Novitates Agrostologicae, V. Generic mergers in

the tribe Olyreae

José Grande

Facultad de Ciencias, Postgrado en Botánica, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Herbario MERF, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioanálisis, Universidad de los Andes, Núcleo campo de Oro, Código Postal 5101, Mérida, Venezuela


Tribe Olyreae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), a predominantly American taxon known commonly as “herbaceous bamboos”, shows remarkable inconsistencies in its present generic classification. To further contribute in the proper delimitation of its constituent genera, and based upon an extensive morphological analysis plus bibliographic revision, species previously included in Olyra L. group Ciliatifolia are transferred to Agnesia Zuloaga & Judz., and species previously included in O. group Glaberrima to Arberella Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón. The genera Parodiolyra Soderstr. & Zuloaga and Sucrea Soderstr. are synonymized under Raddiella Swallen and Ra- ddia Bertol., respectively. In total, 19 new specific combinations, two generic and two infrageneric synonyms, plus four generic emendations (with emended Latin diagnoses), are proposed. Formal infrageneric taxa of Olyra are lectotypified, and its modern generic equivalents are established for the first time. Importance of in- florescence structure in taxonomic delimitation within the tribe is amply discussed. Direct Phylogentic Argumentation (DPA) is proposed as a new method for inferring phylogenies.

Key words: Direct Phylogentic Argumentation (DPA); emended diagno- ses; generic mergers; Maximum Synapomorphy (MS); new combinations; Olyra; Olyreae.

Recibido / Received: 23-09-2015 ~ Aceptado / Accepted: 15-03-2016

Novitates Agrostologicae, V. Rearreglos genéricos en

la tribu Olyreae


La tribu Olyreae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), un taxón predominantemente americano que agrupa a los denominados “bambúes herbáceos”, muestra notables inconsistencias en su clasificación a nivel genérico. Con el objeto de contribuir en la adecuada delimitación de sus géneros, y tomando como base un extenso análisis morfológico y la revisión de la literatura pertinente, las especies previamente incluidas en Olyra L. grupo Ciliatifolia son transferidas a Agnesia Zuloaga & Judz., aquellas que hasta ahora han sido asignadas a O. grupo Glaberrima a Arberella Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón, y los géneros Parodiolyra Soderstr. & Zuloaga y Sucrea Soderstr. son sinonimizados bajo Raddiella Swallen y Raddia Bertol., respectivamente. En total, se proponen 19 combinaciones nuevas a nivel de especie, dos nuevos sinónimos genéricos y dos nuevos sinónimos infragenéricos, mientras que cuatro de los géneros tratados son enmendados a través de una nueva diagnosis latina. Los taxones infragenéricos de Olyra que han sido válidamente publicados son lectotipificados, y se establecen por primera vez sus respectivos equivalentes genéricos. La importancia de la estructura de la inflorescencia en la delimitación taxonómica de los géneros de la tribu es discutida de manera amplia. Se propone a la Argumentación Filogenética Directa (AFD) como un nuevo método para la inferencia de filogenias.

Palabras clave: Argumentación Filogenética Directa (AFD); combinaciones nuevas; diagnosis emendadas; Máxima Sinapomorfía (MS); Olyra; Olyreae; rearreglos genéricos.


Tribe Olyreae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) is a predominantly American taxon known commonly as “herbaceous bamboos” (after Calderón and Soderstrom 1980, who also included in this category the Old World Puelia Franch., of tribe Arundinarieae, and some basal grasses at present excluded from subfamily Bambusoideae), which is characterized by unisexual spikelets (generally in monoecious inflorescences), low habit, and short life cycle. The tribe has been amply corroborated as monophyletic, with currently accepted classifications placing this group within subfamily Bambusoideae (e.g., Clark et al. 1995, GPWG 2001, Judziewicz and Clark 2007, Kelchner and BPG 2013). Despite this, a

considerable number of genera are fairly artificial, with much variability in both vegetative and reproductive characters (cf. Judziewicz et al. 1999, Grande 2009 and 2015). Diagnostic characters include absence of external ligules and an iteroparous (rarely semelparous) mode of reproduction, with sexes separated into two distinct types of spikelets (namely, male and female spikelets). Classifications in vogue include three subtribes (viz. Buergersiochloinae, Olyrinae and Parianinae; Judziewicz and Clark 2007, Kelchner and BPG 2013).

In the course of a revision of the entire tribe, some inconsistencies were found in the use of certain characters as either diagnostic or putative synapomorphic. Despite an important number of molecular (e.g., Clark et al. 1995, GPWG 2001, Kelchner and BPG 2013, using DNA sequences from GBSSI [or waxy], matK, ndhF, rbcL, rpoC2, phyB, and trnL-trnF genes, ITS, ITS2, atpB-rbcL, trnD-trnT and trnT- trnL spacers, and trnL, trnK/matK, rpl16 and rps16 introns), morphoanatomical (Kellog and Watson 1993, mainly exomorphological), and mixed (Soreng and Davis 1998) cladistic studies, delimitation and relationships of species groupings are still unsatisfactory in an important number of cases.

Ever since Döll (1877) proposed his infrageneric classification of Olyra L. (the only genus in the tribe recognized by him) there has been a propensity to classify according to inflorescence structure; the names of his sections, in fact, could be translated literally as “with both sexes at the apex” (O. sect. Acrandrogyne Döll), “with both sexes along axils” (O. sect. Pleurandrogyne Döll) and “otherwise arranged”(O. sect. Heterogenicae Döll). As statedbythe late Thomas R. Soderstrom, one of the foremost scholars in the Olyreae “In this tribe the arrangement of spikelets in the inflorescence and disposition of the inflorescences within the plant provide the basic criteria by which genera may be distinguished” (Soderstrom 1980: 495). Regrettably, this complex character shows many transitional forms even within single species (e.g., Olyra ciliatifolia Raddi, O. micrantha Kunth, O. obliquifolia Steud., Raddia soderstromii R.P. Oliveira, L.G. Clark & Judz. and Raddiella kaieteurana Soderstr.) and, like habit, minor female anthecium ornamentation (including pattern of distribution, but not type of excavations) and pattern of distribution of male/female spikelets along partial inflorescences, constitutes a very variable character of limited taxonomic use. Inflorescence structure, however, has been scarcely studied (most notably by Calderón and Soderstrom (1973), with the assistance of the late eminent plant morphologist Wilhelm Troll), and, as a consequence, taxonomic decisions are uncertain when based solely on it. When properly studied, however, it could serve also as a source of systematic evidence. As an example, is the postulated relationship between Lithachne P. Beauv. and Arberella Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón, that in recent cladistic works appear as closely related. This relationship was first noted by Soderstrom & Calderón (1979), based on the similar pattern of ramification of the synflorescences, and are further supported by the presence of “thick hairs” toward the base of the palea in female anthecia of one of the species of Lithachne (viz. the Cuban endemic L. pineti (Wright ex Griseb.) Hitchc.; cf. Chase 1935).

Some of Olyra’s informal groups (proposed by Judziewicz and Zuloaga 1992, and Grande 2015), in fact, could be considered as different as any other genus in the tribe, and are maintained within Olyra on the sole basis of a rather arbitrary combination of characters that heavily rely on inflorescence structure (cf. Grande 2015). The formal system of infrageneric taxa established for Olyra (Döll 1877), is perhaps even more artificial, and is reduced to synonymy in the present revision. The observed variability, only when related to more conserved features, like major ornamentation features of female anthecium (especially hair type), shape and size of female anthecium, morphology of lodicules, type of hilum, pattern of ramification of the inflorescence axes, shape of female pedicels, and, apparently, also some anatomical characters (cf. de Oliveira et al. 2008b, Jesus Junior et al. 2012, Judziewicz and Sepsenwol 2007, Renvoize 1985, Vieira et al. 2002, Zuloaga et al. 1993), and chromosome numbers (as yet to be elucidated for a significant number of non-studied species; for a complete list of published counts see the literature cited in Soderstrom and Zuloaga 1989) could be considered of taxonomic value. Molecular studies, although promising, are still insufficient and based upon a low number of taxa, individuals and/or genes (after the criteria of Petersen et al. 2011) or produce disparate results when based upon different sequences (cf. de Oliveira et al. 2014). In a previous contribution (Grande 2015) some genera and generic groupings are compared based upon putative shared apomorphies; since the submission of that contribution (on may 2012), however, significant progress has been made on the comparative morphology of the group, corroborating previous hypotheses (i.e., those in Soderstrom and Zuloaga 1989, Judziewicz and Zuloaga 1992, and Grande 2011, 2015). As a result, the transfers proposed in the present revision are in order.

Some groups, especially within Olyra, deserve further study before proper generic ascription may be fully accomplished. Possible systematic relationships within the tribe are especially interesting, but have received very little or no attention. These include the species with florets (=anthecia) generally membranous to cartilaginous, conspicuously covered by macrohairs, and more or less apiculate toward the apex (hitherto included within Agnesia Zuloaga & Judz., Olyra group Ciliatifolia, Piresia Swallen and Piresiella Judz., Zuloaga & Morrone), those with male spikelets more or less surrounding female spikelets, and with a corresponding characteristic synflorescence arrangement (viz. Froesiochloa G.A. Black, Maclurolyra C.E. Caderón & Soderstr, and Rehia Fijten, also with female anthecia covered by cylindrical macrohairs), the remarkably similar inflorescence structure of the Cuban endemics, especially in Mniochloa Chase and Ekmanochloa Hitchc. (cf. Zuloaga et al. 1993), and the proper delimitation of taxonomically difficult taxa, like remaining Olyra and Pariana Aubl. (this last genus paraphyletic, even excluding the recent segregate Parianella Hollowell, F.M. Ferreira & R.P. Oliveira).

The principal aim of this revision is to validly publish some combinations first suggested in part III of the series (Grande 2015: 19). Four generic concepts are, as a consequence, emended.

Materials and methods

Plant material

Herbarium specimens of tribe Olyreae were examined under magnification and carefully dissected only when needed. In addition to the herbaria cited in the no- menclatural paragraphs, the following herbaria were examined: CAR, CICY, CORO, CTES, GUYN, HERZU, MER, MERC, MERF, MY, MYF, UCOB, and UOJ (acronyms after

Thiers s.d.). For a limited number of taxa (viz. Lithachne pauciflora (Sw.) P. Beauv., Olyra latifolia L., O. longifolia Kunth, O. standleyi Hitchc., Pariana radiciflora Sagot ex Döll s.l., Raddia guianensis (Brogn.) Hitchc., Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E. Calderón & Soderstr., and O. micrantha Kunth), fresh material was also available.

Phylogeny reconstruction, morphological analyses and taxonomy

Standard procedures were followed to examine both fresh and herbarium ma- terial (this last including only exsiccatae; cf. Radford et al. 1974). Morphoanatomi- cal characters generally follow the terminology of Calderón and Soderstrom (1973, 1980). Phenotypic characters and character states available both from specimens and literature were considered a priori as putative apomorphies when shared by a set of species. Of all possible cladograms, that with the maximum number of synapomorphic characters and charcater states was selected; in an hypothetical case where two or more trees show the same number of synapomorphic, that (or those) with a greater (assumed) transitional character states in the corresponding tranformation series was (or were) selected; if several trees are equally eligible, the tree to be selected should be the strict consensus of all of them, suggesting further study with additional characters. This procedure of relative ranking can be seen as a practical parsimony approach to the Comparative Holomorphological Method (Hennig 1966: 84-133), and is here coined as “Direct Phylogentic Argumen- tation” (DPA). In contrast with classical parsimony approaches, where evolutio- nary transitions are a priori minimized, in DPA the distribution of shared characters is assumed, after an appropriate comparative analysis, to be maximal; this leads to “Maximum Synapomorphy” (MS) instead of “Maximum Parsimony” (MP) trees. Although here implemented as “manual” (i.e., by the “checking and rechecking” approach, as in classical hennigian argumentation), this method could be further developed with the aid of an explicit (computer-aided) algorithm, at least for the MS statement. In order to prevent a classification based on homoplasies, charac- ters that clearly shows a convergent or parallel nature (e.g., disposition of sexes in the inflorescences cross the genera of the Olyrinae) or are assumed as plesiomor- phous (e.g., conjugate condition of the inflorescences, also in the Olyrinae) could

be a priori excluded, leading to a charcater matrix with only putative apomorphies. As was shown by Hennig (1966: 120-122), apomorphies are to be considered as evidence of kinship, when shared by a set of taxa, in the absence of additional evidence (the so-called “auxilliary principle” of Hennig 1966: 121). If all considered charcaters are assumed as apomorphies, then, the MS statement can be seen as a generalization of the auxilliary principle. In the particular case of the present revision, however, resulting classifications do not change even with the inclusion of the putative homoplasies in the phylogenetic analysis. The only way DPA could be incorrect, in fact, is that congruence based on convergences and parallelisms (known also as homoiologies; collectively known as homoplasies), and even ple- siomorphies are greater than that based on apomorphies, which is clearly a very improbable scenario (cf. Hennig 1966: 88-95, and references cited therein). For relative ranking, those clades with the maximum number of synapomorphies in the resulting classification were selected as appropriate taxa; thus, for example, if clade A, comprising species a, b and c, and with autapomorphy 1 shares with clade B, with species d, e and f and autapomorphy 2, synapomorphies 3 and 4, one genus comprising both clades is selected instead of erecting two different genera (i.e., not necessarily one genus for each subclade). As an example of putative transitio- nal character states and their application to tree inference it can be cited the distri- bution of sexes in inflorescences of Buergersiochloinae (basally male and apically female) vs. Olyrinae (complex), with intermediate Parianinae (male spikelets sub- tending 0-2 female spikelets in an essentially equivalent way of that of the highly plesiomorphic Diandrolyra Stapf [codified as character state “3” in Figure 1]). For absolute ranking determination it is assumed a more or less synchronous time of origin (as in Hennig 1966: 154-193).

Since relationships between several optimal species’ clusters or “genera” (ob- tained as described above) are as yet poorly understood (i.e., it is not clear which characters are in an apomorphous condition), explicit phylogenetic relationships are omitted for a significant number of currently recognized “genera” in the Olyri- nae; all of them are included within the “rest of the Olyrinae” clade. Autapomor- phies and shared characters considered as either homoplasies or symplesiomor- phies are not shown in the resulting tree (Figure 1), but are discussed in some detail through the text.


Nomenclature follows the Melbourne code rules (McNeill et al. 2012). Names are listed alphabetically. Only nomenclatural novelties are considered, and these include basionyms, homotypic synonyms, nomenclatural status and protologue’s

information. Citation of the exsiccatae include the herbarium registration number accompanying the corresponding barcode (when present, but deleting the extra zeros placed to the left side). In cases where barcoding is absent, present but wi- thout an accompanying number (as in exsiccatae from MO), or reference to the original registration number is needed, registration number is offered (when pre- sent), but with an hyphen connecting it to the herbarium acronym.

Only validly published names are considered, although comments for those that are only effectively published, including the informal groups of Olyra of Ju- dziewicz and Zuloaga (1992) and Grande (2015), are also offered. For a complete list of synonyms, the reader is referred to Judziewicz et al. (2000), and for detailed geographical distribution and descriptions, to the general works of Judziewicz et al. (1999) and Ohrnberger (1999), revisions of Soderstrom (1981), Soderstrom and Zuloaga (1989) and Zuloaga and Judziewicz (1991), as well as protologues of the thereafter described species. For each accepted genus, its etymology is provided.

Emendation of generic concepts are explicitly indicated by the Latin phrase hic emendatus, -a, -um (=here emended), abbreviated as “hic emend.”. Emendation is effected to stand out the newly proposed circumscriptions, and do not imply type exclusion or lectotypification (i.e., as defined in McNeill et al. 2012, and Turland 2013). Emended diagnoses are offered in Latin, since this is the language in which the diagnostic phrases of the four genera here emended were originally published.

Results and discussion

After a thorough revision of plant material and literature, several taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties are needed. The new proposed circumscriptions are included below each taxon heading; relevant characters and a discussion on their relationships with nearby groups are also included. A phylogenetic MS cladogram, summarizing gross relationships within tribe Olyreae is shown in Figure 1. Subtribe Buergersiochloinae, restricted to Papuasia and constituted by one genus (Buerger- siochloa Pilg.) and two species, could be easily differentiated by the inflorescences, consisting of two distinct clusters of dimorphic spikelets, the lower cluster conspi- cuously ramified and strictly male, the upper scarcely ramified and predominantly female; androecium is similar to that of Froesiochloa (core Olyrinae), with both basally fused filaments and more or less basally free thecae, lemmas are long-aw- ned (like in Ekmanochloa, but in this last genus only female lemmas are awned) and, like in core Olyrinae male glumes are extremely reduced. Subtribe Pariani- nae, strictly neotropical, is characterized by the spiciform inflorescences, made up (at least apically) of one to several articles, which are deciduous or not. The Parianinae’s articles (also known as gynecandrous whorls) consist of a central (ra-

rely none or two) female spikelet surrounded by a whorl of several male spikelets, the female spikelets sometimes consistently absent from the lower articles. The male spikelets are highly reduced, and subtended by conspicuously developed la- minar pedicels, just with a pair of stamens (rarely three) in Pariana multiflora R.P. Oliveira, Longhi-Wagner & Hollowell, Parianella and Eremitis Döll, which are geo- graphically restricted to the Atlantic forests of eastern Brazil, vs. male spikelets conspicuously developed and with 6-40 stamens in Pariana, an Amazonian as well as a circumcaribbaean genus. Differences between these four taxa are very clear, and current phylogenetic hypotheses highly support their monophyly. Currently, however, genus Pariana is paraphyletic, because of the inclusion of P. multiflora and P. parvispica R.W. Pohl; segregation of these species into one, or even two new genera is highly advisable, but it will not be done here, since their systematic position is a matter of a work, yet to be published, of Fabrício Ferreira (Ferreira et al. 2013). Subtribe Olyrinae have no apparent synapomorphies, the characters that readily differentiate it from the Parianinae are symplesiomorphies shared with the Buergersiochloinae. Excavations in the female anthecium could be hypothesized as a synapomorphy for this subtribe, but their presence in Parianinae and Buerger- siochloinae are as yet to be elucidated. Raddiella and Diandrolyra are differentiated from core Olyrinae by the female spikelets generally falling entire, with two points of disarticulation, one above and other below glumes (vs. female glumes persis- tent, with just one point of disarticulation, above glumes), male glumes more or less developed (vs. male glumes absent), female pedicels not expanded at apex (vs. female pedicels expanded at apex, female spikelets with a basal callus formed by the fusion of the basal portion of the glumes (vs. basal callus absent), and basic chromosome number x=9,10 or their multiples (vs. x=11, exceptionally x=7 or x=12, or their multiples). Within core Olyrinae are included Olyra group Latifolia (which include O. latifolia, the type of genus Olyra and subtribe Olyrinae), remaining three genera emended in the present revision (viz. Agnesia, Arberella and Raddia Ber- tol.) and Lithachne. Additional taxa shown in Figure 1 include the Cuban endemics Ekmanochloa and Mniochloa; these two genera share with Piresiella the inflores- cence type (simply jugate, either branch with only female or only male spikelets), but in this last genus, female anthecia are strikingly different (conspicuously co- vered by cylindrical macrohairs and with the apex of the lemma apiculate), while epidermal cells (at least abaxially) are simply lobed (vs. conspicuously bilobed to two-toothed), and conspicuous fusoid cells, or their respective lacunae, are pre- sent at both sides of the vascular bundles (cf. Zuloaga et al. 1993). Reduced glumes in Ekmanochloa subaphylla Hitchc. suggest parallel evolution with Mniochloa, also from limestone cliffs of eastern Cuba. Remaining genera within core Olyrinae were not resolved, and are included within the “rest of the Olyrinae” clade in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Maximum Synapomorphy (MS) tree showing relationships between sub- tribes, genera and species groups in the tribe Olyreae, based on morphological characters, and following Direct Phylogentic Argumentation (DPA); the arrow shows the core Olyrinae; numbers with apostrophes indicate alternative (derived) states of the characters; 1: Unisexual spikelets; 2: reduction of male glumes (ra- rely reaching a half of the total length of the spikelet); 3: male and female spi- kelets conjugate (3': male and female spikelets remote, forming distinct clusters); 4: spikelets in gynecandrous whorls (4': female spikelets to the top of branches, generally subtended by male spikelets); 5: male spikelets highly reduced (5': male spikelets slightly reduced); 6: male pedicels conspicuous and laminar (6': male pe- dicels reduced and not laminar); 7: male spikelets with just one pair of stamens (rarely three stamens; 7': stamens 6 to 40 per spikelet); 8: basal whorls strictly male; 9: lunar marks (two paired scars at the apex of sheaths); 10: female spikelets generally falling entire, with two points of disarticulation, one above and other be- low glumes (10': female glumes persistent [female spikelets with just one point of disarticulation, above glumes]); 11: male glumes more or less developed (11': male glumes absent); 12: female pedicels not expanded at apex (12': female pedicels expanded at apex); 13: basal callus absent (13': female spikelets with a basal callus formed by the fusion of the basal portion of the glumes); 14: basic chromosome number x=9,10 or their multiples (14': x=11, exceptionally x=7 [Olyra fasciculata, fide Calderón and Soderstrom 1973] or x=12 [one specimen of Arberella costari- censis fide Reeder et al. 1969], or their multiples); 15: culm calluses; 16: pseudope-

tiole swellings; 17: male spikelets early deciduous; 18: anthecia with conspicuous flattened macrohairs (generally absent in Lithachne); 19: inflorescence type (sensu Soderstrom and Calderón 1979); 20: knoblike processes at both base and apex of pseudopetioles; 21: inflorescences jugate (i.e., one male raceme and one female raceme arising at the apex of the peduncle; this character is shared with Piresie- lla, also a Cuban endemic); 22: abaxial epidermal cells conspicuously bilobed to two-toothed. For generic autapomorphies see the general text.

1. Agnesia Zuloaga & Judz., Novon 3(3): 306-307. 1993, hic emend. Typus: Oly- ra lancifolia Mez, Mez, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 45. 1917 (A. lancifolia (Mez) Zuloaga & Judz.).

Secundum circunscriptionem hic propositam, species Agnesiae habitu herba- ceo, perenni et humili, culmis haud ramificatis, inflorescentiis paniculatis spiculis femineis apicalibus, masculis basalibus, rariter unisexualibus, antheciis femineis fusiformibus pilis cilindraceis aliquantum reductis, et parvis aculeis (praesertim ad apicem) conspicue obtectis, rite distinguenda ab omnibus generibus tribus Olyre- ae. Anthecia feminea inmatura membranacea, cartilaginea in maturitate. Spiculae masculae conspicue minores quam femineae, valde variabiles in speciebus.

Etymology and distribution

The genus Agnesia was named “in honor of Agnes Chase (1869-1963), outstand- ing American agrostologist and author of a monumentally complete and useful index of published grass names (Chase & Niles, 1962)” (Zuloaga and Judziewicz 1993); an alternative version of this etymology, also referring to the eminent agrostologist Mrs. Chase is offered in Judziewicz et al. (1993).Including the new combinations, Agnesia inhabits forested ecosystems of tropical South America, excluding the Andes, from near sea level to 1200 m a.s.l. Agnesia ciliatifolia (Raddi)

J.R. Grande is the most widespread species, generally growing in semideciduous forests life zones, including disturbed sites. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela.

1a. Agnesia amapana (Soderstr. & Zuloaga) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra amap- ana Soderstr. & Zuloaga, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 69: 5–8, f. 1–2, 15. 1989. Typus: Brazil: Amapá: Rio Aguari, vicinity Camp 13, 1º45’ N, 52ºW, in shadow of upland for- est, 06 X 1961, J.M. Pires,W. Rodrigues & G.C. Irvine 51536 (holotypus: IAN; isotypi: K 433337!, NY 381530!, U 2307!, US 153826!, US 153827!).

1b. Agnesia bahiensis (R.P. Oliveira & Longhi-Wagner) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra bahiensis R.P. Oliveira & Longhi-Wagner, Revista Brasil. Bot. 28(4): 835-836, f.

  1. 2005. Typus: Brazil: Bahia: Una, km 15.6 da rodovia São José/Una, 10 km SE até São José, 21 II 1986, T.S.dos Santos & E.J. Judziewicz 4113 (holotypus: CEPEC, isotypus: US).

    1c. Agnesia ciliatifolia (Raddi) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra ciliatifolia Raddi, Agrostr. Bras. 19-20 (Atti R. Accad. Lucchese Sei, Lett., ed. Arti 2: 345). 1823. Lec- totypus (designated by Judziewicz, E.J., 2000, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 39: 83, as “HT”, but correctable to “lectotype” according to Artt. 7.10 and 9.9). Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: “Invenitur in saltibus montosis, et sepibus prope Rio-Janeiro, nec non in Montibus estrell.” [as in the protologue], G. Raddi s.n. (PI (photo in US 132859!); isolectotypi: BAA 2281! (fragm. ex FI), FI 4593!, G 99443!, US 132859 (=US-2879005!,

    fragm. ex PI [erroneously published as “FI” in Judziewicz (2000)]).

    For technical details on the lectotypification process of this species, the reader is referred to part VI of the series (Grande, in prep.).

    1d. Agnesia jubata (J.R. Grande) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra jubata J.R. Gran- de, Novon 24(1): 16, f. 1. 2015. Typus: Peru: Loreto: Prov. Maynas, Yanomono, Ex- plorama Tourist Camp, betw. Indiana & mouth of Rıo Napo, non-inundated forest on lateritic soil, 3° 28’ S, 72° 48’ W, 130 m a.s.l., 18 II 1981, A.Gentry, K.Young, R. Vás- quez, S.Libenson, M. Olson & N. Jaramillo 31405 (holotypus, VEN-276963!; isotypi: F, MO-3334157, US-3125868, USM, AMAZ).

    1e. Agnesia juruana (Mez) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra juruana Mez, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 7(63): 45. 1917. Typus: Brazil: Amazonas: ad flumen Jurua prope Minas Geraes, 25 IV 1901, E. Ule 5469 (holotypus: B 10 0249098!; isotypus: US 132874! (fragm. ex B)).

    1f. Agnesia loretensis (Mez) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra loretensis Mez, Notiz- bl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 7(63): 47. 1917. Typus: Peru: Loreto: prope Leticia in silvis, VI 1902, E. Ule 6224 (holotypus: B 10 0249091!; isotypi: G 99439!, K 433345!, MG 6095!, US 132876! (fragm. ex B)).

    When describing Agnesia, Zuloaga and Judziewicz (1993) considered this ge- nus as realted (but distinct) to Arberella by the inflorescences with a single (rare- ly several) solitary female spikelets over clavate pedicels and densely silky-hairy female anthecia, and similar to some species of Olyra group Ciliatifolia (viz. Oly- ra amapana Soderstr. & Zuloaga and O. juruana Mez) by the presence of 1-10 in- florescences at the uppermost nodes, subequal female glumes and, once again, silky-hairy female anthecia, especially O. amapana, with which Agnesia lanicfolia (Mez) Zuloaga & Judz. (then the only species in the genus), shares inflorescences with solitary (rarely 2-4 [-6 fide Grande 2009]) terminal female spikelets. Arberella, however, can be easily differentiated from Agnesia by the anthecia with conspic- uous flattened macrohairs, inflorescence type and the knoblike processes at both base and apex of pseudopetioles (Figure 1). The only consistent characters that differentiate Agnesia s.s. from Olyra group Ciliatifolia are the relatively narrow leaf blades, and glumes of the female spikelets with a relatively reduced number of veins (five veins plus an additional pair toward the apex in the lower glume, three veins in the upper glume); additional characters cited by Zuloaga and Judziewicz (1993), viz. the more or less strongly asymmetrical leaf blade bases and awnless

    female florets, are either associated to morphological constraints (blades in fact are also asymmetrical, but in the bases they are too narrow to clearly show this character) or are rather variable (cf. subgroups of O. group Ciliatifolia in Grande 2009 and 2015, based on the presence/absence of awns). Within Agnesia s.l. (i.e., including Agnesia s.s. and Olyra group Ciliatifolia), A. loretensis is the most diver- gent species, with bladeless flowering culms, and pseudopetioles with adaxial as well abaxial swellings.

    Species of Agnesia are characterized, as circumscribed in the present revision, by the herbaceous perennial habit, no ramified shoots, short size of the plants, and presence of fusiform female anthecia, conspicuously covered by cylindrical mac- rohairs, some of them reduced to small aculei, especially toward the apex. Female anthecia of Agnesia are membranous in immature spikelets, turning cartilaginous when the caryopsis is fully developed. Male spikelets are considerably smaller than in females, and quite variable between species. Species of Agnesia included in Oly- ra group Ciliatifolia in Grande (2015) shares with Arberella and Lithachne the so- called “culm calluses” of Judziewicz & Zuloaga (1992), pseudostipule’ swellings (highly variable between species), male spikelets early deciduous and (generally) unramified low habit. Agnesia can be differentiated, however, by the female anth- ecia characters cited above (vid. supra). Depending on the degree of development of the female spikelets, the anthecia could be considered as either membranous (immature; Grande 2015) or cartilaginous (fully mature; Grande 2009).

    Only one additional species is known from this genus (viz. Agnesia lancifolia, its type species). One variant of that species, growing in Pará, shows markedly nar- rowed leaves, and could deserve taxonomic recognition, but additional material is needed (cf. Zuloaga and Judziewicz 1993).

  2. Arberella Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón, Brittonia 31(4): 433. 1979, hic emend. Ty- pus: Arberella dressleri Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón, Brittonia 31(4): 433. 1979.

    Olyra sect. Pleurandrogyne Döll, Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 326. 1877, syn. nov. Lec- totypus (hic designatus): Olyra flaccida Döll, Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 326. 1877.

    Species generis Arberellae a reliquis tribus generibus distinguendae: culmis her- baceis callis rotundis ad apicem internodorum, inflorescentiis monoecis ad nodos superiores (aliquando ad nodos medios et/vel basales); glumis femineis magis mi- nusve paucinervatis (5-7(-8-11)-nervatis in Arberella, (5-)7-15-nervatis in Olyra s.s.), antheciis femineis fusiformibus pilis complanatis secus margines donatis, basibus apicibusque lemmatis paleaeque aliquando apice absentibus (in Olyra davidseana Judz. & Zuloaga ad basin restrictis) dispositis, spiculis masculis femineisque sub- aequalibus sed conspicue dimorphicis; spiculis femineis ad apicem inflorescentiae; spiculis masculis ad basin restrictis.

    “The generic name commemorates the eminent English plant morphologist, Agnes Arber (1879-1960), whose extensive studies of grasses, including bamboos, earn her a special place in agrostology” (Soderstrom and Calderón 1979). Not to be treated as a homonym of Arberiella D.D. Pant & Nautiyal by a recommendation of the Spermatophyta Committee of Nomenclature (Brummitt, 2001: 568). Neo- tropics, from Yucatán peninsula and San Luis Potosí (Mexico) to northern Argenti- na (Corrientes and Misiones).

    2a. Arberella davidseana (Judz. & Zuloaga) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra davidseana Judz. & Zuloaga, Syst. Bot. 17(1): 25, f. 1. 1992. Typus: Brazil: Pará: km 100 on Belém-Brasília highway, forest, 14 VIII 1964, G.T. Prance & N.T. Sil- va 58735 (holotypus: IAN; isotypi: K 433341!, MO 2230030!, MO 2780048!,

    NY743590!, NY 743589!, US 290907!).

    2b. Arberella glaberrima (Raddi) J.R. Grande, comb. nov.Olyra gaberrima Rad- di,Agrostogr. Bras. 19. 1823. Lectotypus (designated by Baldini & Longhi Wagner, Taxon 55(2): 470. 2006): Brazil: “in monte Corcovado prope Rio de Janeirolocis um- brosis humidis” (as in the W’s isolectotype), G. Raddi s.n.(PI [photo in US 132870]!; isolectotypus: BAA 2282! (fragm. ex FI), FI 4620!, US 132870!, W 1904-001337!).

    2c. Arberella humilis (Nees) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra humilis Nees, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl.2(1): 304-306. 1829. Lecotypus (designated, as holotype, by Soderstrom & Zuloaga, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 69: 24. 1989): Brazil: Habitat ad ripas Taquari flumi- nis, 12 IX 1823, F. Sellow s.n. (B10 0249099!; isolectotypus: US 132872! (fragm. ex B)).

    2d. Arberella maranonensis (Swallen) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra maranonen- sis Swallen, Phytologia 14(2): 86. 1966. Typus: Peru: Amazonas: valley of the Río Ma- rañón near Cascadas de Mayasi, in rainforest on ridge crest of Quebrada Chuiva, 500-550 m a.s.l., 20 IX 1962,J.J.Wurdack 1936 (holotypus: US 132844!).

    Species of Arberella, as here defined, are characterized by presence of cons- picuous and rounded calluses toward the apex of the culm internodes, several (monoecious) inflorescences at the uppermost nodes (sometimes also present at the medial nodes), female glumes more or less paucinerved (5-7(-8-11) nerved in Arberella vs. (5-)7-15 nerved in Olyra s.s.), female anthecia fusiform, with flattened hairs distributed along the margins, base and apex of the lemma and the palea (sometimes absent in the apex of the anthecium; the pubescence of A. davidseana (Judz. & Zuloaga) J.R. Grande restricted to the base), female and male spikelets of similar size, but markedly dimorphic (female spikelets toward the apex of the inflorescence, subtended by pedicels conspicuously thickened apically, male spi- kelets subtended by filiform pedicels, restricted toward the base), and hilum li- near, as long as the caryopsis.

    As stressed recently by Grande (2015) members of Arberella s.s. share with Olyra group Glaberrima a characteristic type of flattened macrohair in the female anthecium; this last group has been considered distinct from Arberella only for the minor habit and a tendency to produce inflorescences toward the middle of the plant (instead of only toward the apex), both characters very variable within the subtribe. In this work, the four species of such informal group are merged with Arberella. Results of de Oliveira et al. (2014) corroborates monophyly of Arberella

    s.l. (i.e., as here defined). The so-called “culm calluses” of Judziewicz and Zuloa- ga (1992) are present (but reduced) in several species of Agnesia and Lithachne, as well as in Cryptochloa dressleri Soderstr., Piresia leptophylla Soderstr. and Olyra filiformis Trin.; their presence in only one species of these last three genera could indicate convergence rather than homology.

    Remaining species in the genus are: Arberella bahiensis Soderstr. & Zuloa- ga, Arberella costaricensis (Hitchc.) Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón, Arberella dressleri Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón, Arberella flaccida (Döll) Soderstr. & C.E. Calderón, Ar- berella grayumii Davidse, Arberella lancifolia Soderstr. & Zuloaga, and Arberella venezuelae Judz. & Davidse.

  3. Olyra L., Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 2: 1253, 1261, 1379. 1759. TypUS: Olyra latifolia L., Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 2: 1261. 1759.

    Mapira Adans., Fam. Pl. 2: 39, 574. 1763, nom. illeg. superfl.

    Diagnostic characters as for core Olyrinae (i.e., genera in subtribe Olyrinae in Judziewicz et al. 1999, except Raddiella and Diandrolyra; see Figure 1). Its mem- bers share a somewhat robust habit as well as monoecious and terminal (rarely also axillary) inflorescences (cf. Judziewicz et al. 1999), and include Olyra latifolia, the type of the tribe. Despite recent segregation of a part of its original members (Soderstrom and Calderón 1979; Soderstrom 1981; Soderstrom and Zuloaga 1989; Zuloaga and Judziewicz 1993), this genus is still highly polymorphic, and in need of a thorough systematic study. When completed, recognition of additional seg- regates is expected. Although an infrageneric subdivision would be desirable at present, traditional (and validly published) infrageneric taxa do not reflect remain- ing heterogeneity; the proposed sections, in fact, correspond to already described generic concepts, and two of them are here synonymized (viz., Olyra sect. Heter- ogenicae and O. sect. Pleurandrogyne); remaining two represent either a superflu- ous name (O. sect. Acrandrogyne) or a previously synonymized name (viz., O. sect. Lithachne (P. Beauv.) Rchb., under Lithachne). Although in their protologues the term “sectio” or its abbreviaton is not accompanying these names, they can be as- sociated to sections according to Art. 37.5; that term, in fact, is directly associated to them in general text of the same volume (e.g., in p. 326). Olyra ecaudata Döll and O. pineti Wright ex Griseb. were treated by Döll (1877) as independent species.

    According to Judziewicz et al.(1999) Olyra means [in classical greek] “a lily”, though Linnaeus did not publish its etymology when describing the genus (Lin- naeus 1759); this name is also applied to a fish genus described later, in the order Siluriformes (viz. Olyra McClelland, 1842), which is also validly published (more pro- perly “available”), because the governance of plant names is independent of that of the animals (Principle I of the preamble, and Art. 54 of McNeill et al. 2012). Its species distributes along the Neotropics, from Florida (not recently collected) and Mexico to northern Argentina (Salta, Corrientes and Misiones); Olyra latifolia L. is also present in western Paleotropics, including tropical Africa, Madagascar and Comoro Islands (just between these two landmasses). For an etymology of the sections proposed by Döll (1877), see the second paragraph of the introductory notes of the present revision.

    3a. Olyra sect. Acrandrogynae Döll, Fl. Bras. (Mart.) 2(2): 315. 1877, nom. illeg. superfl. (Art. 52.1, because include the type of the genus and, thence, the automat- ically established O. L. sect. Olyra).

    Included within this section were species here considered as part of Arberella s.l., Cryptochloa Swallen, Olyra, Piresia and Raddiella Swallen s.l. Originally included species are: Olyra latifolia L., O. cordifolia Willd. (=O. latifolia), O.scabra Nees (=O. latifolia), O. capillata Trin. (�Cryptochloa capillata (Trin.) Soderstr.), O. ramosissima Trin. (=Raddiella), O. sarmentosa Döll (=Raddiella lateralis), O. glaberrima Raddi (=Arberella), O. semiovata Trin. (=A. glaberrima), O. humilis Nees (=Arberella), O. ci- liatifolia Raddi, O. sympodica Döll (�Piresia sympodica (Döll) Swallen), O. micrantha Kunth (=Raddiella), O. fasciculata Trin., O. longifolia Kunth and O. filiformis.

    3b. Olyra sect. Heterogenicae Döll, Fl. Bras. (Mart.) 2(2): 327. 1877. Lectotypus (hic designatus): Olyra polypodioides Trin., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 3, 1(2-3): 117. 1834 (=Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Ness) Chase).

    This section, as defined by its author, include Raddiella and Raddia, and it is syn- onymized in the present revision under Raddia (vid. infra). Species included by Döll (1877) are: Olyra polypodioides Trin. (=Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Nees) Cha- se), O. floribunda Raddi (=Raddia brasiliensis Bertol.) and O. nana Döll (=Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E. Calderón & Soderstr.).

    3c. Olyra sect. Lithachne (P. Beauv.) Rchb., Consp. Regn. Veg. 50. 1828 (�Li- thachne P. Beauv.). Typus: Olyra pauciflora Sw., Prodr. (O.P. Swartz) 21. 1788 (�Li- thachne pauciflora (Sw.) P. Beauv).

    A discussion in nomenclature of this section was omitted in the historical ac- count of Lithachne made by Chase (1908) and recent taxonomic studies, includ- ing the last comprehensive revision of the genus Olyra (Soderstrom and Zuloaga

    1989) and the synoptical study of Lithachne by Soderstrom (1980); apparently, O. sect. Lithachne was first synonymized by Ohrnberger (1999: 417), who explicitly includes this name under Lithachne (considered by him as a genus).

    3d. Olyra sect. Pleurandrogyne Döll, Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 326. 1877. Lecto- typus: O. flaccida Döll., Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 326. 1877.

    Included within this section were: Olyra flaccida Döll (�Arberella flaccida) and O. pauciflora Sw. (�Lithachne pauciflora (Sw.) P. Beauv.). In the present re- vision, Olyra section Pleurandrogyne is lectotypified, and synonymized under Arberella (vid. supra).

    The genus Olyra, as presently circumscribed, includes 25 species in at least five informal groups (Judziewicz and Zuloaga 1992; Grande 2015). The characters traditionally employed to separate Olyra from similar genera, however, could be considered artificial, and either homoplasic (Judziewicz et al. 1999, Grande 2015) or symplesiomorphic (de Oliveira et al. 2014), if not typical of the entire tribe but for Raddiella s.l. (i.e., as defined in the present revision) and Diandrolyra, which possess spikelets (at least partially) falling entire (vs. with the glumes persistent), male spikelets with glumes more or less developed, female pedicels not expanded at apex, and female spikelets with a basal callus formed by the fusion of basal por- tion of the glumes. This putative clade is consistent with an ancestor with female pedicels not expanded at apex and with male spikelets subtending female spike- lets, like in Parianinae, and is supported by a recent molecular study (de Oliveira et al. 2014), in which two of the three published trees (corresponding to the non com- bined ITS and trnD-trnT data matrices) suggest this same relationship. This is the first time such clades are proposed based on (direct) hennigian argumentation and supported by a transformation series fully based upon non-molecular characters.

  4. Raddia Bertol., Opusc. Sci. 3: 410. 1819, hic emend. Typus: Raddia brasilien- sis Bertol., Opusc. Sci. 3: 410. 1819, non Mazziari, Ionios Antologia 2: 448. 1834 (=Sporobolus sect. Crypsis (Aiton) P.M. Peterson [Gramineae]), nec DC. ex Miers, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 28(2): 389. 1872 (=Salacia L. [Hippocrateaceae-Celas- traceae s.l.]), nom. illeg. superfl. (Art. 52.1; Raddisia Leand., published in 1821, is cited in synonymy).

    Strephium Schrad. ex Nees, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 298. 1829. Typus: Strephium distichophyllum Schrad. ex Nees, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 298-299. 1829(Raddia disti- chophylla (Schrad. ex Ness) Chase).

    Olyra sect. Heterogenicae Döll, Fl. Bras. 327. 1877, syn. nov. Lectotypus: Olyra- polypodioides Trin. (=Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Ness) Chase), designated in this work (vid. supra).

    Sucrea Soderstr., Brittonia 33(2): 200. 1981, syn. nov. Typus: Sucrea monophylla Soderstr., Brittonia 33(2): 200, 204, f. 1-3. 1981.

    Gramina radicibus conspicue epigeis, valde congestis. Pedicelli spicularum mas- cularum breves ad apicem vix turbinati (sed conspicue crassiores quam feminea- rum). Spiculae femineae glumis conspicue cartilaginosis secus eis margines, anthe- ciis femineis vix punctatis.

    Etymology and distribution

    “Bertoloni states that the specific name will commemorate the courageous voyage to Brazil of [Giuseppe] Raddi [1770-1829] to whom the genus is dedicated” (Chase 1908, IPNI 2015). Raddia is also a name in the Hippocrateaceae (=Celastrace- ae s.l.) and Gramineae, both published later and, consequently, illegitimate hom- onyms (Art. 53.1). Neotropics, from Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, the Guianas and northeastern Amazonia to southeastern and central-western Brazil.

    4a. Raddia maculata (Soderstr.) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Sucrea maculata So- derstr., Brittonia 33(2): 205, 207, f. 4, 5. 1981. Typus: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Serra de Bica prope Cascadura, 1886, C.A.W. Schwacke s.n. (holotypus: R46717!).

    4b. Raddia monophylla (Soderstr.) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Sucrea monophylla Soderstr., Brittonia 33(2): 200, 204, f. 1-3. 1981. Typus: Brazil: Bahia: Município Itabuna, Ferradas, Fazenda Aberta Grande (ca. 14º47’21’’ S, 39º16’36’’ W), 16 I 1968,C.E. Calderón 2045 (holotypus: CEPEC; isotypi: B 10 0250218!, G 168441!, G 168442!, K1087!, LE, MO-2816641!, NY431659!, P642205!, RB, US 136211!, US 136212!, W 1993-0002213!).

    4c. Raddia sampaiana (Hitchc.) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra sampaiana

    Hitchc., J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17(9): 215, f. 1. 1927. Sucrea sampaiana (Hitchc.)

    Soderstr., Brittonia 33(2): 208, f. 6. 1981. Typus: Brazil: Espirito Santo: Reeve, 06

    XII 1924, J. Vidal 44 (holotypus: US 132848!; isotypus: R 16000!).

    As noted in previous works (e.g., Soderstrom 1981, Clayton and Renvoize 1986, de Oliveira et al. 2014, Grande 2015), members of Raddia s.l. (i.e., as here defined) have female spikelets with glumes conspicously cartilaginous along margins, a character related to ballistochory (Sendulsky 1993). As stressed by Grande (2015), species of Sucrea Soderstr. are very similar to that of Raddia s.s. as previously circumscribed, the characters proprosed to separate this two taxa being the sex and pattern of distribution of the inflorescences along the plant (terminal and monoecious in Sucrea vs. axillary female and terminal male in Ra- ddia s.s.), leaf blades (with symmetrical apices and undersurfaces bluish-green in Sucrea vs. asymmetrically apiculate at the apices and undersurfaces green in Raddia s.s.), and general size and habit (generally bigger and with a more robust habit in Sucrea; Soderstrom 1981 and de Oliveira et al. 2008a, 2014). As could be noted in recent studies on Raddia s.s. (de Oliveira et al. 2008a, 2014). However, apices of leaves, undersurface coloration, habit, and even inflorescence distri- bution could be intermediate in some instances. As pointed out previously, in-

    florescence structure is a highly complex character, as yet poorly understood (cf. Calderón and Soderstrom 1980: 4), and with many transitional forms within genera, species, and even single individuals. Perhaps the best example of this phenomenon is Raddia soderstromii, an endemic of the Atlantic forests of Bra- zil. In this species there are populations with individuals with both male and female spikelets in the terminal panicle, and depauperate individuals that bear only two leaves, as is common in Sucrea sampaiana (Hitchc.) Soderstr. Geogra- phic distribution and habitats of Raddia s.s. and Sucrea, moreover, are highly similar, with major centers of diversity overlapping. In the recent study of de Oliveira et al. (2014) Raddia megaphylla R.P. Oliveira & Longhi-Wagner appears as highly nested within the Raddia s.s. clade, despite being very similar in vege- tative characters with Sucrea monophylla, the type species of the genus (simi- larities include apical leaves with free sheaths resembling pseudopetioles); in the same study, monophyly of Sucrea plus Raddia s.s. is highly supported by the ITS sequence analysis (bootsrap value =89%), and only moderately supported by the trnD-trnT tree (bootstrap value =63%), the alternative hypothesis (based on the combined matrix of chloroplastic and nuclear sequences) being scarcely supported and leaving as paraphyletic both Raddia and Sucrea; this last scena- rio suggests further segregation, with resulting genera very poorly supported and with almost no apomorphies. Only one of the three trees published in de Oliveira et al. (2014; corresponding to the chloroplastic sequences), moreo- ver, supports a monophyletic Sucrea, but with a relatively low bootstrap value (63%) and no consistent morphological synapomorphic characters, as discussed above. Female anthecia are finely pitted in these two genera (de Oliveira et al. 2014); additional synapomorphies proposed in the present revision include fe- male pedicels short and scarcely turbinate at the apex (though conspicuously stouter than males), and radical system strongly epigeous with corresponding plant bases notably stout, similar to that found in palms (family Arecaceae).

    The genus Raddia includes Strephium and Hellera Schrader ex Döll, an invalid name published by Döll (1877) as an inedit synonym of Olyra. That name was included by Schrader in an unpublished manuscript. Because Hellera is an inva- lid name it could not be considered as a synonym of either Raddia or any other genus (the code provides that for nomenclatural purposes, botanical names must be validly published (Art. 12.1)).

    Remaining species in this genus are: Raddia angustifolia Soderstr. & Zuloaga, Raddia brasiliensis Bertol., Raddia distichophylla (Schrad. ex Nees) Chase, Rad- dia guianensis (Brongn.) Hitchc., Raddia lancifolia R.P. Oliveira & Longhi-Wagner, Raddia megaphylla, Raddia portoi Kuhlm., Raddia soderstromii R.P. Oliveira, L.G. Clark & Judz. and Raddia stolonifera R.P. Oliveira & Longhi-Wagner. According to Chase (1935) Raddia sampaiana possess underground tubercles; similar struc- tures are extremely rare within the family, with just three additional records in Puelia coriacea Clayton, Lophantherum gracile Brongn. and Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench. (Clayton 1967).

  5. Raddiella Swallen, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75(1): 89. 1948, hic emend. Typus: Olyra nana Döll, Fl. Bras. (Martius) 2(2): 329. 1877, nom. illeg. superfl. Raddiella nana (Döll) Swallen, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75(1): 89. 1948 (=Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E. Calderón & Soderstr.).

Parodiolyra Soderstr. & Zuloaga, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 69: 64. 1989, syn. nov. Typus: Olyra ramosissima Trin.,Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 3, 1(2-3): 116. 1834.

Spiculae masculae femineaeque pedicellis filiformibus obtectae; spiculae masculae glumis reductis pulvinum mentientibus ad basin ornatae; spiculae fe- mineae relative parvae duobus punctis partitionis praesertim infra glumas, raro supra; hilum minus longum quam caryopsis.

Etymology and distribution

Raddiella should be considered a feminine diminutive of Raddia, perhaps due to the remarkable low habit of its type species (R. esenbeckii); Swallen himself, how- ever, never published the etymology of the genus (cf. Swallen 1948). Neotropics, from Costa Rica, Panama, and northern South America (Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad Island [Trinidad & Tobago]) to southern Brazill and Paraguay, with one species (R. micrantha) probably introduced in Fiji.

5a. Raddiella aratitiyopensis (J.R. Grande) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Parodiolyra aratitiyopensis J.R. Grande, Novon 21(1): 40-43, f. 1. 2011. Typus: Venezuela: Amazo- nas: Dept. Río Negro, cerro Aratitiyope, ca. 70 km al SSW de Ocamo, con riachuelos afluentes al río Manipitare [erroneously cited as “Manipitiare” in the protologue], piedra ígnea, forest toward bluff, 2°10’N, 65°34’W, 990-1670 m a.s.l., 24-28 II 1984,

J.A. Steyermark, P.E. Berry & F. Delascio 130118 (holotypus: VEN358959!; isotypi: VEN-195204!, MO-3247229).

5b. Raddiella colombiensis (Davidse & Zuloaga) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Paro- diolyra colombiensis Davidse & Zuloaga, Novon 9(4): 587, f. 1-2. 1999. Typus: Co- lombia: Caquetá: Región de Araracuara, alrededores de la pista aérea, 00°25’S, 72°30’W, 200-300 m a.s.l., 11 XI 1991, D. Restrepo & A. Matapi 467 (holotypus: COAH- 17796!; isotypi: COAH-20068!, MO-5102566!).

5c. Raddiella lateralis (J. Presl ex Nees) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Panicum laterale var. α J. Presl ex Nees, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 213-214. 1829. Parodiolyra lateralis (J. Presl ex Nees) Soderstr. & Zuloaga, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 69: 66. 1989. Typus: Peru: In montibus Orinocensibus lectam” (as cited in the protologue), Haenke s.n. (holotypus: PR; isotypus: US148228! (fragment ex PR)). Note: the quoted locality is that of the work of Nees, who misread the label of Haenke according to Soder- strom & Zuloaga (1989); they read “huanoccenses” instead of “Orinocenses”.

5d. Raddiella luetzelburgii (Pilg.) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra luetzelburgii Pilg., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10(100): 1049. 1930 (as Olyra “Luetzelbur- gii”). Parodiolyra luetzelburgii (Pilg.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 69: 70. 1989. Typus: Brazil: Nord-Brasilien [Roraima]: Igarapé, Caicán, auf Sand, IX 1927, von Luetzelburg 21354 (holotypus: B10 0249094!; isotypi: IAN,R 49314!, US 132877 (fragm. ex B)).

5e. Raddiella micrantha (Kunth) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra micrantha Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (H.B.K.), quarto ed., 1: 199. 1815 [1816]. Parodiolyra micrantha (Kunth) Davidse & Zuloaga, Novon 9(4): 590. 1999.Typus: [Venezuela]: „Crescit in umbro- sis, humidis ad ripam Orinoci prope cataractam Maypurensium, floret Aprili“ (as in the protologue), [1800], Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (holotypus: P642201!; isotypus: US 132879! (fragm. ex P)).

5f. Raddiella ramosissima (Trin.) J.R. Grande, comb. nov. Olyra ramosissima Trin., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci Nat. 3,1(2–3): 116. 1834. Parodiolyra ramosissima (Trin.) Soderstr. & Zuloaga, Smithso- nian Contr. Bot.69: 73. 1989. Typus: Brazil: Bahia: Esperança, 1831, Riedel 161 (holo- typus: LE-TRIN-1131.01; isotypi: G-99754!, GH, K433348!, LE-TRIN-1131.02, probably P 642202!, US (fragm. ex LE-TRIN)).

As noted by previous authors, both Parodiolyra Soderstr. & Zuloaga and Rad- diella s.s. have male and female spikelets supported by filiform pedicels, female spikelets (and female anthecia) relatively small, generally disarticulating below glumes, glumes with a cushion-like pulviniform base (the only vestige of glumes in male spikelets), and hilum not reaching the entire length of the caryopsis (Sod- erstrom 1981, Soderstrom and Zuloaga 1989, Zuloaga and Judziewicz 1991, Grande 2011, 2015). Davidse and Zuloaga (1999) expanded the original circumscription of Parodiolyra (i.e., as published in Soderstrom and Zuloaga 1989) to include species with the following diagnostic characters: 1) female spikeltes falling entire (i.e., by disarticulation below glumes), but also above glumes (specially in those with ma- ture caryopsis), 2) filiform female pedicels, 3) a conspicuous, thickened internode between the lower and upper glume, 4) prolongation of the rachilla between the upper glume and the anthecium, and 5) hilum not reaching the entire lenght of the caryopsis. At least four of these five characters (characters 4 were not evaluated in the present revision) were noted to occur also in Raddiella, as was done formerly in Soderstrom and Zuloaga (1989), but not in Davidse and Zuloaga (1999). The only charcater that justifies segregation of Parodiolyra from Raddiella is, thus, partial inflorescence distribution and distribution of sexes within them. Partial inflores- cence distribution varies in Raddiella s.l. (i.e., as considered in the present revision) from terminal and monoecious (e.g., typical R. micrantha) to axillary/terminal and monoecious (e.g., R. luetzelburgii), axillary male/female (in separate inflorescenc- es) and terminal male (R. esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E. Calderón & Soderstr.), and axil- lary female and terminal male (the most common in the genus, with terminal inflo-

rescence reduced to only two spikelets and concealed or slightly protruding from terminal leaf sheath in R. vanessiae). In Raddiella kaieteurana, inflorescences may vary, even within type locality, between axillary female and terminal male to both axillary and terminal female (Zuloaga and Judziewicz 1991). The absence of male flowers was the character chose by Swallen (1948) to recognize Raddiella truncata Swallen as a distinct species (and even part of a different genus!) from R. lateralis (then in the genus Olyra; Swallen 1948); as the pedicels are not differentiated be- tween sexes, as is typical in core Olyrinae, and material available to Swallen have an important percentage of the spikelets fallen, it is felt that with additional ma- terial the male flowers might be discovered; however, like in R. kaieteurana (also from central Guyana), some plants may have only female spikelets, while others both male and female.

Precedent discussion shows enough transitions between inflorescence type of Parodiolya and Raddiella s.s. (i.e., within Raddiella s.l.) as to consider this charac- ter of secondary importance when compared with the more conserved pedicel, anthecium and caryopsis characters. In some specimens of Olyra micrantha fur- ther transitions could be observed: namely, those corresponding to O. micrantha var. dioeca Döll (Döll 1877), with either male or female spikelets, and specimens with the lowermost (male) branches atrophied. Altogether, these facts exclude inflorescence structure, at least in its traditional meaning (i.e., according to the distribution of sexes), as a valid character to separate Raddiella s.s. and Paro- diolyra, in a similar fashion than for Raddia s.s. and Sucrea, as stated above. Based on putative shared apomorphies (discussed under Olyra), the most related genus is Diandrolyra, which can be easily differentiated by the presence of paired spi- kelets, the males having two (vs. three) stamens. Several species groupings have been suggested (Zuloaga and Davidse 1999, Grande 2009, 2011), but all exhibit the same shared characters typical of the genus Raddiella s.l. (i.e., as defined in the present revision), and posses less synapomorphies than Raddiella s.l. (i.e., as here defined). Thus, for example, phreatophytic species share a very low habit, upper anthecium ornamentation (anticlinal epidermic cell walls undulate and with more ore less prominent siliceous phytolith(s) or “papillae”), a (generally) very reduced or punctiform hilum, and absence of fusoid cells (Zuloaga and Judziewicz 1991, Judziewicz and Sepsenwol 2007). Further studies will determine, hopefully, if they are meritorious of taxonomic recognition, probably at the subgenus level; as is understood in the present revision, recognition of the phreatophytic species as a segregate genus would lead to a paraphyletic Raddiella s.l. and to the recognition of poorly defined genera.

Remaining species in this genus are: Raddiella esenbeckii (Steud.) C.E. Calde- rón & Soderstr., Raddiella kaieteurana Soderstr., Raddiella lunata Zuloaga & Judz., Raddiella malmeana (Ekman) Swallen, Raddiella minima Judz. & Zuloaga, Raddiella molliculma (Swallen) C.E. Calderón & Soderstr., Raddiella potaroensis Soderstr. and Raddiella vanessiae Judz. Raddiella truncata, with a habit similar to that present in

R. aratitiyopensis (vs. climbing and bambusoid in typical R. lateralis) could be reha-

bilitated as a different species, but further study would be required. Genus Raddie- lla includes the smallest herbaceous bamboo of the world (viz. R. vanessiae Judz.), being only 2 cm tall at maturity (Judziewicz and Sepsenwol 2007), the smallest woody bamboo being probably Pleioblastus pygmaeus (Miq.) Nakai, from eastern Asia (tribe Arundinarieae, closely related to the North American genus Arundinaria Michx.), cultivated in some countries as lawn.


I am grateful to Bruno Manara (VEN) for his expertise in classical languages, and to Winfried Meier (VEN), Otto Huber (BOZ, VEN) and members of the Henri Pittier Library (at Instituto Experimental Jardín Botánico Dr. Tobías Lasser, UCV, Caracas, Venezuela) for kindly providing some of the cited literature. Two anony- mous reviewers helped to improve the original MS.

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Vol.50 Nº 1___________

Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada en abril de 2016, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz, Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela