Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 73
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
En tre sus ob je ti vos fi gu ran: con tri buir con el pro gre so cien tí fi co de las Cien cias
Hu ma nas y So cia les, a tra vés de la di vul ga ción de los re sul ta dos lo gra dos por sus in ves-
ti ga do res; es ti mu lar la in ves ti ga ción en es tas áreas del sa ber; y pro pi ciar la pre sen ta-
ción, dis cu sión y con fron ta ción de las ideas y avan ces cien tí fi cos con com pro mi so so cial.
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Pe rio di cals Di rec tory, EBS CO. Se en cuen tra acre di ta da al Re gis tro de Pu bli ca cio-
nes Cien tí fi cas y Tec no ló gi cas Ve ne zo la nas del FO NA CIT, La tin dex.
Di rec to ra
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
Co mi Ase sor
Pedro Bracho Grand
J. M. Del ga do Ocan do
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Joan López Urdaneta y Nil da Ma n
Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 73 (2022), 741-753
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 15/03/2022 Aceptado el 28/05/2022
Public management for sustainable
development: current challenges and
future trends
Dmytro Dzvinchuk *
Hryhorii Borshch **
Natalia Tsygylyk ***
Zoryana Dobosh ****
Oksana Dziubynska *****
The objective of the article was to study the mechanism of
public administration, which manifests itself at the state and
municipal levels of regulation of socioeconomic processes in
society. During the research, methods such as logic, dialectic
and modelling were used. The result of the study was that an
eective solution to societal problems is possible in terms of maintaining a
stable interaction of public administration entities on the basis of eective
communication in terms of public recognition and support from the
authorities currently operating. The scientic novelty justied the need to
support a variety of constructive forms of cooperation within the public
administration between government ocials, private companies and NGOs
in the digital transformation to achieve the sustainable development of
public administration. The practical signicance of the study is that ways to
improve the system were proposed in the context of digital transformation.
* Doctor of philosophy sciences, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Management
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Institute of Humanities and Public
Administration, Department of Public Administration and Management Carpatska 15 str., Ivano-
Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76019, ORCID ID:
** PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor Department of Regional Policy Educational and
Scientic Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service Taras Shevchenko National University of
Kyiv 60 Volodymyrska Street, City of Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033. ORCID ID:
*** Ph.D (Technical) Assistant Administrative and Financial Management Department Lviv Polytechnic
National University 28a, Stepana Bandery str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine. ORCID ID: http://orcid.
**** PhD (law), Associate Professor of the civil law and Procedure department, Lviv Polytechnic National
University, Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education, Department of Civil Law
and Procedure, 79013, 12 Bandera str., Lviv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Ph.D. (Economic), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Construction and Civil Engineering, Faculty
of Architecture, Construction and Design, Lutsk National Technical University, 75, Lvivska Street,
Lutsk, Volyn region, 43018, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Hryhorii Borshch, Natalia Tsygylyk, Zoryana Dobosh y Oksana Dziubynska
Public management for sustainable development: current challenges and future trends
It is concluded that a qualitative change in the interrelations of the system
with an application of modern digital technologies of public administration
is urgent, as a key means of modernizing the formation of various public
information resources.
Keywords: public administration; public administration; transformation;
civil society; socio-economic relations.
Gestión pública para el desarrollo sostenible: retos
actuales y tendencias futuras
El objetivo del artículo fue estudiar el mecanismo de la administración
pública, que se maniesta en los niveles estatal y municipal de regulación
de los procesos socioeconómicos en la sociedad. Durante la investigación
se utilizaron métodos como el lógico, el dialéctico y el de modelización. El
resultado del estudio fue que es posible una solución efectiva a los problemas
de la sociedad en términos de mantener una interacción estable de las
entidades de la administración pública sobre la base de una comunicación
efectiva en términos de reconocimiento y apoyo público de las autoridades
que actualmente operan. La novedad cientíca se justicó la necesidad de
apoyar una variedad de formas constructivas de cooperación dentro de la
administración pública entre los funcionarios del gobierno, las empresas
privadas y las ONG en la transformación digital para lograr el desarrollo
sostenible de la administración pública. La importancia práctica del estudio
es que se propusieron formas de mejorar el sistema en el contexto de la
transformación digital. Se concluye que urge un cambio cualitativo en las
interrelaciones del sistema con una aplicación de las modernas tecnologías
digitales de la administración pública, como medio clave de modernización
de la formación de diversos recursos de información pública.
Palabras clave: administración pública; administración pública;
transformación; sociedad civil; relaciones
The system of public administration from the perspective of the national
economy is a unity of dierent forms of socio-political and economic
interaction between ocial structures of management, representatives of
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 741-753
private business, and non-prot associations. One of the most important
elements of this management are technologies of state and municipal
regulation of the economy.
As features of public administration, it is necessary to distinguish the
following elements:
1. Making policy and management decisions based on the qualied
professional activities of specially trained managers in the regulation
of the economy and the implementation of entrepreneurial activity
on an individual and collective basis.
2. Existence of interdependent cooperation between dierent subjects of
social and economic processes and availability of wide opportunities
for participation of representatives of power structures, the private
sector of the economy, and non-prot associations in coordinated
cooperation on the elimination of social problems.
3. Public and municipal authorities, when performing their functions
and powers xed by law, are accountable to society with regard to
the consequences of their functioning.
4. Political decentralization, which is embodied in the delegation of
some powers from central to territorial governments, leads to a
reduction of managerial tension in relation to key structures of state
5. Targeted activity, developed and implemented according to a certain
plan, in accordance with the existing conditions of development of
society and market relations.
It is obvious that in one of its aspects the current stage of development
of Ukrainian society is characterized, on the one hand, by increasing
contradictions between modern management with its inherent alienation
of the objects of management from management decision-making, and, on
the other hand, by the objective need to strengthen the public nature of
A concrete manifestation of these processes is found in the aggravation
of contradictions between the interests of the individual and the state, which
most adversely aects both the function of public relations, the quality of
human relations, as well as undermine the authority of government, thereby
contribute to the weakening of eciency and security of governance, and
thus the weakening of economic security of Ukraine.
Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Hryhorii Borshch, Natalia Tsygylyk, Zoryana Dobosh y Oksana Dziubynska
Public management for sustainable development: current challenges and future trends
1. Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Scholars responded to this crisis with a wide range of comparative
studies and theoretical alternatives that addressed the “big questions” of
public administration (Liu, 2021). This article states the authors’ position
on current challenges and future trends in public administration, in
particular, the digital transformation in public administration. The starting
point was the assertion that digital technology opens up new opportunities
for the further introduction of public administration by results. A review of
the literature on this issue allowed us to identify the main approaches to the
denition of digital transformation in the eld of governance.
Thus, A. Scupola and Mergel studied the digital transformation of public
administration in Denmark (Scupola and Mergel, 2021), MM Young, J.
Bullock, and JD Lecy, using Salamon management tools, suggest three main
ways in which articial discretion can improve public administration at the
task level: (1) increasing scalability, (2) reducing cost, and (3) improving
quality (Young et al., 2019).
It should also be noted that domestic scientists from dierent elds of
knowledge have paid attention to public administration in the economic
sphere in Ukraine. Thus, the scientic works of Holovko et al. (2020)
are devoted to the identication of subjects who, in the conditions
of administrative and legal reform and changes in the guidelines in
the relationship between the state and the citizen, carry out public
administration, and the emphasis is placed on the sphere of relations that
cover the essence of public administration.
The analysis of domestic and foreign practices of using digital
technologies in the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of managerial
decisions and public policies allowed to formulate proposals for the priority
areas of digital technology in the further development of the principles and
procedures of management by results.
In particular, digital technologies allow to minimize the time lag between
the achievement of results and the appearance of data on their achievement;
signicantly increase the number of data sources and indicators that can
be used for planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the performance and
eectiveness of government; reduce the risk of deliberate distortion of
reporting data.
2. Methodology
The methodological basis of the research is a dialectical method of
cognition of socio-legal phenomena. In addition, the logical method (in the
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 741-753
presentation of all material, the formation of recommendations, suggestions,
and conclusions); method of system analysis; method of comparative law;
method of modeling; method of reference to the conclusions of institutional
economic theory, digital computer technology, and other sciences was used.
3. Results
The content of executive power (public administration) as an independent
type of state activity is a set of functions, which directly manifests power
and organizational content of public administration, which is carried
out in various procedural forms through constant information exchange
between the subject and object of management based on direct and reverse
Consequently, the function of public administration can be dened as
a part of the managerial activity of the state, carried out based on the law
or another legal act by executive authorities by their inherent methods of
performing the tasks of public administration. The formation of institutions
of public administration assumes that they:
1. Have certain state-authoritative powers and, thus, the ability to
inuence the development of socio-economic processes in society
and, therefore, be responsible for their condition.
2. Have opportunities and abilities to act within their own competence
on behalf of the state enthusiasm.
3. Function in conditions of a combination of strict normative
regulated activity in a formal-procedural way with a suciently
broad possibility of making volitional decisions based on subjective
interpretation of both the situation and the legislative norms
regulating it.
4. Directly engaged in the work of preparing, making, and implementing
decisions in the executive and administrative activities of the state,
and, in most cases, these actions entail noticeable economic and
other social consequences for the entire society or any part thereof.
To identify and optimize interdepartmental interaction in the system of
public administration, the purpose, tasks, and content of the administrative-
administrative process, within which the specied interaction is carried
out, are important. At the same time, it is not important at all that works
on interaction can constitute a meager part of the whole process, they must
be identied, tied to the process, and only then it will be possible to decide
on the possible elimination of interaction (for example, through the use of
information technology).
Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Hryhorii Borshch, Natalia Tsygylyk, Zoryana Dobosh y Oksana Dziubynska
Public management for sustainable development: current challenges and future trends
One of the main characteristics and directions of improvement and
modernization of the system of interaction between state and municipal
authorities and representatives of private business is the transformation
of the basis of organization and functioning of public regulation of socio-
economic relations in modern society. One of the key forms of reection
of the mentioned modernization is the expansion of electronic ways of
formation, compilation, and transmission of various information data as a
key economic resource.
In this regard, the development and practical development of digital
technologies, allow signicantly optimizing the development of management
decisions of public administration structures. The growing and deepening
reliance on AI and machine learning technologies in the public sector has
been diagnosed as “transformative” for public administrations (Young et al.,
2019). This creates the basis for building a promising system of electronic
public-management services for enterprises and organizations of various
forms of ownership, as well as for individual citizens.
Public administration at the present stage acts as a mechanism, a way by
which the state in practice pursues a policy to reform various contradictions
(individual, group, national, territorial, class, etc.) and to meet the material,
social, cultural needs of dierent population groups. This is achieved through
specic actions of organizational, economic, nancial, political, legal, etc.
nature in the system of public administration, including dierent stages
of administrative preparation and implementation of necessary managerial
decisions, through which there is coordination and implementation of state
In a modern democratic state, public administration is a central link in
the implementation of public policy. It relates to society as a whole and its
bases and manifestations, to the state, to the activities that are primarily
focused on achieving general social goals and the expression of public
opinion. Public administration is a form of implementation of public power,
which has special organizational and power structures, has unique means
of coercion, not in the arsenal of personal or corporate power, establishes
the rules of conduct of a special kind. It is stimulated by public interest and
is aimed at regulating certain public relations.
At the same time public power is considered as a static phenomenon
(belonging to the people, body, ocial), and public administration - as a
dynamic relation, that is, the action of public power. The content of public
administration includes certain forms of territorial state-authoritative
organization of the population within the entire state territory, established
structure and organizational-legal ways of implementation of people’s
power, specially designed institutions - the apparatus of power and
persons, hierarchically subordinated, exercising functions of power within
its apparatus.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 741-753
The dominant role of public administration is to ensure a balance
between public and private interests, where public interests must include
those needs on which the existence and development of society as a whole
depend, and private interests are recognized and guaranteed by the state.
The most important element in ensuring this activity is the public interest,
designed, on the one hand, to provide the basis of society and the state as
a condition of universal existence, and, on the other hand, to guarantee
the satisfaction of private interests in their singular and concentrated
It is important to add that public interests can be optimally realized
only jointly, while private interest is a more individualized concept, they
reect personal preferences, taste characteristics, habits, and so on. At
the same time, participants in relations, which arise in the process of
public administration, can be classied as those who exert a concerted
inuence on specic public relations by means of specic methods,
tools, forms and aiming to secure public interests and those who fall
under the inuence of such a concerted inuence (Holovko et al., 2020).
In public administration today, many new reform ideas mingle, oering
new diagnoses of governmental problems and courses of action (Ingrams
et al., 2020). In our opinion, the improvement of the system of public
administration should take place in such areas as:
Improvement of the system of public services. In this case, a
service should be understood as a method of satisfying the needs of
individuals and legal entities. If it is implemented by the state, then
accordingly we are talking about the provision of public service. It
should be noted that the mechanism of providing public services
works with signicant drawbacks. For example, the procedure of
registration and issuance of passports, registration at the place
of location, state registration of real estate transactions require
physical and legal persons signicant time expenses. We see the
solution to such problems in reducing administrative procedures
and document ow, changing the work of government agencies,
expanding the range of paid services, as the sham gratuitousness of
such services only provokes the growth of corruption.
Increasing opportunities for public participation in public
management procedures. Formation of bodies of executive power
outside of close interaction with the institution of elections, the
high degree of their independence in determining the forms and
methods of implementation of powers do not exclude the possibility
of replacing the interests of the people (population) by ocials’ own
Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Hryhorii Borshch, Natalia Tsygylyk, Zoryana Dobosh y Oksana Dziubynska
Public management for sustainable development: current challenges and future trends
According to the above, simultaneously with the highest forms of
direct democracy, such as referendum and free elections, other
various forms, which, though not generating a generally binding
result, allow public ocials to inform the actual needs of civil
society, to make socially useful adjustments in the activities of
executive power bodies Such forms include, for example, the right of
citizens to gather peacefully, without weapons and to hold meetings,
rallies, walks and demonstrations, provided by the Constitution of
the Russian Federation. Such forms of direct citizen participation
in the exercise of state power as public discussions of topical issues
of socio-economic development, draft regulations and other socially
important decisions, public (public) hearings, people’s law-making
(public) initiative, opinion polls contribute to the consideration
of the interests of the population in the implementation of the
functions of the executive branch.
Development of the system of self-regulatory organizations in the
sphere of economy. As self-regulation, we understand the regulation
of certain markets and spheres by business entities themselves
without state interference. Self-regulatory non-prot organizations
are non-prot organizations established for the purposes of self-
regulation, based on membership, uniting business entities based
on the unity of the sector of production of goods (works, services),
or uniting subjects of professional activity of a certain type.
The implementation of self-regulation in certain areas are created
independent from the state and public authorities’ associations of
participants of economic activity, which establish standards and rules of
conduct in the relevant market segment, ensure control over compliance
with them, regulate conicts. We can express the opinion that self-
regulatory organizations are a special form of consolidation of that part of
the public which is active primarily in the sphere of market relations and
seeks the most harmonious regulation of economic activities.
Transfer of powers from the state level to the regional level. This
decentralization, aimed at bringing public administration closer to
the population, has an obvious positive eect, namely the motivation
for inter-municipal consolidation in the country, the creation of
appropriate legal conditions and mechanisms for the formation of
wealthy territorial communities of villages, settlements, and cities,
uniting their eorts in solving urgent problems.
The new model of nancial support for local budgets, which have
gained a certain autonomy and independence from the central
budget, has also proven its worth. Decentralization, in particular,
brings some benets, on the other hand, decentralization is not fully
realized to oer and increase government accountability (Andhika,
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 741-753
Introduction of a short-term moratorium on changing the system
and structure of state executive authorities. Although administrative
reorganization has been a major political instrument in many
democracies, there has been limited research on its eects (Hong
and Park, 2019). The reorganization of the system and structure of
executive authorities should be carried out gradually, an accelerated
reorganization is likely to cause delays in the provision of public
Increasing the motivation of civil servants. Promptness and quality
of public services should be a guaranteed basis for their career
development. Since the very beginning, the public sector has been
highlighted as a responsibility, a duty, and a calling instead of merely
being a job because, these employees are supposed to be motivated
by the ethics of serving the public in contrast to employees working
in private sector organizations (Zubair et al., 2021).
4. Discussion
One of the outcomes of the 20th century, a lesson learned at the cost
of huge social cataclysms was the relative, but very important advantage
of the democratic model of socio-political institutions, relations between
governors and governed, established in Western countries (Bila-Tiunova
et al., 2019).
It is quite obvious - the violation of the balance of public and private
interests has as a direct consequence the dynamics of the growth of threats
to the economic security of the country, to the weakening of the state and
the economy, as well as guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests
of the subjects of public activity. In modern socio-cultural conditions of
domestic practice gets additional relevance to increase the publicity of the
mechanism of state policy to ensure economic security.
This necessarily involves the reduction of administrative procedures
and administrative actions - reducing the number of documents for citizens
to obtain a public service; the use of new forms of documents; reducing the
number of interactions between citizens and ocials of public authorities
and local government.
The foregoing allows us to conclude: the main role of public
administration as a factor in the consolidation of society in general and
regional solidarity society, in particular, to assess the eectiveness and
safety of public administration is expressed in the elimination of imbalances
of private and public interests.
Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Hryhorii Borshch, Natalia Tsygylyk, Zoryana Dobosh y Oksana Dziubynska
Public management for sustainable development: current challenges and future trends
If we consider that the dening element of public administration is the
public interest, it becomes clear that it is designed not only to serve as a
kind of guarantor of the foundations of society and the state but also in
this role to ensure the procedure for the optimal implementation of private
interests of citizens of the state.
Public administrations are investing in the digital transformation of their
citizen-oriented services and internal administrative processes (Scupola
and Mergel, 2021). In the scientic literature, digital transformation is
viewed primarily in terms of transforming the processes of public service
delivery. Across the world, governments aim for the transformation of
public administration, to adapt to a changing environment and address
societal challenges (Lindgren and Van Veenstra, 2018).
Today’s challenges prompt the search for new, more eective
mechanisms of public administration. The role of digital transformation of
public administration is as follows:
In improving the eciency of public administration, including the
quality of public services;
Reducing costs of the state, business, and/or citizens associated
with the implementation of certain state functions.
Increasing the productivity of civil servants in the provision of public
services and the implementation of control and supervisory activities
through the standardization, modernization, and automation of
administrative and management processes, the introduction of
electronic document management, creation of departmental and
interdepartmental databases.
Reducing the cost of creating and administering information
resources and systems through the reuse of information technologies
and services.
Increasing the level of trust of citizens and businesses in the
authorities and ocials, support for their decisions, etc.
The more ecient management, carried out within the concept of new
public management, taking the place of the traditional administrative
management and borrowing for this purpose market principles in the
production of public services, was faced with the need to solve the
contradictions of a valuable nature.
It also proved insucient the role of the state in coordination and
communication with civil society associations, businesses, trade unions,
which is the cause of a new crisis and has necessitated another change
of paradigms. These contradictions and the tasks to manage them are
obviously inherited by the new paradigm, not yet conceptualized.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 741-753
The crisis phenomena arising in the processes of modern public
administration at the present stage and the new political reality are
considered together, their interdependence is undoubted. It is no
coincidence that the problem of the new political reality has been actualized
simultaneously with the problem of governance, with the aggravation of the
crisis of public administration. There is, of course, nothing unusual in the
emergence of a new political reality, because it reects inevitable changes
in the development of political reality as such.
The modernization of the socio-economic sphere is directly related to
the digital transformation of life support. With the development of new
technologies, there has been a dramatic leap for many government agencies
on issues of fundamental reform and reorganization. Adapting to the
evolutionary process of digitalization has allowed public administration to
push the boundaries of new possibilities.
Given the modern challenges that face the system of public administration,
the transformation in the formation of elements of sustainable public
administration has a number of parameters:
1. Rational combination of economic, administrative, legal, and
social means of creation and regulation of modern production-
consumption system based on coordination of position of state and
municipal authorities and representatives of private business.
2. Development and use of innovative approaches to the
implementation of public-management regulation of private-
business relations, taking into account the need to carry out public-
management functions in conditions of socio-economic instability.
Establishment of good methods of situational management of
municipal and urban management on the terrain of macro-regions,
regions, and individual municipalities (in districts, in cities).
3. Optimal prediction and elimination of various cyberthreats that
can hinder the further modernization of public administration
in the sphere of socio-economic relations. Related to this is the
development of science-based means of anti-crisis regulation to
provide the necessary support from the state to small and medium-
sized businesses.
4. Radical change in the totality of means of revealing quantitative
and qualitative changes occurring in dierent sectors of economy
and life spheres. The specics and dynamics of changes in the
private and entrepreneurial sphere as one of the main sources of
Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Hryhorii Borshch, Natalia Tsygylyk, Zoryana Dobosh y Oksana Dziubynska
Public management for sustainable development: current challenges and future trends
tax revenues and, accordingly, the development of innovative
methods of economic analysis of the qualitative characteristics and
functions of economic entities with an expanding role of private
and entrepreneurial initiatives are a priority. The establishment of
various forms of socio-economic partnerships and the use of modern
electronic technologies for the formation and use of information
resources of public administration.
5. A qualitative change in the system interrelations and relations
with a wide application of modern digital technologies of public
administration as a key means of modernization of the formation
and use of diverse information resources.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 73