Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
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ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 73
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 73 (2022), 919-936
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 15/03/2022 Aceptado el 22/05/2022
State policy of Ukraine in
the eld of education
Iryna Batareina *
Anhelina Korobchenko **
The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence and
characteristics of the state policy of Ukraine in the eld of
education, in order to determine the main ways to optimize this
policy in the eld of educational processes. The work used a set of
methods such as: content analysis, logical and semantic analysis,
systematic analysis of the implementation of state policy in the eld
of education; axiological method and prognosis. It is concluded
that, state educational policy is a systematic and deliberate
activity of public authorities and public self-government in school
The priority of state policy is to ensure civic, patriotic, moral
and spiritual education. Among the most concrete results of the research,
existing deciencies have been identied, which are characterized by
contradictions. These paradoxes can be avoided by combining regulations.
Finally, the existing state policy in the eld of education has a comprehensive
legal framework, but needs constant updating.
Keywords: public policies; public administration; education; new
Ukrainian school; areas of education.
* Applicant for the third level of higher education Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical
university Hetmanska St, 20, Melitopol, Ukraine, 72300. ORCID ID:
** Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university
Hetmanska St, 20, Melitopol, Ukraine, 72300. ORCID ID:
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
Política estatal de Ucrania en el campo de la educación
El propósito del artículo es analizar la esencia y las características de la
política estatal de Ucrania en el campo de la educación, para determinar
las principales formas de optimizar esta política en el campo de los
procesos educativos. El trabajo utilizó un conjunto de métodos como:
análisis de contenido, análisis lógico y semántico, análisis sistemático
de la implementación de la política estatal en el campo de la educación;
método axiológico y pronóstico. Se concluye que, la política educativa
estatal es una actividad sistemática y deliberada de las autoridades públicas
y el autogobierno público en la escuela La prioridad de la política estatal
es garantizar la educación cívica, patriótica, moral y espiritual. Entre
los resultados más concretos de la investigación, se han identicado las
deciencias existentes, que se caracterizan por contradicciones. Estas
paradojas pueden evitarse combinando normativas. Finalmente, la política
estatal existente en el campo de la educación tiene un marco legal integral,
pero necesita una actualización constante.
Palabras clave: políticas públicas; administración pública; educación;
nueva escuela ucraniana; áreas de la educación.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the state policy of Ukraine in
the eld of education. Modern features of social development require the
denition of the purpose of state activity, the value paradigm of the state
existence of man and society, the scientic support of the process of educating
students. The low general cultural level of society, the decline of spirituality,
the decline of the prestige of universal values, the spread of intolerance,
cruelty and immorality in society require the state to implement a number
of measures aimed at educating the humane individual and civilized citizen.
As you know, the development of the Ukrainian state puts on an
extremely important and urgent task - the education of a true citizen and
In view of this, the construction of a new democratic humane society,
which focuses on high universal values, acquires primarily an educational
character. This is especially true of the younger generation, which in
the near future will have to uphold and multiply the achievements and
accomplishments or correct the mistakes that have been made in the way of
establishing democratic values. In this context, it is extremely important not
only to declare the orientation of national education to build a democratic,
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 919-936
social and legal state, humane society, but also to build in practice a
system of education and upbringing that would profess the principles of
humanism, democracy, tolerance, priority of universal values, exibility
and predictability.
1. Objectives
Since gaining independence, Ukraine has paid more and more attention
to the upbringing of children, and now we see not only dependence on
traditions, but also the inuence of socio-economic processes that provoke
changes in attitudes and ideas about the new education system.
At present, in our society, there is a signicant decline in humanism
in human communication, the subordination of social relations to the
needs of the market, educational ideals are being lost, people are becoming
indierent to each other, all this makes the problem of education more
relevant. The study of this issue determined the purpose of scientic
research as the basis for the harmonization of society.
2. Materials and Methods
For the purpose of comprehensive knowledge of a subject of research
and the decision of the set tasks the complex of general scientic and
special methods is used, namely: methods of the analysis, synthesis
and systematization - for research and generalization of legislative and
normative documents, pedagogical, psychological and scientic-methodical
literature, internet resources, encyclopedias and dictionaries, experience of
practitioners, generalization of bibliographic sources and formulation of
conclusions; content analysis and logical-semantic terminological analysis
- to study and clarify the content of key research concepts, to establish their
relationship; systematic analysis of the implementation of state policy in
the eld of education; axiological method - to substantiate the value of
education, determine its functions and main tasks at the present stage;
prognostic method - to develop proposals for improving the mechanisms of
implementation of state policy in the eld of education.
Materials and methods are based on the selection and comprehensive
study of pedagogical, psychological and methodological works of
researchers. A signicant part of scientic sources for study is pedagogical,
psychological and methodological literature: monographs, dissertations
and abstracts of dissertations, curriculas, textbooks and teaching aids. A
separate group in the context of the study consists of materials of periodicals
(pedagogical and professional journals, collections of scientic papers,
information collections, etc.).
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
3. Results and discussion
As you know, pedagogy is the science of the essence, patterns, principles
and forms of teaching and education. The moral consciousness and moral
behavior of children are formed by schools, educational institutions through
the content of education, namely through the increase in the volume of
socio-political disciplines. As the life of society democratizes, it is not the
forcible compulsion of citizens to respect the rule of law that should play
an increasingly important role, but lawful behavior due to their upbringing,
education, training and development.
In accordance with paragraph 6 of the rst part of Article 92 of the
Constitution of Ukraine, the principles of regulation of upbringing and
education are determined exclusively by the laws of Ukraine. During this
time, we trace the creation of various programs, concepts, both on the
initiative and by government agencies: the Ministry of Education and
Science, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and others.
They relate mainly to such areas of education as civic, moral, spiritual,
patriotic. The Basic Law on Education stipulates that state policy in the
eld of education and upbringing is determined by the highest legislature,
carried out by state executive branch and local self-government branches
on the basis of the concept of education development approved by the
authorities and approved by the public (the Constitution of Ukraine).
Thus, the state policy in the eld of education in Ukraine is based on:
Strategic documents for the development of education (doctrines,
programs, concepts) (primarily the National Doctrine of Education
Legislative acts about education (basic Law “About Education”, laws
of direct action that regulate relations in the subsystems of domestic
education - “About preschool education”, “About general secondary
education”, “About extracurricular education”, “About vocational
education”, “About higher education”).
International and interstate treaties ratied by the highest legislative
body (documents of the United Nations, the Council of Europe).
Decrees and orders of the President, resolutions of the Verhovna
Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers in the eld of education,
orders of the specially authorized central executive branch in
the eld of education, other central executive branches to which
educational institutions are subordinated; orders and directives of
regional executive branches adopted within their competence.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 919-936
Law of Ukraine “About Education” - the comprehensive development
of man as a person and the highest value of society, its talents, intellectual,
creative and physical abilities, the formation of values and competencies
necessary for successful self-realization, education of responsible citizens
capable of conscious social choice and direction for the benet of other
people and society, enriching on this basis the intellectual, economic,
creative, cultural potential of the Ukrainian people, raising the educational
level of citizens to ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine and its
European choice.
In this Law, the terms are used in the following meaning: bullying
- actions (actions or inaction) of participants in the educational process,
which consist of psychological, physical, economic, sexual violence,
including the use of electronic communications committed against a young
or a minor and (or) such a person in relation to other participants in the
educational process, as a result of which the mental or physical health of
the victim may have been or has been caused; Applicants - pupils, students,
cadets, students, trainees, graduate students (adjuncts), other persons who
receive education in any type and form of education.
The Basic Law of Ukraine “About Education” lays down the conceptual
principles of civic education. Pedagogical and scientic-pedagogical workers
are obliged to “arm respect for the principles of universal morality: truth,
justice, devotion, patriotism, humanism, kindness, restraint, diligence,
moderation”, “to instill in children and youth respect for parents, women
and elders.” by age, folk customs, national, historical values of Ukraine, its
state and social system, to prepare pupils and students for a conscious life
in the spirit of mutual understanding, peace, harmony between all peoples,
ethnic, national, religious groups…”. The law also denes the responsibility
of parents for child development. Among other responsibilities, the
following are singled out: “parents and persons replacing them are obliged
to: respect the dignity of the child, cultivate diligence, a sense of kindness,
mercy, respect for the state and native language, family, the elderly, to folk
traditions and customs; to cultivate respect for laws, human rights and
fundamental freedoms” (the Law of Ukraine “About Education”).
The Law of Ukraine “About Complete General Secondary
Education” (2020) reveals the educational process as an integral part of
the educational process in educational institutions, which is based on
universal values, cultural values of the Ukrainian people, values of civil (free
democratic) society, rule of law, observance human and civil rights and
freedoms, the principles set out in the Law of Ukraine “About Education”,
and aimed at forming responsible and honest citizens capable of conscious
social choice and directing their activities for the benet of other people
and society.
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
The unity of education, upbringing and development of students is
ensured by the joint eorts of all participants in the educational process.
The legislation of Ukraine about general secondary education consists of
the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “About Education”, this
Law, other acts of legislation in the eld of education and science and
international treaties of Ukraine concluded in accordance with the law.
The system of general secondary education operates to ensure the
comprehensive development, education, upbringing, identication of
talents, socialization of the individual, capable of living in society and
civilized interaction with nature, striving for self-improvement and lifelong
learning, ready for conscious life choice and self-realization, responsibility,
work and civic activity, caring for family, their country, the environment,
directing their activities for the benet of others and society (the concept of
General Secondary Education).
The State Standard of Primary Education (2018) denes the comprehensive
development of a child, his talents, abilities, competencies and cross-
cutting skills in accordance with age and individual psychophysiological
characteristics and needs, value formation, development of independence,
creativity and curiosity. The state standard of primary general education
is developed in accordance with the purpose of primary school, taking
into account the cognitive abilities and needs of primary school students,
determines the content of primary general education, which is based
on universal values and principles of science, multiculturalism, secular
education, systematics, integration, unity on the principles of humanism
and morality, democracy, civic consciousness, mutual respect between
nations and peoples in the interests of man, family, society, state (the State
Standard of Primary Education).
The State Standard of Basic Secondary Education (2020) denes the
purpose and principles of the educational process in basic secondary
education institutions, gives a general description of the content of
education, explains the requirements for compulsory learning outcomes
and guidelines for their evaluation. In the state standard, one of the main
tasks of general education is: introduction of children into the world of
moral and ethical values; formation of moral and ethical ideas and feelings;
formation of skills to give a moral and ethical assessment of situations,
based on their own experience; education of positive moral and volitional
qualities (Concept of the New Ukrainians School).
The state national program Education” (“Ukraine of the XXI century”)
aims to form a worldview, legal, moral, political, artistic and aesthetic,
economic, environmental culture; acquisition by the young generation of
social experience, inheritance of spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people,
achievement of high culture of interethnic relations, formation in youth
regardless of nationality of personal traits of citizens of the Ukrainian state,
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 919-936
developed spirituality, physical perfection, moral, artistic, legal, labor,
ecological culture (The state national program Education”).
The main purpose of national education at the present stage is the transfer
to the younger generation of social experience, richness of spiritual culture
of the people, its national mentality, originality of worldview and on this
basis the formation of personal traits of a citizen of Ukraine, which include
national identity, developed spirituality, moral, artistic and aesthetic, legal,
labor, physical, environmental culture, development of individual abilities
and talent. The purpose of the Concept of national-patriotic education is to
ensure: the process of human education in the unity of intellectual, moral
and civic (Convention on the rights of the child).
The national strategy for the development of education in Ukraine
until 2021 is to build an eective system of national education based on
universal, multicultural, civic values, ensuring physical, moral, spiritual,
cultural development of the child, the formation of socially mature creative
personality, citizen of Ukraine and the world. preparing young people for
a conscious choice of life. The core of the state humanitarian policy on
national education should be the provision of civic, patriotic, moral, labor
education, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social activity, responsibility
and tolerance (Oleksenko et al., 2018).
National program for the education of children and students in
Ukraine (2004) determines the moral and spiritual development of children
and students. Their preparation for active, creative, socially signicant,
full of personal meaning of life is the most important component of the
development of society and the state. Modern education must play a leading
role in the democratic process, become a means of reviving national culture,
stopping moral and spiritual degradation (Kononko, 2008).
In modern regulations, the meaning of many modern terms related to
the educational process is substantiated. Thus, education - the process of
involving the individual in the assimilation of values produced by mankind,
creating favorable conditions for the realization of its natural potential and
creative attitude to life, aimed at establishing socially signicant norms and
rules of personal behavior. A pupil is a subject of the educational process
who consciously assimilates moral and spiritual values, on the basis of
them nurtures his own personal possessions, makes independent decisions,
assumes his responsibility, makes conscious life choices (New technologies
of education: collection of sciences).
Educational learning - the organization of the learning process, which
provides an organic relationship between vital knowledge, skills and abilities
and experience of moral and creative activities of the individual, emotional
and value attitude to the world and himself. Spiritual values - works of the
human spirit, recorded in the achievements of culture, science, morality,
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
art. Morality - objectied morality, a special kind of practical activity of the
individual, which is motivated by moral ideals, beliefs, principles. Moral
and spiritual development is the process of mastering a person’s humanistic
moral values, which are the core of his spiritual culture (Nechiporenko,
2017; Oleksenko, 2017).
The concept of media education is aimed at protecting public morals
and human dignity, resists cruelty and various forms of violence, promotes
universal values, including the values of the individual to society and the
state, people, nature, art, labor and himself.
Conceptual bases of development of pedagogical education of Ukraine
and its integration into the European educational space (2004). The
purpose of the development of pedagogical education is to create a system
of pedagogical education, which on the basis of national heritage of world
importance and established European traditions provides the formation of
teachers capable of professional activities on democratic and humanistic
principles, to implement educational policy as a priority function of the
state, aimed at the development and self-realization of the individual,
meeting its educational and spiritual and cultural needs, as well as the need
to be competitive in the labor market.
In September 2009, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
developed the Concept of National Education, which denes the main
provisions of educational policy, the content of the national idea, which is
the basis of national education of youth, principles, goals and objectives of
national policy in education. directions. However, it is necessary to develop
an eective mechanism for implementing the provisions of regulations
relating to the education of youth, which will ensure the eective assimilation
of the younger generation of cultural heritage of dierent peoples, while
preserving the Ukrainian national identity (the Concept of raising children
and youth in the National Education system).
The concept of the New Ukrainian School (2016) is a radical reform that
will stop negative trends, turn the Ukrainian school into a lever of social
equality and cohesion, economic development and competitiveness of
Ukraine. A powerful state and a competitive economy will be ensured by a
community of creative people, responsible citizens, active and enterprising.
Such citizen should be prepared by the secondary school of Ukraine.
The central place in the education system belongs to the secondary
school. Unlike the university, the school can still balance the imbalance
in children’s development. The worldview is based on the family and the
school. The personality, its civil position and moral qualities are formed at
school. Here it is decided whether a person wants and will be able to learn
throughout life (the concept of the New Ukrainian School).
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 919-936
The document on some issues of the organization of the educational
process in 2021-2022 states that the political and social processes taking
place in Ukraine and aimed at establishing the democratic foundations of
the state, necessitate appropriate changes in all spheres of the economy,
including branch of education, a component of which is education.
The principles of state policy in the eld of education and the principles
of educational activities are: the unity of education, upbringing and
Education is organically combined with the process of teaching
children, mastering the basics of science, the richness of national and world
culture. Further concretization of the conceptual foundations of the role
of education in the formation of democratic citizenship of young people
was carried out in the National Doctrine of Education Development. In
determining the purpose of state policy on education, it is emphasized that
its main directions are: “creating conditions for personal development and
creative self-realization of every citizen of Ukraine, educating a generation
of people able to work and learn eectively throughout life, preserve and
enhance national culture and civil society, to develop and strengthen a
sovereign, independent, democratic, social state as an integral part of the
European and world community”.
Considerable attention in the doctrine is paid to the national character
of education and national upbringing, the purpose of which is “education
of a conscious citizen, patriot, gaining social experience, high culture of
interethnic relations, formation of youth needs and ability to live in civil
society, spirituality and physical perfection, labor, ecological culture”. Civic
education together with patriotic education is considered as a component
of national education (Boyko,1996).
Based on the concept of school development, a modern school should
be the rst and main link in the education and upbringing of the younger
generation. The implementation of full-edged eective changes in the
activities of the school is impossible without a high level of scientic and
methodological support and creative teachers.
The concept of the school is based on the Laws of Ukraine “About
Education”, “About General Secondary Education”, the National Doctrine
of Education Development in the 2nd century, the Resolution of the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine “About the transition of secondary schools to a new
content, structure and 12-year term”, other legislative documents governing
the activities of educational institutions. The concept of school development
determines the main ways of change that occur in the structure, content
and forms of organization of educational activities of the institution.
The draft concept of education development for 2015-2025 highlights
the systemic reform of education, which should be the subject of public
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
consensus, the understanding that education is one of the main levers of
civilizational progress and economic development. The reform should result
in a comprehensive transformation of the education sector. Education must
become a system capable of self-regulation - in line with the ever-changing
challenges of social development. Education must become an eective lever
of the knowledge economy, an innovative environment in which pupils and
students acquire the skills and abilities to independently acquire knowledge
throughout life and apply this knowledge in practice.
Education should produce individuals capable of accelerating economic
growth and cultural development of the country, conscious, socially active
citizens, competitive in European and world labor markets. Education
should be a real guarantee of ensuring high social standards. The
implementation of these common tasks for all education should be carried
out in dierent ways - through a variety of educational institutions, forms
and methods of teaching, the introduction of modern management (the
Concept of National Education of Student youth).
Based on the given analysis of the documents that form the legal basis
of modern state policy in the eld of education in Ukraine, we can conclude
that Ukraine has formed a sucient legal framework for the implementation
of strategic education in the national education system for democratic
citizenship, which includes human rights education, civic education,
intercultural education and the study of peace. Education is one of the state
functions and is closely connected with the socialization and development
of the individual, so the state educational policy is a component not only
of educational policy. Consider the place of education in the structure of
public policy.
First, the socio-cultural development of modern Ukrainian society
is characterized by changes in relations between people, the system of
common cultural values, norms and rules of conduct (Dodon, 2008), and
education remains an eective means of inuencing the development of the
individual and society as a whole. Secondly, it is well known that a special
place in society has always been occupied by young people as the most
mobile, energetic and promising segment of the population (Gutsalova,
2009), and education is an important aspect of youth socialization. Third,
education is one of the most important factors in the development of society
and its development is one of the priorities of the state.
The educational process organically combines educational and
upbringing component. All components of state activities in the eld of
education must be coordinated, for example, programs of educational
activities of higher education institutions are approved by the Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine, and activities conducted jointly by
several ministries or departments are agreed by all participants in public
education policy. The state educational policy is implemented according to
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 919-936
a clear hierarchy. Thus, the management decision on a certain aspect of the
educational process, adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine, is executed according to the established hierarchy of powers by
the relevant structural units (departments).
However, the dierence between the educational policy of the state
from other types of state political is its conditionality by the vectors of
social development. On the one hand, Ukraine’s accession to The Bologna
Process poses to the state the task of multicultural education of youth, the
formation of critical thinking of the individual, tolerance, openness to other
cultures. On the other hand, the system of education of the young generation
should be based on the national idea, based on the main achievements of
the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people (Shcherban, 2005; Danilyak,
The dening feature of the state educational policy is its ideological
content, because it is the educational ideology that is the basis for the
implementation of the educational function of the state. V. Lola denes
state ideology as a system of ideas, ideals, norms and values that reects
the peculiarities of society, on the basis of common interest determines
the state goal, acts as an ideological and value basis for the formation of
theories and concepts of state building and nds practical implementation
in state development programs. (Lola, 2007).
However, we consider inaccurate the denition of the state ideology
of human education as a system of methods and measures aimed at the
systematic reproduction in new generations of citizens of state and social
values, the formation of state consciousness. In our opinion, the system of
state methods and measures aimed at educating young people is designed
to implement the state educational ideology and implement the state
educational goal. Scientic achievements of A. Gutsal, V. Korzhenko, V.
Lola, V. Piskun, P. Shcherban and other scientists in the eld of political
science, philosophy of politics, political history and public administration
allow to determine the main components of the ideological content of state
educational policy (Gutsal, 2000; Korzhenko, 1998; Lola, 2007; Piskun,
2008; Shcherban, 2005):
national educational idea as a generalized experience of the
Ukrainian people in education and the ideal image of an educated
Ukrainian educational system as a system of views, beliefs, ideals,
traditions, customs, created over the centuries by the Ukrainian
people and designed to form worldviews and values of youth;
educational ideal as a system of norms and values that are learned
during education and become value orientations and motivational
basis of the young person;
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
educational goal is to form a holistic personality of a citizen - a patriot
of Ukraine, which combines intellectual potential, spirituality, life
competence and high professionalism, a person with a stable system
of values and beliefs that determine the style and way of life.
With the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence, recognition of
education as a priority area of socio-economic, spiritual and cultural
development of society, enshrining at the constitutional level the right
of everyone to free development of his personality, education, formation
and implementation of state policy in education, the functioning of
education for domestic pedagogical science and state-building practice. It
so happened that the Ukrainian state inherited a fairly developed Soviet
educational infrastructure. According to the Law of the USSR “About
Education” of May 23, 1991, it had 1242 vocational, 735 secondary special
and 156 higher educational institutions, postgraduate and doctoral studies
in 300 scientic specialties, 518 educational institutions and departments
of advanced training and retraining. In terms of numbers, the network of
higher education institutions in Ukraine corresponded to the level of most
developed countries. Ukraine has a task to ensure a high level of education,
taking into account modern scientic achievements and advanced methods
of teaching disciplines. State policy in the eld of education appears as
an integral part of the establishment and provision by the state of human
rights and freedoms and their guarantees (Belcheva et al., 2019).
Among the most important types and kinds of public policy as a multi-
vector system that reproduces the dynamic unity and interaction of priority
areas of society, public policy in education (state policy in education)
appears as an integral part of the establishment and protection of human
rights and freedoms. and their guarantees. With the adoption of legislation
on education, the Basic Law - the Constitution of Ukraine, approval of
strategic documents for the development of education, especially the
National Doctrine of Education, it is aimed directly at ensuring human and
civil rights to free development of their personality, education (Articles 3,
23, 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine).
In this context, it is extremely important to create conditions for the
comprehensive development of man as a person and the highest value
of society, the development of its talents, mental and physical abilities,
education of high moral qualities, formation of citizens capable of conscious
social choice, enrichment of intellectual, creative, cultural potential of the
people, providing the national economy with skilled workers, specialists
(Law of Ukraine “About Education”).
According to the National Doctrine of Education Development, which
denes a system of conceptual ideas and views on the strategy and main
directions of education development in the rst quarter of the XXI century,
the goal of state policy on education development is to create conditions
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 919-936
for personal development and creative self-realization, able to work and
learn eectively throughout life, to preserve and enhance the values of
national culture and civil society, to develop and strengthen a sovereign,
independent, democratic, social state as an integral part of the European
and world community (Nikitenko et al., 2021).
Achieving this goal of the state policy on the development of education
is combined with the implementation of the basic principles of domestic
policy in the humanitarian sphere established by the Law of Ukraine
“About the Principles of Domestic and Foreign Policy”. Among the latter
is the creation of appropriate conditions for increasing the educational
potential of Ukraine, ensuring equal access of citizens to quality education
regardless of place of residence, property status and nancial capabilities;
improving the education system, providing quality preschool, complete
general secondary, vocational, higher education in state and municipal
educational institutions, increasing the prestige of the work of pedagogical
and scientic-pedagogical workers, support for gifted youth; increasing the
role of higher education and science as the basis for the formation of an
eective “knowledge economy” in Ukraine; reforming and developing the
domestic system of higher education and science, ensuring their integration
into the European and world educational and scientic space, introduction
of the principles and standards of the Bologna Process in higher educational
institutions of Ukraine (The National Doctrine of Education Development).
State policy in the eld of education is based on the basic principles
of education in Ukraine, which according to the Law of Ukraine “About
Education” are: priority of education as a sphere of society, accessibility
for every citizen of all forms and types of educational services provided by
the state; equality of conditions of each person for full realization of his
abilities, talent, comprehensive development; humanism, democracy,
priority of universal spiritual values; organic connection with world and
national history, culture, traditions; independence of education from
political parties, public and religious organizations; scientic, secular
nature of education; integration with science and industry; relationship
with education in other countries; exibility and predictability of the
education system; unity and continuity of the education system; continuity
and diversity of education; combination of public administration and public
self-government in education (Sukhomlinska, 1998; Demyanchuk, 2000).
State policy in the eld of education is an integral part of national
policy, as everything that happens in society, nature, development of
human culture, and in one way or another aects the formation and growth
of educational policy, the functioning of the education system as a whole
(Melnyk, 2015). On behalf of the state, the policy in the eld of education in
Ukraine is determined by the Verhovna Rada of Ukraine in accordance with
the Constitution of Ukraine and implemented by executive bodies and local
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
governments, including by establishing and ensuring state educational
standards. State educational standards are developed separately for each
educational and educational-qualication level and approved by the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. They shall be reviewed and re-approved at
least once every ten years (Tokovenko, 2001).
In modern Ukrainian pedagogy, the moral education of primary school
children is closely related to the national, which is dened in a number
of policy documents that provide regulatory and legal support for the
continuous educational process in the family and school. In particular,
these are: the Concept of education of children and youth in the national
education system, the Concept of national education, the National doctrine
of education development of Ukraine in the XXI century, the National
program of education of children and students in Ukraine and others.
Finally, it should be emphasized that many more aspects of child rearing
in Ukraine need further in-depth research. State policy of Ukraine and
legislation are aimed at improving education. Emphasis is placed on the
implementation of the following areas: national, patriotic, moral, civic. All
institutions are working on the development and implementation of new,
meaningful projects and programs to improve education. Everything is
aimed at personal development. The only goal of all educational institutions
is to educate a healthy, socially adapted, comprehensively developed person
with high intellectual, creative and spiritual potential.
The state performs an educational function in society, public policy is part
of socio-cultural, youth and educational policy. However, the peculiarities
and signicance of education as an object of public administration allow
us to separate the state educational policy into a separate type of political
activity of the state. State educational policy is a systematic purposeful
activity of public authorities and public self-government in educating the
younger generation.
Its characteristic features are coherence, hierarchy, orderliness,
competence of the relevant state departments in the eld of education and
the presence of their powers, which gives the results of their activities the
status of ocial. The directions of further research, in our opinion, should
be to reveal the essence of education as an object of public administration,
the characteristics of the subjects that carry out such management for
the educational process and develop a model of eective formation and
implementation of state educational policy in modern Ukraine.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 919-936
State policy in the eld of education is aimed at protecting human
rights. The state is accountable to man for his activities. The directions of
public policy in the eld of education were the principles of humanistic
pedagogy, formulated in the laws of Ukraine “About Education”, “About
General Secondary Education”, “About Preschool Education”, “About
Extracurricular Education”, “About Vocational Education”, the National
Doctrine of Development education, the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child. The methodology of education embedded in them gives priority
to the developed personality, its vital and professional self-determination,
self-realization, life creation in accordance with national values and in the
context of the idea of integration of the Ukrainian state into the European
The development and adoption of the National Program for the
Education of Children and Student Youth in Ukraine is an important and
eective scientic basis for the implementation of public policy in the eld
of education; it determines the strategy of educating the younger generation
in the context of the formation of civil society in independent Ukraine.
The program is aimed at implementing the social function of education -
ensuring the continuity of spiritual and moral experience of generations,
preparing individuals for successful life.
The presence of these problems necessitates the introduction and
implementation of a unied policy in the eld of moral education in Ukraine.
Systematic and coordinated actions of public authorities, local governments
and the public in this direction contribute to the unity and consolidation of
Ukrainian society. The comprehensive development of man, which is the
main purpose of education, includes mental, moral, labor, aesthetic and
physical education in their inseparable connection, interdependence and
interdependence. Each of these areas has its own content and specic tasks.
Among the educational areas today the most relevant are civic, national,
patriotic, moral, labor education as the main components of national-
patriotic education, as fundamental, meeting both the urgent requirements
and challenges of today, and lay the foundations for the formation of
consciousness of present and future generations, which will consider the
development of the state as a guarantee of personal development, based
on the ideas of humanism, social welfare, democracy, freedom, tolerance,
balance, responsibility, healthy lifestyle, readiness for change and fulllment
of the duty to protect the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
The most important questions are the questions of codication of
legislation in the eld of education, as it involves the processing and
consolidation of regulations, the elimination of multiple regulations and to
overcome inconsistencies. The realities of today require constant updating
of legislation, despite a solid legal framework. Education policy is formed
taking into account the commitments made by Ukraine to the international
community, the European Union and global trends in education.
Iryna Batareina, Anhelina Korobchenko
State policy of Ukraine in the eld of education
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 73