Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.39 N° 71
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 39, Nº 71 (2021), 833-857
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 14/07/2021 Aceptado el 26/10/2021
Methodological foundations of the
spatial development of the region: content,
conceptual instrument
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin *
Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov **
Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak ***
Anna Victorovna Maslennikova ****
Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov *****
Through a methodology of documentary and dialectical
basis, in the article, the authors investigate the methodological
foundations of the spatial development of the region, through the
study of its content and conceptual instrument. In the same way,
dierent points of view on the concept of “region” are presented,
the fundamental methodological elements of the formation and organization
of the socio-economic development of the region are listed, characterizing
the potential of natural resources and the socio-economic development of
the municipal districts. Based on this information, the region’s place in the
social division of labor was determined, the development prospects of the
districts were outlined, and the cause-and-eect relationships of the region’s
socioeconomic indicators were also established. By way of conclusion,
everything indicates that the socio-economic development of the region
under modern conditions is seen, in the rst place, in self-suciency.
Therefore, your accumulated potential must rst be assessed to make a real
assessment and then organize a search for the missing resources and funds.
The use of a type of strategic management at all levels of management of the
political system is the key to a balanced and successful development.
* Ph.D. (in Economics) Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Logistics in Transport
Samara State University of Railways; Samara, Russia. ORCID ID:
** Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor; Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:
*** Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate ProfessorState and Municipal administration ANO IN “Russian New
University”; Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:
**** Ph.D. (in Economics) Head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration ANO IN “Russian
New University” (ANO IN «Ros NOU»); Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:
***** Ph.D. (in Political Sciences), Associate Professor at the Department of Personnel Management at the
Russian New University Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
Keywords: regional economy; region; space economy; spatial
development of the region; common economic space;
comprehensive development strategy.
Fundamentos metodológicos del desarrollo espacial de
la región: contenido e instrumento conceptual
A través una metodología de base documental y dialéctica, en el
artículo, los autores investigan los fundamentos metodológicos del
desarrollo espacial de la región, mediante el estudio de su contenido
e instrumento conceptual. Del mismo modo se presentan diferentes
puntos de vista sobre el concepto de «región», se enumeran los elementos
metodológicos fundamentales de la formación y organización del desarrollo
socioeconómico de la región, caracterizando el potencial de recursos
naturales y el desarrollo socioeconómico de los distritos municipales. A
partir de esta información, se determinó el lugar de la región en la división
social del trabajo, se delinearon las perspectivas de desarrollo de los distritos
y además se establecieron las relaciones de causa y efecto de los indicadores
socioeconómicos de la región. A modo de conclusión todo indica que el
desarrollo socioeconómico de la región en condiciones modernas se ve, en
primer lugar, en la autosuciencia. Por lo tanto, primero debe evaluarse su
potencial acumulado para hacer una evaluación real y luego organizar una
búsqueda de los recursos y fondos faltantes. El uso de un tipo de gestión
estratégica en todos los niveles de gestión del sistema político es la clave
para un desarrollo equilibrado y exitoso.
Palabras clave: economía regional; región; economía espacial;
desarrollo espacial de la región; espacio económico
común; estrategia de desarrollo integral.
In Russia, in the conditions of the formation of market relations, the role
of the regional factor is increasingly manifested, since reforms are carried
out within the constituent entities of the federation, which dier signicantly
from each other in many parameters (Kolmakovaet al., 2018;Kolmakova,
2014; Kolmakovaet al., 2016; Vilner, 2016; Vilner, 2017; Simonova and
Efremova, 2016;Bukhvald and Valentyk, 2015; Belomestnov, 2019). In this
regard, the number of scientic studies devoted to regional problems is
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
constantly increasing, which has led to the allocation of scientic knowledge
about the regional economy as an independent branch (Kolmakovaet al.,
2018; Kolmakova, 2014; Kolmakovaet al., 2016; Vilner, 2016; Vilner, 2017;
Simonova and Efremova, 2016; Bukhval and Valentyk,2015;Belomestnov,
2019;Zubarevich, 2015; Belomestnov and Khardaev, 2017; Manasyan,
2006;Granberg, 2000;Gutmanet al., 2001; Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998;
Kazachenko, 2012). The term “regional economy” appeared in the last
century. In the early 70s of the XX century. Pavlenko dened its subject as
follows: “This is the specic economy of individual regions, general patterns,
factors and problems of their development” (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998:
35). It is necessary to proceed from the fact that, along with general
economic problems, the regional economy should include the problems
of the development of material production, demography, sociology, and
ecology of the region.
In turn, the study of the specics of the spatial development of the
region is impossible without considering the features of the economic
space. To date, an appropriate scientic base has been formed for
conducting research on the methodological issues of the development of
the economic space, including the economic space of the region. However,
the conceptual foundations of the spatial economy have not yet been fully
identied, and the mechanisms of economic development based on spatial
transformations have not been developed. Moreover, there is no common
understanding of the key denition - “economic space”. Revealing the
peculiarities of the concept of “spatial development”, determining its place
among related terms, allows to form a terminological basis that contributes
to the development of a scientically grounded methodology of spatial
development of the region. The key element of the methodology is the
approach, within which the strategic planning documents reecting aspects
of the spatial development of the territory should focus on the organization
(primarily, structural) space, while setting the criteria for the optimality of
this phenomenon (Suvorova, 2019).
The growing interest in the regulation of the sphere of spatial development,
due to the change in the state policy of the Russian Federation in the eld
of regional development and the corresponding change in regulatory legal
acts related to strategic planning in the Russian Federation, as well as the
transformation of foreign policy conditions and macroeconomic factors,
actualizes the study of the methodological foundations of the spatial
development of the region, by dening the essential characteristics of a
number of key terms, which include the concept of “spatial development”.
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
1. Literature Review
The development of the regional economy as a science did not result in
the creation of a generally recognized synthetic theory. Today its state is
characterized by a variety of theoretical approaches, increased specialization
of research, and the emergence of new directions.
By now, two views on the subject of regional economics have formed
in Russia (Kazachenko, 2012). The rst considers the regional economy
as one of the specic economic sciences that studies the general laws,
factors and problems of regional development. Supporters of the second
view consider the rational distribution of productive forces to be the basis
of the subject of regional economics. However, in this interpretation,
the subject of the regional economy is completely absorbed by economic
geography (Granberg, 2000; Gutmanet al., 2001; Bilchak and Zakharov,
1998; Kazachenko, 2012).
According to academician Granberg (2000), a new area of economic
knowledge is now emerging - spatial economics, which is based on the
regional economy. In his opinion, economic geography and the distribution
of productive forces as academic disciplines are almost unrelated to the
fundamental disciplines of economic education in macro- and micro-
economics. The core of economic science and education, according to
the researcher, should develop as a three-pole system: macroeconomics,
microeconomics, regional (spatial) economics.
In Russia, it is customary to use the term “placement theory”. In the
English language literature, the term “spatial economics” is used, translated
as “spatial economics”. The founder of the theory of production location is
von (Thünen 1998; Gorkin, 2013). He was not the rst researcher to study
space as an economic phenomenon, but he was the rst to use special
methods of analysis to study space.
In general, “space” is understood as an objective reality, one of the main
forms of existence of matter, characterized by length and volume, in which
the interaction of a set of elements occurs.
Appendix 1 presents approaches to the concept of “space”. In all
economic studies, “space” basically means a gap between something, a place
where something ts, a limited area. Economic geography also considers
limited areas, united by some peculiarities (Gorkin, 2013; Voronin and
Sharygin, 1998). The study of the economic aspect of the concept of “space”
is contained in Appendix2.
Each science, each scientic direction develops in an indissoluble
connection with the practical needs and demands of society. The theory of
regional science, methods of location and territorial development are closely
intertwined with the practical tasks of regional planning and forecasting,
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
management, the formation of a regional economic market, the functioning
of the social environment. Regional science, as is usually called in market
countries, regional studies is, in the opinion of most experts, a eld of
scientic and educational knowledge that is widely demanded by the time,
aimed at studying the specics of socio-economic, natural, environmental
development in relation to integral territorial formations called regions
(Granberg, 2000; Gutmanet al., 2001; Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998). In
the economic and geographical literature, regions are called a variety of
territories, united by some common features:
groups of countries (for example, the Caribbean or North African
region, etc.) - macro-regions.
region, territory, republic, and their groups - mesoregions.
Less commonly, regions are called territories within a region, territory,
republic (microregions).
The gradations of the classication of regions found in Western literature
are presented in Appendix 3.
In foreign and domestic literature today, you can nd several dozen
interpretations of the concept of “region” (Kazachenko, 2012). This diversity
is explained by the lack of clarity in the denition of the subject of regional
science itself, which, undoubtedly, is one of the reasons for the diversity
of directions and methodological conditions in modern research both in
Russia and abroad.
The situation created in regional science by the famous American
economic geographer Isard (1960) is explained as follows:
As we delve into purely spatial theorizing, the region as a denition disappears
altogether and appears only in connection with the specication of the problem. In
other words, the “hierarchy” of regions is determined only by a scientic problem.
The region is determined by the issue we are studying (1960: 760).
The unity in the interpretation of the concept of “region” among
scientists, dealing with regional problems, lies in the fact that almost all
of them highlight the following features: limited territory with production
content, natural, labor resources; specialization in some kind of activity;
characteristic internal and external connections. Then disagreements begin.
The term “region” in most cases is characterized by a large-scale
criterion. In theory and practice, it is used to designate fairly large physical-
geographical, economic-geographical, geopolitical and other territorial
taxa. In some cases, regions may even unite several lower administrative
districts, but this is rather an exception to the general rule.
In Russian economic and economic-geographical science, the term
“region” is most often used as a synonym for the concept of “region”.
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
Historically, the concept of “region” in Russian scientic literature
appeared much earlier than the term “region”. Back in the 80s-90s of the
XIX century, researchers distinguished agricultural areas, industrial areas,
etc. In the Soviet period, the regional direction in the organization of the
country’s productive forces became, due to its vast territories, fundamental,
both in theory and practice.
Based on the ocial terminology adopted in our country, the term
“district” was dened quite “rigidly” (Alaev) and was most often associated
with the administrative grid, while the term “region” was more elastic
(Vituleva, 2014). Over time, in the scientic literature and the media, the
term region began to be gradually replaced by the term “region” as more
rigorous in the scientic sense.
Interpretations of the concept “region” are presented in Appendix 4.
2. Methods
The methodology adopted in this article is of a qualitative type.
Qualitative analysis of literature documents was the preferred method in
this study. Documentary sources include materials of international scientic
and practical conferences, articles, monographs produced in the eld of
strategy, spatial development of the region, regional economy, economic
geography, strategic development of territories, spatial development, as
well as ocial documents of the Government of the Russian Federation that
express various positions and interests in the eld strategizing the spatial
development of the Russian Federation.
During the study, general and special methods of economic and
managerial research were used, including analysis and synthesis, induction
and deduction, generalization and comparison, methods of logical and
comparative analysis, as well as the following applied methods, one of the
methods of economic and statistical analysis - method of graphical display
of information.
3. Results and Discussion
All the numerous interpretations of the concept of “region” we have
considered in this article can be conditionally divided into the following
reproductive, - when it emphasizes the importance of reproductive
processes in the region.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
administrative-territorial, - when it is based on the existing
administrative-territorial division of the country’s territory or on
the factor of controllability of regional development.
socio-territorial, - when a socio-territorial community is emphasized,
and the region is considered as a socio-territorial system.
territorial-economic, - considers the region as a complex territorial-
economic complex with its resources, production, needs and
socio-economic system. In this approach, the opinions of the
authors dier: some characterize the region with such fundamental
features as complexity, integrity, specialization, and manageability;
others - in the direction of the development of productive forces,
the existing and promising social infrastructure; the third in terms
of any properties of the territory within which a certain community
of people (society) has developed, which has certain development
Based on the existing modern approaches to the denition of the
concept of a region, we believe that it is a spatial holistic, complex socio-
economic system, within which a certain community of people (society) has
developed, which has certain governing bodies, which purposefully works
to increase the competitiveness of space and the quality of life of people
living in the region.
Appendix 5 contains the author’s characteristics of the concept of
An important feature of the region is manageability, which is directly
related to the administrative - territorial division. And here it is necessary
to emphasize that the integrity of the region contributes to a certain extent
to manageability, because the administrative and territorial bodies are
called upon to ensure the coordination (management) of all elements
of the social economy: material production, natural resource potential,
infrastructure, labor resources, etc., as well as diverse connections - trade,
nancial, social, environmental, industrial, which have a certain spatial
and temporal stability (Vituleva, 2014; ArzhenovskiyandKiy, 2014; Blaug,
1994;Artobolevsky, 1993).
Appendix 6 provides a description of the principle of “expedient integrity
of the region”.
Interaction theory explains the regional system and its development
as a result of the interaction of various isolated and independent parties,
and the conditions of social life. Moreover, the degree of inuence of one
factor or another on the state and dynamics of the region is its specicity.
The founder of this theory is the Russian scientist Kovalevsky (1851-1916)
(Dejan and Vujadinović, 2017).
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
The dierentiated role of various factors in dierent regions, changing
in time, does not allow building their hierarchical system, since in a given
region at the moment one group of factors plays a decisive role, at another
time - another, and in another region at the same time - a third. Region-
forming factors are presented in Appendix 7.
This list (appendix7) of region-forming factors is universal, suitable for
considering regions of any scale. In our case, when considering a micro-
region, i.e., region within the subject of the federation, the need for a
detailed consideration of some factors disappears. For example, we cannot
study the socio - economic system of the region, since in our work we only
consider the possibility of creating a new region, and not the existing region.
The political and geographical factor is considered mainly in the study of
There are also dierent points of view on the tasks and essence of regional
policy, theory, and practical ways of its implementation, which is caused by
an ambiguous understanding of the very object of regional policy, goals and
means of its implementation (Ronald, 2005; Garretsenet al., 2013; Dejan
and Vujadinović, 2017).
According to the majority of authors (Arzhenovskiy and Kiy, 2014;
Artobolevsky, 1993; Ronald, 2005; Garretsenet al., 2013; Dejan and
Vujadinović, 2017), the regional policy of the state is a sphere of activity for
managing the economic, social and political development of the country in
the spatial aspect, i.e., connected with the relationship between the state
and the regions, as well as the regions among themselves.
Regional policy in the Russian Federation is the sphere of activity of state
authorities in managing the economic, social and political development of
the country in the regional (spatial) aspect. According to some experts,
its essence is the implementation of government measures to redistribute
resources between regions of the country for the sake of the set goals
(Artobolevsky, 1993). At the same time, three levels of spatial relations and
interactions can be distinguished: federal, interregional and intraregional.
At the federal level (federal center - regions), regional policy is carried
out by federal government bodies. At the interregional level (region
- regions), it can be carried out by state authorities of the constituent
entities of the Federation in conjunction with regional associations of
economic interaction. The intraregional level (regional center - periphery)
is provided by state authorities of the subjects of the federation and local
self-government bodies (Artobolevsky, 1993).
The main directions of regional policy are presented in Appendix 8.
Regional aspects of demographic, agrarian policy and other measures of
state power should also be referred to the directions of regional policy. The
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
attitude of the state to each of these areas and the specic measures carried
out in them constitute the content of the state’s regional policy.
The content of regional policy in almost all developed countries
(pursuing an active regional policy) has common features (Artobolevsky,
1993; Walter, 1960;Ronald, 2005; Garretsenet al., 2013):
development of underdeveloped territories, reconstruction of the
economy of depressed industrial regions.
decentralization of agglomerations and areas of concentration of
industrial production.
the formation of new industrial centers outside of urban settlements,
not associated with the existing centers of industry.
Without the implementation of such a policy, imbalances both regionally
and throughout the country will increase.
In the works of the world-famous Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD, 2012), which periodically summarizes the
experience of dierent countries and publishes relevant materials, it
is noted that the objects of regional policy in the countries of market
economy are various kinds of regional (spatial ) inequality - dierences
in the level and conditions of life, in employment and unemployment, in
the rates of economic development of individual regions, in the conditions
of entrepreneurship, etc. Regional policy acts in the form of government
intervention in various subsystems of the region, and not only in the
economic one (Artobolevsky, 1993; Walter, 1960; Garretsenet al., 2013;
Dejan and Vujadinović, 2017; OECD, 2012).
Appendix 9 presents a grouping of traditional tasks of regional policy.
Experts in the eld of state regional policy refer to its main elements:
economic, structural, investment, budgetary, tax, tari, institutional, social
policy (Artobolevsky, 1993; Walter, 1960;Garretsenet al., 2013; Dejan and
Vujadinović, 2017; OECD, 2012), and consider the main features:
complexity, i.e., focus on all aspects of social life.
durability, i.e., calculation for the long term.
conjugation, i.e., coordination with other components of the state
centralization, i.e., compliance with the interests of the state as a
the balance of all elements of the territorial system of the region.
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
Moving on to the consideration of the methodological foundations of
the spatial development of the region, based on the world and Russian
experience of regional policy, the following fundamental methodological
approaches can be singled out.
The methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region
are presented in Appendix10.
In modern conditions of a digital market economy, the most important
type of management of the activities of regional administrations is the
strategic type of management.
A strategy is understood as the development of promising areas of
activity, carried out on the basis of a long-term forecast of development and
an assessment of real opportunities, taking into account the accumulated
potential, on the basis of which the term “strategic management” appeared,
which in its most general form is considered as the activities of the relevant
bodies for the choice of areas, directions and image actions to achieve long-
term goals in a changing external environment.
A brief description of Russia’s spatial development strategy is given in
Appendix 11.
It should be emphasized that in the modern conditions of the
development of the digital economy, more and more attention is paid to
the issues of strategic management at all levels of management, which is
conrmed by numerous publications of researchers on this topic (Kvint,
2014; Kvint, 2016; Kvint, 2009; Darkin and Kvint, 2016; Plakhotnikova,
2018; Plakhotnikova, 2019; Patova and Plakhotnikova, 2020; Eliseeva,
2018;Plakhotnikovaet al., 2019;Anisimovet al., 2017).
Thus, among the fundamental methodological elements of the formation
and organization of the socio-economic development of the region should
consistency of analysis, decisions, transformations.
market reorientation of the regional economy.
taking into account the specics of the region.
integration of activities of types, spheres, industries, forms,
modern innovative activity.
organization of strategic management.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
Based on these methodological foundations, it is possible to build a
framework for the modern socio-economic development of the region and
the corresponding management mechanisms.
At the same time, based on world experience, it is necessary to take into
the need for a gradual evolutionary (phased) structural
transformation of the regional economy.
the presence of an extremely close interconnection of the components
of the reproduction process in the regional economy.
the possibility of alternative development options.
dierentiated, local testing of new mechanisms and tools.
The socio-economic development of the region in modern conditions
is seen, rst of all, in self-reliance. Therefore, you rst need to assess your
accumulated potential in order to make a real assessment and then organize
a search for the missing resources and funds. The scientic position of most
authors is based on the need to integrate the potential of all individual parts
of the territorial system (industrial complexes, industries, municipalities)
into a complex systemic set that ensures the progress of the region.
The interrelationships and merging in the regional economy of resources,
advantages, advantages, opportunities and results of the functioning and
development of individual territories (cities, districts, villages, townships)
qualitatively transform and strengthen the total potential of the region.
The use of a strategic type of management at all levels of management is
the key to further successful balanced development.
Appendix 1. Approaches to the concept of “space”
There are two approaches to the concept of “space”. The rst assumes the
presence of clearly dened boundaries (external and internal), which can
change over time. This is a geographic space, which is formed by any factors,
such as the requirements of the administrative-territorial structure of the
state, but has xed boundaries. The second presupposes the establishment
of an economic (political, legal, cultural and national) space that has not
borders of territories, but borders of economic, political, legal, cultural and
national interests (Gutmanet al., 2002; Kazachenko, 2012).
It should be borne in mind that any division of space (territory) into
regions is rather arbitrary. The need to divide large territorial units into
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
parts is due to the very large dierentiation of parts according to many
Appendix 2. The economic aspect of the concept of “space”
Let’s consider the concept of «space» in the economic aspect. For
economic science, as already mentioned, the boundaries of space are the
limits of the action of the main economic ows. It is necessary to highlight
the mega, meso, micro and macro levels of space. If we consider the world
economic space as a mega-level, then the country’s economic space can be
dened as a macro-level. The meso-level can be attributed to the economic
space of the region, and the micro-level - the space of specic socio-
economic systems.
The Common Economic Space (hereinafter referred to as the CES) is a
single structure of the national economy. Within this structure, there is an
interaction between the market and the state in space. Therefore, it can be
argued that all agents of the economy are united by a single economic space
of the country, where the same rules for all are monitored and supported by
special state institutions.
The Common Economic Space (CES) presupposes the existence on the
territory of the country of a single national currency, a single legislative
framework, a single national bank, and uniform conditions for the
movement of people and goods across the territory (Huseynov, 2014).
The common economic space underlies the formation of a common
economic space (hereinafter referred to as the CES), which implies the
achievement of an “equilibrium and balanced economy”, approximately
the same standard of living throughout the country, income equality, based
on the self-suciency of regions and budgetary equalization (Arzhenovskiy
and Kiy, 2014).
For the rst time, a theoretical model of general economic equilibrium
in the classical market was developed by the Swiss economist Blaug (1994).
From the point of view of Blaug(1994), the total supply of nal products
in monetary terms should be equal to the total demand for them as the
sum of incomes brought by all factors of production to their owners. At
the same time, equilibrium is considered achieved only when there is not
only an equilibrium of supply and demand, but also an equal well-being of
participants in market relations, which implies an increase in the well-being
of all participants. These provisions are presented in Figure 1 - a diagram of
a single and common economic space.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
Figure 1. Scheme of a single and common economic space
(Huseynov, 2014).
When market mechanisms cease to operate, an imbalance arises in
the national economy and government regulation becomes necessary.
The role of the state in the economy involves the interaction of the state
and the market as two complementary ways of coordinating relations
between economic agents and their groups. Thus, it is advisable to consider
the market and government regulation as the main regulatory forces for
achieving economic equilibrium, and, accordingly, ways to achieve a
common economic space.
The mutual inuence of the state and the market is realized as follows: the
state regulates and stimulates the economy and promotes the organization of
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
society, the economy determines the capabilities and power of the state and
forms the economic interests of society (Artobolevskiy, 1993). Maintaining
and stimulating competition in the OES is a function of the state. Therefore,
even in the theoretical market model, the state plays the most important
role in preserving the economic space itself by expressing public interests
(Gutmanet al., 2002). Not a single private business, no matter how gigantic
it has reached, by its nature can ignore its own interests and assume the
interests of the whole society. Any market model is implemented under the
inuence of both economic and non-economic factors. As the complexity of
the economic development of a country increase, the role of non-economic
factors increases, since the achievement of CES is not an end in itself, but a
means of improving the quality of life of people.
Appendix 3. Grades of classication of regions found in
Western literature
In Western literature, when classifying regions, the following three
gradations are most often used (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998; Kazachenko,
2012;Vituleva, 2014; Gorkin, 2013):
regions distinguished by single characteristics, that is, taking into
account some individual phenomenon (for example, a beet-growing
zone). Such regions are sometimes called simple.
regions distinguished by several characteristics. They reect a
combination or symbiosis of various phenomena (for example,
landscape regions in physical geography). These regions are called
regions covering almost the entire totality of manifestations of
human activity within the territory under consideration. They
usually reect the close relationship between natural (natural) and
social indicators of the territory.
Appendix 4. Interpretations of the concept of “region”
By denition Alayev (2014), the term “region” is used quite ambiguously:
as a synonym for the term “district”, hence - regional, i.e., relating
to the district, districts.
to designate comparable taxa belonging to dierent taxonation
systems or to dierent orders of the same taxonation system.
to designate any territories that, by their characteristics, do not “t”
the adopted system of territorial division and do not allow them to
be designated by other terms.
to designate territorial taxonomic units of a certain class in a
particular taxonation system.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
The concept of “region” is quite clearly dened in ocial documents
as a part of the territory of the Russian Federation, which has a common
natural, socio-economic, national-cultural, and other conditions (Potapov,
2016). The region can coincide with the borders of the territory of a
constituent entity of the Russian Federation or unite the territories of
several constituent entities. In those cases when a region acts as a subject of
law, it is understood only as a subject of the Russian Federation (Potapov,
In the denition of (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998; Vituleva, 2014;
Huseynov, 2014) emphasizes the importance of the factor of controllability
of regional development: “A region is a socio-economic spatial integrity
characterized by the structure of production of all forms of ownership,
concentration of population, workers, any territory that is economically
and administratively independent, starting from rural area and ending with
large national economic territorial complexes”.
A well-known specialist in the eld of regional economics Nekrasov
viewed the region from a socio-economic standpoint, without considering
such a category as “self-government”, i.e., administrative division. “Under
the region,” Nekrasov, - is understood as a large territory of the country with
more or less homogeneous natural conditions, and mainly a characteristic
direction of the development of productive forces based on a combination
of a complex of natural resources with the corresponding established and
promising social infrastructure” (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998; Kazachenko,
2012; Vituleva, 2014).
The importance of reproduction processes on the territory of the region
is emphasized by the authors of the book “Fundamentals of the theory of
regional reproduction” Marshalova and Novoselov, for whom “the region is
not only a subsystem of the country’s socio-economic complex, but also a
relatively independent part of it with a complete reproduction cycle, special
forms of manifestation of reproduction stages and specic features of the
course of social and economic processes” (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998;
Kazachenko, 2012; Vituleva, 2014; Gorkin, 2013).
The region is a relatively isolated part of a wider socio-territorial
community. The region forms a subsystem of the economy, population,
culture, politics and other aspects of social life, organized on the basis of
the principles of functioning of a part of the territory”- this is the denition
given by Belov (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998;Kazachenko, 2012; Gorkin,
In her opinion, the dierence between a region and other types of
social systems lies in the fact that it is a socio-territorial system. It is the
territory that acts as the initial prerequisite for the acquisition by the
region of systemic qualities inherent only to it. The cohabitation of people
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
within a common natural - geographical and social space predetermines,
on the whole, general conditions for work, life, leisure, etc., hence the
approximately equal opportunities for improving personal qualities,
forming and meeting material and spiritual needs.
“Region” is a historically evolving compact territorial community
that contains physical content, socioeconomic, political and cultural
environment, as well as a spatial structure that is dierent from other
regions and territorial units, such as a city or nation (Kazachenko, 2012).
Doliatovsky believes that the region in the modern sense is a complex
territorial-economic complex with limited internal resources, its own
production structure, and certain needs in connection with the external
environment (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998; Kazachenko, 2012; Vituleva,
2014; Gorkin, 2013).
The region, according to Dergachev and Vardomsky, is always self-
sucient (but not self-sucient) and distinctive, that is, it has an internal
socio-cultural code (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998; Kazachenko, 2012;
Gorkin, 2013).
A universal theoretical interpretation of the concept “region” was given
by Alaev. He believes that “a region is a territory that diers from other
territories by the totality of its saturating elements and possesses unity,
interconnectedness of constituent elements, integrity, and this integrity
is an objective condition and a natural result of the development of this
territory” (Bilchak and Zakharov, 1998; Kazachenko, 2012; Vituleva, 2014;
Gorkin, 2013).
It also considers integrity to be an obligatory element of the region,
and the term “region” is dened as a part of the country’s territory that
has emerged in the process of social (territorial) division of labor, which
is characterized by specialization in the production of certain goods and
services; community and specic in relation to other territories, the nature
of the reproduction process; the complexity and integrity of the economy;
the presence of governing bodies that ensure the solution of the tasks facing
the region.
Appendix 5. The author’s characteristics of the concept “region”
The integrity of the region means a completely rational use of the
natural resource potential of the region, a proportional combination of
various industries, the formation of stable intraregional and interregional
production and technological ties, the presence of a special community
of people with certain traditions, a certain way of life (Vituleva, 2014;
Oshchepkov and Kuzmina, 2013).
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
The complexity of the region’s economy means, rst of all, a balance,
proportional coordinated development of the region’s productive forces.
This is such an interconnection between the elements of the economy,
when the main national economic function is eectively performed -
the specialization of the region, there are no signicant intraregional
disproportions and the region’s ability to carry out expanded reproduction
within its limits on the basis of available resources remains (Voronin and
Sharygin, 1998; Oshchepkov and Kuzmina, 2013).
An indicator of the complexity of the regional economy, - points out
Arzhenovskiy (2014), - can be the products of intraregional production
consumed in the region; the share of products for cross-industry use; the
degree of use of regional resources. Complexity and integrity serve as a
prerequisite for the relative isolation of regions within the national economy
of the country. It manifests itself in the fact that part of the reproductive ties
is limited to a given territory, on this basis, relative independence is formed.
Appendix 6. Characteristics of the principle of “expedient
integrity of the region”
The selection of a region is based on the principle of expedient integrity,
determined by a group of region-forming factors. Distinguish, on the one
hand, the internal integrity of the region - the formation of its economic
complex, the implementation of a single policy, the creation of unied
authorities and management, etc., as well as the external integrity of the
region - its isolation in relation to other similar regions, to the whole
territory, to other territories and their constituent parts.
The development of any region is a contradictory process: uniting
centripetal and separating centrifugal forces are simultaneously operating
in it. Moreover, any region-forming factor in some specic conditions
contributes to the strengthening of the region, and in others - to its
degradation and disintegration. It is important to establish the limits beyond
which the region-forming factor turns from centripetal to centrifugal.
Region boundaries are dynamic. The long historical process of regional
development is characterized by a change in periods of centralization,
consolidation of regions by the annexation of new territories and periods of
decentralization, reduction of regions by their disintegration into parts and
disconnection of territories (Ronald, 2005).
Appendix 7. Region-forming factors
The researchers distinguish the following factors as region-forming
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
history of development and formation of the region.
natural conditions and resources.
ethnic and confessional factors of regionalism.
the demographic factor of regionalism.
labor resources of the region.
state and territorial structure.
socio-economic system in the region.
the economic and geographical state of the region.
the political and geographical factor of regionalism.
Appendix 8. Main directions of regional policy
Regional policy is an integral part of the national strategy for socio-
economic development and covers the following main areas (Artobolevskiy,
determination of the ratio of the moving forces of regional
development and ensuring their interaction (public and private
sectors of the economy, internal and external factors of the
development of the region and means).
the ratio of national and regional aspects of development, central
and regional levels of economic management.
the rise of the economy of the backward regions and the development
of new regions and resources.
national economic issues (in a multinational state).
problems of urbanization.
Appendix 9. Group of traditional tasks of regional policy
The group of traditional tasks includes:
reconstruction of the economy of old industrial regions and large
urban agglomerations by converting defense and civil sectors,
modernizing infrastructure, improving the ecological situation.
overcoming the depressive state of agro-industrial regions, for
example, the Non-Black Earth Region, the South Urals, Siberia, the
Far East; revival of small towns and Russian villages, restoration
of the lost living environment in rural areas, development of local
industrial and social infrastructure, development of abandoned
agricultural and other land lands.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
stabilization of the socio-economic situation in regions with extreme
natural conditions and predominantly raw materials specialization.
creating conditions for the revival of small peoples.
development of interregional, regional and intraregional
infrastructural systems (transport, communications, informatics),
providing structural changes and eciency of the regional economy.
overcoming the excessive lag in the level and quality of life of the
population of individual republics and regions and taxonomic units.
Appendix 10. Methodological foundations of the spatial
development of the region
From a scientic point of view, any region should be considered as a
complex socio - economic complex, within which a system of connections
and dependencies between organizations, enterprises, institutions,
population, and governing bodies is specically formed and manifested
in a peculiar way. A region is both a whole (a single economy) and a part
(of a national economy). Therefore, the most acceptable and productive
scientic approach to the study of phenomena, connections, problems and
ways of development in the regions is the system methodology.
Eective management of the socio-economic development of the region
is unthinkable without a deep knowledge of certain market laws. Chief
among them: the development of production is driven by eective demand
and, above all, by the nal demand of consumers; production is focused on
improving quality characteristics, individualizing the satisfaction of needs,
increasing the benecial eect of using products; competitive manufacturing
based on innovation thrives; there is an expansion of the service sector, a
certain overow from the industrial sector into the sphere of various kinds
of services (the so-called “serviceization” of social production).
As a result, the economy becomes socially oriented, focused on
increasing the eciency of meeting the needs of society, i.e., the main thing
is the market reorientation of the entire economic system of the region, and
everything else is the prot of producers, employment of the population,
budget revenues, social protection of the poor, etc. - is derived from the
main one.
Each region is deeply specic, unique in its own way both economically
and in social, geographic, climatic, demographic, ecological and other
characteristics. Without knowledge of the specic features of a particular
region, any attempt at reform is doomed to failure.
The practice of regional management clearly proves the eectiveness
of integration carried out in various forms. There are intra-sectoral, inter-
Igor Valerievich Zhilkin, Aleksandr Yurievich Anisimov, Irina Аnatolyevna Kubrak, Anna
Victorovna Maslennikova y Vladimir Yurievich Melnikov
Methodological foundations of the spatial development of the region: content, conceptual instrument
sectoral, territorial, intra-regional, inter-regional and international types.
There are also horizontal, vertical, diagonal and combined types of integral
structures. There are various classications of activity integration. It can
be distinguished: organizational, economic, nancial, industrial, trade,
technological orientation of integration and their combinations. Integration
allows you to increase the eciency of functioning of dierentiated links
and processes and to obtain a specic synergistic eect (Arzhenovskiy and
Kiy, 2014; Dejan and Vujadinović, 2017).
The reality of the market system of life is such that only a general increase
in the competitiveness of the regional economy can ensure sustainable socio
- economic development. It, in turn, consists of the growth of the competitive
advantages of individual enterprises, industries, territories and their totality.
The most signicant factor in increasing competitiveness in the world is
considered to be the activation of innovative activities. It is innovations
that primarily attract investment, which creates the preconditions for the
technical modernization of production, renewal of the range of products,
and economic progress. Research and global experience make it possible to
recognize the transition to the intensication of innovative activity as one
of the key methodological premises of the region’s economic development.
Appendix 11. Strategy for spatial development of the Russian
Federation until 2025 (summary)
At present, in Russia, in accordance with the federal law “On strategic
planning in the Russian Federation” (Federal Law “On Strategic Planning
in the Russian Federation” dated 28.06.2014, No. 172-FZ), a strategy for the
spatial development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 has
been developed (Strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation
for the period up to 2025. Approved by the order of the Government of the
Russian Federation dated 13.02.2019, No. 207-r).
The main objectives of the Strategy are:
ensuring sustainable and balanced spatial development of Russia.
reduction of interregional dierences in the level and quality of life
of people.
acceleration of economic growth and technological development.
ensuring national security.
To implement the above goals, the Strategy denes the tasks, principles,
priorities, and main directions of the spatial development of Russia,
scenarios of spatial development, including the priority (target) scenario,
promising centers of economic growth, macroregions, promising economic
specializations of the subjects of the Federation, target indicators of the
spatial development of Russia.
Vol. 39 Nº 71 (2021): 833-857
As part of the implementation of the Strategy, it is envisaged to increase
the accessibility and quality of the main transport, energy, information
and telecommunications infrastructure, reduce the level of interregional
dierentiation in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities
of the Federation, reduce intraregional socio-economic dierences, expand
geography and accelerate economic growth, scientic, technological and
innovative development of Russia due to the socio-economic development
of promising centers of economic growth.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2021, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.39 Nº 71