This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2024, 41(4): e244141 October-December. ISSN 2477-9407.
6-7 |
the associated biotic and abiotic environment can aect the activities
of Trichoderma (Cano, 2015). It is dicult to predict the outcome
of interactions between plants and benecial soil microorganisms,
since the response of plants to inoculation varies depending on
the functional and biochemical compatibilities of the interaction.
Therefore, further research is required in Mexico to corroborate the
eectiveness of strains with phosphorus solubilizing potential to
develop technological packages for successful application in coee
cultivation. Trichoderma strains may be one of the most important
alternatives to chemical fertilizers that can have negative eects
on human health and the environment. It is recommended that
future studies explore the possibility of promoting these isolates as
biofertilizers to improve phosphorus nutrition in multiple crops.
Two strains of T. harzianum (Th53 y Th48) from coee
plantations are potentially important for plant development, as well
as for the solubilization of insoluble phosphorus. These strains
favored the availability of phosphorus in vitro in the presence of
calcium phosphate (Ca
) as well as a higher phosphorus content
in the substrate of the three coee varieties (Anacafe, Costa Rica and
Marsellesa). For its part, T. harzianum (Th48) promoted the height
of the Anacafé and Marsellesa varieties. The T. asperellum strains
(Th40, Th49, and Th57) were the best at solubilizing aluminum
phosphate (AlPO
); this was only evaluated under in vitro conditions,
so it is recommended to continue with the tests in coee seedlings.
It would be interesting to evaluate other coee variables, as well as
more phosphorus-solubilizing strains and evaluate other agronomic
variables. It is also recommended to evaluate plant phosphorus
acquisition through whole-plant phosphorus analysis. Field survival
tests are also necessary to evaluate the activity of these fungi in
dierent environmental conditions. It also deserves further research
to evaluate the eect of the application of Trichoderma consortia and
with consortia of other microorganisms such as mycorrhizae on the
mechanisms of phosphor mobilization. The results presented here are
a basis for the development of future study aimed at the use of native
and properly identied Trichoderma strains in coee farming and
inuencing the use of biofertilizers as an environmentally friendly
strategy that also favors the production of organic coee since it has
a better position in the market and thus favors the economy of coee
producers in the region. It is suggested to continue the exploration of
the selection of strains with high potential to solubilize both calcium,
aluminum and iron phosphate, continue testing on application
methods and promote integration with other sustainable practices.
This study was funded by COVEICYDET Project 131627.
The authors thank Alondra Guadalupe Martínez Santos and María
del Rosario Gregorio Cipriano for their support in the molecular
identication of the strains.
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