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Chillpa-Sencia et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244135
6-7 |
have anti-nutritional quality factors (Colombino et al., 2023), which
inuence the utilization of its nutrients mainly in growing guinea
pigs. The digestibility of non-starch polysaccharides is aected by a
multitude of factors, including animal species, age groups of animals,
solubility, chemical structure, and their quantity in the diet (Valentine
et al., 2017).
In this case, the age of the guinea pigs had a marked eect on
the digestibility of nutrients and energy in the diets and FSBM,
determining that the values of digestible energy were higher for adult
guinea pigs than in growing, attributable to the dierences in their
physiological development of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the
digestive capacity, enzymatic production, and fermentation capacity
would not have been sucient to achieve the best use of nutrients and
energy (Fernández et al., 1986; Sciellour et al., 2018). Similar eects
were observed in pigs, where digestibility of NSP increases with the
age of animals since grower and nisher pigs can utilize dietary ber
better than young piglets (Sciellour et al., 2018).
The digestibility of dry matter and nutrients in full-fat soybean
meal are high, exhibiting greater values in adults than in growing.
The inclusion level of full-fat soybean meal in the diets aected the
digestibility of nutrients, being higher with high levels, associated
with the high crude protein, and fat content and lower ber. The
digestible energy of full-fat soybeans was dierent between the
ages, being 3,093 and 3,375
DM, with 46 % and 51 % of
digestibility for growing and adult guinea pigs respectively.
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