enterobacteriaceae, yeasts, and bacteria
are below the permitted limit, indicating that the processed product
is suitable for human consumption. Similar results were reported
by Bermudez-Beltrán et al. (2020) who determined total coliforms,
E. coli, molds and yeasts, E. Aureos, Salmonella spp., and Listeria
monocytogenes in Swiss cheese with uchuva, a fruit of the plant P.
peruviana, supplemented with moringa leaves (M. oleifera) in powder
and gelatin form, the authors indicated that the products developed
met food safety requirements.
The fresh cheese produced is high in protein, fat, and calcium,
which makes it a caloric and nutritionally dense product. This,
together with the management of good manufacturing practices and
a high level of acceptance among tasters, makes fresh cheese with
culantro, added as a 5 % dry sample, a necessary product within
Ecuadors food strategies, allowing the potential of Amazonian
resources to be valued.
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- - - -
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