Received: 02/11/2023 Accepted: 22/12/2023 Published: 09/01/2024
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34344
In order to calculate the length–weight and length–to–length
relationships for red mullet Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927
in Turkish marine waters, samples were collected from the Marmara
Sea, the Northern Aegean Sea and the Western Black Sea by trawler
individuals were sampled, the number and proportion of individuals
from the literature of red mullet sampled in Turkish marine waters
median value of bb values
Key words: Mullus barbatus ponticus
positive allometry
Para calcular las relaciones longitud–peso y longitud–longitud de los
salmonetes Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927 distribuido en
aguas del mar turco, se tomaron muestras del mar de Mármara, del
mar Egeo septentrional y del mar Negro occidental mediante una red
de la relación longitud–peso de los salmonetes mostrados en aguas
b más bajo fue
los valores b estaban en el intervalo de 3,0
Palabras clave: Mullus barbatus ponticus; relación longitud–
Estimation of a selected population parameters for Turkish marine waters'
red mullet Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927
turcas Mullus barbatus ponticus 
Dilek Türker
Balıkesir University, Department of Biology. Balıkesir, Türkiye.
Correspondence Author:
FIGURE 1. Sampling areas (A: Edremit Bay (Northern Aegean Sea) B: Bandırma,
Sea of Marmara; C: Ereğli and Amasra (Western Black Sea)
Population parameters for Mullus barbatus ponticus / Türker _______________________________________________________________________
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2] is represented by Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus ponticusMullus
surmuletusParupeneus forsskali
Upeneus moluccensisUpeneus pori
M. barbatus
Atlantic, including the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, from Western
barbatusMullus barbatus
, 
7, , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
, ], and they are useful
for between–region comparisons of life histories of species and the
16, 17, , 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 
research conducted from 1977 to 2017 in Turkish marine waters yielded
the past an
taken using a commercial trawl net between the depths of 20–90
W = aL
where WL is the entire length of
b were estimated
Sd W
, where SdlogTL is the standard
SdlogW is the standard deviation of the
logW values, n
If the estimated t value is greater than the tabular t values for n-2
degrees of freedom, then the value of b differs from b27
determine whether parameter b
t–test was
] found that changing
length measurements had an effect on a but not b
is the fact that for the same sample, a rise from total to fork and
Northern Aegean Sea were es
t–test results were calculated separately for each studied area and
are presented i
given in
values of a, b, r
and sampling location of previous studies are given
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, , , 36, 37, ,
39, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 
] a plot
ab for all available
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34344
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Parameters of length–weight for red mullet
Location Sex n
Total Length (cm) Weight (g) Relationship Parameters
Min Max Min Max r
a b P
Black Sea (Amasra) C 171 6.3 15.0 2.54 31.75 0.918 0.0097 2.9941 0.0056 1.98 -A
Black Sea (Ereğli) C 1148 6.8 16.1 2.60 40.79 0.9275 0.0063 3.19 0.1074 1.96 +A
Aegean Sea (Edremit) C 407 10.1 20.5 8.45 89.53 0.8157 0.0157 2.795 0.0548 1.97 -A
Sea of Marmara (Bandırma) C 30 11.1 18.5 12.50 62.86 0.9791 0.0067 3.1408 0.0463 2.04 +A
n: Sample size, Min: Minimum, Max: Maximum,
a and b, Intercept and Slope of Length–Weight Relationships, r
: Coecient of Determination, C, Combined, GT: Growth Type,
-A: Negative Allometric, +A: Positive Allometric
Parameters of Length–Length Relationships for red mullet
TL (cm) FL (cm) SL (cm)
Equation n a b r
Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max
Northern Aegean Sea TL =
a + bFL 0.2460 1.0821 0.9486
Northern Aegean Sea 12.66 10.1 20.5 11.47 9.2 18.8 10.08 8.0 16.6 FL =
a + bSL 407 0.7321 1.0649 0.9482
Northern Aegean Sea SL =
a + bTL -0.0724 0.8023 0.9505
Sea of Marmara TL =
a + bFL 0.5311 1.0824 0.9855
Sea of Marmara 14.26 11.1 18.5 12.68 9.5 16.5 11.24 8.5 14.4 FL =
a + bSL 30 -0.2618 1.1514 0.9834
Sea of Marmara SL =
a + bTL 0.0236 0.7868 0.9921
TL: Total Length, FL: Fork Length, SL: Standard Length, Min: Minimum, Max: Maximum, n: Sample size,
a and b: intercept and slope of Length–Length Relationship, r
: coecient
of determination
49 Length–Weight Relationships Obtained from Dierent Areas
Location L min–L max (cm) LT W min–W max (g) Sex n a b r
İzmir Bay 7.50–22.0 FL 6.00–115.00 C 6054 0.0165 2.9231
[29] Toğulga, 1977
İzmir Bay 8.60–18.3 FL 9.00–121.00 F 218 0.0059 3.3916 0.9890
[30] Akyol et al., 2000
İzmir Bay 9.50–15.0 FL 12.00–51.00 M 110 0.0077 3.2834 0.9750
[30] Akyol et al., 2000
İzmir Bay 8.60–18.3 FL 9.00–121.00 C 346 0.0063 3.3625 0.9880
[30] Akyol et al., 2000
Edremit Bay 9.45–18.7 FL 13.45–87.65 C 474 0.0157 2.9811 0.9620
[31] Çelik and Torcu, 2000
İzmir Bay FL F 155 0.0073 3.2800
[11] Kınacıgil et al., 2001
İzmir Bay FL M 65 0.0077 3.2500
[11] Kınacıgil et al., 2001
İzmir Bay 8.10–16.1 FL 7.00–66.00 C 220 0.0071 3.2900
[11] Kınacıgil et al., 2001
Babadillimani Bight 3.80–21.5 TL 0.39–119.90 C 2021 0.0076 3.1280 0.9760
[32] Çiçek et al., 2006
SE Black Sea 6.80–18.0 TL F 248 0.0047 3.2700 0.9800
[33] Demirhan & Can, 2006
SE Black Sea 6.80–14.6 TL M 173 0.0057 3.1900 0.9400
[33] Demirhan & Can, 2006
SE Black Sea 6.80–14.6 TL C 432 0.0051 3.2400 0.9700
[33] Demirhan & Can, 2006
N. Aegean Sea 12.70–22.3 TL F 49 0.0038 3.3610 0.9350
[34] Karakulak et al., 2006
N. Aegean Sea 12.50–18.6 TL M 16 0.0067 3.1710 0.9420
[34] Karakulak et al., 2006
N. Aegean Sea 12.50–22.3 TL C 76 0.0049 3.2730 0.9410
[34] Karakulak et al., 2006
İzmir Bay 7.50–20.0 FL 5.57–123.00 C 479 0.0102 3.1760 0.9600
[35] Özaydın&Taşkavak,06
İzmir Bay 8.00–19.6 TL 6.00–90.00 C 111 0.0091 3.1000 0.9700
[36] Gökçe et al., 2007
Saros Bay 6.00–24.7 TL 2.00–200.00 C 3386 0.00762 3.0949 0.9630
[37] İşmen et al., 2007
Middle Black Sea 6.60–18.4 TL 2.94–60.16 176 0.0111 2.9630 0.9800
[38] Kalaycı et al., 2007
İzmir Bay 5.40–21.2 FL C 1910 0.0089 3.2330 0.9810
[39] Özaydın et al., 2007
   
   
FIGURE 2. The log (a) vs b of red mullet for Fork Length FIGURE 3. The log (a) vs b of red mullet for Total Length. The circled points are outliers
Population parameters for Mullus barbatus ponticus / Türker _______________________________________________________________________
TABLE III cont...
49 Length–Weight Relationships Obtained from Dierent Areas
NE Mediterranean 8.20–22.0 TL 4.96–106.26 C 451 0.0032 3.0600 0.9400
[40] Sangun et al., 2007
İzmir Bay 8.20–28.2 TL F 970 0.0056 3.2400 0.9800
[41] İlkyaz et al., 2008
İzmir Bay 8.20–19.0 TL M 909 0.0064 3.1900 0.9640
[41] İlkyaz et al., 2008
İzmir Bay 8.20–28.20 TL C 1879 0.0060 3.2200 0.9780
[41] İlkyaz et al., 2008
İskenderun Bay 11.00–20.40 TL 15.98–91.30 C 8 0.0184 2.8400 0.9900
[42] Gökçe et al., 2010
Çandarlı Bay 4.60–9.90 TL 0.55–8.01 C 13 0.0040 3.3440 0.9540
[43] Gürkan et al., 2010
N. Sea of Marmara 10.00–15.70 TL 9.54–46.59 C 99 0.0049 3.3260 0.9160
[44] Bök et al., 2011
Sea of Marmara 9.60–22.70 TL C 94 0.0150 3.0040 0.8600
[45] Demirel&Dalkara,2012
Gallipoli Peninsula
and Dardanelles
8.70–20.10 TL 6.83–99.13 C 102 0.0062 3.2200 0.9800
[46] Cengiz, 2013
HomaLagoon,İzmir 5.10–11.10 TL 1.15–13.82 C 90 0.0060 3.1800 0.9910
[47] Acarlı et al., 2014
Saros Bay 9.20–23.60 TL 7.50–177.30 F 2302 0.0610 3.1900 0.9400
[48] Arslan & İşmen, 2014
Saros Bay 8.80–24.10 TL 7.80–119.70 M 1308 0.0800 3.0890 0.9200
[48] Arslan & İşmen, 2014
Saros Bay 6.50–24.80 TL 2.50–177.30 C 9386 0.0084 3.0770 0.9400
[48] Arslan & İşmen, 2014
S. Aegean Sea 5.60–38.20 TL C 2009 0.0065 3.3550 0.9700
[49] Bilge et al., 2014
Gulf of Antalya 8.70–21.50 TL C 1565 0.0071 3.1650 0.8940
[50] Özvarol, 2014
Black Sea 5.30–19.00 TL 1.20–73.40 2693 0.0074 3.1230 0.9600
[51] Kasapoğlu & Düzgüneş 2014
Çandarlı Bay 5.20–22.40 FL 1.50–146.10 C 970 0.0064 3.3340 0.9890
[52] Akalın et al., 2015
İskenderun Bay 6.90–15.70 TL 3.41–51.38 C 212 0.0072 3.1618 0.9530
[12] Çiçek, 2015
Eastern Black Sea 11.10–21.40 TL 12.41–96.22 F 433 0.0064 3.1340 0.9240
[53] Yeşilçiçek et al., 2015
Eastern Black Sea 9.40–19.80 TL 8.49–66.21 M 212 0.0090 2.9930 0.8890
[53] Yeşilçiçek et al., 2015
Eastern Black Sea 7.40–22.60 TL 2.68–102.50 C 672 0.0066 3.1190 0.9250
[53] Yeşilçiçek et al., 2015
İzmir Bay 9.50–13.40 TL 9.00–27.10 C 47 0.0068 3.1930 0.9997
[54] Kara et al., 2016
Western Black Sea 9.10–18.90 TL 8.81–62.42 F 1986 0.0103 3.0127 0.9407
[13] Yıldız & Karakulak, 2016
Western Black Sea 9.00–15.80 TL 7.18–47.97 M 1829 0.0137 2.8993 0.9283
[13] Yıldız & Karakulak, 2016
Western Black Sea 6.30–18.90 TL 3.62–62.42 C 4928 0.0109 2.9886 0.9554
[13] Yıldız & Karakulak, 2016
İzmir Bay 4.50–11.90 TL 0.75–16.80 C 107 0.0062 3.1900 0.9970
[54] Kara et al., 2016
Gülbahçe Bay FL F 301 0.0113 3.1520 0.9660
[55] Kurtul &Özaydın, 2017
Gülbahçe Bay FL M 229 0.0102 3.1880 0.9590
[55] Kurtul &Özaydın, 2017
Gülbahçe Bay 5.10–15.30 FL C 629 0.0100 3.2010 0.9720
[55] Kurtul &Özaydın, 2017
LT: Length Type, C: Combined, F: Female, M: Male, TL: Total Length, FL: Fork Length, n: Sample Size,
a and b Intercept and Slope of Length–Weight Relationships, r
: Coecient
of Determination) (SE: Southeastern, N: Northern, S: Southern
FIGURE 4. Scatter plot of mean log (a) over mean b for red mullet. Areas of negative allometric, isometric, positive allometric change in body weight relative to body
length are indicated
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34344
total length of studied locations was longer than some previous
the characteristics of these three different marine environments and
the decisions of policy makers, causes differen
The habitat, region, seasonal effects, degree of stomach fullness,
in the observed length ranges of the samples caught may all have an
20, 39, 
, 
claims that a stronger regression analysis conducted after removing
demonstrates that several of the estimations were higher than 3
conclusion to be drawn that red mullet found in Turkish waters primarily
parameters for red mullet in Turkish marine waters from previous
Therefore, relevant studies could be supportive in future for the
 
Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus and M.
Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus
Population parameters for Mullus barbatus ponticus / Türker _______________________________________________________________________
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Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus
of the red mullet Mullus barbatus
of the bogue Boops boops
 
Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus
Mullus barbatus
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34344
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 
Mullus barbatus
 
Mullus barbatus