______________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, rcfcv-e33308
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these results are in contrast with those observed by Bezerra etal.
[36] who reported a decrease in MCV during the different stages of
reproduction with a recovery at weaning. However, in the present
study, the interaction of the reproductive stage with the three types
of parasites had a signicant effect on MCV. A similar decrease in the
recorded values of hematological parameters mainly HCT, HGB and
RBC was noted in sheep naturally infected by Fasciola hepatica [37].
The present study highlighted signicant variation in hematological
parameters in anemic ewes in response to the combined effects of
internal parasitism and the metabolic and endocrine changes involved
in the transition from pregnancy to the postpartum period. Under
the Mediterranean climate favorable to the development of internal
parasites, infections during these critical reproductive periods remain
an important health threat that should be considered and monitored
by biological markers for better ock management. The study could
not determine which species of internal parasites was the main agent
compromising the hematological status of animals, therefore to
select the most effective anthelmintic drug to be used in the control
program. This seems essential from a research perspective to assess
the potential resistance behavior of their infective agents in response
to anthelmintic molecules under the inuence of host–related factors.
Conict of interests
The authors of this study declare that there is no conict of interest
with the publication of this manuscript.
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