Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 73
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 73 (2022), 798-818
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 14/04/2022 Aceptado el 16/06/2022
Adolescents’ legal socialization
in extracurricular environment
by art technologies
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko *
Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna **
Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina ***
Alona Arturovna Solonska ****
Irina Yliivna Mosiakova *****
The objective of the article was to analyze the legal specialization
of adolescents in an extracurricular environment through art
technology. The published results highlight the theoretical and
practical aspects of the problem of the legal socialization of
adolescents, which takes place in an extracurricular environment.
The methodology of the research was represented by the theoretical study
of this problem in its aspects: philosophical, legal, pedagogical, sociological
and psychological, as well as by the experimental work with a sample of
(342 adolescents). It has been shown that for the legal socialization of
adolescents in non-formal education centers it is necessary: the application
of axiological ideas and concepts of legal education, philosophy, legal
pedagogy of adolescents in education through art technologies; the
organization of cognitive-communicative interaction and communication
as a means of increasing the legal socialization of the; consideration of the
age characteristics, perspective and value changes of adolescents growing
up in society. It is concluded that the structure of the legal socialization of
adolescents should be considered as a holistic system in which dierent
dimensions interact.
* PhD-student of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Work Bogdan Khmelnitsky
Melitopol state pedagogical university. ORCID ID:
** Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university. ORCID ID:
*** Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education and
Social Work Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
**** Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Preschool Education and Social
Work Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university. ORCID ID:
***** Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctoral student of the Department of Preschool Education and
Social Work Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
Keywords: legal socialization; adolescents; extracurricular environment;
non-formal education institutions; art technologies.
Socialización legal de los adolescentes en un entorno
extraescolar a través de la tecnología del arte
El objetivo del artículo fue analizar la socialización legal de los
adolescentes en un entorno extraescolar a través de la tecnología del arte.
Los resultados publicados ponen de relieve los aspectos teóricos y prácticos
del problema de la socialización legal de los adolescentes, que tiene lugar
en un entorno extraescolar. La metodología de la investigación estuvo
representada por el estudio teórico de este problema en sus aspectos:
losócos, jurídicos, pedagógicos, sociológicos y psicológicos, así como
por el trabajo experimental con una muestra de (342 adolescentes). Se
ha demostrado que para la socialización jurídica de los adolescentes en
los centros de educación extraescolar es necesario: la aplicación de ideas
y conceptos axiológicos de la educación jurídica, la losofía, la pedagogía
jurídica de los adolescentes en la educación por medio de las tecnologías
del arte; la organización de la interacción cognitivo-comunicativa y la
comunicación como medio de aumentar la socialización jurídica de los; la
consideración de las características de la edad, la perspectiva y los cambios
de valores de los adolescentes que crecen en la sociedad. Se concluye que la
estructura de la socialización legal de los adolescentes debe ser considerada
como un sistema holístico en el que interactúan diferentes dimensiones.
Palabras clave: socialización jurídica; adolescentes; entorno
extraescolar; instituciones de educación extraescolar;
tecnologías del arte.
Addressing the problem of adolescents’legal socialization should be
comprehensive, our research work interest is the analysis and generalization
of this process at theoretical and practical levels. The socio-economic and
political crisis, that Ukraine nds itself needs new solutions that meet
the requirements of the time. A modern teenager, who in the future must
become a worthy citizen of its country, must be educated in legal issues,
have a high level of legal education – an important component of human
legal culture.
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
The question of the essence of individual legal socialization in most
studies is revealed in the context of legal education, «legal behavior»
(Burdonosova, 2011; Kolomiytsev, 2006; Costanzo and Krauss, 2018;
Chapman and Hobbel, 2010; Orlova, 2008; Oleksenko, 2017), prevention
of marginal behavior (Pisarev, 2010) and others. The purpose of the
research work is to highlight the theoretical and practical aspects of the
adolescents’legal socialization, which takes place in an out-of-school
environment and with the help of art technology.
1. Methodology
The research work methodology consists of theoretical research of
this problem in terms of philosophical, legal, pedagogical, sociological
and psychological aspects, as well as experimental work (ascertaining,
formative and control stages of the study). The study of the problem of
adolescents’legal socialization in out-of-school education institutions was
carried out in the period from 2018 to 2021 study year. There are 342
teenagers took part in the experimental work.
2. Situational diagnosis
2.1. Main developments and achievements of the period
In the legal socialization content, we see the presence of positive legal
attitudes, which are expressed as readiness for legal action, active desire to
deter other adolescents from delinquency, participation in maintaining law
and order in the reference group, etc. (Costanzo, 2018).
The objective process of achieving a high level of their legal education.
In the study of legal socialization, we are impressed by the ideas of
scientists (Jackson, 2020), name the three ways of studying the relationship,
for example, between the police and citizens: the subjectivity of the justice
perception; mechanisms linking legitimacy procedural justice; statistical
methods for estimating causal mechanisms.
Scientists emphasize the importance of understanding the concept of
justice, because most of our actions must be guided by a sense of justice
(Jackson, 2020). It should be emphasized that socio-normative ideas of the
individual consist of moral, residual and legal aspects of social reality. Our
life in society takes place through identication, imitation and reection
(Uskova, 2020).
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
As a result of a survey, observation, analysis of scientic sources,
we found that legal socialization consists of theoretical and practical
components. In our opinion, the adolescents’legal socialization in the out-
of-school environment covers the following system of knowledge, which
1) general knowledge of law and order (Stevens, 2018);
2) knowledge of the social environment (Basyouni, 2011);
3) knowledge of the individual.
The success of the system of knowledge on legal socialization in the out-
of-school environment depends on the following provisions:
The quality of legal attitudes for the legal activities’ implementation
by both representatives of out-of-school educational institutions
and adolescents themselves (Levesque, 2019).
The current state of adolescents in accordance with the actualization
of legal knowledge, the desire to learn legal values, the desire and
ability to protect them.
In our opinion, there are certain peculiarities in the activities of
out-of-school educational institutions and that is why, taking into
account these provisions, we point out the principles included in the
content of legal adolescents’education in out-of-school educational
The principle of focusing on the legal values of society in relation
to the adolescents’interests, needs, feelings and emotions in out-of-
school education (Reardon, 2015).
The principle of systematic, consistent legal education and
compliance of educational inuences with the level of adolescents
‘legal education.
The principle of taking into account the positive attitudes in the
adolescents’legal education, focus on lawful and law-abiding human
The principle of autonomy of adolescents’choice in law enforcement
activities in accordance with the available social experience in out-
of-school education institutions.
The analysis of the references gives us the opportunity to emphasize
that in the structure of adolescents’legal socialization, as components, the
following stand out: cognitive, value-motivational, behavioral.
The essence of the presented components is manifested in their focus on
the legal valuesof society, on improving the conditions that lead to law and
order in society.
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
2.2. Limitations and outstanding conicts
Nowadays it is recognized that one of the socialization eective means is
art therapy. It both diagnoses the human condition, and treats, and brings
that deep positive «Feeling of self», which is called «happiness», because it
satises the most important fundamental human need – the need for self-
Working with art technologies variety is based on the belief in the
creative basis of human, where the main goal is focused on harmonizing
the personality development through the development of the ability of
self-expression and self-knowledge. Art technologies allow get to know
yourself and the world around you, develop creative opportunities, as well
as establish relationships between people.
In dierent countries there are dierent models of art technology,
initially it was only visual art: painting, graphics, photography, drawing and
modeling. Modern art technologies have a much larger number of areas,
such as bibliotherapy, Mascotherapy, fairytaletherapy, origamitherapy,
dramatherapy, musictherapy, colortherapy, sandtherapy, gametherapy,
chewing circles and more.
In the context of our research work, we believe that art technology is
able to perform educational, corrective, diagnostic and developmental
functions. It should be noted the high eectiveness of art therapy when
working with adolescents. The use of art techniques gives teenagers the
opportunity to strengthen their memory, develop attention, thinking and
decision-making skills. Art technologies are used in individual and group
work, are especially relevant for various trainings.
One of the important issues in the diagnosis of adolescents’legal
socialization is its proper measurement, concerning the disclosure of
criteria, indicators and characteristics of levels. We take into account that
legal socialization is a social phenomenon and is connected with the legal
consciousness and legal culture that has developed in our country. But as a
phenomenon, the legal socialization of adolescents can be measured taking
into account the state of each dened structural components (cognitive,
value-motivational, behavioral).
In our research work, we focus on the age of 11 to 15, which is
characterized by the beginning of human growth in the legal culture of
society, as adolescents move from childhood to adulthood.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
3. Proposals, actions and experiences
Taking into account the theoretical aspect of the topic of our research
work, we highlight the criteria of legal socialization of adolescents and,
accordingly, their indicators:
cognitive criterion, in our opinion, should be revealed through the
following indicators: theoretical knowledge of law, law and order in society,
awareness of the importance of law and order for human life in society,
in extracurricular social environments, the presence of gurative legal
thinking according to age, recognition of various legal systems, dierent
societies, predicting the consequences of legal and illegal behavior.
The next criterion is a value-motivational criterion, in which the
indicators are understanding of legal values, recognition of one’s own law-
arming activity as a value, motivation to serve a legal society, interest in
the requirements of legal behavior aimed at maintaining law and order.
The third criterion is behavioral criterion, the indicators of which we
have identied: the ability to distinguish between legal and illegal behavior,
experience of legal behavior, participation in legal and legal activities of
out-of-school educational institutions, movements, public organizations,
self-control, ability to establish relationships with others legal system of
During the development of these criteria, indicators of legal education,
we realized that very fast results for a high level cannot be expected, because
the involvement of adolescents in the public association should be gradual,
3.1 Selection of diagnostic tools
During the research work, we considered it expedient to develop
diagnostic tools that comprehensively combine the listed ideas, provisions,
theses related to the process of legal socialization, the formation of legal
behavior skills. Therefore, it is important to develop methodological tools
with which we can measure the dynamics of adolescentslegal socialization,
respectively, cognitive, value-motivational and behavioral areas.
We believed that for a more thorough analysis of the adolescents’legal
socialization should take into account both qualitative and quantitative
aspects, which is why we considered that the measurement of levels –
should be carried out in accordance with the study of the desire to assert
the ideals of law enforcement.
We noted aadolescents’high level when they recorded the formation of
deep knowledge about law and order in society, the legal education of the
individual, responsibility for actions and illegal behavior, understanding
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
age of legal systems characteristics in dierent societies, recognition of
dierent legal systems in dierent societies.
The middle level is characterized as follows: the adolescent has, but not
fully, knowledge of law, law and order in society, the legal education of the
individual, he does not always understand the importance of responsibility
for actions and misconduct, does not always recognize the existence of
dierent legal systems in dierent societies.
The low level of legal socialization is characterized: adolescents
do not have knowledge about law, law and order in society, about
legal educationpersonality, they don’t understand the importance of
responsibility for actions and wrongdoing, and does not know about the
dierent legal systems in dierent societies.
Such adolescents rarely think about predicting the consequences of
legal and illegal behavior, but at the same time recognize the need for legal
values. Adolescents with a low level of legal socialization are characterized
by insucient motivation to serve the legal community, at the bottom there
is rarely interest in the requirements of legal behavior aimed at maintaining
law and order with respect to human freedom, very rarely there are positive
emotional states when discussing legal issues.
Thus, the main criteria we included cognitive, value-motivational,
behavioral with appropriate indicators, that in the complex, the measured
quality of each indicators are three levels of adolescents’legal socialization
in out-of-school environment, which in our study is represented by out-of-
school institutions – high, medium, low.
3.2. Structure and stages of the experiment
The study of the problem of legal socialization of adolescents in out-
of-school education institutions was carried out in the period from 2018
to 2021. We conducted the experiment, taking into account its sequence,
stages, system.
Thus, at the rst stage, which took place from 2018 to 2019, we conducted
questionnaires, surveys, testing (statement).
At the second stage (from 2019 to 2020) we introduced organizational
and pedagogical conditions that provided an opportunity to change the
levels of legal socialization of adolescents in out-of-school education (the
formative experimental work).
At the third stage – 2020 – 2021 b – we conducted a control section
of the experimental results, in which we agreed and compared the data
obtained on the ascertaining and shaping experiment.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
The purpose of our experiment was to test the eectiveness of
organizational and pedagogical conditions of adolescents’legal socialization
in out-of-school educational institutions, which are based on the use of art
Tasks of experimental research:
Substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions
of adolescents’legal socialization in out-of-school education
institutions and verication of their eectiveness.
Fixation of changes in the levels of adolescents’legal socializationat
the beginning and after the experiment, development and
implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions
of adolescents’legal socialization in out-of-school education
3.3. Statement of research work
At the rst stage of the research experiment (2018–2019), we identied
the purpose, objectives of the study, conducted a statement of the
adolescents’legal socialization in out-of-school education and analyzed the
The tasks for the observational experiment were as follows:
selection of experimental bases;
development of questionnaires, testing, tasks that will identify the
level of adolescents’ legal socialization in out-of-school education;
to generalize data on the current level of legal socialization of
adolescents in out-of-school education institutions.
At this stage, we used questionnaires, testing, surveys, observations
and so on. From the number of adolescents who attend extracurricular
educational institutions in their free time, conducting human rights, legal
education and legal education work, we chose the experimental and control
groups for the experiment, where the experimental group was represented
by 164 adolescents and the control group – 178 adolescents.
The peculiarity of the activities in out-of-school educational institutions
is that the groups are united by certain interests in communication and not
by age.
We conducted a statement experiment in 2018–2019 with adolescents
who visited public organizations. These are, in particular, the CO«Large
Families», «Tree», the сharitable Organization «Agape Ukraine»,
Charitable Foundation, the Mariupol Charitable Foundation «Pilgrim»,
the CO «Parental Protection». We conducted diagnostics with adolescents
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
with the help of an author’s questionnaire in Kyiv, Melitopol, Mariupol and
Kherson (Ukraine).
Analysis of the data using the «сontinue the sentence»-method showed
that adolescents cannot always clearly dene what the legal system is in
our country, and most of them could not tell what legal systems exist in
dierent societies in general. Here are examples of more common answers
to the question «Legal socialization of the individual is…»: «… respect for
rights» (T.), «… ability to be responsible for their own actions» (O.), «…
help in a dicult situation» (D. ). We also measured such an indicator as
understanding the age characteristics of legal systems in dierent societies,
the recognition of dierent legal systems in dierent societies.
We will add that concerning this indicator we x only external
understanding (for example, answers of teenagers were such: «yes, in
dierent societies react dierently to human rights» (D.), «of course that in
our society not so, as, for example, in other countries» (B.). Most students
could not formulate their own answer, citing the fact that they were not
interested in this question. In general, the systematization of data on the
cognitive criterion is presented in Frame No.1.
Frame No.1-Cognitive criterion
(Statement data in the experimental and control groups, %) -
Level Experimental group Control group
high 10 10.3
average 41.75 43.1
low 48.25 46.6
All 100 100
Source: authors development (2018).
An alarming fact is that a high level of legal education was recorded only
in a small number of adolescents (yes, in the experimental group – 10%, in
the control group – 10, 3%). The following data were recorded at a low level:
experimental group – 48.25%, control group – 46.6%.
We measured the value-motivational criterion with indicators. It
should be noted that more than half of the surveyed adolescents generally
recognize the need for the existence of legal values and the need for their
own law enforcement activities (in the experimental group – 42.5%, in the
control group – 47.2%).
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
We diagnosed the presence of motivation to serve the legal society as
an indicator of the value-motivational criterion through conversations with
adolescents, observation of their emotional states. Given the results, we
note that a certain proportion of adolescents have insucient motivation to
serve the legal community. Thus, there is a need to increase this indicator,
because without the available motivation to serve the legal community there
will be no success in the process of legal education and legal socialization of
adolescents in out-of-school education.
Data on the value-motivation criterion are given in Frame No.2.
Frame No.2-Statement data on the value-motivational criterion
(Experimental and control groups, %) – 2019.
Level Experimental group Control group
high 10.6 11.1
average 45.2 42.5
low 44.2 46.4
All 100 100
Source: authors development (2019).
Thus, we see that most of the surveyed adolescents have a low level of
value-motivational criterion.
Behavioral criterion was also subject to measurement.
We present the data on the third criterion of Frame No.3
Frame No.3. - Statements on the behavioral criterion
(Experimental and control groups, %)
Level Experimental group Control group
high 6 11
average 48 81
low 46 86
All 100 100
Source: authors development.
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
All indicators were summarized by us in a single table to summarize the
indicators of the level of legal socialization. The data are contained in frame
Frame No.4-Source: authors development - 2019
Level Experimental group Control group
high 9.4 9.7
average 44.45 43.7
low 46.15 46.6
All 100 100
Source: authors development (2019).
Thus, the results of the ascertaining stage prove that according to the
criteria and indicators the state of legal socialization of adolescents in out-
of-school education institutions asexperimental and control groups are
almost the same.
3.4. Steps for conducting a molding experiment
In the second stage (2019–2020), we studied the experience of public
associations in the eld of legal education and legal practices. At this stage,
despite the study of scientic literature on law, philosophy, pedagogy,
psychology, sociology, we conducted interviews with representatives of out-
of-school educational institutions, the general scope of which was focused
on human rights work. We also performed a molding experiment, analyzed
the results.
The main tasks of the molding experiment:
approbation of the content, forms and methods of legal socialization
of adolescents in out-of-school education institutions and
substantiation of its eectiveness;
development and implementation of materials to improve the legal
socialization of adolescents during communication in out-of-school
education institutions;
elaboration of materials, exercises, classes based on the use of art
techniques for the development of legal thinking in adolescents, the
formation of legal behavior, gaining legal experience.
We give a description of the molding experiment. Thus, the experimental
work was carried out in the conditions of various out-of-school educational
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
institutions, the activity of which is based on the protection of human rights
(CO «Large Families»,«Tree», organization «Parental Protection» and so
on) among adolescents who attend various leisure activities of educational
At this stage, we have substantiated the organizational and pedagogical
conditions of adolescents’ legal socialization in out-of-school education, in
particular, their eectiveness.
Note the organizational and pedagogical conditions in our research
1. application of axiological ideas and conceptsof legal education
philosophy, legal pedagogy in teenagerseducation by art
2. organization of cognitive-communicative interaction and
communication as a means of increasing the level of adolescentslegal
socialization in out-of-school education institutions by means of
legal education training;
3. taking into account the age characteristics and worldview and value
changes of adolescents who grow into the legal culture of society in
the process of training work based on the use of art technologies.
The rst organizational and pedagogical conditionwas implemented
during the testing of the content, forms and methods of adolescentslegal
For adolescents of the experimental group within the implementation of
the rst organizational and pedagogical conditions, we used the technology
of working with plastic materials, aqua mosaic, technology of working with
art-thread and more. Collage turned out to be one of the most interesting
art technologies for teenagers. Collage is a very good way not only to
change certain views and moods, but also an eective way to remember the
information obtained.
Among the dierent ways of making collage, we suggested that teenagers
create an individual thematic/focused collage. Work in this art technique
involved the participants receiving an envelope with these sentences in the
amount of 8 questions. With paper (A–1 size), scissors, glue, and a bunch of
colored magazines, the teens had to mark sentences and add illustrations of
how they understood the essence of these questions, which included:
1. Is it dicult for us? Is it possible to perform a good deed and get a
positive experience?
2. What is the basis of a teenager’s legal experience? and so on.
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
At the end of this exercise, we received quite dierent collages,
teenagers were happy to demonstrate their work, actively discussing the
content of the selected illustrations. In addition, in such a conversation we
had the opportunity to ask additional questions and direct the thoughts of
adolescents in accordance with the understanding of the legal aspects of
personal development.
In the next exercise, we tried to explain to teenagers the essence of
the concept of «legal values». Adolescents were especially interested in
information about internal communications on the Internet in dierent
countries, they were also interested in thinking about their own behavior
in dierent cities and in dierent areas. In this context, it is appropriate
to recall the possibility of using the Internet to broadcast educational
materials (YouTube, Moodle, Zoom, etc.). Distance education technologies
- distance education are convenient and eective (Ivzhenko, 2020). for the
legal socialization of adolescents, we believe that remote technologies are
the technologies of the future that need to be studied and mastered almost
An art technique such as blotting (a technique of drawing based on
random splashes of ink) was used in conjunction with the conversation.
Before each participant of our exercise there was a set of gouache paints,
paper (A-4size), brushes and glasses with water. With a pencil, we suggested
that teenagers conditionally divide the sheet into 4 parts. Next, for 20
seconds, participants had to randomly, at their own discretion, put blots
in each part of the sheet. After that, we asked four questions as follows: we
read the rst question, and at this time the participants have to complete
the full image in the rst square, using the same blots.
We asked the following questions: «How would you be a passenger of
the liner, and all its passengers suddenly found themselves on an unknown
island, what rights would you enjoy? etc. Discussing with teenagers their
thoughts on the answers to questions and impressions from working in
the art technique, a positive mood was recorded, additional ideas for art
work, as well as many other options for constructing questions for legal
socialization. Regarding the most dicult moment in this exercise, the
teenagers answered unequivocally: they didn’t know where to start.
In order to implement the second and third organizational and
pedagogical conditions, we have developed a legal education training
“Rights and responsibilities: from the origins to the present”, which is based
on a meaningful component for adolescents’ cognitive-communicative
interaction and communication on legal issues in institutions extracurricular
To perform the next exercise «Masquerade»were prepared the following
materials: colored paper, cardboard (3 sheets of A–4 size), scissors, glue,
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
punches, foil tape. The content of the exercise provided for the production
of three masks by teenagers. It takes 10 minutes to make each mask. At the
team’s command, the participants had to prepare the rst mask they wore
in case they did not comply with certain legal norms. The second mask had
to be made as one that teenagers had to try on in their lives at a time when
any of their rights were violated. The mask should also have a name.
After working with the second mask – the same discussion continued
in the group. The third mask was supposed to mean a legally conscious
person, and it had to be made by combining the two previous masks and
transforming them into a single, original one. The exercise ended with a
discussion of the masks’ name, teenagers were happy to tell life stories and
situations in which such masks would be appropriate.
To test the eectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions of
adolescents’ legal socialization of n out-of-school education, we conducted
a control section, in which both groups took part: control and experimental.
To conduct a re-cut to establish the level of legal socialization of
adolescents, we used the same methods as during the ascertaining stage of
the study (survey, testing, questionnaires, discussions, observations, tasks,
participation in actions, ash mobs, presentations, etc.).
The generalization of the obtained data according to the set of indicators
of the cognitive criterion is presented in Frame No. 5.
Frame No.5-Measurement of cognitive criterion
(Comparison of the control slice with the data
obtained at the statement stage of the experiment, %) - 2020
Control group
stage const
slice contr.
stage const
high 10 24,6 +14,6 10 11,5 +1,5
average 41,75 56,62 +14,87 43,1 45,6 +2,5
low 48,25 18,87 -28,38 46,6 42,7 -3,9
Source: authors development (2020)
Thus, the positive dynamics of the participants of the experimental
group in relation to the cognitive criterion was recorded.
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
The data of the control section were systematized, and, accordingly, the
average value was derived, which recorded the dynamics of changes in the
indicators of the value-motivational criterion. Data are presented in Frame
Frame No.6-Data on the measurement of value-motivational
(Control slice, %) - 2020
Control group
stage const
slice contr.
stage const
high 10,6 34 +23,4 11,1 12,8 +1,7
average 45,2 51 +5,8 42,5 47,9 +5,4
low 44,2 15 -29,5 46,4 39,3 -7,1
Source: authors development (2020).
Thus, we observe a positive trend in the participants of the experimental
group in terms of value-motivational criterion.
Behavioral criteria were also diagnosed. We systematized and
generalized the general data on the behavioral criterion in comparison with
the conducted observational experiment. We have recorded a positive trend
towards the formation of indicators of behavioral criteria. Changes took
place in the experimental group (high level – 22.3%, medium level – 53.7%,
low level – 24%). Adolescents in the control group recorded results that
remained almost unchanged (high level – 11.34%, medium level – 48.08%,
low level – 40.58%).
The obtained data are presented in the following Frame No.7.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
Frame No.7-Generalized data on the measurement of
behavioral criteria
(Comparison of the control slice with the ascertaining stage, %)
- 2021
Control group
stage const
slice contr.
stage const
high 7,6 22,3 +14,7 7,8 11,34 +3,54
average 46,4 53,7 +7,3 45,4 48,08 +2,68
low 46 24 -22 46,8 40,58 -6,22
Source: authors development (2021).
To establish the general results of the formative experiment, during
which the organizational and pedagogical conditions of legal socialization
of adolescents were introduced, the data obtained by us according to all
the dened criteria were summarized in a generalized table. Visually, the
dynamics are presented in Frame No.8.
Frame No.8 -Generalized table on the dynamics of the levels
of adolescents’ legal socialization of (control section of the
formative experiment) - 2021
Control group
stage const
slice contr.
stage const
high 9,4 26,9 +17,5 9,7 11,9 +2,2
average 44,45 53,8 +9,35 43,7 47,2 +3,5
low 46,15 19,3 -26,85 46,6 40,9 -5,5
Source: authors development (2021)
3.5. Generalization of the molding experiment results
We found that according to the results of the formative experiment, the
state of legal socialization in the participants of the control and experimental
groups is dierent. It is signicantly improved by adolescents of the
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
experimental group. To summarize the results obtained at the ascertaining
stage of the study, we used K. Pearson’s criterion x2. To calculate, we used
the formula:
(Teorema Pirsona, 2021).
In the control section of the experiment, we found the dynamics of the
levels of legal socialization for each of the indicators, tested the hypothesis,
summarized our results.
We provide an analysis of the results obtained by us at the end of the
molding experiment of the control section.
Thus, with the help of control slice data, we tested the null hypothesis
regarding the data on the distribution of participants in groups that are
independent values.
To calculate x2emp, a table was compiled Frame No.9.
Frame No.9-Calculation for the calculation of x2emp
on the control section of the molding experiment - 2021
The level
legal education
frequency ni Theoretical
frequency ni nini
High 26,9 11,9 15 225 18,9076
Average 53,8 47,2 6,6 43,56 0,9229
Low 19,3 40,9 -21,6 466,56 114073
All 100 100 - - 31,23777934
Source: authors development (2021)
Thus, according to the calculations, the null hypothesis was rejected,
and an alternative was accepted. We can note that the control and
experimental groups have signicantly dierent levels of legal socialization.
At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the data were the same, and
after the introduction of organizational and pedagogical conditions of
legal socialization, we saw positive changes in the participants of the
experimental group.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
We will provide qualitative results of the experimental group after
the introduction of organizational and pedagogical conditions of legal
socialization in out-of-school education institutions.
Thus, the results of the experiment proved the validity of the hypothesis
that this area of adolescents’ education will be more eective if it is carried
out through the introduction of organizational and pedagogical conditions
of legal socialization in the out-of-school environment.
The structure of adolescents’ legal socialization in the out-of-school
environment, which is considered as a holistic component system (cognitive,
value-motivational, behavioral components) is substantiated. The cognitive
component has the following meaning: the presence of knowledge about
law, law and order in society, awareness of the importance of law and order
for human life in society, in extracurricular social environments; manifests
itself in the argumentation of legal thinking, respectively, adolescence and
individual characteristics, recognition of dierent legal systems in dierent
societies, predicting the consequences of legal and illegal behavior.
Value-motivational component combines legal values and motivation
to serve society, moral, social needs also interest in the requirements of
legal conduct, which is aimed at maintaining the rule of law, taking into
account human freedom on both the personal and interpersonal, social and
global dimensions. The behavioral component is related to legal activities,
experience of legal behavior, actions in accordance with the existing legal
system in society, which is expressed through self-control, self-preservation,
justice, benevolence, consideration of other people’s interests, cooperation
with others and more.
It is proved that the essence of the presented components is manifested
in their focus on the legal values of society, on improving the conditions
that lead to law and order in society.
In the study, taking into account the component structure of adolescents’
legal socialization of, the relevant criteria and indicators are specied,
the levels of legal socialization of adolescents in out-of-school education
institutions are characterized.
The study presents the developed organizational and pedagogical
conditions of legal education of adolescents in out-of-school education,
experimentally proved their eectiveness:
1. application of axiological ideas and concepts of philosophy of legal
education, legal pedagogy in education of teenagers by means of art
Anatolii Mukolaiovish Demianenko, Viktoria Volodumirivna Chorna, Lilia Ievgenivna Yeromina,
Alona Arturovna Solonska y Irina Yliivna Mosiakova
Adolescents’ legal socialization in extracurricular environment by art technologies
2. organization of cognitive-communicative interaction and
communication as a means of increasing the level of legal
socialization of adolescents in out-of-school education institutions
by means of legal education training;
3. taking into account the age characteristics and worldview and value
changes of adolescents who grow into the legal culture of society in
the process of training work based on the use of art technologies.
We believe that there is external (content, structure, processes of
designing and constructing the process of legal socialization of adolescents
in out-of-school education) and internal factors (personal traits of
adolescents, their motivation, interests, desire to communicate, etc.).
Taking these factors into account also contributed to the improvement of
the educational process in out-of-school education institutions.
In the process of introducing factors into the organizational and
pedagogical conditions, it was established how the levels of legal
socialization of adolescents’ change. We noted aadolescents’ high level,
when they recorded the formation of deep knowledge about law, law and
order in society, the legal education of the individual, responsibility for
actions and illegal behavior, understanding of the age characteristics of
legal systems in dierent societies, recognition of dierent legal systems in
dierent societies.
The middle level is characterized as follows: the adolescent has, but
not fully, knowledge of law, law and order in society, the individual legal
education, theydoes not always understand the importance of responsibility
for actions and misconduct, does not always recognize the existence of
dierent legal systems in dierent societies.
Such a teenager does not always correctly predict the consequences of
legal and illegal behavior, but at the same time recognizes the legal values.
Such a teenager has a lack of motivation to serve the legal community,
sometimes there is an interest in the requirements of legal behavior aimed
at maintaining law and order with respect to human freedom, and when
discussing legal issues sometimes there are positive emotional states.
The low level of legal socialization is characterized as follows:
adolescents do not have knowledge of law, law and order in society, the
legal upbringing of the individual, theydoes not understand the importance
of responsibility for actions and illegal behavior, and does not know about
dierent legal systems in dierent societies. Such adolescents rarely think
about predicting the consequences of legal and illegal behavior, but at the
same time recognize the need for legal values.
The research work does not denitively cover all aspects of the
adolescents’ legal socialization in the out-of-school environment. In
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 798-818
our opinion, further research is needed: substantiation of the system of
adolescents’ legal socialization in the national and international dimension,
taking into account globalization, digitalization, acceleration of cultural
exchanges; development of theoretical and methodological bases of
multidimensionality of legal education and legal educational programs in
work with teenagers; comparative analysis of legal education practices of
out-of-school education institutions in foreign countries.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 73