ยฉ The Authors, 2024, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author:iperez@ecotec.edu.ec
Genetic variability
Conservation of genetic resources
Morpho-agronomic characterization of native maize populations (Zea mays L.), province of
Manabรญ, Ecuador
Caracterizaciรณn morfoagronรณmica de poblaciones de maรญz criollo (Zea mays L.), provincia de
Manabรญ, Ecuador
Caracterizaรงรฃo morfoagronรดmica de populaรงรตes de milho crioulo (Zea mays L.), provรญncia de
Manabรญ, Equador
Wilson Rafael Murillo Arteaga
Fernando David Sรกnchez-Mora
Eddie Ely Zambrano Zambrano
Iris Betzaida Pรฉrez-Almeida
Favio Leonardo Ruilova Narvรกez
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244132
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v41.n4.01
Crop production
Associate editor: Dr. Jorge Vilchez-Perozo
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Carrera de Agronomรญa, Facultad de Ingenierรญa Agronรณmica,
Universidad Tรฉcnica de Manabรญ. Lodana, Ecuador.
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias,
Estaciรณn Experimental Portoviejo. Portoviejo, Ecuador.
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sostenible,
Universidad Tecnolรณgica ECOTEC. Guayas, Ecuador.
Received: 08-07-2024
Accepted: 16-08-2024
Published: 16-09-2024
Ecuador is a country with a wide genetic diversity of maize and
there are populations of native maize conserved by farmers that
have not yet been characterized. These genetic resources could be
conserved and used in plant breeding programs. The objective of
this research was to characterize the morpho-agronomic diversity
of 38 populations of native maize from the province of Manabรญ,
Ecuador, using 19 quantitative and 11 qualitative morpho-agronomic
descriptors. During the dry season of 2022 (July - December) at
the Portoviejo Experimental Station of the National Institute of
Agricultural Research (INIAP), plots of 8 m
were established for
each population of native maize, with 0.3 m between plants and 0.8
m between furrows and each furrow was 5 m long. Cluster analysis
showed the formation of four groups, where the populations of
hard kernels with large ears and soft kernels with short ears were
๎–๎ˆ๎“๎„๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎Œ๎‘๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎‡๎Œ๎ตต๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ ๎Š๎•๎’๎˜๎“๎–๎€‘๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎”๎˜๎„๎‘๎—๎Œ๎—๎„๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎™๎„๎•๎Œ๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ
height, panicle length, percentage of lodging, number of kernels per
0.75, showing themselves as discriminant variables in the formation
of the groups, while the most discriminating qualitative variables
were kernel type (๎ˆค
= 49.09***, P= 0.742, V= 0.64), kernel color
= 51.955***, P= 0.75, V=0.64), kernel row arrangements (๎ˆค
18.11*, P=0.56, V=0.39), and kernel surface shape (๎ˆค
= 20.52*,
๎€ณ๎€ ๎€“๎€‘๎€˜๎€›๎€๎€ƒ๎€น๎€ ๎€“๎€‘๎€—๎€”๎€Œ๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎„๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎„๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎๎„๎€๎€ƒ
๎€ฆ๎˜๎…๎„๎‘๎’๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎˜๎›๎“๎ˆ๎ธ๎’๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎˜๎–๎Œ๎๎๎„๎€๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ ๎€ธ๎†๎‹๎Œ๎๎„๎€๎€ƒ ๎’๎…๎–๎ˆ๎•๎™๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ ๎–๎Œ๎Š๎‘๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎‘๎—๎€ƒ
genetic diversity in the populations studied. It was concluded that
the characterized native maize populations were a valuable genetic
resource for the conservation and use of this cereal.
This scienti๎‚ฟc publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244132 October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-8 |
Ecuador es un paรญs con una amplia diversidad genรฉtica de maรญz y
existen poblaciones de maรญz criollo conservadas por los agricultores
que aรบn no han sido caracterizadas; estos recursos genรฉticos podrรญan
ser conservados y usados en programas de mejoramiento genรฉtico.
El objetivo de esta investigaciรณn fue caracterizar
la diversidad
morfoagronรณmica de 38 poblaciones de maรญces criollos de la Provincia
de Manabรญ,
Ecuador, utilizando 19 descriptores morfoagronรณmicos
cuantitativos y 11 cualitativos. Durante la รฉpoca seca de 2022
(julio - diciembre), en la Estaciรณn Experimental Portoviejo del
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP), se
establecieron parcelas de 8 m
por cada poblaciรณn de maรญz criollo,
con un distanciamiento de 0,3 m entre plantas y 0,8 m entre surcos; 5
m de longitud por surco. El anรกlisis de clรบster mostrรณ la formaciรณn de
cuatro grupos, donde las poblaciones de granos duros con mazorcas
grandes y la de granos suaves con mazorcas cortas fueron separadas
en grupos diferentes. Las variables cuantitativas altura de la mazorca,
longitud de panoja, porcentaje de acame, nรบmero de granos por hilera
0,75, mostrรกndose como variables discriminantes en la formaciรณn de
los grupos, mientras que las variables cualitativas mรกs discriminantes
= 49,09***, P= 0,742, V= 0,64), color de
๎€ ๎€ƒ๎€˜๎€”๎€๎€œ๎€˜๎€˜๎€๎€๎€๎€๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎€ ๎€ƒ๎€“๎€๎€š๎€˜๎€๎€ƒ๎€น๎€ ๎€“๎€๎€™๎€—๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎‡๎Œ๎–๎“๎’๎–๎Œ๎†๎Œ๎น๎‘๎€ƒ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‹๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎•๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎ˆค
๎€”๎€›๎€๎€”๎€”๎€๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ณ๎€ ๎€“๎€๎€˜๎€™๎€๎€ƒ ๎€น๎€ ๎€“๎€๎€–๎€œ๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ ๎œ๎€ƒ ๎‰๎’๎•๎๎„๎€ƒ ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎๎„๎€ƒ ๎–๎˜๎“๎ˆ๎•๎‚ฟ๎†๎Œ๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎‡๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ ๎Š๎•๎„๎‘๎’๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎ˆค๎น =
๎€•๎€“๎€๎€˜๎€•๎€๎€๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎€ ๎€“๎€๎€˜๎€›๎€๎€ƒ๎€น๎€ ๎€“๎€๎€—๎€”๎€Œ๎€‘๎€ƒ ๎€ถ๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎•๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎ด๎๎€ƒ๎†๎•๎Œ๎’๎๎๎’๎€ƒ
Candela, Cubano, Tuxpeรฑo, Tusilla y Uchima, observรกndose una
๎‡๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎•๎–๎Œ๎‡๎„๎‡๎€ƒ ๎Š๎ˆ๎‘๎ฐ๎—๎Œ๎†๎„๎€ƒ ๎–๎Œ๎Š๎‘๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎—๎Œ๎™๎„๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎‘๎€ƒ ๎๎„๎–๎€ƒ ๎“๎’๎…๎๎„๎†๎Œ๎’๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎–๎—๎˜๎‡๎Œ๎„๎‡๎„๎–๎€‘๎€ƒ ๎€ถ๎ˆ๎€ƒ
concluyรณ que las poblaciones de maรญz criollo caracterizadas resultaron
un valioso recurso genรฉtico para la conservaciรณn y el uso del cereal.
Palabras claves: genotipos, variedades locales, variabilidad genรฉtica,
conservaciรณn de recursos genรฉticos.
O Equador รฉ um paรญs com grande diversidade genรฉtica de
milho e existem populaรงรตes de milho crioulo conservadas pelos
agricultores que ainda nรฃo foram caracterizadas. Esses recursos
genรฉticos poderiam ser conservados e utilizados em programas de
melhoramento genรฉtico. O objetivo desta investigaรงรฃo foi caraterizar
morfo-agronomicamente 38 populaรงรตes de milho crioulo da
provรญncia de Manabรญ. Foram estabelecidas parcelas de 8 m2 para
cada populaรงรฃo, com uma distรขncia de 0,3 m entre plantas e 0,8
m entre linhas e cada linha tinha 5 m de comprimento; na Estaรงรฃo
Experimental de Portoviejo do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa
Agrรญcola (INIAP), na estaรงรฃo seca de 2022 (julho - dezembro); e
foram utilizados 19 descritores morfoagronรณmicos quantitativos
e 11 qualitativos. A anรกlise de agrupamento mostrou a formaรงรฃo
de quatro grupos, onde as populaรงรตes de grรฃos duros com espigas
grandes e grรฃos moles com espigas curtas foram separadas em grupos
diferentes. As variรกveis quantitativas altura de espiga, comprimento
de espiga, porcentagem de ac๎„๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎’๎€๎€ƒ๎‘๎พ๎๎ˆ๎•๎’๎€ƒ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Š๎•๎ญ๎’๎–๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎๎ˆ๎Œ๎•๎„๎€ƒ
๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎“๎ˆ๎–๎’๎€ƒ ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎–๎“๎Œ๎Š๎„๎€ƒ ๎„๎“๎•๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎„๎•๎„๎๎€ƒ ๎ด๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎†๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎‚ณ๎€ง๎‚ด๎€ƒ ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€“๎€๎€š๎€˜๎€๎€ƒ ๎๎’๎–๎—๎•๎„๎‘๎‡๎’๎€๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ
como variรกveis discriminantes na formaรงรฃo dos grupos, enquanto
as variรกveis qualitativas mais discriminantes foram tipo de grรฃo (๎ˆค๎น
= 49,09***, P= 0,742, V= 0,64), cor do grรฃo (๎ˆค๎น= 51,955***, P=
๎€“๎€๎€š๎€˜๎€๎€ƒ ๎€น๎€ ๎€“๎€๎€™๎€—๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ ๎„๎•๎•๎„๎‘๎๎’๎€ƒ ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎‚ฟ๎๎ˆ๎Œ๎•๎„๎–๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎ˆค
= 18,11*, P=0,56, V=0,39) e
formato da superfรญcie do grรฃo (๎ˆค
= 20,52*, P=0,58, V=0,41). Foram
๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎‡๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎ฏ๎„๎–๎€ƒ ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎๎‹๎’๎€ƒ๎†๎•๎Œ๎’๎˜๎๎’๎€ƒ ๎€ฆ๎„๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎๎„๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎˜๎…๎„๎‘๎’๎€๎€ƒ๎€ท๎˜๎›๎“๎ˆ๎ธ๎’๎€๎€ƒ
nas populaรงรตes estudadas. Estes resultados realรงam a importรขncia
destas populaรงรตes de milho crioulo como um recurso genรฉtico valioso
para a conservaรงรฃo e utilizaรงรฃo do cereal.
Palavras-chave: genรณtipos, variedades autรณctones, variabilidade
genรฉtica, conservaรงรฃo de recursos genรฉticos.
Maize (Zea mays L.) is an annual grass native to Mexico, which
is its center of origin and diversity (Bellon and Berthaud, 2006),
from where it migrated to other parts of America (Eubanks, 2001).
Three hundred and sixty-two (362) races are recognized, some of
them distributed in Mexico (64 races), Peru (52 races), Argentina
(43 races), Bolivia (40 races), and Ecuador (29 races) (Guzzon et
al., 2021). In Ecuador, some 675 populations representing such 29
races were collected (Timothy et al., 1963), and currently, 36 races
of maize have been recorded, 26 present in the Sierra (six of which
(Tapia et al., 2015; Tapia et al., 2017).
of Ecuador (Caviedes et al., 2020). The Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 2022), indicates an area of
362,473 ha, with an average yield of 4.52 t.ha
and a total production
of 164,113,123 t, approximately 80 % corresponded to hard maize
and 20-22 % to soft maize. Manabรญ is one of the main producing
provinces, with a harvested area of 83,000 to 113,945 ha in recent
years (INEC, 2023).
Important research has been carried out on the morphological
diversity of maize in all provinces of the Sierra region (Tapia et al.,
2021), highlighting the continuity of 23 maize races, however, so far
there is no important research history of the diversity of maize races
on the Ecuadorian coast since 1963, this includes the province of
Manabรญ where Timothy et al. (1963) documented the presence of the
been made to characterize the Candela race, in the Sancรกn commune,
Jipijapa, Manabรญ (Fuentes et al., 2022).
Currently, there are races of native maize conserved by farmers in
the province of Manabรญ that have not been studied, so it is imperative
to investigate and deepen the knowledge of this subject. The objective
of this research was to characterize the morpho-agronomic diversity
of native maize populations (Zea mays L.) in the province of Manabรญ,
Ecuador, identifying their races and evaluating their variability to
develop conservation strategies and use in breeding programs.
Materials and methods
This research was carried out during the dry season of 2022
(July - December), at the Portoviejo Experimental Station (EEP)
of the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP) located
๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ฏ๎’๎‡๎„๎‘๎„๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎•๎Œ๎–๎‹๎€๎€ƒ ๎“๎•๎’๎™๎Œ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€ฐ๎„๎‘๎„๎…๎ด๎€๎€ƒ๎€จ๎†๎˜๎„๎‡๎’๎•๎€ž๎€ƒ๎€”๎‚ž๎€“๎€œ๎žŽ๎€˜๎€•๎€‘๎€”๎žŽ๎žŽ๎€ƒ ๎€ถ๎€ž๎€ƒ
rainy season (January to June) of 2022 in the Province of Manabรญ
๎€‹๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€”๎€ค๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎˜๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€๎€ƒ ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎•๎ˆ๎†๎’๎๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎๎ˆ๎—๎‹๎’๎‡๎’๎๎’๎Š๎œ๎€ƒ
(FAO, 1994). However, the IPFR-013 population did not record
values in the productive characteristics and was excluded from the
analysis since it did not complete its productive stage, this is because
this population presented a percentage of 100 % of lodging in the
experimental plot before the maturity of the crop.
This scienti๎‚ฟc publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Murillo et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244132
3-8 |
Figure 1. Cantons of the province of Manabรญ sampled. A) in the collection of native maize populations in 2022; B) in the collection of native
maize populations carried out by Timothy et al. (1963).
The agronomic management of the experiment was in accordance
with the commercial procedure in the region: To homogenize the soil
and favor the decomposition of organic matter, the land was prepared
mechanically using a plough pass and two harrows, thirty days before
planting. Before planting, the seed was treated with the insecticide
Semeprid (25 mL.kg of seed
). Planting was done manually, one seed
was sown every 0.3 m between plants and 0.8 m between 5 m rows;
two furrows per population.
For weed control, the pre-emergent herbicides, pendimethalin (3
) + terbutryn (0.8 L.ha
), were applied at the time of planting.
For emerged weeds, glyphosate (2 L.ha
) was used and supplemented
with manual weeding at 40 to 45 days after planting (dds). Chlorpyrifos
(1.5 L.ha
) was used to control insect pests predominant in the area,
and for Spodoptera frugiperda, at 35 days, a chemical bait prepared
with 25 kg of sand treated with 120 mL of chlorpyrifos was applied
to the bud of each plant.
Chemical fertilization was performed based on a nutritional
analysis and crop requirements, using triple superphosphate (46
% P
; 50 kg.ha
), muriate of potash (60 % K
O; 50 kg.ha
(22 % SO
; 18 % K
O; 22 % Mg; 46 kg.ha
), and urea
(46 % N; 450 kg.ha
). The application of phosphorus and potassium
was carried out in the bands on both sides, at 8 days, while the
application of nitrogen was made at 15, 30, and 45 days, divided into
three equal applications.
๎€ณ๎•๎Œ๎’๎•๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎Œ๎–๎€๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎‰๎ˆ๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎Œ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎š๎„๎–๎€ƒ ๎†๎’๎™๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎š๎Œ๎—๎‹๎€ƒ
glassine envelopes to ensure homogeneity and avoid cross-
๎†๎’๎‘๎—๎„๎๎Œ๎‘๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎…๎ˆ๎—๎š๎ˆ๎ˆ๎‘๎€ƒ ๎“๎’๎“๎˜๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€‘๎€ƒ ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎ƒ€๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ ๎–๎—๎„๎Š๎ˆ๎€๎€ƒ ๎Œ๎‘๎—๎•๎„๎€
population-directed cross-pollination was carried out. The harvest
was carried out at physiological maturity. In each experimental plot,
stages (at the beginning of the anthesis, middle of the anthesis, and
after the milky stage), whose ears were evaluated at harvest (20
kernels of each genotype). The percentage of lodging was determined
For the morpho-agronomic characterization, 30 descriptors were
used, 19 quantitative and 11 qualitative (IBPGR, 1991; CIMMYT,
the characteristics described by Timothy et al. (1963), are based on
traits of the plant (stem, leaves, and panicle), and of the ear (kernels
Descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis were used for data
analysis. Hierarchical Cluster analysis (HCA) was performed with
๎„๎€ƒ ๎๎Œ๎›๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎๎„๎—๎•๎Œ๎›๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎™๎„๎•๎Œ๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ ๎˜๎–๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ ๎€ช๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎‚ถ๎–๎€ƒ ๎‡๎Œ๎–๎—๎„๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ ๎€บ๎„๎•๎‡๎‚ถ๎–๎€ƒ
hierarchical method. For the comparison of means between the
used. To identify the most discriminating qualitative descriptors,
the methodology of Tapia (2003) was applied, using the Chi-square
Statistical analyses were performed in the R version 4.4.0 program (R
Core Team, 2024).
Results and discussion
The morpho-agronomic characterization of 38 populations of
๎‘๎„๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎๎„๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎‰๎•๎’๎๎€ƒ ๎€”๎€•๎€ƒ ๎†๎„๎‘๎—๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎“๎•๎’๎™๎Œ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎€ฐ๎„๎‘๎„๎…๎ด๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ
๎€”๎€ค๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎๎๎’๎š๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎Š๎Œ๎–๎—๎•๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎„๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎๎„๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฆ๎˜๎…๎„๎‘๎’๎€๎€ƒ
Tuxpeรฑo, Tusilla, and Uchima; the last two had not been reported
This scienti๎‚ฟc publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244132 October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-8 |
in the province of Manabรญ. Timothy et al. (1963) in their tour of
๎‘๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎†๎„๎‘๎—๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€”๎€ฅ๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎‰๎’๎˜๎‘๎‡๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฆ๎„๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎๎„๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎˜๎›๎“๎ˆ๎ธ๎’๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฆ๎˜๎…๎„๎‘๎’๎€๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ
The absence of Chococeรฑo in this research could be explained
in part by the discontinuation of the cultivation of this race. In this
regard, Brush (1991) mentions that the loss of these centers of
races, customs, and knowledge that sustain these systems. It is also
possible that sampling has not fully captured all existing diversity,
especially in areas with less agricultural activity or limited access.
The variability of the maize populations collected in Manabรญ is
๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎†๎’๎ˆ๎ตถ๎†๎Œ๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎™๎„๎•๎Œ๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎€ฆ๎€น๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎Š๎•๎ˆ๎„๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎„๎‘๎€ƒ ๎€”๎€“ %
in most quantitative characteristics (table 1). The variables with the
greatest variation were the percentage of lodging (0 โ€“ 95 %), the
๎…๎Œ๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€™๎€‘๎€›๎€ƒ๎‚ฑ๎€ƒ๎€–๎€›๎€‘๎€•๎€ƒ๎Š๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€ƒ
(44 โ€“ 226.2 g), with CV of 78.6, 47.82, and 35.25 %, respectively.
Similar results were obtained by Gonzรกlez et al. (2020) and Flores
et al. (2022) in studies of the diversity of the Cacahuacintle race
in Mexico, with high variations in the variables biomass of the
๎Œ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€ฆ๎€น๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€–๎€‘๎€˜ %) and ear biomass (18.13 %) (table 1).
The characteristics of the percentage of lodging, ear biomass, and
by producers of native maize. For example, in the municipalities of
๎€น๎Œ๎๎๎„๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ ๎€น๎Œ๎๎๎„๎€ƒ ๎€ฆ๎’๎•๎๎’๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฆ๎‹๎Œ๎„๎“๎„๎–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€ฐ๎ˆ๎›๎Œ๎†๎’๎€๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎๎’๎–๎—๎€ƒ ๎†๎’๎๎๎’๎‘๎๎œ๎€ƒ
used criteria for the selection of native maize are larger ear size,
higher kernel weight, and lower plant height (Delgado-Ruiz et al.,
In relation to lodging, Zhang et al๎€‘๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎†๎๎„๎–๎–๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎‡๎Œ๎ตต๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ
maize populations whose percentages ranged from 0 to 80 % (table 1),
demonstrating that lodging resistance was highly dependent on the
the relationship between lodging resistance and high yield. According
to Cardoso et al. (2000) maize cultivars with lower plant height and
ear insertion, in addition to allowing the establishment of a greater
number of plants per area, favor greater tolerance to root and stem
lodging. Garcรญa and Watson (2002) found that plant and ear height
showed a moderate and negative correlation with lodging resistance.
On the other hand, the characteristics with the lowest variability
(60 โ€“ 72 dds), and leaf length (90 โ€“ 120 cm), with CV of 3.99, 4.75
and 5.86 %, respectively (table 1). The low CV values were consistent
with the studies by Hortelano et al. (2008) in the variables days to
๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎ˆ๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ƒ€๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎€•๎€‘๎€—๎€—๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€•๎€‘๎€˜๎€› % respectively, and
Gonzรกlez et al. (2020) with 4.1 and 3.9 % respectively. In leaf length,
Gonzรกlez et al. (2020) recorded a CV of 8.3 %.
๎€ฉ๎’๎˜๎•๎€ƒ ๎Š๎•๎’๎˜๎“๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎‘๎„๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎“๎˜๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ ๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎’๎…๎–๎ˆ๎•๎™๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ
2A). Populations of hard kernels and large ears were agglomerated in
group 1 (red color), followed by populations with intermediate-sized
ears, and in group 4 the populations of soft kernels and short ears (lilac
color) were concentrated. This grouping is similar to that of Tapia et
hierarchical method), reported that maize races are agglomerated
based on kernel type and shape. Flores et al. (2022) reported similar
results with the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean
(UPGMA), they formed four groups with 39 populations of the
Cacahuancintle race based on the size of the ear, shape, and texture
of the kernel, these being the most determining characteristics for the
formation of the groups.
Table 1. Average values of 19 quantitative characteristics of 37 native maize populations in the province of Manabรญ, Ecuador.
๎€ง๎ˆ๎–๎†๎•๎ตด๎“๎—๎’๎• ๎€ฐ๎ตด๎‘๎ตด๎๎˜๎ ๎€ฐ๎„๎›๎ตด๎๎˜๎ Average Std Error. CV %
๎€ถ๎—๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎‡๎ตด๎„๎๎ˆ๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ 15.9 26.3 21.2 0.4 10.6
๎€ณ๎๎„๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎‹๎ˆ๎ตด๎Š๎‹๎—๎€ƒ๎€‹๎†๎๎€Œ 242.8 374.3 299.2 4.5 8.6
Height of the main ear (cm) 138.4 260.0 191.8 4.7 15
Leaf length (cm) 90.0 120.8 106.7 1.0 5.9
๎€ฏ๎ˆ๎„๎‰๎€ƒ๎š๎ตด๎‡๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎€‹๎†๎๎€Œ 7.0 10.6 8.7 0.1 9.8
Length of the panicle (cm) 36.6 47.6 40.9 0.5 6.8
๎€ง๎„๎œ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ƒ€๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ตด๎‘๎Š 57.0 68.0 61.6 0.4 4.0
๎€ง๎„๎œ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎‰๎ˆ๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ƒ€๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ตด๎‘๎Š 60.0 72.0 64.5 0.5 4.8
๎€ณ๎ˆ๎•๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎„๎Š๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎๎’๎‡๎Š๎ตด๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€ˆ๎€Œ 0.0 95.0 33.7 4.4 78.6
Number of rows 11.6 18.8 14.9 0.3 12.0
Number of kernels per row 16.3 39.0 27.0 0.8 18.0
๎€จ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎…๎ตด๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎Š๎€Œ 44.0 226.2 122.8 7.1 35.3
Ear length (cm) 7.9 17.8 13.7 0.4 17.2
๎€จ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎‡๎ตด๎„๎๎ˆ๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ 31.6 52.8 43.3 0.8 11.8
๎€ฌ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎ตด๎–๎€ƒ๎…๎ตด๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎Š๎€Œ 6.8 38.2 18.9 1.5 47.8
๎€ฌ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎ตด๎–๎€ƒ๎‡๎ตด๎„๎๎ˆ๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ 10.8 33.0 24.7 0.7 17.2
Kernel Length (mm) 8.4 12.9 11.3 0.2 9.4
๎€ฎ๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎š๎ตด๎‡๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ 7.1 10.9 8.7 0.1 9.1
๎€ฎ๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ตด๎†๎Ž๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ 3.7 8.6 4.6 0.1 17.4
This scienti๎‚ฟc publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Murillo et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244132
5-8 |
characterized by having plants with an average height of 280.4 cm,
(64.2). In addition, it was highlighted in the traits of the ear and the
maize kernel (table 2), that 80 % of the populations presented orange
kernels, with a serrated surface, and a straight arrangement of the
๎•๎’๎š๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎–๎˜๎๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎†๎‹๎„๎•๎„๎†๎—๎ˆ๎•๎Œ๎–๎—๎Œ๎†๎–๎€ƒ ๎–๎Œ๎๎Œ๎๎„๎•๎€ƒ
to those of the Cuban race, while an accession (IPFR-008) presented
that resembles the Uchima race (Timothy et al., 1963). The second
group was made up of ten populations that registered a higher number
๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎Ž๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎–๎€ƒ ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎•๎’๎š๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ ๎…๎Œ๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ ๎Œ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ ๎…๎Œ๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€ƒ
with plants with smaller stem diameters, ear insertion height (table
2), orange (60 %), and white (40 %) kernel color in the populations,
with dent maize kernels (80 %), and half of them have irregular row
arrangement on the ear (50 ๎€ˆ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€–๎€Œ๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎Œ๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Ž๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎•๎๎–๎€ƒ
that were located in groups 1 and 2 corresponded to 20 and 40 %
respectively presented characteristics such as large ears with dent
maize kernels, being similar to the Tuxpeno race, introduced from
Mexico, being its distribution center the Portoviejo Experimental
Station (Timothy et al., 1963).
development in their plants, with superior traits in stem diameter,
plant height, ear insertion, and panicle length (table 2). Maize in
this group was more susceptible to lodging and was shown to be
In this regard, Dzib-Aguilar et al. (2016) indicated that the
reduction in the frequency of cultivation of certain races was due to
their elevated heights, so the winds cause the plants to fall and the
ears to be damaged due to soil moisture, fungi, and rodents.
The populations of the third group presented distinctive ears due
to their thin shape, with mostly yellow kernels (80 %), straight rows,
and mostly round kernel surfaces (60 ๎€ˆ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎—๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€•๎€๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€–๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎‹๎„๎™๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ
characteristics similar to the Tusilla race. An accession (IPFR-024)
presented characteristics of the Uchima race, attributing to this group
two races (Tusilla and Uchima) that had not been previously reported
in the province of Manabรญ. In this regard, the presence of new genetic
materials in the province may be due to the exchange of seeds that
takes place at agroecological fairs, or simply to the arrival of new
farmers from other regions with their seeds.
Group 4 was the most numerous with 17 populations with smaller
stem diameters, length, and ear biomass and the lowest number of
๎Ž๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎–๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎•๎’๎š๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎“๎˜๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎’๎–๎—๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎ƒ€๎’๎˜๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€›๎€–๎€‘๎€– %), and
orange (88.2 %), with a lot of variation in the surface of the kernel,
mostly round (41.2 %), and irregular arrangement of the rows on the
ear (58.8 ๎€ˆ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎‚ฟ๎Š๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€–๎€Œ๎€‘๎€ƒ
Figure 2. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) of the morpho-agronomic characteristics of 37 native maize populations collected in 12
cantons of the province of Manabรญ, Ecuador. ๎€ค๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ง๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎•๎’๎Š๎•๎„๎๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎–๎Œ๎๎Œ๎๎„๎•๎Œ๎—๎œ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎€ช๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎‚ถ๎–๎€ƒ ๎‡๎Œ๎–๎—๎„๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€บ๎„๎•๎‡๎‚ถ๎–๎€ƒ๎‹๎Œ๎ˆ๎•๎„๎•๎†๎‹๎Œ๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ
๎Š๎•๎’๎˜๎“๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎—๎‹๎’๎‡๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎“๎‹๎ˆ๎‘๎ˆ๎—๎Œ๎†๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎•๎•๎ˆ๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎ˆ๎ตถ๎†๎Œ๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€‹๎•๎€ƒ๎€ ๎€ƒ๎€“๎€‘๎€˜๎€”๎€Œ๎€ž๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ฒ๎•๎Œ๎Š๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎„๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎“๎˜๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€‘
This scienti๎‚ฟc publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Murillo et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244132
6-8 |
Table 2. Quantitative descriptors with greater discriminant value among the four groups of native maize populations collected in Manabรญ.
โ€œDโ€ Index
1 2 3 4
๎€ถ๎—๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎‡๎ตด๎„๎๎ˆ๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ 19.5 b 20.9 b 23.5 a 21.1 b 0.5
๎€ณ๎๎„๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎‹๎ˆ๎ตด๎Š๎‹๎—๎€ƒ๎€‹๎†๎๎€Œ 280.4 b 292 b 331.1 a 299.6 b 0.5
Height of the main ear (cm) 171.1c 172.5 c 227.4 a 198.7 b 0.75
Leaf length (cm) 111.8 a 108.9 ab 105.7 ab 104.3 b 0.5
๎€ฏ๎ˆ๎„๎‰๎€ƒ๎š๎ตด๎‡๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎€‹๎†๎๎€Œ 9.0 a 8.9 a 8.4 a 8.6 a 0.25
Length of the panicle (cm) 39.3c 42.5 ab 42.8 a 40 bc 0.75
๎€ง๎„๎œ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ƒ€๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ตด๎‘๎Š 61.4 b 61.2 b 66 a 60.5 b 0.5
๎€ง๎„๎œ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎‰๎ˆ๎๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ƒ€๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ตด๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ 64.2 b 63.4 b 69 a 63.9 b 0.5
๎€ณ๎ˆ๎•๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎„๎Š๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎๎’๎‡๎Š๎ตด๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€ƒ๎€ˆ๎€Œ๎€ƒ 10.0 c 36.5 b 65 a 29.7 bc 0.75
Number of rows 15.4 a 14.5 a 14.8 a 14.9 a 0.25
Number of kernels per row 28.9 ab 31.9 a 26 bc 23.9 c 0.75
๎€จ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎…๎ตด๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎Š๎€Œ 154.4 a 172 a 99.1 b 91.5 b 0.5
Ear length (cm) 15.0 a 16 a 14.3 a 11.8 b 0.5
๎€จ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎‡๎ตด๎„๎๎ˆ๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ๎€ƒ 45.8 a 45.6 a 42.2 a 39.7 a 0.25
๎€ฌ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎ตด๎–๎€ƒ๎…๎ตด๎’๎๎„๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎Š๎€Œ๎€ƒ 20.4 b 30.3 a 14.9 bc 12.8 c 0.75
๎€ฌ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎ตด๎–๎€ƒ๎‡๎ตด๎„๎๎ˆ๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ๎€ƒ 24.5 a 26.8 a 23 a 24.1 a 0.25
Kernel Length (mm) 11.8 a 11.7 a 10.5 a 11.2 a 0.25
๎€ฎ๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎š๎ตด๎‡๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ 8.2 b 9.5 a 8.4 b 8.6 b 0.5
๎€ฎ๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ตด๎†๎Ž๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎๎๎€Œ๎€ƒ 4.3 a 4.8 a 4.6 a 4.5 a 0.25
Figure 3. Discriminant qualitative characteristics in the morpho-agronomic characterization of the 37 native maize populations of the
province of Manabรญ, grouped into the four groups of the dendrogram.
This scienti๎‚ฟc publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Murillo et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244132
7-8 |
๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎†๎‹๎„๎•๎„๎†๎—๎ˆ๎•๎Œ๎–๎—๎Œ๎†๎–๎€ƒ ๎„๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎—๎œ๎“๎Œ๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฆ๎„๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎๎„๎€ƒ ๎•๎„๎†๎ˆ๎€๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎ƒ€๎’๎˜๎•๎œ๎€ƒ
kernels found along the northwest coast of Ecuador. It is linked to
the social and economic conditions of farmers and is generally used
for family nutrition, through the preparation of typical gastronomic
(Pita et al., 2021; Fuentes et al., 2022).
Groups 1 and 3 were represented only by populations from two
cantons. The populations of group 1 were collected in Jipijapa and
Portoviejo while those corresponding to group 3 were collected in
farmers in these cantons who prefer hard types of maize (semi-dent
and crystalline). Analuisa et al. (2020) mentioned that the productive
and environmental conditions of Manabรญ are favorable for the
cultivation of these types of maize.
Pajรกn is considered the maize-growing region of the province of
Manabรญ, probably farmers prefer to plant maize for commercialization,
so they use hard maize; a similar case occurs in the San Vicente area of
the Jipijapa canton, where it was determined that the production and
commercialization of hard maize had an impact on the socioeconomic
development of its inhabitants (Caรฑarte-Quimis et al., 2021). The
same happened in the cantons of Pedernales and Pajรกn in group 3,
Maize production has had an impact on the social and economic
development of Manabรญ for decades, increasing from 2007 to 2017
by 67.6 %; however, the crops were concentrated in the production
of dry hard maize (Palacios-Cedeรฑo et al., 2023). However, the use
of commercial hard maize materials, usually hybrids, could be a
challenge to the sustainability of genetic diversity, as it can lead to
the loss of maize landraces. This is a problem that has arisen since
the 60s when Timothy et al. (1963) reported the displacement of the
Candela and Gallina races by commercial races such as the Tuxpeรฑo
and the Caribbean Yellow Flint. Tapia et al๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€•๎€“๎€”๎€˜๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Canguil, Chaucho, and Clavito races have ceased to be cultivated in
some provinces of the Ecuadorian Sierra.
Qualitative characteristics were the most decisive for the grouping
of the 37 maize populations harvested in the province of Manabรญ
because they reduced the variability produced by environmental
factors (Scheldeman and Van Zonneveld, 2010). According to
Hortelano et al. (2008), kernel color is one of the most discriminating
traits for grouping populations with wide morphological diversity,
and together with the type of kernel, shape, and size of the ear were
decisive in the selection practiced by farmers.
The quantitative variables ear height, panicle length, percentage of
๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ ๎•๎ˆ๎Š๎Œ๎–๎—๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ ๎‚ณ๎€ง๎‚ด๎€ƒ ๎Œ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎†๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎€“๎€‘๎€š๎€˜๎€๎€ƒ ๎–๎‹๎’๎š๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎๎–๎ˆ๎๎™๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎„๎–๎€ƒ
discriminating variables in the formation of the groups (table 2). In
contrast, the characteristics of leaf width, number of rows, ear diameter,
๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎Œ๎‘๎ƒ€๎’๎•๎ˆ๎–๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎•๎„๎†๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€๎€ƒ ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎Š๎—๎‹๎€๎€ƒ ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎Œ๎†๎Ž๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎Ž๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ ๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ
found, which presented lower values (0.25) and lower discriminative
power. Tapia et al. (2017) indicated that the characteristic ear length
๎š๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎’๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎‡๎Œ๎–๎†๎•๎Œ๎๎Œ๎‘๎„๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ง๎‚ด๎€ƒ ๎Œ๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎›๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€“๎€‘๎€™๎€™๎€ƒ๎„๎†๎†๎’๎•๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ
the same statistical criterion, and in Torres et al. (2022) ear size and
Ear cover was not considered in the analysis because it was
monomorphic in all populations. Using the ๎ˆค
test, the type of kernel
= 49.09***, P= 0.742, V= 0.64), kernel color (๎ˆค
= 51.955***, P=
0.75, V=0.64), row arrangement (๎ˆค
= 18.11*, P=0.56, V=0.39) and
kernel surface shape (๎ˆค
= 20.52*, P=0.58, V=0.41) were the most
discriminating (table 3). These results were similar to those reported
by Tapia et al๎€‘๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎€•๎€“๎€”๎€š๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎‚ฟ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎™๎„๎•๎Œ๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎Ž๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ ๎—๎œ๎“๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€‹๎ˆค
267.35**, P= 1.44, V=0.83), kernel surface shape (๎ˆค
= 228.72**,
P= 1.33, V=0.77), kernel color (๎ˆค
= 48.72**, P= 0.62, V=0.36) and
row arrangement (๎ˆค
= 23.55**, P= 0.43, V=0.25) were the most
discriminating in maize from the Sierra.
Table 3. Analysis of the discriminant value of the qualitative
characteristics of the populations of native maize
harvested in the province of Manabรญ, Ecuador.
๎€ฆ๎’๎ˆ๎ตถ๎†๎Œ๎ˆ๎‘๎— (P)
Stem color
4.62 0.322 0.24
Anthocyanin staining
in adventitious roots
9.15 0.431 0.276
Pubescence on the
margin of the sheath
5.953 0.36 0.386
Anthocyanin staining
in the leaf sheath
4.923 0.331 0.248
Ear form
9.683 0.441 0.348
Kernel row
18.110* 0.558 0.388
Anthocyanin staining
5.634 0.351 0.265
Kernel Type
49.085*** 0.742 0.64
Kernel color
51.955*** 0.752 0.806
Kernel surface shape
20.517* 0.582 0.413
๎€ถ๎Œ๎Š๎‘๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎™๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎€˜ % (*) and 0.1 % (***)
๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎‚ฟ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎–๎€ƒ ๎˜๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎•๎–๎†๎’๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎•๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎™๎„๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎‘๎„๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎๎„๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ
populations as an invaluable genetic reserve for preserving and
exploiting this crop.
The province of Manabรญ registered a high morphological diversity
of native maize, with the Candela, Cubano, Tuxpeรฑo, Tusilla, and
Uchima races, and the absence of the Chococeรฑo race was reported in
the samplings that have been carried out so far. The variables kernel
type and color, arrangement of rows, kernel surface shape, ear height,
panicle length, percentage of lodging, number of kernels per row, and
allowed the formation of groups in native maize populations of the
province of Manabรญ.
This study constitutes a contribution to the understanding of the
diversity of native maize populations in Manabรญ, as an update of
research, it is necessary to carry out a greater sampling in the Manabi
cantons that are poorly represented in this research, such as Tosagua
and Chone, which could complement the results presented here.
This research was funded by the ECOTEC Technological
diversity of native maize of the Ecuadorian coast using microsatellite
This scienti๎‚ฟc publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Murillo et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244132
8-8 |
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