Publicación del Museo de Biología de la Universidad del Zulia ISSN 1315-642X

Anartia, 29 (diciembre 2019): 49-53

Synonymy and homonymy in two butterfly species


Synonymy and homonymy in two butterfly species recently described from Colombia

(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

Sinonimia y homonimia en dos especies de mariposas recientemente descritas de Colombia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

Indiana Cristóbal Ríos-Málaver1, 2

1Centro de Ecología, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC) Km 11 carretera Panamericana, Altos de Pipe, estado Miranda 1204, Venezuela

2Investigador Asociado, Laboratorio de Entomología, Colección (CEBUC), Programa de Biología Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia


(Received: 10-10-2019 / Accepted: 02-12-2019 / On line: 23/12/2019)


The names Euptychia caerulea Butler, 1869 and Caeruleuptychia sinchi Henao-Bañol, 2019 are recognized as representing the same taxon. Both names should also be considered junior synonyms of Caeruleuptychia urania (Butler, 1867), a sexu- ally dimorphic species of Amazonian distribution. On the other hand, Euptychia similis Henao-Bañol, 2019, so far known from the Colombian Amazon, is a junior homonym of Euptychia similis Butler, 1867. Both entities represent valid, recog- nizable and distinct species. However, the most recent name is nomenclaturally invalid. Therefore, it is herein proposed its replacement by Euptychia efraini, nom. nov.

Keywords: Caeruleuptychia, Cissia, Euptychia, sexual dimorphism, Vareuptychia.


Los nombres Euptychia caerulea Butler, 1869 y Caeruleuptychia sinchi Henao-Bañol, 2019 se reconocen como representan- tes de un mismo taxón. Ambos nombres deberían considerarse sinónimos posteriores de Caeruleuptychia urania (Butler, 1867), una especie sexualmente dimórfica de distribución amazónica. Por otra parte, Euptychia similis Henao-Bañol, 2019, hasta ahora conocida del Amazonas colombiano, es un homónimo posterior de Euptychia similis Butler, 1867. Ambas en- tidades representan especies válidas, reconocibles y distintas. Sin embargo, el nombre más reciente es nomenclaturalmente inválido, por lo cual se propone aquí su reemplazo por Euptychia efraini, nom. nov.

Palabras clave: Caeruleuptychia, Cissia, dimorfismo sexual, Euptychia, Vareuptychia.


The Satyrinae represent a major subfamily of the nym- phalid butterflies, with a high diversity of species in the Neotropical region (Lamas 2004). Many of them can be commonly found in different habitats, from lowland for- ests to cloudy mountain landscapes and grassland areas,

where they are often abundant (Nakahara et al. 2019). Due to their taxonomic complexity, and in some cases, their phenotypic plasticity, these butterflies have recently been the subject of great interest. It has resulted in new comparative studies combining morphological and mo- lecular data, which are aimed to clarify their phylogenetic relationships (for example, Marín et al. 2017, Espeland et

I.C. Ríos-Málaver

al. 2019). The taxonomic knowledge of this group of but- terflies has also improved notably (Nakahara et al. 2017). Within the subtribe Euptychiina, 425 species, distributed in 56 genera, are currently recognized in the Neotropical region (Zacca et al. 2019), with new species and genera surely to be described in the forthcoming years. The Ama- zon region has been an important source for the latest discoveries (Neild et al. 2014, 2015, Huertas et al. 2016, Freitas et al. 2016, 2019, Zacca et al. 2017, Nakahara et al. 2018a, 2018b, 2019).

The recent peace agreements in Colombia, have al- lowed scientists to penetrate remote areas of the national territory formerly considered unsafe because of the his- torical armed conflict of the country. This is giving way to the establishment of local and regional lists of diurnal butterflies, together with the discovery of new butterfly taxa in forested regions (Huertas et al. 2016, Ríos-Málaver 2019). Some diverse genera of the forest Satyrinae, such as Euptychia Hübner, with about 35 currently recognized species, and Caeruleuptychia Forster, with 25 so far known (Zacca et al. 2019), can represent a challenge to traditional taxonomists because of their often convergent color pat- terns, the resulting occurrence of possible cryptic species, and/or their sexual dimorphism (Nakahara et al. 2017). In this note, I report and correct two nomenclatural prob- lems emerged with the recent description of two species belonging to the aforementioned genera, from the Ama- zonian region of Colombia.


IVIC, Lepidoptera collection of the Instituto Venezo- lano de Investigaciones Científicas, Centro de Ecología, Altos de Pipe, Venezuela; MALUZ, Museo de Artrópodos de La Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Agronomía, Ma- racaibo, Venezuela; MB, Lepidoptera collection of Mo- hamed Benmesbah, Toulouse, France; MC, Butterfly col- lection of Mauro Costa, Caracas, Venezuela; NHMUK, The Natural History Museum, London, UK; nom. nov., nomen novum; syn. nov. synonymus novum.

Synonymy of Caeruleuptychia urania (Butler, 1867), Caeruleuptychia caerulea (Butler, 1869) and Caeruleuptychia sinchi Henao-Bañol, 2019

The type species of the genus Caeruleuptychia Forster, 1964 is Euptychia caerulea Butler, 1869 by original desig- nation. Butler based his description of this taxon in a series of an indetermined number of male and female specimens, one of each he adequately illustrated in his work (pp. 6, pl. 3, figs. 1 [male], 2 [female]). The male syntype from Mara- nham [sic], Brazil, illustrated by Warren et al. (2014, pho-

tography taken in the NHMUK by G. Lamas) was appar- ently collected by Thomas Belt (and not by Wendeborn as indicated by Butler) for Osbert Salvin. It represents in all aspects the same species described by Butler two years earlier as Euptychia urania (Butler, 1867: 484-485, pl. 40, fig. 6 [male], type locality Cameta, [Amazonas, Brazil]), whose male syntype as depicted in Warren et al. (2014) bears at its right side the forewing of another but- terfly species, glued in beneath its broken original wing. The attached structure most probably belonged to a male of Papilio cephus Fabricius, 1775 (currently Cepheupty- chia cephus). Thus, this type specimen is a chimaera. The availability of its name is however not affected (art. 17.1, ICZN 1999), and, because of the characters mentioned in its description match the phenotype of the real wings of the left side of the specimen, it could be assumed that most of the animal body that bears the name Euptychia urania Butler represents the same taxon subsequently de- scribed by the same author as Euptychia caerulea, syn. nov. This synonymy, apparently not detected previously (e. g. Forster 1964, Lamas 2004, Brévignon 2008, Nakahara et al. 2018 and Marín et al. 2019), proceeds by the principle of priority of the Code (art. 23, ICZN 1999): the name Euptychia caerulea Butler is a junior synonym of Euptychia urania Butler, therefore invalid.

In a recent paper by Henao-Bañol (2019), the author described Caeruleuptychia sinchi from the Serrania de Chiribiquete at 279 m, Department of Guaviare, Colom- bia, a region that belongs in the greater Amazon region of South America. Both the holotype (upper and underside illustrated, pp. 97, fig. 2) and just one paratype, are females. Their wing pattern matches well with that illustrated by Butler (1869: pl. 3, fig. 2) for female E. caerulea, from the Amazon basin, and it is also similar to, and within the variation of phenotypes of female specimens obtained in the Gran Sabana region of Southern Venezuela and in sev- eral localities of French Guiana (fig. 1). Associated males, captured in the same sites, belong to Caeruleuptychia ura- nia (Butler) (combination established by Forster, 1964: 93, 95). Therefore, under the same principle of priority established in Article 23 of the ICZN (1999), the name Caeruleuptychia sinchi Henao-Bañol, syn. nov. is invalid.

Material examined: see fig. 1.

Homonymy of Euptychia similis Butler, 1867 and

Euptychia similis Henao-Bañol, 2019

The name Euptychia similis, applied by Henao-Bañol (2019) to one recently discovered member of the “auda- cia-clade” of Euptychia Hübner, 1818 (Nakahara et al.

Synonymy and homonymy in two butterfly species


Figure 1. Caeruleuptychia urania (Butler, 1867). a.-f.: Venezuela, Estado Bolívar [Upperside (left), underside (right)]; a. , entre San- ta Elena de Uairén e Ikabarú, 1000 m, 3.IX.2000, A. Orellana & R. Hesterberg leg. (IVIC); b. , San Francisco de Yuruaní, 1200m, 3.IX.2002, Mauro Costa leg.; c. , km 22, Ikabarú, 20.IV.2000, Mauro Costa leg.; d. , La Escalera, km 125, 1400m, 9.IX.2003; e. , Santa Elena, km 23, 18.IV.2000 (MC); f. , Municipio Gran Sabana, San Francisco de Yuruaní, 05° 03’ 21” N; 061° 05’ 54” W, 28-29. VIII.2003, J. Camacho, J. Perozo, A. Orellana & P. Loreto leg. (MALUZ); g. All specimens underside (photo by M. Benmesbah). Left column, Venezuela: 3 , Bolívar, Auyán Tepui, Guayaraca, 1000 m, 11.I.2017, Costa & Benmesbah leg.; Central and right columns, Gu- yane, Saint Jean, M. Benmesbah leg.: [center]: , 20.V.2009; , 03.X.2011; , 02.IX.2011; [right]: , 03.X.2011; , 31.III.2012 (MB).

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2017), is a junior primary homonym of Euptychia similis Butler, 1867. The latter is the type species of Vareuptychia Forster (1964) and, having been excluded in a recent revi- sion of Cissia Doubleday, 1848 (Zacca et al. 2018), it ei- ther continues to be considered a dubious member of this genus (as proposed by Lamas 2004, see Marín et al. 2019) or remains in taxonomic incertae sedis.

At least 13 known species (one undescribed), listed in a contribution by Costa et al. (2019), appear to be closely related to the taxon described by Henao-Bañol. Careful comparison of information presented in a number of sys- tematic works dealing with the members of this group of Euptychia (Butler 1867, Butler & Druce 1872, Weymer 1911, Brévignon 2005, Nakahara et al. 2014, 2015, 2017, Fratello et al. 2015, Henao-Bañol 2019, Costa et al. 2019), indicates that this one should be regarded as a valid spe- cies. Following provisions of the articles 52 (Principle of Homonymy) and 60 (Replacement of junior homonyms) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999), its name is herein replaced by Euptychia efraini, nom. nov. ( org:act: EE6BB5FE-4594-4E5F-BBC3-600FBF6E7F1E)

The new name for this species is dedicated to its discov- erer, Efraín Reinel Henao-Bañol.


I thank Mohamed Benmesbah (Tolouse, France), Án- gel L. Viloria (San Antonio de Los Altos, Venezuela) and Andrew Neild (St Albans, England), for their advice and help, as well as for critically reviewing this note. Their sug- gestions and corrections made to my original draft paper were relevant and fundamental for the improvement of its quality. Mauro Costa (Caracas, Venezuela) and Mohamed Benmesbah have kindly supplied data, protographs and biological specimens to develop the present study. Thanks to my beloved María de los Angeles, for her help in prepar- ing the illustrations for the plate.


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