© The Authors, 2024, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: j.ledea@uabcs.mx
Zea mays
Diversity variability of native corn cobs in the high zone of Totonacapan, mesoamerica
Diversidad morfológica de mazorcas de maíces nativos en la zona alta del Totonacapan, mesoamérica
Diversidade morfológica de espigas de milho nativo na zona alta de Totonacapan, mesoamérica
Isabel Alemán-Chávez
Andrés Rivera-Fernández
Liliana Lara-Capistrán
José Leonardo Ledea-Rodríguez
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244140
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v41.n4.09
Crop production
Associate editor: Dr. Jorge Vilchez-Perozo
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas de la Universidad
Veracruzana, Circuito Gonzalo Aguirre Beltran S/N, Xalapa,
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. Carretera al
Sur km. 5.5. CP. 23080. La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.
Received: 27-09-2024
Accepted: 04-11-2024
Published: 18-11-2024
Mexico is considered one of the origins of corn (Zea mays L.),
and in the Totonacapan area there are still native plant genetic
resources that have not been characterized and are under threat by
the introduction of improved genetic material and/or commercial
seeds in traditional production systems. It was evaluatedthe
morphological variability of native corn in the municipalities of
Coahuitlán, Mecatlán and Filomeno Mata from the Totonacapan
region. The experimental design implemented was non-balanced
hierarchical, and principal component and correspondence analysis
were also developed; six producers were visited per community
within each municipality. The corn from Filomeno Mata was
characterized by thick cobs, long leaves (totomoxtle) and large ears,
while those from Coahuitlán and Mecatlán converge in heavy cobs
with many long and heavy grains per row. The characteristics of
the municipalities dene the agricultural practices of the producers.
Finally, signicant dierences (P0.001) were found in the length,
perimeter and coverage of the leaf, cob, and grain between producers
from dierent municipalities and from the same municipality. The
morphological diversity of native corn between producers from
dierent communities is fostered by dierences in the productive
practices they employ within each municipality.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244140 October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-7 |
México es considerado uno de los orígenes del maíz (Zea mays L.),
y en la zona del Totonacapan se conserva aún recursos togenéticos
nativos que no han sido caracterizados, y que se encuentran bajo
amenazada por la introducción de material genético mejorado y/o
semillas comerciales en los sistemas de producción tradicionales.
Se evaluó la variabilidad morfológica de maíces nativos en los
municipios Coahuitlán, Mecatlán y Filomeno Mata de la región del
Totonacapan. El diseño experimental implementado fue jerárquico
no equilibrado, desarrollándose además análisis de componentes
principales y de correspondencia; se visitaron seis productores por
comunidad dentro de cada municipio. Los maíces de Filomeno Mata
se caracterizaron por mazorcas gruesas, hojas (totomoxtle) largas y
olotes grandes; mientras que los de Coahuitlán y Mecatlán convergen
en mazorcas pesadas con muchos granos largos y pesados por
carreras. Las características de los municipios denen las prácticas
agrícolas de los productores. Finalmente se obtuvieron diferencias
signicativas (P 0.001) en la longitud, perímetro y cobertura de
la hoja, de mazorcas, olote y grano entre productores de diferentes
municipios y del mismo municipio. La diversidad morfológica de
maíces nativos entre productores de las diferentes comunidades se
fomenta por diferencias en las practicas productivas que emplean
dentro de cada municipio.
Palabras clave: México, Zea mays, maíz, totomoxtles.
O México é considerado uma das origens do milho (Zea mays L.),
e na área de Totonacapan ainda se conservam recursos togenéticos
nativos que não foram caracterizados e que estão ameaçados pela
introdução de material genético melhorado e/ou sementes comerciais
em sistemas de produção tradicionais. Foi avaliado variabilidade
morfológica do milho nativo nos municípios de Coahuitlán,
Mecatlán e Filomeno Mata da região de Totonacapan. O desenho
experimental implementado foi hierárquico e desequilibrado, tendo
sido também desenvolvidas análises de componentes principais e de
correspondência; Foram visitados seis produtores por comunidade
dentro de cada município. O milho Filomeno Mata caracterizou-se
por espigas grossas, folhas longas (totomoxtle) e espigas grandes;
enquanto os de Coahuitlán e Mecatlán convergem em espigas pesadas
com muitos grãos longos e pesados em tiragens. As características
dos municípios denem as práticas agrícolas dos produtores. Por m,
foram obtidas diferenças signicativas (P 0,001) no comprimento,
perímetro e cobertura foliar das espigas, espigas e grãos entre
produtores de diferentes municípios e de um mesmo município.
A diversidade morfológica do milho nativo entre produtores de
diferentes comunidades é promovida pelas diferenças nas práticas
produtivas utilizadas dentro de cada município.
Palavras-chave: México, Zea mays, milho, totomoxtles.
Mexico is considered one of the centres of origin of maize (Zea
mays L.), hosting a great diversity of breeds adapted to dierent
environmental conditions (altitude 0-3000 masl; rainfall <400 to
>3000 mm), and agricultural systems, which promotes variability
among breeds recognised by international organisations such as
FAO (Santillán-Fernández et al., 2021) and botanical personalities
such as the American Edgar Anderson (1897-1969) when he referred
to Mexico as ‘Aztec land, more than any other country in the New
World, is a land of maize’ (Anderson, 1946).
Mexico has 60 % of the world’s corn genetic diversity with 64
breeds, of which 92.18 % are native (Sanchez et al., 2000). The great
morphological variability of existing maize is an eco-geographical
and cultural heritage of Mexico (Caballero-Salinas et al., 2023).
For sowing, 82 % of agricultural production units use native seeds
and the rest use improved and/or certied genetic material (INEGI,
2019). In addition to being adapted to diverse climatic conditions
and possessing genetic diversity for producers’ technologies, native
seeds have characteristics that allow them to satisfy the food tastes of
people (SADER, 2023).
Such is the case of the Totonacapan area, Veracruz, Mexico,
where native genetic material is still preserved, which is increasingly
threatened in the interest of producing corn with higher-coverage cobs
and thus take advantage of its leaf to market it, leaving the quality
and quantity of grain in second place, which represents a threat that
is increasingly advancing conditioned by socioeconomic, political,
commercial, biotic and abiotic factors, and new forms of production
based on technological changes (González-Cortés et al, 2017; Lazos-
Chavero, 2014), promoting preferences and selection of indigenous
varieties in conjunction with morphological traits.
Based on the above approach and the need to reference the
characteristics of native maize in the upper Totonacapan area, the
objective was to evaluate the morphological variability of native
maize in the municipalities of Coahuitlán, Filomeno Mata and
Mecatlán in the Totonacapan region of Veracruz, Mexico.
Materials and methods
Geographical location of sampling sites
Samples were taken in the municipalities of Coahuitlán (20°13’20.y
18 ‘N 97°39’97.46 “W), Filomeno Mata (20°10’20.16 ”N and
97°38’97.45 “W) and Mecatlán (20°10’20.15 ”N and 97°36’27 97.42
’W) located in the Totonacapan region, Veracruz, Mexico. Similar
climatic conditions coexist between the municipalities (semi-warm
humid and warm humid), as well as pest infestations (codling moth
(Helicoverpa armigera) and grain weevil (Sitophilus granarius); in
addition to similar altitudes ranging from 100 to 900 m above sea
level (SIEGVER, 2020).
Application of the instrument
An instrument composed of 42 items that included social,
productive, economic, and socioeconomic variables was applied to 80
producers from the municipalities under study, of which 16 producers
were selected, six for each municipality, since they were the only
ones that conserved within their practices, the production of native
corn seeds without crossing or mixing with commercial or improved
seeds; discarding producers whose seeds had been obtained from the
wholesaler that commercialises the leaf (hereinafter totomoxtle) in
the region. The instrument was validated using Cronbach’s alpha
(Cronbach, 1951) with a score of 0.865, using Fishers condence
interval (Romano et al., 2011).
Maize harvests
Cobs were harvested in December 2021, corresponding to the
June-December 2021 production cycle. Each producer donated
between 14-16 cobs to constitute the sample for the study. Each
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Aleman-Chávez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244140
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sample was duly registered with the name of the producer, locality
and type of material. The samples came from the planting area of
16 producers residing in the municipalities of Coahuitlán (6),
Filomeno (6) and Mecatlán (4), and were taken randomly from plants
ten linear metres apart at 190 days after planting (DDS) of maize,
avoiding the selection of plants in the rst 15 m on each side of the
harvestable plot, which was considered as an edge eect. For the
collection, transportation and conservation of the material, the same
management as that used by native populations producing native
maize was considered. The material collected directly from the plants
was placed in sacks and transported to the city of Xalapa; from the
third day onwards, the respective measurements were taken, and the
plants were not subjected to any drying or post-harvest procedure that
could alter their morphology.
Variables evaluated
The length of the totomoxtle (LTo) and cob (CobL) (cm), as well
as the perimeter (CobPe) (cm) of the totmoxtle (PTo), cob (PMa),
and cover of the totomoxtle (CTo) (cm) were considered. In the ear,
the number of races (Carr) (U), number of grains per race (GraCarr)
(U) and total weight of the ear (PeMa) (g) were also counted with
a Rhino granatary balance (model Vins-5, precision 1 g, made in
Mexico), and in the ear, length (LOL) (cm), perimeter (POL) (cm)
and weight (PeOL) (g) were evaluated. The length (LGra) (mm) from
the base of the kernel (pedicel) to the distal portion of the endosperm
was considered, while the width (Agra) (mm) was considered as the
longitudinal measurement in the middle portion of the pericarp, and
the thickness (Egra) (mm) was considered in a longitudinal plane at
the level of the soft endosperm. All measurements were performed
with a digital vernier (Steren
0.2 mm accuracy). The weight of 1000
seeds (P1000) (g) was quantied by randomly selecting and separating
seeds in each of the collected cobs and subsequently weighed on a
digital balance OAHUS® (model H-5276, made in Mexico, 0.001 g
Experimental design and statistical analysis
The study was developed using an unbalanced hierarchical
experimental design. The municipalities (Coahuitlán, Filomeno
and Mecatlán) were identied as factor A, and the producers within
each municipality were identied as factor B. Eight replicates were
considered for each combination of levels (A and B), but the number
of producers was dierent within each municipality.
Statistical analysis was carried out using Statistica v 12.0 software.
An analysis of variance was performed using Tukey’s criterion at a
condence level of 95 %, according to the mathematical model of the
unbalanced hierarchical experimental design:
Where: Y
= observed phenotypic value of the trait for the i-th
treatment of the j-th block, µ= overall mean, Mn
= eect associated with
the i-th municipality, Pr
= eect of the j-th producer, Pr(Mn)
= the j-th
level of the producer is nested in the i-th level of the municipality,
= normally distributed random error with zero mean and sigma
The multivariate principal components technique was used
to dene the factors that were determinant for the morphology of
totomoxtle, cob, ear, ear and grain for each locality and the factors
for which localities were determinant. Correlation assumptions were
tested using KMO (Kaiser, 1974) and Bartlett’s test of sphericity.
Factors were extracted using an eigenvalue-based correlation matrix,
and Kaisers standardised Varimax method was used to rotate the
database. For integration between the multi-categorical variables,
multiple correspondence analysis was considered.
Results and discussion
Relationships among morphological variables of totomoxtle,
grain, ear and ear between localities were analysed by principal
component analysis (PCA) (gure 1). In the Coahuitlán locality, the
variables Carr, GrCarr and LTo as a function of vector length, showed
the least variability, while the amplitude of the cosine of the angle
suggested that the variable Carr and PeMa were highly related, as
were LGra with PMa, and surface area of the family planting unit
(SUPupf) with GrCarr, as were LTo, POL and Agra, while LGra,
P1000, PMa, LMa, and LOL showed the greatest variability, which
together explained 64.7 % of the variance (gure 1-A). In the locality
Filomeno Mata (gure 1-B) all the variables under study presented a
great variability, while the closest relationships were located between
the variables AGra and LTo, PeMa and AOL, POL together with PMa
and LGra, as well as Ato with Carr, and nally P1000 with SUPupf,
the contiguous of the variables explained 100 % of the variance. In
Mecatlan P1000 was the variable with the lowest variability, while
Carr, SUPupf and EGra were the variables most related, as were
P1000 with LOL and LMa, Agra and POL, the latter with PMa, and
PMa with LGra; followed by PeMa with Age, and LTo with CTo. Ato
and AOl were not related to any variable (gure 1-C).
The dierences obtained within each locality in the morphology
of the cob, totomoxtle, kernel and ear may be related to common traits
of creole maize, in the criteria of Hortelano-Santarosa et al. (2012);
Oreamuno-Fonseca and Monge-Pérez, (2018) it was peculiar to nd
variability among the morphological characteristics of creole maize,
due to the ow of germplasm that is generated among producers
in addition to the agroecological conditions of the producing areas
(González-Martínez et al., 2020), and contrasting variations between
climatic and edaphic conditions of the localities under evaluation
(Diego-Flores, et al., 2012).
Similar results to those obtained in this study and which gave rise
to variations and heterogeneity among the maize populations that
made up the groups within each locality, were reported in the studies
of Castro-Nava et al., (2018), with these researchers alluding to a
wide intra- and interspecic diversity, an aspect that is reiterative in
research with native maize (Pérez-García, 2023).
The above was directly related to the recognised genetic variability
among native maize varieties, in which traits such as the colour,
shape, appearance of the totomoxtle, ear and kernel, constituted
specic attributes of Mexican cuisine considered by local and urban
producers when selecting the kernel for production (Lazos-Chavero,
2014), which exerts selection pressure in the eld on native varieties
at regional, local and productive levels, suggestive criteria as shown
in gure 1A, B, C.
When considering the eect of localities and municipality on
the way in which morphological variables (totomoxtle, grain, ear
and cob) are related, it was obtained that the municipality inuenced
the expression of PsMa, GrCarr, LTo, and LGra; while the locality
directly determined the weight of the ear (gure 2).
Aspects such as sociological complexity including the management
and dynamic conservation of native maize agrobiodiversity together
with social-productive organisation and cultivation practice, are
notable aspects that inuence the morphology of totomoxtle,
olote, cob and grain, which may be related to the variability in the
relationships and importance of the variables describing morphology
= + 
+ ()
( )
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244140 October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
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shown in gure 2, similar results to those obtained shared by Santillán-
Fernández et al. (2021) in the study of the spatial delimitation of
the genetic diversity of native maize within Mexican ethnic groups,
nding a high relationship between the genetic diversity promoted by
the dierent uses of maize within and between ethnic groups.
When developing a correspondence analysis between
morphological variables of native maize with producers within each
locality (gure 3), it was found that the producers of the Filomeno
Mata locality produced native maize that stood out for being ‘big’ ears
with thick cobs and long totomoxtle, according to the variables that
were related to the morphology of the ear (width, weight and length),
of the ear (perimeter) and totomoxtle (width and length) (gure 3A).
The producers of Coahuitlán and Mecatlán were characterised
by having the largest surface areas for production, with their maize
consisting of long and abundant grains per race, as well as heavy cobs
and grains, morphological criteria that are desired by the producers,
since they contribute, from their experience, incentives for greater
productivity. These relationships made it possible to know the
morphological characteristics of the maize produced in the localities
under study, and the ndings in commentary complement and enrich
the representativeness of forms and possible races of native maize that
are geographically restricted to these localities, which are vulnerable
to biocultural erosion due to the introduction of improved varieties,
a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly common (Deb, 2022).
Likewise, the characteristics of variables such as thickness (grain),
coverage (totomoxtle) and races (per cob), which were grouped
around producers in the dierent localities under study, suggest in
the criteria of Caballero Salinas et al. (2023) the relationship with
underlying factors that contribute to the process of genetic selection
by the farmer (Lazos-Chavero, 2014), as well as the selection and
segregation of seed to store (Villalobos-González et al., 2019),
determining the variability of the use of an open production system
that feeds back on seed exchange, empirical selection, uses, culinary
customs, and ecological niches (Cabrera-Toledo et al., 2019; Coral
Valenzuela et al., 2019), factors coinciding with the reported by
Lazos-Chavero (2014) in the study of designations of origin of
indigenous products.
Production practices and other activities related to native maize
cultivation among dierent producers within and between localities
(gure 3B), suggested that producers from Mecatlán and some from
Filomeno Mata develop distinctive cultivation practices that were
related to characteristics of the municipality of residence, while at
least one producer from Filomeno Mata and two from Coahuitlán
were organised and could predispose some ease to the type of land
tenure and the way in which their maize was conserved.
In this sense, authors such as Navarro-Garza et al, (2012) pointed
out that the production systems of creole maize within the parcel
systems constitute a collective memory for the producers, being the
Figure 1. Contribution of the variables for the localities Coahuitlán (A), Filomeno Mata (B), Mecatlán (C). W1000: Weight of 1000 seeds;
ToC: Totomoxtle coverage; ToW: Totomoxtle width; ToL: Totomoxtle length; OlWi: Olote width; OlWe: Olote weight; OlL: Olote
length; Carr: Number of rows per cob; CobPe: Cob perimeter; CobL: Cob length; Age; GraT: Grain thickness; GraW: Grain width; GraL:
Grain length; CobWe: Cob weight; FPusa: Family plantation unit surface area (usa)-(ha); GrpR: Grains per row.
Figure 2. Graph of weights of the components of morphological
variables of maize (Zea mays), in dierent localities of
the Veracruz municipalities of Coahuitlán, Filomeno
Mata and Mecatlán. LTo: Totomoxtle length; CTo:
Totomoxtle coverage; Ato: Totomoxtle width; PMa: ear
perimeter; PsMA: ear weight; LMa: ear length; Carr: rows;
LOI: ear length; AOI: ear width; PsgrOI: ear weight; LOc:
localities; Grcarr: grains.row
; Agra: grain width; EGra:
grain thickness; P1000: Weight of 1000 grains; RWC: rent
at what cost; HykYC: how do you keep your corn? Mun:
municipality; PP: slope of the plot.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Aleman-Chávez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244140
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Figure 3. Correspondence analysis between morphological variables of cob, totomoxtle, and kernels with producers (A), between
qualitative variables of some productive characteristics related to producers (B). W1000: Weight of 1000 seeds; ToC: Totomoxtle
coverage; ToW: Totomoxtle width; ToL: Totomoxtle length; OlWi: Olote width; OlWe: Olote weight; OlL: Olote length; Carr: Number
of rows per cob; CobPe: Cob perimeter; CobL: Cob length; Age; GraT: Grain thickness; GraW: Grain width; GraL: Grain length;
CobWe: Cob weight; FPusa: Family plantation unit surface area (usa)-(ha); GrpR: Grains per row.
sowing practice a cultural heritage that has been transferred over the
years, and under spatial and cultural circumstances contributed to
explain the variability within a local race, overlaps between breeds
and varieties that are managed individually and territorially by native
maize producers, constituting a gene ow that promotes a complex
genetic composite, implying that maize breeds are considered as an
open genetic system that continues to evolve (Arteaga et al. , 2016).
When establishing the dierences between municipalities,
localities and producers in the morphological variables under study
(gure 4), it was found that in the locality of Filomeno Mata some
producers have totomoxtle of greater length (32.27 cm) (gure 4A),
surpassing by 19.54 % to the value of other producers in the same
locality (27 cm) (P≤0.001); while in Coahuitlán, averages of 25.16
and 25.61 cm were recorded, representing an increase of 28.29 % and
26.03 % for the length of this bract, respectively (P≤0.001) within
the locality. In Mecatlán, the values were similar with no dierences
(P≥0.05) (gure 4A), which is important considering the cultural use
of this leaf for making tamales.
Totomoxtle width also diered among producers (P≤0.004), across
localities (gure 4B). Dierences within each municipality were 30.4
%, 46.6 % and 43.1 % for Filomeno Mata, Coahuitlán and Mecatlán,
respectively. And for coverage, dierences were more evident between
producers in each locality (P≤0.004), and therefore between localities
(gure 4C). In Filomeno Mata, the lowest values averaged between 7.03
and 7.08 cm, showing dierences of 66.01 % and 64.84 %, respectively.
These values were signicantly lower compared to producers in other
locations, with a constant dierence of about 47.16 %.
The averages for ear length (gure 4D-H) were signicantly
higher (21-22 cm) (P≤0.001) in Coahuitlán and Filomeno Mata,
exceeding by 25.65 % and 24.15 %, respectively. The lowest values
(17.54 and 17.75 cm) were recorded in Coahuitlán (P≤0.001). Ear
circumference showed some stability among producers within and
between municipalities (gure 4E).
The highest value (P≤0.02) was recorded in Filomeno Mata, with
15.46 cm, 13.17 % higher than the lowest value (13.66 mm) recorded
in Coahuitlán, establishing dierences between these municipalities.
A producer from Mecatlán obtained ears with a higher number
of races (14.85 U), surpassing producers from Filomeno Mata and
Coahuitlán by 38.25 %, who registered 10.75 U (gure 4F).
However, the number of grains per race.cob
(gure 4G) varied
among producers of the same locality, in this way, a producer from
Filomeno Mata reached 45.50 U of grains per race, surpassing in
46.7 % to a producer from Coahuitlán, who obtained 31 U, which
generated signicant dierences between them and their respective
municipalities (P≤0.02).
The highest value (P≤0.001) for ear weight (gure 4H) was
recorded in Coahuitlán (194.75 g), exceeding by 80.32 % the lowest
value recorded in the same locality (108 g) (P≤0.001), promoting
signicant dierences (P≤0.001) between the producers of the
dierent municipalities. The dierences and similarities between
municipalities in the morphology of the cob, denotes a dynamic in
the ow of seeds between producers in each locality, expanding the
probabilities that can lead to the variability of a considerable number
of combinations, an aspect that allows the creation of new varieties
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244140 October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
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Figure 4. a, b, c, d Dierent superscripts suggest signicant dierences according to Tukey at 95% condence. Vertical lines represent
standard deviation (±SD); FD: Freedom degree; SS: Sum of squares; SCtotal: Total sum of squares; MS: Mean square; F: Fisher's f;
p: P-value; n: number of data; %SE ±SE (standard error) ear runs were transformed by √x+2; ear weight by
√x+3.2; kernel thickness by √ x+2.5.
Pr (Mn)
X 100
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Aleman-Chávez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024 41(4): e244140
7-7 |
with desirable agronomic characteristics and attributes (Cabrera-
Toledo et al., 2019).
Other morphological traits that contribute to ear diversity are ear
and kernel morphology, which showed signicant dierences due to
the eect of localities. In Coahuitlán, ear length (gure 4I) (P≤0.007),
reached 22.04 cm, and exceeded by 25.66 % the averages of 17.5 and
17.7 cm in Filomeno Mata (P≤0.007), which represents an important
variability in size.
For weight (gure 4J), the highest value (39.50 g) corresponded
to a producer from Filomeno Mata, showing signicant dierences
(P≤0.01) with some producers from Coahuitlán, where there was a
73.62 % decrease in the weight of the ear, represented by the lowest
value (22.75 g). No signicant dierences (P≥0.05) were found in the
width of the ear between producers or between localities.
In the analysis of grain morphology, it was observed that the
signicantly higher value for length (12.81 mm) (gure 4L) and
width (10.04 mm) (gure 4M) was recorded in Filomeno Mata, and
smaller by 21.25 % in producers from Coahuitlán and Mecatlán,
while the thickness of the decreased in producers from Filomeno
Mata (16.54 %) and Coahuitlán (14.19 %) (gure 4N), without being
signicant (P≥0.59). The unexplained variance was 18.16 %, 23.37
%, 8.36 % and 42.22 % for length, width, thickness and 1000-seed
weight, respectively, with 1000-seed weight being one of the most
variable aspects in maize (Contreras Molina et al., 2016), as obtained
in this study.
The morphological diversity of native maize is dispersed among
the localities under study, mainly due to cultivation practices, in
which the type of tenure, maize preservation technique and whether
or not they belong to a productive organisation stand out. The maize
produced in Filomeno Mata was found to have large ears, coarse cobs
and long totomoxtle, while the maize produced in Coahuitlán and
Mecatlán was identied as having a larger number of kernels per run,
and heavy cobs and kernels.
Thanks are due to the Universidad Veracruzana, the Asociación
de Silvicultores de Totonacapan and native maize producers for their
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