FIGURE 1. Shows an AVA with an open lumen (L). Tunica intima (I), tunica
media (M), and tunica adventitia (A) layers can be observed in the vessel wall.
The endothelial cell (EC) presents in the tunica intima. Thick layered smooth
muscle cells can be observed in the tunica media, which are arranged inner
longitudinally (LM) and outer circularly (CM). The internal elastic membrane
(EL) lies between the CM and LM
Arteriovenous anastomoses on rat ovary / Çimen and Çimen _______________________________________________________________________
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Arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) are vessels that directly connect
arterioles and venules. Thus, blood passes from arterioles to venules
without passing through capillaries. In this way, AVAs provide a high
level of blood flow in the area without overloading the capillary
network. Because AVAs have wider lumens than capillaries [1, 2].
AVAs have been tested in human and many animal organs [3, 4, 5, 6,
7]. AVAs have been observed to have thermoregulatory functions in
human skin [8, 9]. Since AVAs are found in the skin, their importance
in ngertip transplantations is considered in plastic surgery and used
for the blood supply of the transplanted tissue [10].
Lipa et al. stated that AVAs are seen in mono chorionic human twins
with a rate of 75.4%. They also stated that, in some instances, AVAs
may cause specic complications; however, in general, they regulate
inter–twin blood exchange and may compensate for unequal placental
territory [11]. Grinsell et al. stated that AVAs can be congenital or
acquired, asymptomatic or symptomatic, and microvascular or
macrovascular in the human body [12].
In animal morphology, Krmpotic et al. [13] stated that AVAs were
found in the skin of weddell (Leptonychotes weddellii), leopard (Hydrurga
leptonyx), and southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) species
and that AVAs had thermoregulatory functions. Additionally, other
tissues where the presence of AVAs has been demonstrated are in
rabbit (New Zealand White) peripheral pulmonary circulation [14], in
late‐pregnant ewes’ uterus [15], in Holstein cows’ corpus luteum [16].
Mokhtar [17] demonstrated the presence of AVA in the ovary of mature
Redbelly tilapia (Coptodon zillii) using a light microscope, and Mokhtar
& Abd‐Elhafez [18] demonstrated the presence of AVA in the peripheral
circulation of the ovary in one‐humped camel (Camelus dromedarius).
Yet, the effects and roles of AVAs on tissue have not been fully
elucidated. Their morphology must be known to determine these
functions because there is a relationship between the structure and
functions of AVAs [19]. Lima et al. [19] stated that it is necessary to
fully understand the vessel wall structure to understand the function
of AVA. However, it is dicult to analyze the AVA wall structure under
transmission electron microscopy thoroughly [19]. And also it is known,
rat ovaries have not been subjected to AVA's morphological functions.
This study aims to show the morphology of the structures that
play a role in the function of AVAs under the transmission electron
microscope from unpublished depository data.
The study used 20 adult females of rats (Rattus norvegicus),
obtained from the Experimental Animals Laboratory, Faculty of
Medicine, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Türkiye. Ethical approval is
also obtained from the institution.
At least two samples were taken from a total of forty rats ovaries
from each ovary without distinguishing a specic region. The samples
were cut into small pieces of 1 mm
in phosphate buffer. By applying
double xation to the pieces, the rst xation of the tissues was made
in Glutaraldehyde prepared with Milloning phosphate buffer (pH: 7.4)
for 1 h. The second xation was made with isotonic osmium tetroxide
1%, pH: 7.3). The xated tissues were dehydrated by passing
through the ethyl alcohol series. Dehydrated tissues were embedded
in Epoxy resin (Araldite CY–212). The blocks were polymerized in an
oven at 60°C for 48 h. Ultra–thin (1 µm) sections were taken from
the prepared blocks with the LKB–5 ultra–tome (LKB Co., Biel,
Switzerland). The sections were stained with toluidine blue to identify
suitable areas. Thin sections of 300–500 angstroms were taken from
selected areas. Double staining with Uranyl acetate and lead Citrate
was applied to the thin sections. Sections ready to be examined
by contrast staining were evaluated under the JEOL–100 C (JEOL,
USA Inc., Maryland, USA) electron microscope and photographed at
different magnications.
In this study, simple arteriovenous anastomoses are observed in
all eighty specimens. There is no specic way to sectional follow
AVAs. The AVA's can be separable from other micro vessels by their
unique wall proportion and structures. The obtained observations
about AVAs in rat ovary and the morphology of vessels with different
contraction positions are as follow:
In a section in which the AVA was open, tunica intima, tunica media,
and tunica adventitia layers were observed in the vessel wall structure.
The endothelial cell was present in the tunica intima, and the lumen
was open. Thick layered smooth muscle cells were found in the tunica
media. The muscles were arranged inner longitudinally and outer
circularly—the internal elastic membrane lying between the circular
and longitudinal smooth muscle (FIG.1).
In another section of the tunica adventitia, broblasts were observed
with dense elastic and collagen brils (FIG. 2). The longitudinal smooth
muscle was contracted in the section with the AVA closed, and the
lumen appeared in the typical asterisks shape (FIG. 3).
In the literature, various researchers have worked to explain the
functions of AVAs. These studies focused on the regulatory properties
of AVAs on thermoregulation and blood ow.