Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
The unity of education, upbringing and development of students is
ensured by the joint eorts of all participants in the educational process.
The legislation of Ukraine about general secondary education consists of
the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “About Education”, this
Law, other acts of legislation in the eld of education and science and
international treaties of Ukraine concluded in accordance with the law.
The system of general secondary education operates to ensure the
comprehensive development, education, upbringing, identication of
talents, socialization of the individual, capable of living in society and
civilized interaction with nature, striving for self-improvement and lifelong
learning, ready for conscious life choice and self-realization, responsibility,
work and civic activity, caring for family, their country, the environment,
directing their activities for the benet of others and society (the concept of
General Secondary Education).
The State Standard of Primary Education (2018) denes the comprehensive
development of a child, his talents, abilities, competencies and cross-
cutting skills in accordance with age and individual psychophysiological
characteristics and needs, value formation, development of independence,
creativity and curiosity. The state standard of primary general education
is developed in accordance with the purpose of primary school, taking
into account the cognitive abilities and needs of primary school students,
determines the content of primary general education, which is based
on universal values and principles of science, multiculturalism, secular
education, systematics, integration, unity on the principles of humanism
and morality, democracy, civic consciousness, mutual respect between
nations and peoples in the interests of man, family, society, state (the State
Standard of Primary Education).
The State Standard of Basic Secondary Education (2020) denes the
purpose and principles of the educational process in basic secondary
education institutions, gives a general description of the content of
education, explains the requirements for compulsory learning outcomes
and guidelines for their evaluation. In the state standard, one of the main
tasks of general education is: introduction of children into the world of
moral and ethical values; formation of moral and ethical ideas and feelings;
formation of skills to give a moral and ethical assessment of situations,
based on their own experience; education of positive moral and volitional
qualities (Concept of the New Ukrainians School).
The state national program “Education” (“Ukraine of the XXI century”)
aims to form a worldview, legal, moral, political, artistic and aesthetic,
economic, environmental culture; acquisition by the young generation of
social experience, inheritance of spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people,
achievement of high culture of interethnic relations, formation in youth
regardless of nationality of personal traits of citizens of the Ukrainian state,