Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
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ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 71
Recibido el 09/06/2021 Aceptado el 28/10/2021
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Nila Leal González
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 71 (2021), 378-386
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Principles of administrative procedural
law of Ukraine in the modern conditions
of the present time
Stanislav Denysyuk *
Natalya Lata **
Viktoriia Samonova ***
Yevhen Morshynin ****
Yelyzaveta Dzihora *****
The objective of the research was to analyze the regulations of
administrative law and the doctrine of administrative procedural
law, in terms of determining the nature and transcendence of the
basic principles that underpin its structure, social orientation,
and basic properties of the legal regulation of this branch of
law, and that, in addition, create the appropriate organizational and
functional conditions for administrative procedure activities. Materials
and methods of documentary research were implemented. Everything
allows us to conclude that the principles of administrative procedural law
can be divided into those that directly reect the specicity and content of
this branch of law, determine its characteristics, purpose, objectives, and
intention, and, on the other hand, administrative procedural principles,
that is, basic principles enshrined in the administrative procedure. It does
not undergo signicant changes, which determines the nature and content
of the activities of all subjects of administrative procedural relations in
Keywords: administrative procedural law; administrative procedural
rule; principles of law; administrative process; administrative
judicial process.
* Doctor of Law, Professor, leading researcher of the Department of Public Law Scientic institute of
public law, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Docent, Doctor of Philosophy in law, Docent at the Department of International, Civil and Commercial
law, Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Postgraduate student at the Department of Administrative and Customs Law, University of Customs
and Finance, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Graduate student of the Department of Civil, Commercial and Environmental Law, Dnipro University
of Technology, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Graduate Student, Law Faculty, Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 378-386
Principios del derecho procesal administrativo de
Ucrania en las condiciones modernas del tiempo actual
El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la normativa del derecho
administrativo y la doctrina del derecho procesal administrativo en cuanto
a determinar la naturaleza y trascendencia de los principios básicos que
fundamentan su estructura, orientación social y propiedades básicas de
la regulación jurídica de esta rama del derecho, y que, además, crean las
condiciones organizativas y funcionales adecuadas para las actividades de
procedimiento administrativo. Se implementaron materiales y métodos
propios de la investigación documental. Todo permite concluir que
los principios del derecho procesal administrativo pueden dividirse en
aquellos que reejan directamente la especicidad y el contenido de esta
rama del derecho, determinan sus características, nalidad, objetivos e
intención y, por otro lado, principios procesales administrativos, es decir,
principios básicos consagrados en el procedimiento administrativo, ley
que tendencialmente no sufre cambios signicativos, lo que determina
la naturaleza y contenido de las actividades de todos los sujetos de las
relaciones procesales administrativas en general.
Palabras clave: derecho procesal administrativo; norma procesal
administrativa; principios de derecho; proceso
administrativo; proceso judicial administrativo.
Global political, economic, social, and legal transformations that are
taking place in the state against the background of numerous reforms in
all spheres of the society, directly aect the entire domestic legal system,
its individual branches and institutions. In the last two decades alone, the
current legislation has been signicantly updated and supplemented. An
inuential codied act was adopted - the Code of Administrative Proceedings
of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as CAPU) which nally completed
formation of the national administrative justice institution (although the
process of making signicant changes and additions to it is still ongoing);
more than a hundred amendments were made to the main codied act
of administrative torts (the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Oenses)
has been made during the period of its existence; and the dispersion of
administrative procedural norms in the legislation in general testies to
their increase not only in number, but also in form of replenishment with
fundamentally new concepts and categories. It is obvious that today it is
extremely urgent to rethink certain legislative structures and categories
Stanislav Denysyuk, Natalya Lata, Viktoriia Samonova, Yevhen Morshynin y Yelyzaveta Dzihora
Principles of administrative procedural law of Ukraine in the modern conditions of the present time
dened in the norms of administrative and procedural legislation, in
particular including such categories as principles.
1. Literature Review
The purpose of legal principles in general is dicult to be overestimated.
In any case, their function is to ensure ideological unity of lawmaking, law
enforcement as well as law and order in general. Each principle is an idea, i.e.
a spontaneous thought as a product of real human thinking, which reects
the most signicant understanding of law and legal worldview. Ideas-
principles as a general social phenomenon indicate what the law should
be. Obviously, in the same way (i.e. as a result of the society evolutionary
development) certain concepts and ideas about the legal process, its purpose
and objectives, role and place in the society are formed. Such views further
form the basis for the formulation of starting points, which over time may
represent a “shell” of legal principles.
Turning directly to the study of the principles of administrative procedural
law, at the onset we cannot fail to note the fundamental position (expressed
by V.S. Bukina) which has not still lost its relevance: “The principles of a
certain branch of law reect fundamentals of its construction, functioning
and development” (Bukina, 1975: 95). This intermediate conclusion directly
refers to administrative procedural law, whose principles permeate all its
norms and institutions, reect the basic provisions, specicity, content and
purpose as those of a branch of law, and they also dene administrative
procedural activity, administrative procedural powers and administrative
procedural status of administrative process subjects, are based on the
formation and functioning of administrative procedural legal relations.
Moreover, the principles of administrative procedural law should be
presented as such fundamental principles enshrined in law which for a long
time do not undergo signicant changes and ensure implementation of
tasks assigned to this area. A.M. Kolodiy notes that “…within the framework
of law-making, new legal principles are born with the help of legal practice,
and they evolutionarily cancel the eect of old, outdated principles”
(Kolodiy, 2012: 41).
2. Material & Methods
To achieve the objectives of the work a set of methods of scientic
knowledge was used in it including the following main methods: Formal-
dogmatic method, structural and functional analysis, comparative legal
method, statistical method, and sociological method. Thus, the formal-
dogmatic method was used to form and improve the terminological series
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 378-386
of the Thesis, as well as the categorical apparatus required to form an
integral view of the legal nature and system of principles of administrative
proceedings; the structural and functional method is used to form the
structure of the principles of administrative proceedings, as well as their
relationship with the principles of law; the comparative legal method was
used to compare domestic case law with the decisions of the European
Court of Human Rights in various public law spheres; by means of a
statistical method the characteristic of an actual condition of performing
administrative legal proceedings was carried out; sociological method was
used to analyze the eectiveness and ways to implement various principles
of administrative proceedings in various areas of public law.
3. Results and Discussion
It should be noted at once that systematization of scientic approaches,
understandings and legal ideas about theoretical interpretations of
administrative procedural law depending on the understanding of the
“administrative process” denition in today’s conditions gives an opportunity
to dene administrative procedural law as one of the independent procedural
branches of law being a properly ordered set of administrative-procedural
norms (rules) enshrined in administrative procedural legislation governing
public relations between the court and participants in court proceedings
in the sphere of administrative proceedings for the purpose to eectively
protect rights, freedoms and interests of individuals, rights and interests of
legal entities from being violated by subjects of power. It is based on this
approach to understanding the content of administrative procedural law as
an independent branch of law the fundamental and guiding principles of
the latter will be considered in this article.
From the scientic point of view, expediency of studying principles
of any branch of procedural law consists in the fact that these branches
belong to one of the fundamental categories of the Ukrainian legal science
and occupy a priority place in its conceptual apparatus, act as a kind of
a “coordinate system” for scientic analysis of procedural legal relations
in the process of their functioning. The law’s procedural branches are
characterized by a higher degree of generality of normative attributes than
in case with the branches of material law. As mentioned on pages of legal
literature, research of any branch principles of law should be carried out
based on their origin, evolution, legal nature, importance, and practical
implementation. It is also important to deduce the legal essence from the
philosophical understanding of the principles (Polyanichko, 2013). It is no
coincidence that the pioneers in the studying of problems of principles in
legal science, have historically been representatives of procedural branches
(they belong to the science of criminal procedure, where the doctrine of
Stanislav Denysyuk, Natalya Lata, Viktoriia Samonova, Yevhen Morshynin y Yelyzaveta Dzihora
Principles of administrative procedural law of Ukraine in the modern conditions of the present time
principles arose much earlier than in other branches of jurisprudence)
(Leheza et al., 2018).
The term “principle” as a general scientic category is of Latin origin
(Latin “principium”) and can be interpreted as: basic, starting point of any
theory, doctrine, scientic system (Lopatina, 1990); beliefs, norms, rules
guiding someone in life and behavior; canon (Yaremenko and Slipushko,
1998); the feature underlying the creation or implementation of something,
the method of creating or implementing something; beliefs, norms, rules
that guide someone in life, behavior, or the basic, starting point of any
scientic system, theory, ideological direction, etc. (Yaremenko and
Slipushko, 2007). The terms “basic”, “guiding” or “starting”, which are used
in almost all denitions provided in reference publications, indicate that
this system-forming element, given its essence, is endowed with the highest
imperative, it encompasses a fundamental rule that does not require any
Theorists of law, who have studied the principles of law, come to the same
conclusion that these are “basic ideas or initial provisions that characterize
the content of law, patterns of its development, essence and purpose as
a special social regulator” (Dobkin, 2012: 560). In any case, denition of
“principles of law” is used under specic conditions when it comes to a
basic rule or requirement that belongs to the sphere of jurisprudence and
is considered in connection with either the law in general or a particular
activity. In specic cases, the denition of “principles” can either be
interpreted or claried, depending on the range of its use and functional
orientation (Skakun, 2005).
Norms of the CAPU determining the principles of administrative
proceedings are worth to be mentioned as an example. The latest version
of this coded act clearly demonstrates legislators not only moved the list of
basic principles to the beginning of this legislative act, but also placed them
together with the provisions on the tasks of administrative proceedings
(Part 3 Art. 2 of the CAPU) and supplemented with the following new
principles: understanding of the time of court proceedings; inadmissibility
of abuse of procedural rights; reimbursement of court costs of individuals
and legal entities in whose favor the court decision is made (Leheza et al.,
Judicial proceedings in administrative cases are characterized by certain
stages, their own goals and objectives, a special range of participants and
certain specics of their procedural status, a set of procedural actions,
the number of legal facts, legal results and their procedural design. As a
result, the principles functioning within a certain institute of administrative
procedural law or separate administrative proceeding (Zadykhayla, 2016)
were thoroughly studied by scientists at the proper level. It is worth
mentioning O.V.Kuzmenko’s monograph “Theoretical Principles of the
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 378-386
Administrative Process”, its author points out that the principles form a
structural conglomerate which constitutes the ideological basis of the
public administration and its ocials in the procedure of meeting public
interests. The researcher systematically analyzed the principles of various
administrative proceedings and viewed them as administrative and
procedural principles (Kuzmenko, 2005).
Since 2005 (with the introduction of the CAPU) and till now, most
scientic publications and theses have been devoted to the analysis of
separate principles of the administrative judicial process (dissertation
research by S.A. Bondarchuk “Principles of Administrative Justice of
Ukraine” (2010). This state of scientic developments on this issue does
not cause any complaints, because until the mid-December 2017 the CAPU
clearly dened the concept of “administrative process” (paragraph 5,
Part 1 Art. of the Code) as “legal relations formed during implementation
of administrative proceedings” (Matviychuk, 2008). That is why the
above-mentioned research were conducted on the basis of the legislative
requirement. The Researchers equated the principles of administrative
process to the principles of administrative proceedings and considered
them as the basis, beginning, fundamental, and most abstract rules (basic
requirements, principles), which serve as indisputable requirements
underlying activities performed by the administrative court to resolve its
cases fairly (Matviychuk, 2008).
According to scientists, these principles are the basic normative-
governing provision objectively existing as a category of legal awareness
and due to the need to regulate public relations enshrined in procedural law
which forms the borders for execution and development of administrative
proceedings (Bondarchuk, 2010). Such denitions indicate that the
procedure for conducting administrative proceedings is provided by a
set and system of procedural actions, which are based on the principles
reproduced in the principles of administrative procedural legislation, and
in particular in the principles the Code of Administrative Proceedings of
Ukraine (CAPU) Principles determine the main points in the organization
and activity of the administrative court with provisions of a more detailed
nature appearing from these main points. That is, legal requirements,
rules contained in the principles of administrative proceedings, run as the
“starting line” through the entire course of consideration and resolution
of administrative cases, they determine contents of the relevant specic
procedural rules as well as procedural activities carried out on their basis
(Leheza et al., 2021).
Let us point out the characteristic features of this legal phenomenon
based on the above observations and conclusions. Such features include:
1. legal orientation - each principle is based on a certain idea, theory,
concept or view, which is a prerequisite for its emergence, and it is
Stanislav Denysyuk, Natalya Lata, Viktoriia Samonova, Yevhen Morshynin y Yelyzaveta Dzihora
Principles of administrative procedural law of Ukraine in the modern conditions of the present time
always determined by social, legal, ideological factors and values of
social life;
2. normative and textual xation - the principles are reected in the
norms of legislation by their textual xation; 3) universality and
eectiveness - principles of administrative procedural law viewed as
universally binding and normative provisions determine formation
and prospects of development of this branch of law, they are directly
related to its norms and institutions, in particular principles have
practical and general signicance for each of them and determine
their basic properties and typical features; 4) stability and stability -
the principles must not undergo signicant changes for a long time
and ensure the implementation of the main goal of this industry - to
ensure the proper level of realization and protection of individuals
and legal entities of their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests
from violations by government powers; 5) rmness and certainty -
principles must have a separate clearly dened content, in particular,
certain content elements of one principle must not repeat content
elements of other principles of administrative procedural law or be
derived from them; 6) in case of violation or non-compliance with
the principles, during making decision of an administrative case, the
court decision shall be subject to cancellation (Leheza et al., 2021).
An interesting approach is followed by E.F. Demsky. He distinguishes
two independent groups (types) of principles, in particular: 1) principles
of administrative procedural law (rule of law; presumption of legality
of actions and requirements of the subject of appeal and the person
concerned; supremacy of law in the system of administrative procedural
regulations; ensuring and protecting interests of individuals and the state;
dierentiation and specialization of the administrative process; compliance
of norms of the procedural law of Ukraine with provisions of international
legal acts); 2) principles of administrative process, or administrative-
procedural principles: a) functional principles, which determine direction
of the administrative process as well as form and content of its institutes;
b) organizational principles which determine procedural activity of bodies
authorized to consider administrative cases. This position is justied by
the fact that it is a mistake to equate principles of law (which determine
functioning of the system) with contents of law and the principles of the
subjects of legal relations, its components which alongside with the method
of procedural actions, guarantees of administrative proceedings and the
legal status of the subjects of the administrative process form the structure
of the administrative-procedural regime (procedural form) (Demsky,
2008). The listed individual principles (which are part of each group of
proposed fundamentals) have repeatedly been the subject of research;
their content and essence at the appropriate scientic level are set out in
scientic publications and monographs.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 378-386
When viewing the principles of administrative procedural law we
consider it expedient to divide them into those that directly reect the
specics and content of this branch of law, determine its features, purpose,
objectives and intention, as well as separately - administrative procedural
principles, i.e. basic principles enshrined in administrative procedural law
which do not undergo signicant changes, determine the nature and content
of the activities of all subjects of administrative procedural legal relations.
The functional purpose of principles is to ensure a relatively stable vector
orientation for settlement of administrative procedural relations arising
from the protection of rights, freedoms and interests of individuals, rights,
and interests of legal entities from being violated by subjects of power
during court proceedings in the sphere of public and relations.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 71