Received: 29/05/2023 Accepted: 04/08/2023 Published: 02/09/2023
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, rcfcv-e33273
The production of goat's milk under extensive grazing is very important
to ensure an adequate growth of the progeny, but the productivity
of local does and their progeny is not accurately characterized,
particularly in the semi–arid Region of Northern Mexico. The aim
was to evaluate the productive potential performance of local does
and their offspring, when does are offered a supplementary feeding
program in pre and post–partum period. Twenty–four local does
and their progeny (n=40) were used and divided into two groups:
1) Control group; does fed exclusively on grazing, 2) Supplemented
group; does were supplemented at 1.5% of live weight 45 d before
and 45 d after parturition. Differences due to treatment were found
(P<0.05) for kid´s weight at sale (KWS), kid´s age at sale (KAS), kid´s
daily weight gain (KDWG) and doe’s milk production (DMP). Kid’s
mortality percentage and birth weight, milk fat content and doe’s
live weight did not differ between treatments (P>0.05). High positive
correlations between kid´s weight at birth (KWB) and KWS and KDWG
were found (P<0.0001), but it was negative with KAS. On the other
hand, KWS was positively correlated (P<0.05) with KDWG and DMP.
Finally, KAS was negatively correlated with KDWG (P<0.0001) as well as
KDWG with DMP (P<0.001) and protein content (P<0.05). Its concluded
that pre and postpartum supplementation in local does helps to
express the productive potential for milk production, plus protein
and lactose contents at starting of lactation, which in turn enhanced
the performance of their progeny.
Key words: Goat; arid zone; rural community; genetic potential
La producción de leche de cabra bajo pastoreo extensivo es muy
importante para asegurar un crecimiento adecuado de las crías,
sin embargo, la productividad de las cabras locales y su progenie
no ha sido caracterizada con precisión, particularmente en la
región semiárida del norte de México. El objetivo fue evaluar el
comportamiento del potencial productivo de las cabras locales y
sus crías, cuando son sometidas a un programa de alimentación
complementaria en el período de pre y posparto. Se utilizaron 24
cabras locales y su progenie (n=40) y se dividieron en dos grupos: 1)
Grupo control; alimentado exclusivamente bajo pastoreo, 2) Grupo
complementado; se ofreció una complementación alimenticia a
razón de 1,5% del peso vivo 45 d antes y 45 d después del parto.
Se encontraron diferencias por tratamiento (P<0,05) para peso a la
venta del cabrito (PVC), edad a la venta de cabrito (EVC), ganancia
diaria de peso del cabrito (GDPC) y producción de leche de las madres
(PLM). El porcentaje de mortalidad de crías, peso al nacimiento (PN),
contenido de grasa de la leche y peso vivo de las madres (PVM) no
dirieron entre tratamientos (P>0,05). Se encontraron correlaciones
positivas altas entre el PN, PVC y GDPC (P<0,0001), y negativa con
EVC. Por otro lado, PVC se correlacionó positivamente (P<0,05) con
GDPC y PLM. Finalmente, EVC se correlacionó negativamente con
GDPC (P<0,0001) así como GDPC con PLM (P<0,001) y contenido de
proteína (P<0,05). Se concluye que la complementación pre y post
parto en cabras locales ayuda a expresar el potencial productivo
para la producción de leche, además de proteína y lactosa al inicio
de la lactancia, lo que a su vez mejora el desempeño de su progenie.
Palabras clave: Cabra; zona árida; comunidad rural; potencial
Productive potential of local grazing does and their offspring under a pre
and post–partum feeding supplementation program
Potencial de producción de cabras locales en pastoreo y su progenie bajo un programa de
alimentación complementaria pre y post parto
Jorge Alonso Maldonado–Jáquez
, Lorenzo Danilo Granados–Rivera
, Omar Hernández–Mendo
, Jaime Gallegos–Sánchez
José Saturnino Mora–Flores
, Glaro Torres–Hernández
Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Programa de Ganadería. Montecillo, Estado de México, México.
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Campo Experimental La Laguna. Matamoros, Coahuila, México.
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Campo Experimental General Terán. General Terán, Nuevo León, México.
Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Programa de Economía. Montecillo, Estado de México, México.
*Corresponding author:
Productive potential of supplemented local grazing goats / Maldonado-Jáquez et al. ______________________________________________
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The production of goat's milk under extensive grazing systems
is very important to ensure an adequate growth of the progeny,
since rapid growth in a short period minimizes the maintenance
cost and provides a greater prot margin from the offspring’s sale
[1, 2]. However, extensive production systems limit the goat (Capra
hircus) productivity, since the availability and quality of forages
varies throughout the year [3]. Hence, feeding programs that include
nutritional supplementation to goats under grazing are essential to
ensure their success; however, these programs have not yet been
clearly established [4].
On the other hand, undernourishment in gestation and lactation
in goats can have negative effects on their productive performance
and consequently on the progeny [5]. It is for this reason that the
physiological mechanisms involved in pregnancy and its response,
particularly during the last third, must be studied, since around 70% of
fetal growth and most of glandular development and mammary tissue
occur in this period [6]. For this reason, a strategic supplement of
high proteic and energetic quality should be offered [7].
Hence, if the greatest potential is to be reached both in the
offspring growth and in doe productive performance under extensive
production systems, it is necessary to adopt supplementary feeding
strategies [8]. The aim was to evaluate the productive potential
performance of local does and their progeny when does are offered
a food supplement in the last third of gestation and early lactation
under extensive grazing conditions in Northern Mexico.
All the methods and handling of animals used in the study were
strictly adhered to the accepted guidelines for the ethical use of
the care and welfare of animals used in research, according to
international [9] and Mexican institution by Instituto Nacional de
Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP), with
project approval CIRNOC–INIFAP–12363534874.
The study was carried out during the transition period between
rainy and dry seasons (September to December), in a commercial
farm located in ejido Zaragoza, Viesca, Coahuila, in Northern México.
The region is located between the geographic coordinates of 24°N
and 102°W, at a height above mean sea level of 1,100 m. The climate
is dry or desert, semi–warm with cool winter, with average annual
rainfall and temperature of 240 mm and 25°C, respectively.
Twenty–four local does and their offspring (n=40) were selected
from a commercial herd (n=125). The does were selected by gestational
age [104 d of gestation (GD) at the beginning of the experiment]
and were assigned to two homogeneous groups in live weight (LW),
body condition score (BCS) and kidding number, under a complete
randomized block design. Pregnancy and the number of fetuses
were conrmed by trans–abdominal ultrasonography (BMPVet 850;
Santiago de Chile, Chile). The treatments were: 1) Control group (n=12
does and 19 kids), with LW of 38.5 ± 4.8 kg, BCS of 1.9 ± 0.2, 2.1 ± 0.9
, were fed exclusively with what was collected and
consumed by the goats in the grazing route (TABLE I) and without
any type of supplementation; 2) Supplemented group (n=12 does and
21 kids), with LW of 38.3 ± 6.6 kg, BCS of 1.8 ± 0.3, 2.2 ± 1.2 kiddings
, where does were offered a food supplement consisting of a
whole diet (TABLE II) at 1.5% of the animal's LW 45 d before kidding
and until 45 d post–partum.
The management of the animals was carried out following the
farmers activities on a daily basis, in order to induce the least possible
stress. This management is characterized by a preventive sanitary
calendar, in which the animals are vaccinated and dewormed twice
a year (in winter and at the beginning of the rains in summer) and
considering the availability of economic resources of the producer, as
well as a vaccination campaign against Brucellosis to the new animals
in the herd. The animals grazed 9 h·d
, with two water offerings along
the grazing route and where an average distance between offerings
of 7.0 km was considered. In the afternoon–night the goats returned
to rest pens adjacent to the house of the producer, where they always
had access to clean and fresh water. The availability of plant species
was monitored during the experimental period. At the beginning of
the study (end of the rainy season), 14 plant species consumed by
goats were found. At the beginning of the dry season (half of the
experimental period), only 7 herbaceous and pastures species were
found (TABLE I).
A compositional analysis of all the identied species was carried
out. The method to collect the forage samples was carried out by
accompanying the shepherd to the grazing route (similar to the
technique described by Toyes et al. [10]) and during the route,
samples of the different species consumed by the goats were
Average chemical composition of the main plant species
consumed by local goats in Northern México
Sampling Specie
Nutritional content
End of the
rainy season
Cynodon dactylon 94.3 20.4 20.1 30.4 2.4 1.5
Amaranthus palmeri 94.1 24.5 8.1 26.6 2.3 1.4
Setaria macrostachia 94.3 15.9 29.9 52.4 2.0 1.2
Cenchrus ciliaris 95.0 13.1 38.5 55.8 1.8 1.0
Solanum eleagnifolium 94.5 26.9 16.7 28.3 2.7 1.6
Spharalcea angustifolia 94.1 27.5 24.0 35.1 2.4 1.5
Bouteloua barbata 95.5 15.9 38.6 59.2 1.9 1.1
Malva parviora 94.5 19.8 22.2 30.8 2.3 1.4
Amaranthus anus 93.2 25.6 17.7 28.9 2.3 1.4
Chenopodium album 95.5 15.9 38.6 59.2 1.9 1.1
Enneapogon desvauxii 94.1 13.1 38.4 66.9 1.8 1.0
Sinnia spp. 91.4 23.7 20.5 28.4 2.4 1.4
Start of dry
Cynodon dactylon 95.3 5.9 36.9 61.4 1.7 1.5
Amaranthus palmeri 93.8 14.4 25.9 33.7 2.1 1.3
Setaria macrostachia 94.0 13.2 37.4 61.4 1.7 1.1
Solanum eleagnifolium 93.7 22.1 32.6 37.7 2.5 1.3
Spharalcea angustifolia 94.1 11.9 39.1 51.4 2.0 1.2
Enneapogon desvauxii 94.8 5.3 44.3 71.0 1.5 0.8
Cucumis melo
90.7 13.8 33.8 34.1 2.2 1.4
Cucumis melo
92.9 10.5 30.9 35.7 2.2 1.1
DM: dry matter, CP: crude protein, ADF: acid detergent ber, NDF: neutral detergent
ber, ME: metabolizable energy, NEL: net energy for lactation,
:Vegetative part of
the sampled plant (leaves and stems),
: Sampled waste fruits consumed by goats
in the grazing route
______________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, rcfcv-e33273
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collected. Forage samples were dried in a forced–air laboratory oven
(Shel Lab, California, USA) at 65 °C of temperature until constant
weight, grounded in a hammer mill (CF158, Shangdong, China) with
a 5 mm sieve and sent to the laboratory (AGROLAB, Gómez Palacio,
Durango, México), where a basic analysis was carried out with the
NIR equipment.
Returning from the grazing route (18:00 h), the goats of the
supplemented group received supplementary feeding (TABLEII)
separately from the rest of the herd, in order to minimize the
substitution effect on consumption of forage in the grazing route
[11], and until goats consumed the total amount offered. LW and BCS
were measured on two occasions prior to kidding. The rst, when they
reached 114 GD and the second approximately 5 d before kidding (~
145 d of gestation), to avoid stress in the animals. LW was measured
with a BAC–300 hanging electronic scale (Rhino, Guadalajara, México)
with a capacity of 300 kg ± 100 g, while BCS was dened according to a
subjective 1 to 4 scale (1= extremely thin, 4= extremely fat), depending
of the amounts of muscle and fat found in the cervical vertebrae, as
described by Rivas–Muñoz et al. [12]. After kidding, LW and BCS were
measured every 15 d.
mothers to breastfeed, once they nished the suckling routine they
were weighed again and DMP in does was determined by difference
in the weight of the kids. DMP, LW of the does and KWB during the
experiment were recorded in g using a commercial electronic hook–
type scale with a capacity of 45 kg ± 5 g (Metrology, Nuevo León,
México). At the end of the experiment, sale LW of kids was recorded
(KWS; which was considered as the d the offspring were sold upon
reaching the weight and age required by the market), sale age of
kids (KAS; calculated as the d between the d of birth and the d of
sale of kids, and it is considered this way because the sale of kids is
carried out in group on a single d to a single buyer), and daily weight
gain in kids (KDWG) was determined (calculated by subtracting KWB
from KWS and dividing between the test d). In addition, the mortality
percentage of kids born alive and dead in both groups, and the number
of kids that survived to 15 d of age were registered. The milk quality
was evaluated with a sample (50 mL) of individual production, which
was taken in the middle of the breastfeeding routine. The milk sample
was transferred to the dairy laboratory of the INIFAP–Experimental
Station–La Laguna for compositional analysis using the Milkoscope
Expert Automatic® equipment (Razgrad, Bulgaria), which was
calibrated specically for goat milk and the variables measured were
milk fat, protein and lactose.
The statistical analysis was performed using the SAS v9.4 statistical
package [14]. A repeated measures model was used for the variables
LW, BCS, DMP, milk quality and KDWG. The KWB, KWS an KAS data
were analyzed under a randomized complete block design. All data
were analyzed with the GLM procedure under a xed effects model
and the comparison of means was carried out through the Tukey test.
The general model structure was:
= µ+R
Where: Y
: LW, BC, DMP, milk component (fat, protein or lactose)
and/or KDWG; µ: constant that characterizes the population; R
xed effect of the i–th animal within treatment (i=1,2,3…n), T
: xed
effect of j–th treatment (j=1,2), BT
: xed effect of the k–th birth
type (k=1, 2); SX
: xed effect of l–th sex of offspring (l=1,2) on milk
production and/or KDWG (l=1,2); S
: xed effect of the m–th week of
treatment (k=1,2…,6); T
: effect of treatment×week interaction;
: random error, which was assumed normally distributed. For
mortality percentage analysis, contingency tables were constructed
for analysis by means of the chi–square test.
No differences were found (P=0.7518) for mortality percentage
between groups, observing a mortality of 9.52% in the offspring
born in the supplemented group and 26.32% in the control group.
All dead offspring were female and had lower KWB in both groups
with an average of 2.4 kg in the supplemented group and 1.5 kg in the
control group. Some studies indicated that undernourishment during
pregnancy results in low kid’s birth weight and a harmful postnatal
survival rate [1]. Therefore, possibly this phenomenon occurred in the
present study, given that the lower mortality and higher weight occurred
in the supplemented group, which suggests undernourishment in the
early stages of gestation and mostly marked in the control group.
Differences (P<0.05) were found in KWS, KAS and KDWG between
treatments and in KWS and KDGW between sex of the offspring.
No interaction effects or differences (P>0.05) were found for KWB
between treatments, neither between sex of the progeny, nor in KAS
Ingredients and chemical composition of the whole diet prepared
as a pre and postpartum supplementary feeding for local goats
under an extensive grazing system in Northern México
Ingredient (%)
Rolled corn 18.0
Rolled sorghum 18.0
Wheat bran 9.0
Soybean paste 9.0
Alfalfa hay 35.0
Molasses 8.0
Urea 1.0
Premixed vitamins and minerals* 2.0
Nutritional content
CP 18.7
ADF 21.6
NDF 32.7
NME 1.8
NEL 1.5
CP: Crude protein; ADF: acid detergent ber; NDF: neutral detergent ber;
NME: net maintenance energy; NEL: net energy for lactation; *:Mineral
premix Ovi3ways ® BIOTECAP group
At kidding, sex (male, female), birth type (single, double) and birth
weight (KWB) of the offspring were measured. In the does, LW,
BCS, milk production (DMP) and quality were measured 7 d after
kidding, weekly between 6:00 and 8:00 h. Milk production (MP) was
evaluated from the 7
d after kidding to ensure adequate colostrum
consumption by the kids and was recorded using the weigh–suckling–
weigh technique [13]. For this, the offspring were separated from
their mother the afternoon before weighing (around 18:00 h). On the
control day, the offspring were weighed fasting and placed with their
Productive potential of supplemented local grazing goats / Maldonado-Jáquez et al. ______________________________________________
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between sex of the offspring (TABLE III). These results differ from the
report of Ornelas–Marques et al. [15] who pointed out that goats fed in
prairies of Panicum maximum and supplemented with concentrates
had higher KWB and prolicacy. This information conrms the fact
previously mentioned regarding undernourishment in pregnant
females, because in the area where the present study was carried
out the quantity and quality of forage in the range is low, as can be
observed in TABLE I. In particular in the second sampling, when the
vegetation during the start of dry season decreases in quantity and
nutritional quality, the consequence is that the animals do not ingest
a sucient quantity of nutrients to have an adequate gestation [4]. In
this sense, the supplementary feeding offered at the end of gestation
was not enough to ensure higher growth that was reected in an
increased body weight (BW) of the offspring, but it was sucient to
ensure a better productive performance of the does, which is closely
related to the DWG of the offspring [2].
Means (± SE) of live weights at birth, sale, sale age and daily
weight gain, according to treatment and sex of the offspring
According to treatment:
group ± SE
group ± SE
P–value R
CV (%)
KWB (kg)
3.2 ± 0.1 2.9 ± 0.1 0.1253 0.15 15.4
KWS (kg)
9.6 ± 0.2
8.7 ± 0.3
0.0122 0.29 10.4
KAS (days)
41.8 ± 1.6
48.5 ± 1.8
0.0110 0.23 15.4
KDWG (kg)
0.159 ± 0.01
0.122 ± 0.01
0.0016 0.35 21.9
According to sex:
Male ± SE Female ± SE P–value R
CV (%)
KWB (kg)
3.1 ± 0.1 3.0 ± 0.1 0.6838 0.15 15.4
KWS (kg)
9.6 ± 0.2
8.7 ± 0.2
0.0191 0.29 10.3
KAS (days)
45.6 ± 1.7 43.6 ± 1.6 0.3484 0.23 15.4
KDWG (kg)
0.153 ± 0.01
0.131 ± 0.01
0.0268 0.35 21.9
KWB: Kid´s weight at birth; KWS: Kid´s weight at sale; KAS: Kid´s age at sale; KDWG:
Kid´s daily weight gain; SE: Standard error; R
: Coefficient of determination; CV:
Coecient of variation;
: Different letters between columns indicate differences (P<0.05)
Doe milk production and quality mean (± SE) due to treatment
and birth type of local goats in Northern México
By Treatment:
Control group P–value R
CV (%)
DMP (kg)
0.870 ± 0.04
0.710 ± 0.04
0.0004 0.31 36.6
Fat (%)
3.9 ± 0.2 4.0 ± 0.2 0.3818 0.19 25.6
Protein (%)
3.4 ± 0.02
3.0 ± 0.02
0.0063 0.62 3.3
Lactose (%)
4.7 ± 0.03
4.3 ± 0.03
0.0068 0.63 3.3
By birth type:
Single Double P–value R
CV (%)
DMP (kg)
0.670 ± 0.05
0.930 ± 0.04
0.0004 0.31 36.6
Fat (%)
3.8 ± 0.2 4.2 ± 0.2 0.2573 0.19 25.6
Protein (%)
3.0 ± 0.02 3.0 ± 0.02 0.2866 0.62 3.3
Lactose (%)
4.5 ± 0.03 4.6 ± 0.03 0.2196 0.63 3.3
DMP: Doe milk production, R
: Coefficient of determination, CV: Coefficient of
: Different letters between columns indicate differences (P<0.05).
Regarding DWG, the results coincide with other studies who
mentioned that Taggar multicolored kids had DWG's around 160 g,
when the animals have birth weights over 3.0 kg [16]. Also, the DWG
in males was higher, but with lower values (0.115 kg) than those found
in the present study. This behavior is observed in males, because the
growth hormone inuences a higher growth rate [17]. The foregoing
demonstrates the potential of local goats in Northern Mexico to gain
weight once the management conditions are improved, specically,
when the nutrition of their mother is improved in the last stage of
gestation and early lactation.
TABLE IV shows the results found for DMP and milk quality between
treatments. Higher values (P<0.05) for DMP, protein and lactose
contents in supplemented group were found; in the same way,
differences (P<0.05) for DMP by birth type were found. No interaction
effects or differences (P>0.05) were found for fat content between
treatments, or fat, protein and lactose content in milk by birth type.
The results found for DMP coincide with Andualem et al. [2] where
they report a higher DMP and protein content, without differences
in fat content. Likewise, Caprioli et al. [18] pointed out a positive
effect of supplementary feeding on DMP and milk quality in grazing
animals. This indicates that the DMP and the content of some milk
components are modied by the effect of the nutritional supplements
that the animals may receive. Similarly, Celi et al. [5] indicated that
a dietary restriction during pregnancy modies the partition of
nutrients, since these are directed towards the uterus to maintain
fetal growth. In addition, this redirection of nutrients continues during
early lactation, which affects DMP, and if the nutrient intake doesn´t
improve, the effect will be observed in the growth of the offspring,
as in the present study.
The previous information suggests that the local goat genotype of
the Comarca Lagunera in Northern Mexico has possibly developed
adaptation mechanisms to extreme feeding conditions, since
its productive performance is significantly improved once the
environmental conditions in which they unfold also improve [19].
Likewise, a medium–high milk production [4] and an accelerated
growth of their offspring under precarious feeding conditions are
indicative of the productive potential that local goats possess in
response to dicult environmental conditions [20]. In this regard,
Karrat and Bocquier [21] indicated that Baladi goats increased their
milk production (+36%) when subjected to a higher quality diet. This
reinforces the argument for the good adaptive response of local goats
in Northern Mexico to erratic feeding conditions. Evidence has been
found that under grazing conditions in dicult areas goats adjust
their diet selection according to their nutritional needs, especially
when the cost of gestation increases the demand for nutrients [22].
In this sense, it should be considered that the transfer of technology
to producers on this topic should be focused on the effective use of
strategic nutrient supplementation [4] and the cost to optimize the
productive performance of grazing goats [7].
No differences were found (P>0.05) in LW before kidding, or in
subsequent periods; however, BCS in does was higher (P<0.05) in the
control group (TABLE V) at the beginning of the experiment (114 GD)
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and up to 30 d after kidding. This behavior is because the metabolism
during pregnancy is not modied by the type of pregnancy (single,
double or triple).
However, an improvement in nutritional intake during the last stage
of the gestational period is necessary as the number of offspring
increases [6]. In this sense, there are studies [23] that indicate a very
important effect of the doe’s size on KWB; however, this advantage
seems to decrease if improvements are not incorporated into the
doe’s diet. In the same way, the pre–partum live weight of Ganjam
goats was improved when energy supplements were offered at a rate
of 0.165 to 0.225 kg [24]. The foregoing suggests that the difference
in LW may be due to the fact that LW of undernourished animals does
not differ from that of those freely fed, since the former may decrease
their basal metabolic rate and their maintenance requirements,
and thus maintain body weight [25]. Furthermore, when the goat is
producing milk and doesn’t have a sucient nutritional contribution
to cover its requirements, it tends to mobilize reserves of adipose
tissue, mainly to maintain milk production [26]. In this sense, the
report of Tadesse et al. [27] is relevant for our results discussion,
because when a supplement is offered at a rate of 1.5% of the LW
in local genotypes for meat production, they have excellent DWG.
However, in this study, the increase in DWG was observed in the
offspring due to the higher production and better nutritional quality
of the milk, which in turn prevented the does from increasing their
body reserves (BCS) or LW, thus showing the excellent maternal ability
of this genotype, as noted in mountain goats [28].
A positive correlation was found between LW and KWS, KDWG
(P<0.0001), and negative with KAS (P<0.0001). KWS was positively
correlated with KDWG (P<0.0001) and DMP (P<0.05). Also, it was
found that KAS was negatively correlated with KDWG (P<0.0001)
and KDWG with DMP (P<0.001) and protein content (P<0.05). Likewise,
a high correlation (P<0.0001) was found between some milk quality
variables, specifically protein content with lactose (TABLE VI).
Regarding this, Hafsa et al. [29] found a high correlation between
live weight and body condition with milk production and composition
in Damasco and Zaraibi goats. Likewise, El–Hassan et al. [30] found
a positive correlation between birth weight and weaning weight in
Sudanese Nubian goats, with better development in those in which
supplementary feeding was offered. In this sense, Currò et al. [31]
indicated a great potential for better quality milk production in local
animals (autochthonous or indigenous). Besides, the review by Costa
et al. [32] points out that lactose increases the energy value of milk
and is genetically associated with milk production. Therefore, when
observing the relationship between supplementary feeding and milk
production and quality, a better performance of the progeny in the
supplemented group can be inferred in terms of KWS and KDWG,
in addition to the negative correlation between birth weight and
survival, but positive with subsequent weight gain [33], as observed
in this study.
Supplementation during the pre and postpartum period (last third
of gestation and early lactation) at a level of 1.5% of the live weight in
local goats under the extensive grazing system in Northern Mexico
enhances the productive performance of goats in terms of milk
production and quality (protein and lactose contents), which in turn
positively inuences the potential productivity of their progeny, since
signicant live weight gains are obtained, as well as a higher live
weight and lower age at sale. These ndings should be considered in
the management plans of goat producers in arid and semiarid regions
where extensive grazing is practiced, since it implies savings in the
time of animal management (suckling of kids), in addition to a higher
live weight and lower age at sale, which allows the goat farmer the
opportunity to negotiate a better price at marketing. Additionally,
there is an extra remuneration for the producer, since the milk that
the offspring stop consuming is sold at an earlier time.
To CONACYT and INIFAP for their support offered to the first
author for postgraduate studies. To INIFAP for funding this study.
Our gratitude especially to the cooperating goat producers for their
invaluable support during this study.
Means (± SE) of live weight (LW) and pre and postpartum body
condition score (BCS) of local goats in Northern México
114 GD 145 GD 7 PPD 30 PPD 60 PPD
38.3 ± 1.5 68.0 ± 2.3 43.7 ± 1.4 40.1 ± 1.1 41.9 ± 1.1
Control group 39.3 ± 1.6 64.8 ± 2.1 42.0 ± 1.6 40.9 ± 1.0 41.2 ± 1.1
P–value 0.6487 0.3301 0.4284 0.6103 0.6374
0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01
CV (%) 14.4 11.7 11.9 9.4 9.4
114 GD 145 GD 7 PPD 30 PPD 60PPD
1.7 ± 0.1 1.9 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.03
1.6 ± 0.04
Control group 1.9 ± 0.1 1.9 ± 0.1 1.8 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 0.03
1.61 ± 0.04
P–value 0.0461 0.8269 0.0806 0.0196 0.3309
0.17 0.02 0.14 0.22 0.04
CV (%) 12.8 8.8 13.7 6.8 8.8
GD: Gestation days, PPD: Postpartum days, R
: Coefficient of determination, CV:
Coecient of variation,
: Different letters between columns indicate differences (P<0.05)
Phenotypic correlation matrix for kid growth variables and milk
production and quality of local goats in Northern México
KWB KWS KAS KDWG DMP Fat Protein Lactose
KWS 0.62
KAS –0.59
–0.45 1
KDWG 0.56
DMP 0.15 0.35
0.07 0.47
Fat 0.02 0.54 –0.24 0.52 0.40 1
Protein –0.24 0.16 0.31 0.31
0.37 0.17 1
Lactose –0.23 0.13 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.14 1.00
KWB: Kid´s weigth at birt, KWS: Kid´s weigth at sale, KAS:Kid´s age at sale, KDWG:
Kid´s daily weight gain, DMP: Doe milk production production, *:
P<0.05, **:P<0.01,
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