Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 71
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 70 (2021), 737-750
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 22/08/2021 Aceptado el 12/11/2021
Assessing the Need of Using Articial
Intelligence within Legal Practice
Hanna Viktorivna Zubenko *
Vladimirov Yevhen Vodolymyrovych **
Iryna Popovich ***
Yaroslav Ilin ****
The objective of the article is to analyze the content and
particularities of the use of articial intelligence in legal practice.
Historical and legal, epistemological, and comparative scientic
methods are used. It has been claried that articial intelligence
is the ability of a computer (machine) to simulate human
intelligence while solving certain tasks. This type of intelligence
is also designed to solve complex integral tasks related to the
collection, processing, storage, generalization, and other actions
with information. It has been argued that the introduction of articial
intelligence technologies in all spheres of public life requires adequate
legal regulation of all aspects of their use. The main guidelines for the
development of articial intelligence in legal practice have been identied,
namely: development of innovative cybersecurity systems; determination
of the list of administrative services, the decisions of which can be made
by automated systems using special information processing algorithms;
development of digital systems for the identication and verication of
persons; use of articial intelligence technologies to detect illegal activities
in computer systems, registries, other socially dangerous phenomena;
protection of personal data; development of technologies for e-government.
Keywords: articial intelligence; legal practice; e-court; e-government;
administrative services.
* PhD (Candidate of Jurisprudence), Docent, Associate Professor of Constitutional and Municipal Law
Department, School of Law, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine). ORCID ID:
** Postgraduate Student of the Department of Administrative and Commercial Law of Odessa
I. I. Mechnikov National University (Odessa, Ukraine). ORCID ID:
*** PhD in Law, Researcher at the National Scientic Center "Hon. Prof. M.S. Bokarius Forensic Science
Institute" (Kharkiv, Ukraine). ORCID ID:
**** Researcher, National Scientic Center Hon. Prof. M.S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute. ORCID ID:
Hanna Viktorivna Zubenko, Vladimirov Yevhen Vodolymyrovych, Iryna Popovich y Yaroslav Ilin
Assessing the Need of Using Articial Intelligence within Legal Practice
Evaluación de la necesidad de utilizar la inteligencia
articial en la práctica jurídica
El objetivo del artículo es analizar el contenido y las particularidades del
uso de la inteligencia articial en la práctica jurídica. Se utilizan métodos
cientícos de tipo históricos y legales, epistemológicos, comparativos. Se ha
aclarado que la inteligencia articial es la capacidad de una computadora
(máquina) para simular la inteligencia humana mientras resuelve
determinadas tareas. Este tipo de inteligencia está diseñado además
para resolver complejas tareas integrales relacionadas con la recolección,
procesamiento, almacenamiento, generalización y otras acciones con
información. Se ha argumentado que la introducción de tecnologías de
inteligencia articial en todas las esferas de la vida pública requiere una
regulación legal adecuada de todos los aspectos de su uso. Se han determinado
las principales orientaciones para el desarrollo de la inteligencia articial
en la práctica jurídica, a saber: desarrollo de sistemas innovadores de
ciberseguridad; determinación de la lista de servicios administrativos,
cuyas decisiones pueden ser tomadas por sistemas automatizados mediante
algoritmos especiales de procesamiento de información; desarrollo de
sistemas digitales para la identicación y vericación de personas; uso de
tecnologías de inteligencia articial para detectar actividades ilegales en
sistemas informáticos, registros, otros fenómenos socialmente peligrosos;
protección de datos personales; desarrollo de tecnologías para el gobierno
Palabras clave: inteligencia articial; práctica jurídica; tribunal
electrónico; gobierno electrónico; servicios
Search for criminals becomes more dicult in modern conditions of
continuous growth of the population of big urban centers and more and
more frequent use of the latest achievements of science and technology by
criminals for the realization of their purposes and for counteraction to law
enforcement agencies. To increase the eciency of the search for oenders
it is necessary to introduce the latest technologies (Korshenko, Chumak,
Mordvyntsev, Pashniev, 2020). As the development of information
technology and computer technology, articial intelligence is widely used
in various related elds, and plays a greater role. Articial intelligence is
the frontier technology.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 737-750
In the future, the development of articial intelligence technology will
also be able to alter people’s work and life. (Hao, 2017). The introduction
of information technology in all spheres of public life, the development
of articial intelligence technology is an integral component for the
formation of a modern highly developed country. The global tendency is
the use of articial intelligence in the areas of socio-economic, scientic,
and technical, defense, educational, legal, and other activities of society.
Its types, such as computer software, information technologies, etc. have
become quite widespread in our daily lives.
It must be acknowledged that organizational work in public
administration agencies on forming and storing databases, processing
information on the basis of certain algorithms, developing documents and
making management decisions by using articial intelligence technologies
will become an integral part of our lives in the nearest future. At the same
time, the legal regulation of using articial intelligence in Ukraine, in
particular within legal practice, requires more thorough development and
implementation into practical activities.
The content and specic features of using articial intelligence, its place
in society have been studied by scholars from various elds of science. At
the same time, the issue of using articial intelligence within legal practice
requires additional study and identication of possible areas of application
of its technologies in law enforcement and law-enforcement spheres,
judicial system, etc. The scientic novelty of the research is to develop the
concept and specic features of using articial intelligence within legal
1. Research Purpose and Methodology
The purpose of the article is to determine the role and place of articial
intelligence within legal practice and analysis of perspectives for its use in
this area. To achieve this purpose it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
to determine the content and specic features of articial intelligence;
to study the state of legal regulation for the use of articial intelligence
in Ukraine and the world; to analyze the current state of using articial
intelligence within legal practice; to nd out possible directions of using
articial intelligence in the eld of jurisprudence on the basis of the analysis
of national and international experience.
There is no way one can acquire articial intelligence in the legal practice
without assessing its eectiveness and implementation. There is always that
place of such intelligence in questioning the necessity of legal protection,
but what is of essence here is to see the extend in which such intelligence
can contribute to an eective legal system. The State of Ukraine has seen
740 Hanna Viktorivna Zubenko, Vladimirov Yevhen Vodolymyrovych, Iryna Popovich y Yaroslav Ilin
Assessing the Need of Using Articial Intelligence within Legal Practice
to that such intelligence should be recognised and applicable, even though
much need to be done. It is one thing in stipulating articial intelligence,
and the other in ensuring its recognition and applicability.
General scientic and special methods and techniques of scientic
cognition constitute the methodological basis of the work. The historical
and legal method allowed us to outline the main stages of regulating the
process of using articial intelligence in various spheres of public life. The
epistemological method was used to clarify the concept and specic features
of articial intelligence. The comparative and legal method was used to
compare the basic principles of using articial intelligence in Ukraine and
the world. The structural and functional analysis was used in determining
the main areas of using articial intelligence within legal practice.
2. Results and Discussion
In articial intelligence a factor of the rst order that has accelerated the
technological s processes, which in turn drive continuous improvements
in all elds of human action. However, despite its many benets, on the
one hand, that this form of non-human intelligence will increasingly play
an important role in all cultural, labour, military and recreational human
relations and; on the other hand, that modern and civilized nations,
therefore, have a moral duty to create l eyes that establish mechanisms of
regulation and balance between articial intelligence and human condition,
as a condition of possibility so that its widespread use does not become
a distinction in the style of what was planted at the time by some sci-
narratives, in lm and literature (Vidovic López, 2021).
Articial intelligence is an important technology that supports daily
social life and economic activities. It contributes greatly to the sustainable
growth of the economy and solves various social problems. In recent
years, Articial intelligence has attracted attention as a key for growth in
developed countries such as Europe and the United States and developing
countries such as China and India (Lu et al., 2018).
Articial intelligence, as a separate eld of research, is currently
experiencing a boom -new methods of machine learning and hardware
are emerging and improving, and the results achieved change the life of
society. Machine translation, handwriting recognition, speech recognition
is changing our reality. The work of creating unmanned vehicles, voice
assistants and other devices using these technologies is in an active process
(Eliseeva, Fedosov, Agaltsova, Mnatsakanyan, Kuchmezov, 2020).
The term of “articial intelligence” in explanatory dictionaries of the
Ukrainian language is dened as: the ability of a computer system to model
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 737-750
the process of human thinking using functions inherent only in human
intelligence (Busel, 2005). “Articial intelligence” in the international
encyclopedic dictionary is interpreted as: the ability of a machine to
simulate intelligent human behavior (thinking, learning, or understanding
language); section of computer science, which deals with modeling of
intellectual behavior in computers (Webster’s New International English
Dictionary, 2012). Thus, it is the ability of a computer (machine) to simulate
human intelligence by solving certain tasks. The solution of such problems
is carried out in accordance with specially developed algorithms.
Articial intelligence is a term used to describe how computers can
perform tasks that are generally considered to require human intelligence,
such as language and object recognition, data-based decision-making, and
language translation (Lauri, 2018). M. Stefanchuk (2020) proves that
articial intelligence is modeling of the ability to abstract, creative thought
and especially the ability to learn – by using digital computer logic.
The spread of the use of articial intelligence technologies in all spheres
of public life has obliged international and national institutions to take
measures to determine the basic principles of their use and ensure their legal
regulation. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
states in its principles that articial intelligence is:
A machine system that can make predictions, recommendations or decisions
inuencing the real or virtual environment on the basis of a set of goals established
by a human being. Moreover, such systems can be designed to work with dierent
levels of autonomy (OECD, 2019: 16).
The concept of articial intelligence development in Ukraine denes that
articial intelligence is an organized set of information technologies, with
the use of which it is possible to perform complex comprehensive tasks by
using a system of scientic research methods and algorithms for processing
information obtained or independently created during the work, as well as
to create and use knowledge bases, decision-making models, algorithms for
working with information and to identify the ways to achieve the objectives
(Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2020). It is designed to
solve complex comprehensive tasks related to the collection, processing,
storage, generalization, and other actions with information.
Articial intelligence goes further and surpasses a human being in
understanding own inner construction and ability to self-rebuild (rapid
evolution) through the correction of errors or shortcomings and further
repeated improvement (the program nds errors within itself, corrects them,
and rewrites itself to innity) (Radutnyi, 2019).
The introduction of articial intelligence technologies in all spheres of
public life requires proper legal regulation of all aspects of its use. One of the
rst regulatory legal acts in the researched area was the recommendations
742 Hanna Viktorivna Zubenko, Vladimirov Yevhen Vodolymyrovych, Iryna Popovich y Yaroslav Ilin
Assessing the Need of Using Articial Intelligence within Legal Practice
of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe CM / Rec (2009) to
the Member States of the Council of Europe on e-democracy of 18 February
2009. They became the basis for the development, implementation, and use of
e-justice system, which was oered to understand as the use of information
and communication technologies in the administration of justice by all
stakeholders in the legal eld in order to improve the eciency and quality
of public services, in particular for individuals and enterprises. Its main goal
is to increase the eciency of the judicial system and the quality of justice,
since the access to justice is one of the aspects of the access to democratic
institutions and processes (Brennan-Marquez and Henderson, 2019).
These recommendations oblige Member States to introduce an electronic
document management system in the courts, the creation of information
databases, records, and registers, which should improve the access to
justice, inform the public about the activities of courts, relieve the work
of courts and judges, increase their eciency. To better their formation
and use, the European Commission for the Eciency of Justice (CEPEJ)
approved the e-justice guidelines of 6-7 December 2016.
The next important step towards the legislative consolidation of
standards for the development and use of articial intelligence was the
adoption of the EU Resolution of 16 February 2017 with the Commission’s
recommendations on the rules of civil regulation of robotics (2015/2103
(INL)). The Robotics Charter annexed to the Resolution was developed
by the Scientic Foresight Unit (STOA) and the European Parliament’s
Research Center.
The Charter contains the Code of Ethics for robotics developers, the
Code of Ethics of committees for research, and licenses for developers and
users. The main part of the Resolution consists of 64 clauses, conditionally
divided into groups with the appropriate thematic title: research and
innovation, ethical principles, European Agency, intellectual property
rights and data ow, standardization, security, and safety; autonomous
transport means; care works; medical works; recovery and improvement of
the human body; education and employment; impact on the environment;
international aspects (Katkova, 2020).
2.1 The position of European Charter in the Recognition of
Articial Intelligence
The European Ethical Charter on the Use of Articial Intelligence
in the Judicial systems and Their Environment of 3-4 December 2018,
adopted by the European Commission on the Eciency of Justice, became
the rst document in Europe to establish ethical principles for the use of
articial intelligence in judicial systems at international level. The CEPEJ is
convinced that the application of these principles will guarantee respect for
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 737-750
fundamental human rights, non-discrimination, quality, and information
security in the introduction of articial intelligence in the judicial systems
of the Council of Europe Member States.
The White Paper on Articial Intelligence, which was published on
February 19, 2020, has also dened the direction of European strategy in
regard to articial intelligence: A European approach to excellence and
trust. It enshrines that articial intelligence must work for people and
be a force that works for the good of society. This document is aimed at
identifying possible changes that should contribute to the reliable and safe
development of articial intelligence in Europe with full respect for the
values and rights of EU citizens.
The basic regulatory legal act in Ukraine regulating the use of articial
intelligence technologies is the Concept for the development of articial
intelligence in Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine dated from December 2, 2020, No. 1556-r. The priority areas,
which realize the tasks of the state policy for the development of articial
intelligence, are education and vocational training, science, economics,
cybersecurity, information security, defense, public administration, legal
regulation and ethics, justice. Having analyzed the main tasks for the
development of articial intelligence in each of these areas, we can conclude
that they are as follows in the eld of jurisprudence:
protection of communication, information and technological
systems, information technologies.
improvement of legislation and creation of a modern regulatory
base for the implementation of the world’s best practices of articial
intelligence in the eld of cybersecurity.
development of innovative cybersecurity systems that widely
use articial intelligence technologies for automatic analysis and
classication of threats and automatic selection of strategies for
their containment and prevention.
studying the issue of licensing foreign developments of articial
intelligence in the eld of cybersecurity, especially in the public
updating state standards on information security, in particular state
information resources, as well as developing new national standards
in the eld of cybersecurity.
formation of the list of administrative services, which assist in
making automatic decisions with the minimum participation of civil
servants and / or employees of state and / or municipal enterprises,
institutions, organizations.
744 Hanna Viktorivna Zubenko, Vladimirov Yevhen Vodolymyrovych, Iryna Popovich y Yaroslav Ilin
Assessing the Need of Using Articial Intelligence within Legal Practice
development of articial intelligence technologies for digital
identication and verication of persons, including for the provision
of public services.
application of articial intelligence technologies for the analysis,
forecasting and modeling for the development of eciency
indicators of public administration system.
application of articial intelligence technologies in order to identify
cases of illegal interference into the activities of the electronic
system of public procurement and other public electronic systems.
application of articial intelligence technologies to detect unfair
practices in the activities of ocials and civil servants in various
areas by analyzing the texts of management decisions and other
data generated in computerized systems / registers during such
determining directions of data conversion into electronic form,
creation (in case of absence) or updating and cleaning of available
state electronic information resources.
development of mechanisms for anonymization of personal and
other data during processing in articial intelligence systems, which
should make it impossible to identify individuals.
further development of existing technologies in the eld of
justice administration (Unied Judicial Information and
Telecommunication System, Electronic Court, Unied Register of
Pre-trial Investigations, etc.).
introduction of advisory programs based on articial intelligence,
which should open access to legal advice to the wide layers of
prevention of socially dangerous phenomena by analyzing the
available data with the help of articial intelligence.
determining necessary measures of re-socialization of convicts
by conducting analysis of available data with the help of articial
intelligence technologies.
making court decisions in cases of minor complexity (by mutual
consent of the parties) based on the results of the analysis carried
out by using articial intelligence technologies, the state of the
compliance with legislation and caselaw.
Summarizing the indicated tasks, we can identify the main directions
for the development of articial intelligence in legal practice, namely:
development of innovative cybersecurity systems; determining the list of
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 737-750
administrative services, decisions on which can be made by automated
systems by means of special algorithms of information processing;
development of digital identication and verication systems; control over
the activities of the electronic system of public procurement and other public
electronic systems; use of articial intelligence technologies to detect illegal
activities in computerized systems / registers, other socially dangerous
phenomena; conversion of data into electronic form and protection of
personal data; development of e-justice technologies, including the issuance
of court decisions in cases of minor complexity (by mutual agreement of the
parties); modernization of the e-government system; providing legal advice
based on information processing; determining the necessary measures for
re-socialization of convicts by analyzing the available data.
It follows from the indicated areas that articial intelligence technologies
can be used in the following spheres of legal practice: in the administration
of justice; in the law enforcement sphere; in notarial activity; in the eld of
providing administrative services; in public administration; in the work of
defense attorneys; in the eld of probation.
Articial intelligence technologies out of all currently indicated areas
are mostly used in the administration of justice. Its participants actively
use the Unied Judicial Information and Telecommunication System,
the Electronic Court, the Unied Register of Pre-trial Investigations, the
Unied Register of Court Decisions, etc.
The High Council of Justice in pursuance of the Order of the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine dated from December 2, 2020, No. 1556-r. oered
to launch a pilot project on the use of articial intelligence based on one
of the courts of rst instance in terms of hearing administrative oenses
(Shevchuk, 2021). The Deputy Chairman of the High Council of Justice
stressed: The Council welcomes the initiatives to introduce articial
intelligence in the judiciary and considers it another step to approximate,
further develop and improve existing modern technologies in the eld of
e-justice e-court, the UJITS subsystem, etc. However, he believes while
appropriate technological conditions and a qualitative basis should be
created for such technological changes it is necessary to provide courts
with adequate funding, in particular, the Internet should be of good quality
in all courts of our country (Malovatskyi, 2021.).
To date, the reform of the judicial system is aimed, among other things,
at introducing articial intelligence technologies both in the justice process
and in the daily work of courts, creating all the necessary conditions for this.
The introduction of articial intelligence into the judicial process is possible
only when its technical level will ensure strict observance of fundamental
human rights; will prevent any manifestations of discrimination between
individuals or groups of persons; will ensure transparency, impartiality and
fairness of the case, protection of condentiality, electronic communications
746 Hanna Viktorivna Zubenko, Vladimirov Yevhen Vodolymyrovych, Iryna Popovich y Yaroslav Ilin
Assessing the Need of Using Articial Intelligence within Legal Practice
and processing of personal data; technical and software reliability and
security both for the individual and for society in the whole (Shishka, 2021).
Regarding international experience in terms of introducing articial
intelligence into judicial system, there are dierent approaches starting
from the active use of articial intelligence algorithms in solving various
categories of cases (China, United States) to the introduction of criminal
liability for predicting court decisions and usage of computer software to
resolve the cases (France).
Articial intelligence technologies in the law enforcement sphere
are used in the formation of information databases, registers, records,
identication of persons, detection of illegal acts on the Internet, etc.
Perspective area is the use of articial intelligence to detect illegal actions
through the analysis of information. It can also be used to receive and
initially process applications and reports of crimes and oenses. Its use in
the security sphere will be also eective.
Articial intelligence in notarial activities and in the eld of providing
administrative services can be used to perform the simplest operations
related to the certication of copies of documents, registration actions
based on the documents provided, etc. It is worth noting that currently a
number of administrative services in Ukraine are already provided with
the use of computer technology. In particular, every citizen can register
the child’s place of residence, the birth child’s support, a certicate of no
criminal record, some licenses and permits, renew or exchange a driver’s
license and more through the online public service «Diia». There is also a
number of services for business entities.
Articial intelligence technology in the work of a defense attorney can be
used to collect and process information, to solve simple situations, to create
documents based on samples. Such technologies in the probation sphere
will allow to study the convict’s personality and on the basis of the obtained
data to choose re-socialization measures for him or her.
Lawyers have been already using articial intelligence for cases such as
reviewing documents during court hearings and due diligence, analysis of
contracts to determine whether they meet pre-dened criteria, conducting
legal research and forecasting the results of cases hearings (Lauri, 2018).
At the same time, it should be noted that the introduction of articial
intelligence technologies into legal practice should be accompanied by
appropriate legal regulation. It is the timely and appropriate legal provision
for the use of such technologies will protect human rights and freedoms
from illegal actions or decisions involving articial intelligence.
Borgesius (2020) draws attention to strengthening legal protection
against discrimination of algorithms and articial intelligence. The
adoption of legislation that contains new rules for algorithmic decision-
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 737-750
making should be specic to each sector: occupational safety, consumer
protection, environmental protection. Besides, new legislative norms
should be developed on the basis of the principles of regulation of a
particular branch of law (e.g., the principle of equality, freedom of contract,
fair trial). A. Moriggy (2017) believes that the existing system of protection
of intellectual property rights should be revised in connection with articial
intelligence, namely computer software should be protected by patents.
According to T.H. Katkova (2020), the map of legal reforms for using
articial intelligence in Ukraine should include the following areas: civil law
(denition of legal personality, in particular, the situations when he can act
as an intermediary of an individual or a legal entity; enter into agreements;
bear civil liability); criminal law (denition of criminal liability of articial
intelligence); insurance legislation; anti-discrimination legislation (issues
of equality of people and persons using articial intelligence; issues with
criteria and data provided to articial intelligence); protection of personal
data (the possibility of providing dierentiated consent to the processing
of personal data, as well as improving the mechanism of informed consent
to the processing of personal data); legislation in the eld of intellectual
property; medical law (the use of articial intelligence in the health care
sector, aspects of the activities of a physician who uses articial intelligence).
Summarizing the above, it should be noted that today articial
intelligence technologies are increasingly used in all spheres of public life.
Legal practice is no exception, where the indicated technologies are used
to collect, process and store information, to conduct electronic document
management, to provide administrative services and more.
At the same time, there are many perspective areas for the use of
articial intelligence within legal practice, which can provide faster
and better services to the public, to promote the rights and freedoms of
individuals and legal entities, to detect and stop oenses, etc. It can be used
in judicial system, law enforcement sphere, advocacy and notary, public
administration, and probation. The perspective direction is to expand the
functions of online service «Diia». However, there are currently many
issues of articial intelligence within legal practice in Ukraine that need
to be addressed, including legal regulation, organizational and technical
748 Hanna Viktorivna Zubenko, Vladimirov Yevhen Vodolymyrovych, Iryna Popovich y Yaroslav Ilin
Assessing the Need of Using Articial Intelligence within Legal Practice
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 71