Leptodactylus fragilis in San Andrés
is study is a preliminary result of the project “¿Cómo
es la vida en un paraíso tropical? Ecología de la herpetofau-
na terrestre de San Andrés, islas del Caribe colombiano”,
which was subscribed as the degree project of MVCA
at Universidad del Magdalena. Collection activities are
supported by framework permit for specimen collection
of the Universidad del Magdalena, granted in resolution
1293 (2014) of the Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Am-
bientales (ANLA). anks to the Abrahams family, Gus-
tavo Baker, and Benigno Yépez for allowing us to conduct
eldwork at their homes. We are grateful to Jairo Medina
and Rafael Mora for their logistic support at the Botani-
cal Garden of San Andrés. Special mentions go to Carlos
Hawkins, Daniela Chaparro, Michelle Navarro, Mauricio
Cabrera, Natalia Uribe, and Benigno Yépes for their led
assistance. anks to Jhulyana López-Caro and Liliana Sa-
boyá-Acosta for her comments on an early version of our
manuscript and perform the Figure 1, respectively. We are
very grateful to Roberto Guerrero Flórez by receiving and
safeguarding the specimens collected during the execution
of this project at the Centro de Colecciones Cientícas
de la Universidad del Magdalena. We nally thank three
anonymous reviewers for helping us to improve a prelimi-
nary version of this note with their valuable suggestions
and corrections.
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