Received: 28/08/2024 Accepted: 17/10/2024 Published: 31/12/2024
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34509
The aim of the assay was to study the effect of pomegranate peel
powder (PPP) as an alternative natural additive on growth performance,
carcass characteristics, and biochemical parameters of Japanese
quails. The experiment involved 208 unsexed Japanese quails’ chicks
initially fed a standard diet without PPP for the rst week. Then,
they were weighed and divided into four groups: one control group
CTRL and three test groups receiving diets supplemented with
3%, 5%, and 7% PPP. Each group composed of four replicates of
13 quails. The results indicated that during the grower period, the
group receiving 7% PPP showed higher feed intake (FI) (P=0.029)
and feed conversion ratio (FCR) (P=0.001). However, body weight
(BW) (P<0.0001), body weight gain (BWG) (P=0.001), and average
daily gain (ADG) (P=0.017) were decreased. In contrast, during the
nisher period, PPP supplementation did not signicantly affect
the nal BW, BWG, or ADG (P>0.05). Notably, the groups receiving
5% and 7% PPP experienced a signicant reduction in FI (P=0.001)
and the 7% PPP group showed signicant increases in proventriculus
weight (P=0.025), relative intestine weight (P=0.017) and cecum length
(P<0.0001). Furthermore, this group exhibited a noticeable decrease
in albumin levels (P<0.0001) and an increase in GOT activity (P=0.002).
In conclusion, PPP shows promising effects as a nutritional additive
and natural growth promoter for Japanese quails. However, it is
advisable to incorporate it after the grower period and to be cautious
with higher doses due to potential toxicity risks.
Key words: Pomegranate Peel Powder; Coturnix japonica; feed
formulation; growth performance; biochemical
El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el efecto del polvo de cáscara de
granada (PCG) como un aditivo natural alternativo sobre el rendimiento
productivo, las características de la canal y los parámetros
bioquímicos en codornices japonesas. El experimento involucró
a 208 polluelos de codorniz japonesa no sexados, alimentados
inicialmente con una dieta estándar sin PCG durante los primeros
siete días. Luego, fueron pesados y divididos en cuatro grupos:
un grupo de control (CTRL) y tres grupos de prueba que recibieron
dietas suplementadas con 3%, 5% y 7% de PCG. Cada grupo estaba
compuesto por cuatro réplicas de 13 codornices cada una. Los
resultados indicaron que durante el período de crecimiento, el grupo
que recibió 7% de PCG mostró un mayor consumo de alimento (FI)
(P=0,029) y un mayor índice de conversión alimenticia (FCR) (P=0,001).
Sin embargo, se encontró una disminución en el peso corporal (BW)
(P<0,0001), la ganancia de peso corporal (BWG) (P=0,001) y la ganancia
diaria promedio (ADG) (P=0,017). En cambio, durante el período de
acabado, la suplementación con PCG no tuvo un impacto signicativo
en el BW nal, BWG o ADG (P>0,05). Cabe destacar que los grupos
que recibieron 5% y 7% de PCG experimentaron una reducción
signicativa en el FI (P=0,001). Además, el grupo que recibió 7% de
PCG mostró aumentos signicativos en el peso del proventrículo
(P=0,025), peso relativo del intestino (P=0,017) y longitud del ciego
(P<0,0001). Asimismo, este grupo exhibió una notable disminución
en los niveles de albúmina (P<0,0001) y un aumento en la actividad de
GOT (P=0,002). En conclusión, el PCG muestra efectos prometedores
como aditivo nutricional y promotor de crecimiento natural para las
codornices japonesas. Sin embargo, se recomienda incorporarlo
después del período de crecimiento y ser cauteloso con dosis más
altas debido a los posibles riesgos de toxicidad.
Palabras clave: Polvo de cáscara de Granada; Coturnix japónica;
formulación de alimentos; rendimiento de
crecimiento; parámetros bioquímicos
Impact of Pomegranate peel powder (Punica granatum) incorporation on
growth performance, carcass characteristics and biochemical parameters
in Japanese Quails (Coturnix japonica)
Impacto de la incorporacion de cascara de Granada sobre el crecimiento productivo,
características de la canal y parámetros bioquímicos en codornices japonesas
Amina Amraoui* , Aya Bensalem , Samia Ameziane , Sana Hireche , Amir Agabou
University of Constantine 1-Frères Mentouri, Institute of Veterinary Sciences El-Khroub, PADESCA Research Laboratory. Constantine, Algeria.
Corresponding author:
Chemical composition of pomegranate peel
Component Content
Moisture 4.4%
Mineral matter 3.65%
Crude protein 4.8%
Crude fat 5.9%
Crude ber 10.4%
Ca 1.34%
Phosphore 0.13%
3167.3 Kcal·kg
ME: Metabolized Energy
Effects of Pomegranate Peel Powder on Growth and Biochemical Parameters in Japanese Quails / Amraoui et al. _________________
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As the global population surges, the search for sustainable sources
of animal proteins becomes increasingly critical [1]. The Japanese
quail (Coturnix japonica), known for its meat and eggs, stands out due
to its high nutritional value and economic viability [2]. Consuming
two quails daily can meet 40% of human protein needs, because of
their rich content of proteins and essential amino acids [3]. This bird
species offers multiple advantages: short reproductive cycles, low
feed consumption, and a high reproduction capacity. Its adaptability
to various farming conditions [4] and lesser environmental impact,
make it an ideal choice for agricultural systems aiming to minimize
animal breeding ecological footprint, while eciently meeting market
demands [5]. Moreover, quails’ robustness against many pathogens
presents a signicant competitive advantage, since they exhibit
better disease resistance than chickens.
Historically, using antibiotics as growth promoters in poultry
farming was a widespread practice [6]. This approach has signicantly
contributed to antibiotic resistance, a critical issue for global public
health [7], that led to major revisions in animal farming methods.
This includes the ban of these substances in several countries [6].
Thus, the animals farming industry is now turning towards effective
and eco-friendly alternatives [8, 9], specically the valorisation of
agricultural by-products into benecial resources, which stands as
an ecient approach to reduce dependence on antibiotics.
Ineffective management of agricultural by-products not only
exacerbates environmental problems (such as pollution and waste
treatment challenges) but also results in the loss of economic and
ecological values [10]. The growing interest in valorising agro-
industrial by-products for sustainable resource management and as
an effective alternative to antibiotics directs our research towards one
of the most abundant yet underutilized raw materials: pomegranate
peel (Punica granatum).
Global pomegranate production is estimated to be between 2.5
and 3 million tons annually. A signicant portion of this output,
represented by pomegranate peels, comprises between 30 and 50% of
the total fruit weight [11, 12]. According to the FAO, this volume of peels
generates approximately 1.3 to 1.5 million tons of industrial wastes
each year [13]. Pomegranate peels are valued for their health benets
attributed to their high content of tannins, avonoids and various
phenolic compounds [14]. These bioactive components provide the
fruit with its antioxidant and anti-inammatory properties [1], as
well as antimicrobial, antifungal and antiparasitic attributes [12],
making it effective in treating several illnesses like various types of
cancer for instance [1]. According to Teniente et al. [10], polyphenols
in pomegranate peels are able to modulate biological mechanisms
involved in cervical, breast, and lung cancer. In fact, these substances
can neutralise free radicals and inhibit lipid oxidation in fatty foods
[1]. Additionally, pomegranate peel boasts a remarkable abundance
of other phytochemicals, including vitamins, dietary bres, essential
minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium) and
complex polysaccharides [15, 16]. Thus, our present study aims to
valorise pomegranate peel, a frequently disregarded by-product, by
integrating it into the diet of Japanese quails. This approach seeks to
replace antibiotics as growth promoters, thereby aiding in the ght
against antibiotic resistance.
Animals and diets
The study was conducted at the experimental farm of the Institute
of Veterinary Sciences, University Constantine 1 Frères Mentouri,
Constantine, Algeria. Fertile quail eggs were incubated, and the
chicks were fed a standard growing diet without pomegranate (Punica
granatum) peel powder (PPP) for the rst week to avoid any potential
negative effects from certain anti-nutritional factors. At 7 days (d) old,
208 unsexed Japanese quails were weighed and then randomly divided
into four groups: a control group (CTRL) (without supplementation)
and three experimental groups that received diets with varying
concentrations of PPP (3, 5, and 7%). Each group consisted of 4
replicates of 13 quails. During the experiment, the birds were kept in
galvanized cages under uniform conditions with continuous lighting
and ad libitum access to feed and water.
Pomegranate peels were obtained from local suppliers. They were
dried in shade, ground into a ne powder and sieved to achieve a
consistent quality. Then, the final product was integrated into
carefully designed diets to meet Japanese quails’ nutritional needs
at their various development stages. Feed formulations were made
using the Windows User-Friendly Feed Formulation tool (WUFFDA ver.
1.02, 2004), according to the standards established by the National
Research Council NRC [17]. The chemical composition of the PPP is
presented in TABLE I and the detailed composition of the diets for
each experimental group are shown in TABLE II [18].
Performance Measurement
Feed intake (FI), body weight (BW), feed conversion ratio (FCR),
average daily gain (ADG), body weight gain (BWG), and mortality rates
(M%) were recorded throughout the study. FCR, ADG, and BWG were
calculated for the grower, nisher, and total rearing periods.
Slaughter and post-mortem analyses
At 42 d of age, 5 males and 5 females were randomly selected from
each group and weighed individually using a precision digital scale
(Princeton Instruments, model YP601N, accuracy: 0.1 g, maximum
capacity: 600 g, USA). These quails were rstly kept separately and
subjected to a 12-h fast while allowing them access to water. They were
Ingredients and nutrient composition of diets during grower and nisher periods
of feed)
Grower Finisher
Yellow corn 51.25 49.42 48 46.35 59.50 55 55.35 53.50
Soybean meal 48% 41.13 40.55 40.9 41.05 26.50 30.30 27.4 27.75
Wheat bran 5.87 5.10 4.35 3.85 12.25 9.95 10.50 10
Limestone (%) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Dicalcium Phosphate (%) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
MV premix* (%)
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
PPP % 0 3 5 7 0 3 5 7
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Dry matter (%) 88.1 88.23 88.29 88.36 87.96 88.11 88.15 88.23
ME (kcal·Kg
) 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800
Proteins (%) 24 24 24 24 20.01 20 20 20
Fat (%) 2.53 2.44 3.33 3.24 2.89 2.69 2.69 2.61
Crude ber (%) 3.38 3.53 3.65 3.78 3.69 3.80 3.97 4.09
ME: Metabolized Energy, *MV premix: Mineral-Vitamin supplement provided per kg of diet: Vitamin A: 3750.75 IU, Vitamin D3: 1249.875
IU, Vitamin E: 7.5 mg, Vitamin K3: 0.8 mg, Vitamin B1: 0.6425 mg, Vitamin B2: 0.0175 mg, Vitamin B6: 1.5 mg, Vitamin B12 : 0.004675 mg,
Niacin: 17.8 mg, Folic acid: 0.3125 mg, Pantothenic acid: 3.55 mg, Biotin: 0.05 mg, Choline: 150.4125 mg, Betaine: 87.4925 mg, Fe: 12.65
mg, Cu: 3.45 mg, Mn: 25.325 mg, Zn: 16.9 mg, Se: 0.1025 mg, Iode: 0.515 mg, Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA): 0.05 mg, Ethoxyquin: 0.05
mg, Sepiolite: 7.5075 mg, DL Methionine: 413 mg, L-Lysine: 0.0125%
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34509
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of variance components between experimental groups by Levenes
test. Data that adhered to both normality and variance homogeneity
criteria were analysed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukeys
test for post-hoc comparisons. In case of variance heterogeneity,
the Welch test and the Games-Howell test were applied. The
Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s tests were utilised for non-normal data
for multiple comparisons. Gender differences were evaluated using
the independent sample t-test or the Mann-Whitney U test when the
data did not meet the normality prerequisite. Results are presented
as means ± standard deviation.
Productive performance
The TABLE III presents the Japanese quails’ production performances
over a 42 d rearing period. During the grower period, quails of the
7% PPP group showed a signicantly lower BW than the CTRL and
3% PPP groups (P<0.0001 for both). The 5% PPP group also showed
a signicantly lower BW than the 3% PPP group (P=0.029). However,
the BW in the 3% PPP group, although higher, was not signicantly
different from the CTRL group. During the grower period, the group
fed 7% PPP, had signicantly lower WG, BWG and ADG compared to
the CTRL (P=0.004) and 3% PPP groups (P=0.002). Additionally, the
7% PPP group had signicantly higher FCR and FI compared to the
CTRL (P=0.017 and P=0.037 respectively) and 3% PPP groups (P=0.002
and P=0.030 respectively).
In the finisher phase, significant BW differences were noted
in the rst week, with 5 and 7% PPP groups showing lower BWs
compared to the CTRL group (P=0.035 and P=0.007 respectively).
The 7% PPP group also had signicantly lower BW than the 3% PPP
group (P=0.018). No signicant disparities in ADG and BWG were
then euthanized by severing the jugular veins, and subsequently, the
feathers, head, viscera, and legs were removed from the carcasses.
The empty carcasses were weighed using an analytical balance
(KERN, model PLS, accuracy: 0.0001 g, capacity: 510 g, Germany) and
the carcass percentage calculated using the formula established by
Brake et al. [19]:
Dres sin g (%)
Live body weight
Empty carcass weight
b l
Weights of the liver, spleen, intestines, heart, proventriculus,
gizzard, ovaries, testes and abdominal fat were measured using the
same analytical scale and used to calculate their relative weights
as percentages of the total body weight. The entire digestive tract,
small intestine, and caeca length measurements were also recorded.
From each bird, blood was collected into a heparinised tube. Then,
plasma samples were obtained by centrifugation at 0,805 G for 10 min
(Sigma, model 1-6P, maximum speed: 2,837 G, Germany) and stored at
-20°C until analysis (ENIEM, model CF 1301, 350 L capacity, Algeria).
Later, they were used to measure biochemical parameters, such
as blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin,
urea, creatinine, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, alpha-amylase,
calcium, phosphorus, glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT),
and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), using colorimetric methods
with commercial kits (Bio Lab®, France; Spinreact®, Spain) and a
semi-automatic spectrophotometer (Mindray BA-88A, China).
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed through SPSS 25 software (SPSS
Inc Chicago. IL. USA. 2017). Assessing normality was conducted using
the Shapiro-Wilk and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests and homogeneity
Eect of diets containing dierent levels of pomegranate peel powder on quail performances
Performances CTRL 3% PPP 5% PPP 7% PPP P values
Grower period
BW at 7 days (g) 26.12 ± 6.11 28.72 ± 4.49 24.51 ± 4.04 23.10 ± 3.93 NS
BW at 15 days (g) 77.49 ± 20.50
88.56 ± 11.38
63.61 ± 8.13
61.74 ± 9.25
BW at 21 days (g) 119.30 ± 17.95
122.63 ± 15.30
113.42 ± 15.49
107.12 ± 15.06
ADG (g·d
) 6.56 ± 1.07
6.67 ± 0.90
6.31 ± 0.97
5.95 ± 0.91
BWG (g) 91.94 ± 14.99
93.48 ± 12.60
88.44 ± 13.65
83.41 ± 12.77
FI (g·d
) 9.42 ± 1.51
10.01 ± 0.39
11.23 ± 0.96
11.41 ± 0.55
FCR 2.19 ± 0.46
2.24 ± 0.08
2.68 ± 0.38
2.87 ± 0.13
M (%) 9.23 ± 8.42 5.76 ± 3.84 5.76 ± 3.84 7.69 ± 0 NS
Finisher period
BW at 28 days (g) 161.43 ± 19.4
161.74 ± 20.76
152.13 ± 18.70
150.27 ± 16.13
BW at 35 days (g) 194.35 ± 25.22 195.20 ± 27.89 187.57 ± 26.21 184.99 ± 19.46 NS
BW at 42 days (g) 214.31 ± 34.42 215.25 ± 34.38 205.52 ± 29.13 204.72 ± 24.24 NS
ADG (g·d
) 3.77 ± 1.66 3.98 ± 1.53 3.81 ± 1.28 3.88 ± 1.23 NS
BWG (g) 52.87 ± 23.37 53.50 ± 20.10 53.38 ± 17.97 54.45 ± 17.25 NS
FI (g·d
) 27.88 ± 2.22
30.47 ± 2.65
23.95 ± 1.80
24.89 ± 0.79
FCR 11.09 ± 1.50 12.11 ± 1.65 9.78 ± 1.53 9.41 ± 0.64 NS
Total FCR 5.45 ± 0.30 5.92 ± 0.52 5.77 ± 0.35 5.29 ± 0.55 NS
M (%) 1.09 ± 2.90 4.00 ± 4.63 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 NS
NS: Not signicant. BW: Body weight, ADG: Average daily gain. BWG: Body weight gain. FI: Feed intake. FCR: Feed conversion
ratio. M: mortality. Means bearing dierent superscripts within the same row are signicantly dierent (
Effects of Pomegranate Peel Powder on Growth and Biochemical Parameters in Japanese Quails / Amraoui et al. _________________
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observed thereafter, suggesting that the early benets of 3% PPP do
not continue into later stages of grower period. During the nisher
stage, a marked sexual dimorphism was observed, with females
signicantly becoming heavier than males. Throughout this period, no
signicant dissimilarities in FCR were observed between the groups.
On the other hand, FI analysis revealed a signicant decrease in the
7% PPP group as compared to the CTRL (P=0.03) and 3% PPP groups
(P=0.002). The 5% PPP group also showed signicantly lower FI than
the 3% PPP group (P=0.007). These results indicate that increasing
PPP in the diet can reduce FI. Although, groups with different PPP
levels showed reduced mortality rates compared to the CTRL group.
These differences were statistically signicant throughout neither
the grower phase nor the nisher one.
The incorporation of 7% PPP increased FCR and FI while reducing
BW, ADG and BWG during the grower period. However, 5 and 7% PPP
reduced FI during the nisher period without affecting BW, BWG or
ADG. The inuence of the birds’ age on bre digestibility and intestinal
morphology can explain these observations. For instance, it was
reported that crude protein, fat, and energy digestibility decreased
in young turkeys on high-fiber diets, but not at older ages [20].
Additionally, soluble bres have been shown to increase intestinal
viscosity, which reduces nutrient absorption and may potentially
lower weight gain in poultry [21]. During the nisher phase, quails’
metabolism and digestive systems are more stable and adapted to
bres digestion, suggesting that PPP supplementation at post-grower
stage minimizes negative impacts on growth performances and feed
eciency. Another study [22] suggests that improved enzymatic
activity in the gastrointestinal system enhances nutrient digestion
and absorption while reducing FI. Furthermore, antioxidants in PPP,
such as avonoids and phenolic acids, are expected to lower oxidative
stress and intensify energy metabolism that promotes growth even with
reduced feed consumption [23, 24]. Additionally, PPP’s antibacterial
properties can decrease bacterial loads and improve intestinal health
and immunity that are essential for poultry development [24].
The ndings reported by Sharian et al. [25], describing a decreased
FI without affecting growth in broilers fed pomegranate peel extract,
corroborate well with our observations. However, other studies showed
some disparities. For example, it was found that Japanese quails given
low doses (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2%) of PPP with cadmium chloride did not
show any alteration in their FI [26]. Conversely, another study Maqsood
etal. [27] observed that quails fed 7.5% PPP and raised on the ground,
performed worse in terms of growth, but not FI. Differences in rearing
conditions could also explain these discrepancies.
Our ndings indicate a signicant decrease in FI among Japanese
quails during the nisher phase with higher PPP levels. Quails receiving
7% PPP had the lowest FI, aligning with the results reported by
El-Rayes et al. [22]. This reduced consumption may be due to the high
concentration of tannins in PPP that affect palatability. Conversely, an
increase in FI with 7.5% PPP in 10-week-old quails was noted by Abbas
et al. [28], possibly due to differences in the quails’ initial age and the
duration of the experiment. Our study showed no signicant effect on
FCR, differing from the ndings of other research, where an increased
FCR but similar nal weights to the control group were recorded [29].
We also observed no signicant differences in mortality rates, unlike
the ndings of Hamad et al. [30], who reported a reduced mortality
with 1 and 1.5% PPP. This discrepancy may be due to our longer study
duration, different rearing conditions and drying methods used for PPP.
It has been documented that drying methods signicantly affect the
phytochemical composition and nutritional properties of pomegranate
peels, which impact the nutrients quality and their availability [23].
Eect of diets containing dierent levels of PPP on Carcass characteristics
Measurements CTRL 3% PPP 5% PPP 7% PPP P values
Slaughter BW (g) 211.26 ± 30.13 220.20 ± 26.82 207.41 ± 23.58 206.55 ± 29.90 NS
Carcass weight (g) 144.02 ± 16.35 153.92 ± 14.12 145.34 ± 16.10 138.56 ± 16.70 NS
Carcass yield (%) 68.57 ± 4.76 70.35 ± 6.05 70.21 ± 4.38 67.43 ± 4.68 NS
Liver weight (g) 4.94 ± 1.62 4.69 ± 1.88 5 ± 1.64 5.11 ± 2 NS
Liver relative weight (%) 2.32 ± 0.63 2.08 ± 0.67 2.39 ± 0.71 2.41 ± 0.66 NS
Heart weight (g) 1.60 ± 0.23 1.65 ± 0.17 1.62 ± 0.24 1.58 ± 0.24 NS
Heart relative weight (%) 0.76 ± .12 0.75 ± 0.08 0.78 ± 0.10 0.76 ± 0.05 NS
Gizzard weight (g) 3.94 ± 0.61 3.71 ± 0.66 3.67 ± 0.69 3.98 ± 0.80 NS
Gizzard relative weight (%) 1.87 ± 0.26 1.68 ± 0.18 1.77 ± 0.29 1.91 ± 0.15 NS
Abdominal fat weight (g) 0.94 ± 0.91 1.25 ± 1.15 1.11 ± 0.47 0.90 ± 0.88 NS
Abdominal fat relative weight (%) 0.42 ± 0.39 0.57 ± 0.50 0.53 ± 0.24 0.42 ± 0.38 NS
Gonads weight (g) 14.46 ± 10.38 12.39 ± 14.48 10.96 ± 6.46 14.61 ± 9.28 NS
Proventriculus weight (g) 1.55 ± 0.44
1.34 ± 1.04
1.69 ± 0.59
1.97 ± 0.42
Intestine weight (g) 8.25 ± 3.13 8.80 ± 2.74 9.93 ± 3.76 10.97 ± 3.60 NS
Intestine relative weight (%) 3.84 ± 1.18
3.92 ± 0.84
4.69 ± 1.33
5.23 ± 1.19
Intestine length (cm) 65.05 ± 12.56 60.79 ± 7.06 65.80 ± 10.26 69.22 ± 12.01 NS
Caeca length (cm) 9.50 ± 1.99
10.15 ± 2.10
11.28 ± 1.67
13.13 ± 2.16
Means bearing dierent superscripts within the same row are signicantly dierent at
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Our study highlights a sexual dimorphism, with females showing
higher nal BW and BWG than males in all groups. These ndings align
with those of other research [31], and support the ones presented in
another study regarding the leading role of genetic factors in sexual
dimorphism expression [32].
Carcass traits
After analysing the carcass traits (TABLE IV), no signicant variations
were found among the different groups in slaughter weight, carcass
weight, carcass yield and absolute and relative weights of organs.
However, the 7% PPP group showed a signicantly higher proventriculus
weight than the CTRL (P=0.026) and 3% PPP (P=0.013) groups. This
last group also had longer caeca (P<0.0001) and a higher intestinal
proportion (P=0.017). Notably, most quails in the 7% PPP group exhibited
paler livers. These ndings align with those of Kamel et al. [33], who
found no notable changes with 3%, 6% and 9% PPP levels, and Habibi
et al. [29], who reported no signicant changes with 0.5% and 2%
PPP. However, our study and the one of Kamel et al. [33] found no
signicant change in liver weight, while Habibi et al. [29] noted a
signicant reduction. Methodological differences, particularly in PPP
levels, may explain these discrepancies.
A notable nding of our study, is the signicant impact of 7%
PPP on proventriculus weight and caeca length, that corroborates
with the observations of Rezvani et al. [34], who noticed increased
proventriculus weight in broiler chicks with 2% pomegranate
seed extract. Although pomegranate seeds have less tannin than
pomegranate peel [16], the digestive system’s compensatory response
to tannins may explain the increased proventriculus weight. Tannins
form complexes with proteins, reducing their digestibility and
prompting the digestive system to secrete more enzymes, through
potentially enlarged proventriculus [35]. These ndings are in contrast
with those of another research [29], in which no signicant variations
in intestinal proportions were recorded.
Biochemical parameters
As shown in Table V, biochemical analysis reveals minimal
signicant differences among the groups. Markedly, the 7% PPP
group had signicantly lower albumin levels compared to the CTRL
(P=0.009), 3% PPP (P=0.002) and 5% PPP (P=0.0001) groups. No
change in albumin levels occurred with 5% PPP, aligning with Elnaggar
et al. [36], who found no signicant disparities in broilers with 0.25 to
1.5% PPP. However, in our study, albumin levels signicantly dropped
with 7% PPP, corroborating with the results of Kamel et al. [33], who
observed reduced albumin at 9% PPP in Japanese quails. These
ndings are in contrast with those of Akuru et al. [37] who reported
increased albumin with 6 to 8% PPP in broilers chicks, possibly due to
species differences, PPP dosage or other factors not yet investigated.
GOT activity was higher in the 7% PPP group compared to the CTRL
(P=0.038), 3% PPP (P=0.012) and 5% PPP (P=0.031) groups. Akuru et al.
[37] also reported increased GOT levels in quails fed a 7% PPP diet,
on the opposite of Ashour et al. [38] who stated that broilers fed a
mix of medicinal plants including hot red pepper, thyme, rosemary,
anise, spearmint, black cumin and garlic showed decreased GOT
levels. These plants possess antioxidant properties akin to those
of PPP, indicating that the antioxidant effects may differ depending
on the plant type and concentration. Additionally, a reduction in
Eect of the incorporation level of PPP on specic biochemical indices in Japanese quails
Parameters CTRL 3%PPP 5%PPP 7%PPP P values
Glucose (g·L
) 3.42 ± 0.63 3.24 ±0.50 3.84 ± 0.69 3.74 ± 0.57 NS
Triglycerides (g·L
) 2.89 ± 2.28 3.18 ± 1.74 3.21 ± 1.60 2.83 ± 1.81 NS
Albumin (g·L
) 16.96 ± 5.1
a 20.57 ± 4.84
19.25 ± 3.39
12.52 ± 1.73
Total protein (g·L
) 40.65 ± 11.61 33.01 ± 11.27 38.53 ± 12.11 42.36 ± 10.51 NS
) 43.55 ± 28.78
33.50 ± 15.07
65.60 ± 28.16
93.30 ± 46.46
) 7.46 ± 6.46 7.34 ± 2.51 7.02 ± 4.72 6.97 ± 4.74 NS
Total cholesterol (mg·dL
) 4.03 ± 1.49 3.63 ± 0.91 4.03 ± 0.65 4.61 ± 1.18 NS
Urea (g·L
) 0.05 ± 0.03 0.04 ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.01 NS
Creatinine (g·L
) 3.27 ± 2.05 3.19 ± 0.66 4.38 ± 2.02 4.50 ± 1.73 NS
Total bilirubin (mg·L
) 43.39 ± 13.74 44.80 ± 10.19 44.20 ± 9.92 47.62 ± 8.69 NS
Direct bilirubin (mg·L
) 36.35 ± 16.64 36.36 ± 15.28 42.18 ± 16.69 43.73 ± 20.55 NS
Alpha amylase (U·L
) 2566.66 ± 1919.87 3128.20 ± 1761.55 1543 ± 1262.80 1509.66 ± 1295.15 NS
Calcium (mg·L
) 137.73 ± 58.87 110.75 ± 45.75 146.60 ± 51.86 151.86 ± 46.93 NS
Phosphorus (mg·L
) 108.64 ± 36.42 114.09 ± 51.16 102.47 ± 23.15 105.32 ± 43.18 NS
Means bearing dierent superscripts within the same row are signicantly dierent at
Effects of Pomegranate Peel Powder on Growth and Biochemical Parameters in Japanese Quails / Amraoui et al. _________________
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GOT levels in broilers consuming PPP has been previously reported
by Elnaggar et al. [36]. In our study, serum GOT concentrations, an
indicator of hepatocellular injury, suggests no harmful liver effects
at up to 5% PPP. However, increased GOT levels at 7% PPP might
indicate potential liver toxicity. The lack of GPT variation, another
specic liver damage marker, complicates this interpretation [39].
The pale liver seen in quails with 7% PPP might suggest some
hepatotoxicity. This observation aligns with the ndings reported
in the study of Monjur et al. [40], where dietary lead (Pb) caused
signicant toxic effects in broiler chickens, including pale liver colour,
hepatomegaly and elevated GPT levels as denitive indicators of liver
damage. In our study, the absence of GPT variations suggests that
pomegranate peel may exert less severe toxic effects.
This study highlights the potential of PPP as a natural additive
in poultry diets, offering a promising alternative to synthetic
supplements. The ndings indicate that while PPP can be incorporated
into quail diets without major negative effects at certain levels,
attention must be given to higher concentrations due to potential
health risks, such as liver toxicity.
The inclusion of PPP aligns with the growing need for more
sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices,
potentially reducing the reliance on chemical additives in poultry
farming. The study underscores the importance of determining
optimal dosages to maximize the benets of PPP, not only in quails
but also across a range of poultry species. Overall, PPP presents a
viable and nutritious alternative, contributing to a more eco-conscious
approach to poultry nutrition.
Conicts of interest
The authors declare no conicting interests.
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