Nadiia Babarykina, Oleksandra Demianenko y Yevhen Mahda
Decentralization as a global trend of democracy development
Expenditures on education, health care, transport networks, civil aviation,
and administrative services for industry and business were concentrated
in regional budgets. The competence of the regions also includes issues
of spatial planning and development. In order to exercise their powers
eectively, the regions must be provided with sucient resources, which
include both their own resources and funds within the equal distribution of
funds provided by the state to support economic development and reduce
social and economic unrest (Experience of Decentralization in European
Countries, 2015).
The competencies of the Italian provinces include the support and
development of public transport, authorization and control of private
transport, roads within the provinces and related infrastructure, care for
secondary education infrastructure, economic development, including
employment centers, social service centers, cultural promotion, tourism,
and sports. A separate task of the province is to support and develop
cooperation and partnership between communes.
The tasks of the communes are the introduction and accumulation of
local taxes, regulation of local police, health care, primary and secondary
education, public transport, provision of social services at the local level,
trade permits, garbage collection and disposal, local transport infrastructure
and street lighting, social housing (Boryslavs'ka et al., 2012).
Let us dwell on the analysis of the experience of decentralization reform
in France. It is one of the countries in Europe where decentralization
movements arose in the post-bourgeois revolutions. The experience
of decentralization of French power has been used by many European
countries. The beginning of the largest in the XX century reform of the
administrative-territorial system of France, which took place in the 1980s,
date back to the beginning of the presidency of Charles de Gaulle. He
proposed a fundamentally new approach to the development of the state
and the relationship between the central administration and territorial
units (Khrebtiy, 2018).
In 1982, under the Law on the Rights and Freedoms of Communes,
Departments and Regions of March 2, 1982, the process of decentralization
of government in France began, according to which the regions became an
administrative-territorial unit with all necessary powers and headed by a
governing council, which is elected by direct universal voting (Experience
of Decentralization In European Countries, 2015).
During the 1982 reform, agglomeration communities were created,
and commune communities were created for smaller cities. There is also
an association of communes to solve a specic problem. There are now
18,000 dierent commune associations in France, which is also a problem,
so the government aims to reduce the number of communes to at least