Dimensiones foliares y fotosíntesis de Rhizophora mangle en
áreas estuarinas bajo condiciones hidrológicas
Flora Barboza y Ernesto Medina…………………………………….
Unpublished species of aquatic beetles of the genus Anacaena in
the Upper Apure, Venezuela (Hydrophilidae:
Chaetarthriinae: Anacaenini).
Mauricio García Ramírez y Alfredo Briceño………….…..................
Tasa de fagocitosis en las especies de Acanthamoeba
provenientes de aguas subterráneas. Parte 2.
Silvana Pertuz, Miroslav Macek y Elisabeth Ramírez…………...……
Notas científicas.
. Contribución al conocimiento de la actividad pesqueria artesanal
del Cangrejo azul Callinectes sapidus (Brachyura:
Portunidae) en dos áreas geográficas del Municipio
Cabimas, Venezuela.
Helimar Vásquez y Edison Pascal……………………………………….
Plantas utilizadas por la tribu Kariña en Pueblo Nuevo de
Caris, estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
Wilmer Díaz y Raúl Rivero………………..…………..…………...
Instrucciones a los autores……………….…..…………………………
Instructions for authors………………….………………………….
Vol. 58, N0 2, Pp. 158-266, Julio-Diciembre 2024
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol.58. Nº 2, Julio-Diciembre 2024, Pp. 174-200
Unpublished species of aquatic beetles of the genus Anacaena in the Upper
Apure, Venezuela (Hydrophilidae: Chaetarthriinae: Anacaenini)
Mauricio M. García Ramírez 1, 2 y Alfredo Briceño1
¹Laboratorio de Taxidermia y preparados anatómico “Ramón de Jesús Acosta”, Centro
de Investigaciones Biológicas. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de La
Universidad del Zulia, Edif. De Postgrado, Zulia 4001-A, Apartado. 526, Maracaibo,
Zulia, Venezuela. ORCID ID: ²Museo de
Artrópodos de La Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Agronomía. LUZ- Maracaibo
4002-A, Apartado 526, Zulia, Venezuela. E-mail:
Se describen siete nuevas especies del género Anacaena Thomson, 1859,
provenientes del Alto Apure, Venezuela: A. crenituloides sp. n., A. hospesa sp. n., A.
llanera sp. n., A. mantecala sp. n., A. pallida sp. n., A. paulincarmenae sp. n. y A.
samana sp. n., estrechamente relacionadas morfológicamente, representando un nuevo
grupo de especies dentro del género Anacaena Neotropical. Todas ellas se encuentran
asociadas a un mismo ambiente léntico, habitando los sedimentos lodosos de cuerpos
de agua someros. Se presentan ilustraciones detalladas de los ejemplares tipo,
incluyendo habitus y genitales, así como una imagen satelital que localiza los puntos
de recolección en el troncal 19 de la carretera Barinas-Apure.
Palabras claves: Anacaena, Alto Apure, coleoptero acuático, nueva especie,
Llanos occidentales.
Inéditas especies de escarabajos acuáticos del género Anacaena en el Alto
Apure, Venezuela (Hydrophilidae: Chaetarthriinae: Anacaenini)
Seven new species of the genus Anacaena Thomson, 1859 are described from
region of Alto Apure, Venezuela: A. crenituloides sp. n., A. hospesa sp. n., A. llanera
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
sp. n., A. mantecala sp. n., A. pallida sp. n., A. paulincarmenae sp. n. and A. samana
sp. n., closely related morphologically, representing a new group of species within the
Neotropical genus Anacaena. All of them are associated with the same lentic
environment, inhabiting the muddy sediments of shallow water bodies. Detailed
illustrations of the type specimens are presented, including habitus and genitalia, as
well as a satellite image that locates the collection points in the trunk 19 of the Barinas-
Apure highway.
Key words: Anacaena, Alto Apure, aquatic coleoptera, new species, western plains
Recibido / Received: 15-07-2024 ~ Aceptado / Accepted: 29-10-2024
In this study, we highlight the identification of a group of species belonging to the
genus Anacaena Thomson, 1859, which share a unique microhabitat. Unlike other
previously described species within this genus (Garcia 2019, Komarek 2005), these
new species were found buried in the muddy sediments of the banks of turbid water
pools, cohabiting with species of the genus Crenitulus Winter, 1926. This group of
species is distinguished by its pale yellowish coloration, and by the presence of a
characteristic longitudinal black band on the head extending from the vertex to the
clypeus and a dark triangular macula on the pronotal disc. These characteristics,
together with the homogeneity observed in the morphology of their ventral sclerites,
differentiate them markedly from the rest of the species of the genus. The main
objective of this study is to describe seven new species of the genus Anacaena and to
establish a new taxonomic group composed of these species, which share the
characteristic of inhabiting muddy sediments. With this finding, the total number of
species of the genus Anacaena reported for Venezuela is eight.
The study focused on two extensive lagoons, located adjacent to troncal Highway
19, near the towns of Mantecal, Samán de Apure, Apurito and Achaguas, in the
Achaguas municipality of Apure State (Fig. 1).
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol.58. Nº 2, Julio-Diciembre 2024, Pp. 174-200
Figure 1. Satellite image showing the collection points of the eleven species of
Anacaena on Troncal Road 19, between the towns of Mantecal-Achaguas, which are
marked by two black circles, in Apure State, Venezuela.
The collection was carried out in two stages. The first, in 1997, took place
between Apurito and Achaguas (7° 50'11.69“ N, 68° 18'03.37” W, 62 m.). The second
stage took place in 1998 between Mantecal and Samán de Apure (7° 49'20.90“ N, 68°
51'21.80” W, 74 m).
The analyzed microhabitats are characterized by being hydroecological systems
of stagnant freshwater (lentic), conformed by temporary pools, previous observations
by García et al. (2016) and García (2017). The formation of these pools is directly
related to the rainfall pattern of the region. They are specifically located on the edges
of the Troncal 19 highway, in the section that connects San Fernando with Bruzual, an
area known as the Alto Apure.
The collected material is properly preserved in the collections of the Museo de
Artrópodos de la Universidad del Zulia (MALUZ). For the identification, classification
and preparation of the specimens, especially the genitalia, the same techniques and
protocols described in the study by García (2018) and in subsequent research were
used, thus ensuring consistency and comparability of the results.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Hydrophilidae Latreille, 1802
Chaetarthriinae Bedel, 1881
Anacaenini Thomson, 1859
Anacaena Thomson, 1859
Creniphilus Motschulsky, 1845*
Crenophilus Agassiz, 1847*
Crenyphilus Motschulsky, 1845*
Cryniphilus Motschoulsky, 1845*
Enigmata Hansen, 1999
Gentilina Hebauer, 2003
Grodum Hansen, 1999
Hebauerina Gentili, 2002
Laccobiellus Abeille, 1901**
Paranacaena Blackburn, 1889
*ICZN (1960).
** Everts, Edouard Jacques Guillaume (1898-1922)
Species group Crenituloides
Coloration yellowish brownish with a dark triangular patch on pronotal disc, head
deflexed to very deflexed, broader than long, black with a brownish patch below each
eye, labrum short and broad, anterior margin of labrum slightly arched to straight, chin
subquadrate, palps slender and long, antenna with nine antennomeres, last
antennomere of malleus concave. Mesoventral process elevated, widened at base cone-
shaped with rounded apex, transversely carinate, posterior surface slightly arcuate in
apical half, with a projected elevation from mesoventral base covering basal half,
mesoventral base forming a fork.
Anacaena crenituloides García y Briceño, sp. n.
(Figs. 2, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18a-18b, 19).
Diagnosis. It has a marked dorsal convexity, slightly interrupted between the
cephalic margin and the pronotum. The elytral ventral latero-ventral margin is rectili-
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol.58. Nº 2, Julio-Diciembre 2024, Pp. 174-200
near, but is widely disjunct from the pronotal ventral latero-ventral margin. The head is
very broad, almost twice its length, labrum upright, lower margin of the eye widened
adopting an angled lateral shape.
Locality type. Samán de Apure-Mantecal, Achaguas, Alto Apure, Apure,
Material type. Holotype , of Venezuela, Apure, Alto Apure, Achaguas, troncal
19 Mantecal-Samán de Apure, 06.vii.1997, M. García coll., (49'20.90“ N and 68°
51'21.80” W), 74 m (MALUZ06661). Paratype , same data as holotype
Description. Body shape elongate oval elongate very convex; anterior and
posterior margin rounded; head, pronotum and elytra with discontinuous margins. In
lateral view dorsum with deflexed head discontinuous with pronotum (Figs. 2, 8);
lateral clipeal margin curved; pronotal lateral margin straight between angular margins
and strongly discontinuous with elytral margin. 1.0 mm long and 0.6 mm wide, widest
at humeral margin. Body coloration earthy brown, with black head except below each
eye and pronotum with a dark triangular patch on central disc. Ventrally with brownish
palps and antennae; mentum, submentum, proventrite, mesoventrite and metaventrite,
black, abdomen brownish; legs brownish-yellowish. Head very broad, almost twice its
length, greater width at the level of the lower margin of eyes. Cephalic surface shiny,
thick and punctuated. Eyes large, spaced 3.5x their diameter.
Labrum broad and short with slightly curved anterior and posterior margins.
Pronotum long 1.25x cephalic length; surface smooth; posterior angular margin very
broad and rounded. Scutellum short triangular. Elytral surface thick and densely
punctate; ventral latero-ventral margin straight; commissural striae beginning at end of
first third elytral. Antenna with nine antennomeres, apical segment rounded and broad
with concave surface (Fig. 15). Maxillary palps long with very long fourth palpomere
with beveled apex and labial palps long and slender, with very long third palpomere
with an apical style (Fig. 16). Mentum subquadrate (Fig. 17). Proventrite short.
Mesoventrite with elevated mesoventral process, transversely carinate with slight
rounded apex; posterior surface gently arched with fine striations; from basal
mesoventral margin projects an elevation covering basal half of process (Figs. 18a and
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
18b). Metaventrite pubescent on disc with a thin central longitudinal glabrous oval.
Abdominal ventrites pubescent. Edeagus with robust striate parameres, robust median
lobe; falobase broad with curved apex and apical manubrium (Fig. 15).
Female. Similar to the male but longer.
Etymology. The name of this species identifies the similarity to species of the
genus Crenitulus.
Figures (2-7). Cephalic sclerites of Anacaena species: 2. A. crenituloides sp. n., 3. A.
hospesa sp. n., 4. A. llanera sp. n., 5. A. mantecala sp. n., 6. A. paulinacarmenae sp.
n., y 7. A. samana sp. n.
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Vol. 58. Nº 2, Julio-Diciembre 2024, Pp. 174-200 180
Figures (8-11). Habitus dorsal and lateral of Anacaena: 8. Anacaena crenituloides sp.
n., 9. A. hospesa sp. n., 10. A. llanera sp. n., 11. A. mantecala sp. n.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Figures (12-14). Habitus dorsal and lateral of Anacaena: 12. Anacaena pallida sp. n.,
13 A. paulina carmenae sp. n., y A. samana sp. n.
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Vol. 58. Nº 2, Julio-Diciembre 2024, Pp. 174-200 182
Figures (15-18). Ventral sclerites of Crenituloides spp. species group n.: 15. Antenna,
16. palps, 17. Mentum, 18a. Mesoventral process in frontal view and 18b. Mesoventral
process in lateral view, sc = concave surface, plb= labial palp, st= style, pmx =
maxillary palp, ap = apex, cat = transverse carina, s = posterior surface, clg = anterior
longitudinal carina, mbmv = mesoventral basal margin, amtv= metaventral apex, ccx =
mesocoxal cavity, mtv = metaventrite.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Figure 19. Views of the edeagus of Anacaena crenituloides sp. n. A. Lateral, B.
Dorsal y C. Ventral: ma = manubrium y str = parameral striae.
Habitalogy. The species was collected manually in the muddy margin of a
temporary roadside pond. The specimen was found buried in the mud, microhabitat
ramentum (Garcia et al. 2016).
Distribution. The species is restricted to the riparian corridor of the Apure River,
between the town of Mantecal and Samán de Apure in Apure State (Fig. 1).
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Anacaena hospesa García y Briceño sp. n.
(Figs. 3, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18a-18b, 20).
Differential diagnosis. The cephalic morphology of A. hospesa sp. n. is
distinguished from A. crenituloides sp. n. by a lower cephalic index and a narrower
shape. In addition, it lacks the infraocular tuberosity present in A. crenituloides. In
lateral view, the head of A. hospesa sp. n. shows a more accentuated cephalic
deflection. The coloration is slightly darker and the humeral angle is more pronounced.
The anterior margin of the pronotum is less sinuous and the lateral margin is straight,
in contrast to a slight convexity with that of A. crenituloides.
Locality type. Mantecal-Samán de Apure, Achaguas, Alto Apure, Apure,
Material type. Holotype , from Venezuela, Apure, Alto Apure, Achaguas,
troncal 19 Mantecal-Samán de Apure, 06.vii.1997, M. García coll., (49'20.90” N
and 68° 51'21.80 W), 74 m (MALUZ06663). Paratype , same data as holotype
Description. Body shape elongate oval, convex; anterior and posterior margin
rounded. Dorsal view, anterior margin of pronotum scarcely sinuous. Lateral view,
head and pronotum present a distinct convexity of the elytral and viewed from the side
pronotal margin is in a straight line with elytral but very discontinuous. Length 1.0 mm
and width 0.6 mm, greater width at humeral margin. Body coloration earthy brown,
with black head except below each eye and pronotum with a dark triangular disk-
shaped spot. Brown palps and antennae; mentum, submentum, proventrite,
mesoventrite, metaventrite blacks and abdomen brownish; legs brownish yellowish.
Head one third wider than long, with rounded lateral margins; cephalic surface
coarsely punctate. Labrum short with slightly arched anterior margin. Eyes small 3.6x
their diameter apart; anterior margin sinuously margined; lateral margin rounded.
Inlateral view laterally very deflexed in convexity with pronotum (Fig. 3). Pronotum
long 1.2x cephalic length, slightly pronounced on central disc; anteroangular margin
rounded and posteroangular margin slight angulate; lateral margin straight, 0.8x its
dorsal length, anterior margin weakly arcuate and posterior margin with angular ends
straight; surface finely punctate. Scutellum long triangular. Elytra with coarsely
punctate surface; pronounced humeral margin.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Figure 20.Views of the edeagus of Anacaena hospesa sp. n. A. Lateral, B. Dorsal y C.
Ventral: ma = manubrium y str = parameral striae.
Commissural stria initiating in second elytral third. Ventral side margin straight
with a slight curvature at apex, and discontinuous convexity with pronotum (Fig. 9).
Antenna with nine antennomeres, apical segment rounded and broad with concave
surface (Fig. 15). Maxillary palps long with very long fourth palpomere with beveled
apex and labial palps long and slender, with very long third palpomere with an apical
style (Fig. 16). Mentum subquadrate (Fig. 17). Proventrite short. Mesoventrite with
elevated mesoventral process, transversely carinate with slight rounded apex; posterior
surface gently arched with fine striations; from basal mesoventral margin projects an
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Vol. 58. Nº 2, Julio-Diciembre 2024, Pp. 174-200 186
elevation covering basal half of process (Figs. 18a and 18b). Metaventrite pubescent in
disc with a thin central longitudinal glabrous oval. Abdominal ventrites pubescent.
Anterior and middle femur smooth, except for a series of fine setae distributed on the
posterior margin. Hind femur with smooth surface. Edeagus with robust striate
parameres, median lobe robust; falobase broad with curved apex and apical manubrium
(Fig. 20).
Female. Similar to the male but longer.
Etymology. The name “hospesa” is Latin for “host” and identifies the species as a
visitor or temporary resident of the mud.
Habitalogy. Similar to the previous species.
Distribution. Similar to the previous species (Fig. 1).
Anacaena llanera García y Briceño, sp. n.
(Figs. 4, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18a-18b, 21).
Differential diagnosis. The cephalic diameter exhibits an intermediate condition
in relation to the previous species, being slightly smaller than that of A. crenituloides
but larger than that of A. hospesa sp. n. The morphology of the lateral cephalic margin
is characterized by an ocular prominence similar to that observed in A. crenituloides,
being clearly differentiated from the rounded margin of A. hospesa. In lateral view, the
dorsal cephalic margin presents a pronounced convexity between the labrum and
clipeus, establishing a convex continuity with the pronotum. This condition is less
deflexed than that observed in A. hospesa, showing greater similarity to A.
crenituloides. The elytra has a more marked convexity compared to the species
mentioned above. The lateral margin of the pronotum, although slightly rounded,
exhibits a less pronounced curvature or even a slight angulation compared to related
Locality type. Mantecal-Achaguas, Achaguas, Alto Apure, Apure, Venezuela.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Material type. Holotype , from Venezuela, Apure, Alto Apure, Achaguas,
troncal 19 Mantecal-Samán de Apure, 06.vii.1997, M. García col., (7°49'20.90“ N and
68° 51'21.80” W), 74 m (MALUZ06661). Paratype , same data as holotype
(MALUZ06668); 2 paratypes , trunk 19 Apurito-Achaguas, 28.viii.1998, M. García
col., (7° 50'11.69“ N and 68° 18'03.37” W), 62 m (MALUZ06672, MALUZ06675).
Description. Body shape elongated oval, very convex with rounded anterior and
posterior margins. Seen laterally head slight discontinuous with pronotum and this
discontinuous with very convex elytra. Length 1.1 mm and width 0.6 mm, greater
width at the level of the first elytral third. Body coloration earthy brown, with black
head except below each eye and pronotum with a dark triangular disk-shaped spot.
Brownish palps and antennae; mentum, submentum, proventrite, mesoventrite and
metaventrite, black, abdomen brownish; legs brownish yellowish. Head broader than
long with lateral margins angled at the level of the lower margin of the eye; surface
with scattered scoring punctate. Labrum short and broad with anterior and posterior
margin weakly arcuate. Eyes small, spaced 3.1x their diameter, sinuously emarginate
anteriorly. Side view it is deflexed and broad with pronounced fronto-clipeal margin
(Fig. 4).
Pronotum long 1.5x head length; surface with fine punctate. Pronotal lateral
margin 0.9x dorsal length, slight rounded with rounded anteroangular and
posteroangular margins discontinuous with elytral margin. Anterior margin sinuate and
posterior margin without oblique ends. Scutellum short triangular. Elytra with coarse
punctuations. Lateral margin slightly rounded. Commissural striae beginning on the
second elytral third (Fig. 10). Antenna with nine antennomeres, apical segment
rounded and broad with concave surface (Fig. 15). Maxillary palps long with very long
fourth palpomere with beveled apex and labial palps long and slender, with very long
third palpomere with an apical style (Fig. 16). Mentum subquadrate (Fig. 17).
Proventrite short. Mesoventrite with elevated mesoventral process, transverse carinate
with rounded apex; posterior surface gently arched with fine striations; from basal
mesoventral margin projects an elevation covering basal half of process (Figs. 18a and
18b). Metaventrite pubescent on disc with a thin central longitudinal glabrous oval.
Abdominal ventrites pubescent. Anterior and middle femur smooth, except for a series
of fine setae distributed on the posterior margin. Hind femur with smooth surface. E-
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Vol. 58. Nº 2, Julio-Diciembre 2024, Pp. 174-200 188
deagus with robust striate parameres, median lobe robust; falobase broad with curved
apex and apical manubrium (Fig. 21).
Female. Similar to the male but longer.
Etymology. The name of this species identifies the Llanos region of the state of
Habitalogy. Similar to the previous species.
Distribution. Similar to the previous species (Fig. 1).
Figure 21.Views of the edeagus of Anacaena llanera sp. n. A. Lateral, B. Dorsal y C.
Ventral: ma = manubrium y str = parameral striae.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Anacaena mantecala García y Briceño, sp. n.
(Figs. 5, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18a-18b, 22).
Differential diagnosis. The cephalic shape its subquadrate configuration,
constitutes a distinctive diagnostic character that allows unequivocally differentiating
this species from the others catalogued.
Locality type. Mantecal-Achaguas, Achaguas, Alto Apure, Apure, Venezuela.
Material type. Holotype , from Venezuela, Apure, Alto Apure, Achaguas,
trocal 19 Mantecal-Samán de Apure, 06.vii.1997, M. García col., (7° 49'20.90“ N and
68° 51'21.80” W), 74 m (MALUZ06664). Paratype , troncal 19 Apurito-Achaguas,
20.viii.1998, M. García col., (7° 50'11.69“ N and 68° 18'03.37” W), 62m
Description. Body shape elongate oval convex, with rounded anterior and
posterior margin. Lateral head view discontinuous with pronotum and pronotum,
continuous with elytra; lateral margin of pronotum deflexed discontinuous with ventral
elytral margin. Length 1.0 mm and width 0.6 mm, greatest width at level of first elytral
third. Body coloration earthy brown, with black head except below each eye and
pronotum with a dark triangular disk-shaped disk. Brownish palps and antennae;
mentum, submentum, proventrite, mesoventrite and metaventrite black, abdomen
brownish; legs brownish-yellowish. Head as broad as long, subquadrate;
surface coarsely punctate; lateral margin angulate, widened at lower margin of
eye. Labrum very short and broad with slightly straight anterior margin and
slightly arched posterior margin. Small bulging eyes 3x their diameter apart and
anterior margin sinuously emarginate (Fig. 5). Pronotum long 1.1x cephalic length;
side margin slight rounded with rounded anteroangular and posteroangular margins;
anterior margin with moderate sinuosity and posterior margin oblique ends; surface
with fine punctuation. Scutellum short triangular, elytral surface thick with dense
punctuation; ventral side margin sinuous with two thirds elytral straight and curved in
apical third (Fig. 11). Antenna with nine antennomeres, apical segment rounded and
broad with concave surface (Fig. 15). Maxillary palps long with very long fourth
palpomere with beveled apex and labial pals longs and slender, with very long third
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palpomere with an apical style (Fig. 16). Mentum subquadrate (Fig. 17). Proventrite
short. Mesoventrite with elevated mesoventral process, transversely carinate with
slightly rounded apex; posterior surface gently arched with fine striations; from basal
mesoventral margin projects an elevation covering basal half of process (Figs. 18a and
18b). Metaventrite pubescent on disc with a thin central longitudinal glabrous oval.
Abdominal ventrites pubescent. Anterior and middle femur smooth, except for a series
of fine setae distributed on the posterior margin. Hind femur with smooth surface.
Edeagus with robust striate parameres, median lobe robust; falobase broad with curved
apex and apical manubrium (Fig. 22).
Figure 22. Views of the edeagus of Anacaena mantecala sp. n. A. Lateral, B. Dorsal y
C. Ventral: ma = manubrium y str = parameral striae.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Female. Unknown.
Etymology. The name of this species “mantecala” identifies a gentilities of the
population of “Mantecal” region near the place of collection and means that it is close
to the town of “Mantecal” in the state of Apure.
Habitalogy. Similar to the previous species.
Distribution. Similar to the previous species (Fig. 1).
Anacaena pallida García y Briceño, sp. n.
(Figs. 12, 15, 16, 17, 18a-18b, 23).
Figure 23. Views of the edeagus of Anacaena pallida sp. n. A. Lateral, B. Dorsal y
C. Ventral: ma = manubrium y str = parameral striae.
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Differential diagnosis. The head, pronotum and elytron in this species exhibit
continuous uninterrupted convexity. However, it is the lateral margin of the pronotum
that exhibits the most distinctive diagnostic characters: an abrupt deflection in its
medial portion, a horizontal curvature in the anterior region and a marked obliquity in
the posterior, which articulates discontinuously with the elytral margin, slight rounded
at its base and straight towards the apex.
Locality type. Mantecal-Samán de Apure, Achaguas, Alto Apure, Apure,
Material type. Holotype , from Venezuela, Apure, Alto Apure, Achaguas,
troncal 19 Mantecal-Samán de Apure, 06.vii.1997, M. García coll., (7° 49'20.90“ N
and 68° 51'21.80” W), 74 m (MALUZ06667).
Description. Body shape very convex elongated oval with rounded anterior and
posterior margins, seen laterally oblique pronotal margin in contrast with straight
elytral margin. Length 1.0 mm and width 0.6 mm, widest at humeral margin. Body
coloration earthy brown, with black head except below each eye and pronotum with a
dark triangular disk-shaped disk. Brownish palps and antennae; mentum, submentum,
proventrite, mesoventrite and metaventrite, black, abdomen brownish; legs brownish-
yellowish. Head absent. Pronotum long convexly continuous with elytra; anterior
margin slight sinuous; anteroangular margin rounded; lateral margin with posterior half
oblique and rounded at its posteroangular margin; posterior margin rounded ends in
discontinuity with elytral margin. Scutellum long triangular; commissural stria
initiating on second elytral third. Elytral surface with dense coarse punctuation; ventral
latero-ventral margin rounded at base and straight towards elytral apex (Fig. 12).
Antenna with nine antennomeres, apical segment rounded and broad with concave
surface (Fig. 15). Maxillary palps long with very long fourth palpomere with beveled
apex and labial palps long and slender, with very long third palpomere with an apical
style (Fig. 16). Mentum subquadrate (Fig. 17). Proventrite short. Mesoventrite with
elevated mesoventral process, transversely carinate with slight rounded apex; posterior
surface arched with fine striations; from basal mesoventral margin projects an
elevation covering basal half of process (Figs. 18a and 18b). Metaventrite pubescent on
disc with a thin central longitudinal glabrous oval. Abdominal ventrites pubescent.
Anterior and middle femur smooth, except for a series of fine setae distributed on the
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
posterior margin. Hind femur with smooth surface. Edeagus with robust striate
parameres, median lobe robust; falobase broad with curved apex and apical manubrium
(Fig. 23).
Female. Unknown.
Etymology. The new epithet of this species represents the pale coloration with
respect to the rest of the species of this research.
Habitalogy. Similar to the previous species.
Distribution. Similar to the previous species (Fig. 1).
Anacaena paulinacarmenae García y Briceño, sp. n.
(Figs. 6, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18a-18b, 24).
Differential diagnosis. The new species, A. paulinacarmenae sp. n., is
characterized by a significantly wider cephalic lateral margin at the upper margin of
the eyes, combined with a deeper and more sinuous anterior ocular emargination. The
head exhibits reduced convexity and a noticeable discontinuity with the pronotum. The
elytral lateral margins, slight parallel, complete the set of diagnostic characters that
differentiate it from the described species.
Locality type. Samán de Apure-Mantecal, Achaguas, Alto Apure, Apure,
Material type. Holotype , from Venezuela, Apure, Alto Apure, Achaguas,
troncal 19 Mantecal-Samán de Apure, 06.vii.1997, M. García coll., (49'20.90“ N
and 68° 51'21.80” W), 74 m (MALUZ06665). Paratype , troncal 19 Apurito-
Achaguas, 20.viii.1998, M. García coll., (7° 50'11.69“ N and 68° 18'03.37” W), 62 m
Description. Body shape elongate oval, very convex at the level of the elytra;
anterior margin pronounced at the level of the clipeus forming an open V with bulging
eyes, posterior margin rounded, with lateral margins slightly parallel. Length 1.0 mm
and width 0.6 mm, widest between first and second elytral third. Body coloration earthy
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brown, with black head except below each eye and pronotum with a dark triangular
disk-shaped disk. Brownish palps and antennae; mentum, submentum, proventrite,
mesoventrite and metaventrite black, abdomen brownish; legs brownish yellowish.
Head very broad almost twice its length; rounded lateral margin widened at upper
margin of eye; surface coarsely punctuated with broad dots; frontoclipeal area forming
a slight V-shaped elevation. Labrum short and broad with straight anterior margin and
curved posterior margin, very deflexed inclined backwards. Eyes small and bulging
separated by four times its diameter with sinuous emargination expanded in the
anterior margin of the eyes. Seen side it is scarcely convex, surface almost flat,
deflexed (Fig. 6).
Figure 24. Views of the edeagus of Anacaena paulinacarmenae sp. n. A. Lateral, B.
Dorsal y C. Ventral: ma = manubrium y str = parameral striae.
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Pronotum long 1.2x cephalic length; slightly convex and discontinuous with
elytral margin; anterior margin slight sinuous; anteroangular margin rounded; lateral
margin with straight edge; posteroangular margin rounded and posterior margin
slightly sinuous with rounded ends very discontiguous with elytral margin; pronotal
surface fine punctuation. Scutellum short triangular and commissural stria initiating on
second third elytral. Elytral surface punctuated with coarse dots, convex; ventral side
margin sinuous (Fig. 13). Antenna with nine antennomeres, apical segment rounded
and broad with concave surface (Fig. 15). Maxillary palps long with very long fourth
palpomere with beveled apex and labial palps long and slender, with very long third
palpomere with an apical style (Fig. 16). Mentum subquadrate (Fig. 17). Proventrite
short. Mesoventrite with elevated mesoventral process, transversely carinate with soft
rounded apex; posterior surface gently arched with fine striations; from basal
mesoventral margin projects an elevation covering basal half of process (Figs. 18a and
18b). Metaventrite pubescent in disc with a thin central longitudinal glabrous oval.
Abdominal ventrites pubescent. Anterior and middle femur smooth, except for a series
of fine setae distributed on the posterior margin. Hind femur with smooth surface.
Edeagus with robust striate parameres, median lobe robust; falobase broad with curved
apex and apical manubrium (Fig. 24).
Female. Unknown.
Etymology. The name of this species is dedicated to Paulina Del Carmen Santos
Habitalogy. Similar to the previous species.
Distribution. Similar to the previous species (Fig. 1).
Anacaena samana García y Briceño. sp. n.
(Figs. 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18a-18b, 25).
Differential diagnosis. The cephalic morphology of this species shares
similarities with A. crenituloides and A. paulinacarmenae in width. However, it differs
by the presence of a localized cephalic widening at the median margin of the eyes and
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a prominent V-shaped frontoclipetal elevation. In lateral view, the pronotum has an
elongated lateral margin with a pronounced curvature.
Locality type. Mantecal-Samán de Apure, Achaguas, Alto Apure, Apure,
Material type. Holotype , from Venezuela, Apure, Alto Apure, Achaguas,
troncal 19 Mantecal-Samán de Apure, 06.vii.1997, M. García coll., (49'20.90“ N
and 68° 51'21.80” W), 74 m (MALUZ06662).
Description. Elongated oval body shape, near homogeneity convex, with rounded
anterior and posterior margins. Lateral margins almost continuous. Length 1.1 mm and
width 0.6 mm, greater width at the level of the first elytral third. Body coloration
earthy brown, with black head except below each eye and pronotum with a dark
triangular disk-shaped disk. Brownish palps and antennae; mentum, submentum,
proventrite, mesoventrite and metaventrite black, abdomen brownish; legs brownish-
yellowish. Head very broad, widened at median margin of eyes; cephalic surface
coarsely punctuated with broad dots. Labrum short and broad with slight curved
anterior margin and arched posterior margin. Eyes small 4x their diameter apart;
anterior margin sinuous (Fig. 7). Pronotum long 1.4x cephalic length; surface fine
punctuation; anterior margin sinuate; anteroangular margin rounded; lateral margin
arcuate in discontinuity with elytral lateral margin; posterior margin sparsely sinuate
with rounded ends. Scutellum long triangular and commissural stria initiating on
second third elytral. Elytral surface coarsely punctuated with coarse dots; ventral
latero-ventral margin slightly sinuous (Fig. 14). Antenna with nine antennomeres,
apical segment rounded and broad with concave surface (Fig. 15). Maxillary palps long
with very long fourth palpomere with beveled apex and labial palps long and slender,
with very long third palpomere with an apical style (Fig. 16). Mentum subquadrate
(Fig. 17). Proventrite short. Mesoventrite with elevated mesoventral process,
transversely carinate with rounded apex; posterior surface gently arched with fine
striations; from basal mesoventral margin projects an elevation covering basal half of
process (Figs. 18a and 18b). Metaventrite pubescent in disc with a thin central
longitudinal glabrous oval. Abdominal ventrites pubescent. Anterior and middle femur
smooth, except for a series of fine setae distributed on the posterior margin. Hind
femur with smooth surface. Edeagus with robust striate parámeros, median lobe robust;
falobase broad with curved apex and apical manubrium (Fig. 25).
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
Female. Similar to the male but longer.
Etymology. The name of this species identifies a gentilities of the population
“Samán de Apure” region near the place where the specimen was collected, “samana”
means that it belongs to the Samán de Apure.
Habitalogy. Similar to the previous species.
Distribution. Similar to the previous species (Fig. 1).
Figure 25.Views of the edeagus of Anacaena samana sp. n. A. Lateral, B. Dorsal y C.
Ventral: ma = manubrium y str = parameral striae.
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The Venezuelan llanos present a great richness of species that include the Alto
Apure (Machado-Allison 2020). It is geographically a diverse region, rich in natural
resources and of great ecological importance due to its natural richness and diversity,
harboring a great variety of ecosystems. This diversity of ecosystems translates into a
rich entomological biodiversity (Ruiz-Briceño 2004). The genus Anacaena is a
cosmopolitan taxon that is present in almost all biogeographic regions. The
morphological diversity of aquatic beetles, particularly within a single genus, often
presents intriguing patterns that defy simple classification based on external characters.
Morphological analysis of the seven species has revealed a marked heterogeneity
in dorsal configuration, where body shape and lateral profiles emerge as distinctive
characters. In contrast, ventral characters, such as mouthparts, thorax and abdomen,
show a remarkable uniformity, suggesting a strong evolutionary conservation of these
Future research and phylogenetic analysis is essential to elucidate the
evolutionary relationships among these species and to understand the genetic and
ecological mechanisms underlying their diversification (Ribera et al. 2001).
The convergence in ventral morphology of the Anacaena species in this research
may be possible due to the fact that they share a similar way of life in the aquatic
substrate, which would require specific adaptations in ventral structures for locomotion
and interaction with the environment. The uniform brownish coloration could serve as
camouflage in similarly colored backgrounds such as the mud of a pond with turbid
water (Schluter 2000). The seven Anacaena species in question may share a recent
common ancestor that already possessed the ventral features we observe today.
Diversification in dorsal morphology could be a more recent phenomenon, driven by
local selective pressures and adaptations to specific microhabitats (Wheeler 1990,
Nilsson 2010).
Nuevos Anacaenini de Venezuela.
García Ramírez y Briceño.
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Vol. 58, No2, Pp. 158-266, July-December 2024
Leaf Dimensions and photosynthesis of Rhizophora mangle in
estuarine areas under contrasting hydrological conditions.
Flora Barboza y Ernesto Medina..………………………………….
Inéditas especies de escarabajos acuáticos del género Anacaena en
el Alto Apure, Venezuela (Hydrophilidae: Chaetarthriinae:
Mauricio García Ramírez y Alfredo Briceño……..……………...........
Phagocytocis rate in species Acanthamoeba from groundwater.
Part 2.
Silvana Pertuz, Miroslav Macek y Elisabeth Ramírez………...............
Scientific Notes.
Contribution to the knowledge of the artisan fishing activity of
the Blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Brachyura: Portunidae)
in two geographical areas of the Cabimas Municipality,
Helimar Vásquez y Edison Pascal……………………….……………...
Plants used by the Kariña tribe in Pueblo Nuevo the Caris,
Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
Wilmer Díaz y Raúl Rivero…………………………..…………..……….
Instrucciones a los autores……………….…..…………………………
Instructions for authors……………….…..………………………...……