Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 74
Recibido el 15/07/22 Aceptado el 28/08/22
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 74 (2022), 673-685
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Humanitarian measures to understand
the problems of the physical and
psychological integrity of the human
personality in conditions of war
Vitalina Nikitenko *
Iryna Ryzhova **
Olexandr Shapurov ***
Olha Kovalova ****
Natalia Falko *****
Yurii Kozar ******
The purpose of the research was to analyze the problems of
preservation and reproduction of physical and psychological
integrity of a person in extreme conditions and, at the same
time, to identify the patterns of formation of a complete personality, since
today there is a lot of stress, depression and physical fatigue. In extreme
situations of martial law and instability, we do our best to overcome the
problems of physical and psychological incongruity and personality crisis.
The methodology consists in the use of methods such as: analytical, logical,
historical, comparative, axiological, which contribute to the identication
of problems addressed. The object of the research means or implies a
set of humanitarian tasks that correspond to the processes of formation
of the integrity of the individual. The novelty lies in the understanding of
objective processes of reproduction of physical and psychological integrity
of the individual in extreme conditions, including wars, crises, uncertainty,
instability, informational similarity, which are analyzed in terms of
interconnection, interdependence and development, the overcoming of
which contributes to the integrity of the individual and social welfare.
* Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Zaporizhzhya University «Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic», Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
*** Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
****** Luhansk State Medical University, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vitalina Nikitenko, Iryna Ryzhova, Olexandr Shapurov, Olha Kovalova, Natalia Falko y Yurii Kozar
Humanitarian measures to understand the problems of the physical and psychological integrity of
the human personality in conditions of war
Keywords: preservation and reproduction of personality; physical and
psychological integrity; social neurology; social intelligence;
war conditions.
Medidas humanitarias para comprender los problemas
de la integridad física y psicológica de la personalidad
humana en condiciones de guerra
El propósito de la investigación fue analizar los problemas de
preservación y reproducción de la integridad física y psíquica de una
persona en condiciones extremas y, al mismo tiempo, identicar los
patrones de formación de una personalidad completa, ya que hoy en día
hay mucho estrés, depresión y cansancio físico. En situaciones extremas
de ley marcial e inestabilidad, hacemos todo lo posible para superar los
problemas de incongruencia física y psicológica y de crisis de personalidad.
La metodología consiste en el uso de métodos como: el analítico, lógico,
histórico, comparativo, axiológico, que contribuyen a la identicación
de problemas abordados. El objeto de la investigación signica o implica
un conjunto de tareas humanitarias que corresponden a los procesos
de formación de la integridad del individuo. La novedad radica en la
comprensión de los procesos objetivos de reproducción de la integridad
física y psíquica del individuo en condiciones extremas, que incluyen
guerras, crisis, incertidumbre, inestabilidad, similitud informacional, los
cuales son analizados en términos de interconexión, interdependencia y
desarrollo, cuya superación contribuye a la integridad del individuo y al
bienestar social.
Palabras clave: preservación y reproducción de la personalidad;
integridad física y psicológica; neurología social;
inteligencia social; condiciones de guerra.
Respect for physical integrity ensures the protection of human life and
its integrity. The protection of the human body is secured, in particular,
by the Bioethics Act of 1994 (reformed in 2004), which introduced Articles
16 et seq. of the Civil Code. Article 16 of the Civil Code provides that the
law ensures the primacy of the person, prohibits any attack on his or her
dignity and guarantees respect for the person from the beginning of his or
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 673-685
her life. The Law of 29 July 1994 introduced a new title in the Civil Code
«On Respect for the Human Body».
This text creates the legal status of the human body and the great
principles of the human body are inscribed in the Civil Code. Other
rules can be found in particular in the Health Code. Article 16-1
paragraph1 of the Civil Code provides that everyone has the right to
respect for his or her body, forming a legal framework known as
«Bioethical Laws».
The law of 6 August 2004 concerning bioethics reformed the laws of
1994 without changing the Civil Code. These laws were to be amended in
2009. The purpose of the 1994 laws was, on the one hand, to protect people
from attacks by a third party, against attacks that a person may have on
himself. The denition of the human body as a unity of spirit and body,
physical and spiritual tempering of human integrity is respect for the
physical unity of the human being. The 1994 laws distinguish the human
body from its elements and products without dening «human body». The
body would be a «eshly shell». It is proved that elements and products are
assimilated with the human body and are its integral part. The principle of
inviolability of the human body is respect for the physical integrity of the
human being, which implies that the human body is untouchable.
The principle of inviolability of the human body can be compared to the
principle of integrity of the human body. The integrity of the human body
can be violated only in case of medical necessity of the person or exclusively
in the therapeutic interests of others. However, today a big problem is
the reproduction of the physical and psychological integrity of the human
personality in extreme conditions, conditions of war, instability, crisis,
COVID-19, which are necessary for the survival of the individual.
Extreme conditions give rise to depressive states of the human
personality, disconnection of the psyche and consciousness, aggressive
states, states and inadequacy of human behavior caused by various factors -
medical, physiological, mental and psychological, various deviations in the
health system of the personality and violation of its integrity, insecurity,
danger, instability, the emergence of deep complexes that seek an unhealthy
way out for transcendence - such as violent extremism, sects or gangs based
on hatred or hostility to the Other.
The generation of the needs of one’s own egoic self leads to an imbalance
between the spiritual and physical basic needs, a lowering of the demand for
spirituality, and, consequently, an underestimation of one’s own potential,
the search for one’s own self. Many individuals who suer from autism,
dyslexia, generalized anxiety disorder, which leads to a violation of integrity,
have at the same time passionate hobbies, extraordinary abilities, strive for
skill and creativity, strive for many other aspects of their personality.
Vitalina Nikitenko, Iryna Ryzhova, Olexandr Shapurov, Olha Kovalova, Natalia Falko y Yurii Kozar
Humanitarian measures to understand the problems of the physical and psychological integrity of
the human personality in conditions of war
Therefore, security, love, development, meaning, authenticity,
freedom, creativity, liberty, which are the ontological, substantial,
existential foundations of human existence, contribute to the integrity of
the personality. Today, too many people seek for transcendence without
healthy integration of other needs, which harms their full potential. Let’s
consider social neuroscience as a science of human relations and a deep
understanding of the neural dynamics of human interactions in extreme
situations and the conditions for the survival of the individual, preserving
its integrity, mechanisms for increasing the survival of the individual in
extreme situations (Kyrychenko et al., 2021).
The object of research is the phenomenon of the integrity of the human
personality in extreme conditions, which requires the preservation and
reproduction of its physical and psychological integration in extreme
conditions. The object of research includes a set of humanitarian tasks,
issues and problems that correspond to the processes of personality
The novelty of this study is a systematic general theoretical understanding
of the objective processes of reproduction of physical and psychological
integrity of the personality in extreme conditions, which include war, crises,
uncertainty, instability, information scholasticity, which are analyzed
in interconnection, interdependence and development (Buhaychuk et
1. Materials And Methods
The analysis of such a complex topic as the preservation and reproduction
of the physical and psychological integrity of the human personality in
extreme conditions is based on the methods, principles and approaches
of humanistic psychology, scientic achievements of a number of elds,
in particular positive, social, evolutionary, clinical and organizational
psychology, sociology, psychology of personality development, cybernetics
and neuroscience, in order to understand their behavioral patterns deeply
immersed in the search for their own profound “I”.
In order to understand fully the problems of preserving and reproducing
the physical and psychological integrity of the human personality in
extreme conditions, it is necessary to integrate a wide range of methods and
approaches, because excessive concentration on one of them creates a danger
of distorting the idea of the nature of the human personality, in particular
with the methods of research on intelligence, creativity, personality and
psychological well-being (Voronkova et al., 2017; Voronkova et al., 2022).
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 673-685
Undoubtedly, the counterbalance to these negative phenomena that
are formed in extreme situations are humanistic methods and approaches
that seek to reveal the human potential in the search for truth, beauty,
connection, knowledge, creativity, originality, destination which are deeply
intertwined in the lace of human nature.
In order to do this, one should look into the profundity of one’s “I” to feel
the richness of one’s being, to move away from the “psychopathology of the
average”, to overcome the syndrome of unfulllment in this chaotic and torn
world that encourages the pursuit of money, a lucrative, dishonest game to
gain nancial success, which leads to neuroses and neurotic conicts, the
emergence of alienated forms of activity, the emergence of crisis forms of
consciousness, leading to the destruction and destabilization of society.
Disorganization processes destroy the stability of the social, generate
chaos, in which both the system and the individual are drawn. (Nikitenko
et al., 2021) The role of the human factor of error is growing, leading to
disasters and turning into a destructive force of modernity; modernization
risks lead to threats to health, nutrition, healthy food due to the emergence
of an increasing number of modied products.
Therefore, it is no coincidence that philosophers spoke about the “art
of being” in this torn and chaotic world, and psychologists were supporters
of the “psychology of being”, within which there is a systematic study of
human goals, not means.
Therefore, humanistic methods and approaches are aimed at
understanding the personality as an integrity that dreams of the meanings
and meanings of life, combined with the achievement of integrity, aimed
at resisting pressure from society, constantly striving for development and
self-development, striving for the signicance and dignity of one’s own life,
overcoming the destructive forces of modern life.
It is the systemic method and its principles that help to reveal the integrity
of the personality, to achieve balance, orderliness of all systems of its being,
distribution of values and resources, achievement of structuredness at all
levels of being, autonomy and adaptability to the environment.
The human personality as a system and integrity can grow and set the
highest goals if its basic needs are realized, as the humanistic philosopher
and psychologist A. Maslow said (Maslow, 2009). The anthropological
method as a method of research is based on the study of the human being
as a generic being, as a holistic being, which comes from its nature, stable
features of its intellect and psyche, sustainability as a biological, social
and intelligent (spiritual) being, based on which security and growth
as the foundation of the formation of a holistic personality, its healthy
Vitalina Nikitenko, Iryna Ryzhova, Olexandr Shapurov, Olha Kovalova, Natalia Falko y Yurii Kozar
Humanitarian measures to understand the problems of the physical and psychological integrity of
the human personality in conditions of war
Therefore, life is not seen as a climbing to the top, but a journey through
the boundless blue ocean, full of new opportunities for nding meaning and
Sailing through a life full of adventures is rarely cloudless, the boat itself
protects us from the water, but does not protect us from new anxieties, so
the sails should help protect a person from anxiety, danger and instability.
Undoubtedly, an important role was played by the axiological method,
which is based on human values as the highest human goods - connection,
security, love, cognition, self-esteem, purpose, which are accumulated in
human life as a result of physical survival.
Cognition, love and purpose as axiological values of a holistic personality
give rise to synergistic interaction that allows us to grow and become
holistic individuals, because it is based on the need for cognition (Dweck,
2017). It gives a person the opportunity to go beyond the boundaries of its
components, to master all forms of its being, to become something more
than their aggregate, but it is necessary to cope with the axioms of being
in its own way. No one can build bridges for you, because you have to go
through your life yourself, but for this you have to decode your life, enter
the depths of your being in the shortest way, to get to the bottom of your
According to humanistic methods of cognition of the problems of
maintaining and reproducing the physical and psychological integrity of
the human personality in extreme conditions, a healthy revelation of needs
aimed at nding and expressing one’s “I” is necessary, because a good
and meaningful life is a process, not a state, a direction, not a destination.
Therefore, we should constantly go beyond our comfort zone, discover our
potential and dive headlong into the whirlpool of life as enriching, exciting,
inspiring, because it is creative and meaningful, rich and exciting.
And one of the methods that will help us to comprehend this complex
topic is the synergetic method, which is based on self-esteem, self-
actualization, self-representation of the personality as a complex integrity
of being, which overcomes all diculties through its self-organization.
The use of such categories of the synergetic method as entropy, the idea
of threshold eects, bifurcations, order parameters, principles of minimal
dissipation (energy dissipation), synergetic resonance and unpredictability
of the complex social systems development allowed to study the object -
the phenomenon of the integrity of the human personality in extreme
conditions, which requires the preservation and reproduction of physical
and psychological integrity in extreme conditions.
General philosophical methods - the method of analysis and synthesis,
the method of interconnection, the method of abstraction and transition
from the concrete to the abstract and from the abstract to the concrete, the
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 673-685
method of historical and logical, the method of comparison, the institutional
method and others helped us to reduce all the fragmented empirical data to
a coherent concept.
One of the methods is Agile-method (method of exible management),
which tries to explain the crisis of existence and uncertainty of organizations,
promotes the transfer of the system to the optimum of existence, for which
both organizations and individuals should be adaptive, stable, eective.
The supernew time has called to life new categories - information,
Datasphere management, Big Data law, data mining, creative digital
technologies, digital society and digital man, which are characterized by
the intensication of human communication capabilities in the space of
personality demand (Swaab, 2019).
2. Results And Discussions
1 Social neuroscience as a science of human relations and profound
understanding of neural dynamics of human relations in extreme situations
The analysis shows that a recently discovered class of neurons - spindle
cells that guide sudden social decisions - is more numerous in the human
brain. Another kind of brain cells are mirror neurons, which anticipate
another person’s movements and feelings and instantly adjust us to the
same movement and feelings. Each of these discoveries demonstrates a
dierent aspect of the “social brain”, the neural system that works during
Today, this science has come so far that it is possible to comprehend
how the brain can help humans act in extreme situations. Scientists have
found links between being involved in toxic relationships and increasing
stressful situations and raising stress hormones to levels that harm genes
which control anti-virus cells.
The social brain is the sum of neural mechanisms that govern our
interactions, thoughts and feelings and adjusts us to the inner state of
people. The ways of the social brain are unique to the human world in
general. In fact, chronic pain and anger or emotional nourishment can
recongure our brains, often leaning towards negativity or positivity, and
can generate empathy or worry (Goleman, 2020).
Relationships between people make us re-evaluate our lives, as every
interaction has an emotional subtext. Today, there is even a concept of
«emotional economy», which every person should work on, develop it, save,
develop social skills, make social ne-tuning for coexistence in the society
as a whole, as sociality oers people a winning strategy, and sociability will
help everyone to survive in dicult extreme conditions.
Vitalina Nikitenko, Iryna Ryzhova, Olexandr Shapurov, Olha Kovalova, Natalia Falko y Yurii Kozar
Humanitarian measures to understand the problems of the physical and psychological integrity of
the human personality in conditions of war
During empathy, our thoughts are equal to the thoughts of another
person. From a cognitive point of view, we have a common mental «mirror»,
a set of images, associations and thoughts, and our brains are programmed
for kindness.
The components of social intelligence can be organized into two broad
categories: 1) two broad categories: 1) social knowledge (what we feel about
others); 2) social ability (what we then do with that knowledge). Social
cognition is the knowledge of how the social world actually works, it is
the ability to nd solutions to social dilemmas in the extreme conditions
of human existence. The moment when empathy becomes mutual
has a particularly rich resonance in the relationship of «I» and «You»
(Voronkova, 2016a). The state of life is strongly inuenced by stresses that
give rise to various psychological disorders that have a negative impact on
human health and give rise to ambivalent relationships. Medical science has
recognized a biological mechanism that directly links toxic relationships
with heart disease, determined by various extreme situations.
Feeling helpless adds to stress, people take threats worse when
they cannot do anything about them. As we age, our health inevitably
deteriorates, as cells age and die, the immune system and other bastions
of good health do not work as well. American scientists have found that the
greater the emotional support from other relationships, the lower the rates
of biological stress, when older people have excellent supportive social lives,
they show better cognitive abilities up to seven years longer than those who
are more isolated.
The complexity of a person’s social environment stimulates learning
by accelerating the formation of new brain cells. Emotional burnout in
relationships has its biological consequences. The more anxiety we feel, the
worse is the cognitive performance of the brain.
So, we conclude that social intelligence is one of those human abilities
that contributes to the survival of the human race in extreme situations.
The main functions of the social brain are the synchronicity of interaction,
varieties of empathy, social cognition, interaction skills and concern for the
survival of others in extreme situations of war, instability, crisis.
New discoveries in neuroscience have the potential to revitalize the social
and behavioral sciences. Emotional intelligence can be a backup mechanism
when social intelligence fails. It is time to revive social intelligence along
with emotional intelligence. If emotional intelligence is self-awareness and
self-management, social intelligence is social awareness, social ability or
relationship management.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 673-685
3. Brain diseases and the environment in extreme conditions
A. Depression. Genetic factors that switch the stress system in
extreme conditions play an important role in the occurrence of depression.
Genetic conguration makes a child more vulnerable to environmental
factors, which leads to stronger stressful situations. Powerful stress caused
by war, instability, crises, epigenetic changes (changes in DNA caused
by environmental factors), which can cause high levels of depression,
disruption of consciousness, ambivalence of approaches to understanding
phenomena and processes, can lead to a constantly high activity of the
stress system. When certain events occur in a person’s life, to which they
react with anger or sadness, this excessive reaction of their stress system
contributes to the fact that the person falls into depression (O’conor and
Mcdermott, 2018).
Over time, it can be cured, but the sensitivity to environmental factors
remains unchanged and often leads to a relapse. The cause of depression
lies in the disorder of brain areas or in the environment, which brought
unfavorable critical extreme situations.
Mental predisposition to a particular mental illness must rst manifest
itself in the form of other mental or neurological problems. Manic-
depressive disorder includes important genetic components that manifest
themselves in the form of various symptoms, such as sleep disorders,
hyperactivity, phobias, personality disorder (strange or eccentric behavior),
mood disorders and the appearance of manic phases of depression. In
persons who are prone to depression, the depressive state arises as a result
of a violation of the physical and psychological integrity of the human
personality, especially in extreme conditions, leading even to manic
depressive disorder.
The brain is active to free itself from the captivity of depression by
changing the activity of certain parts of the brain. Cognitive behavioral
therapy has proven to be an eective way to treat depression, for which the
patient must learn to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. Internet
therapy and acupuncture can also contribute to the ght against depression.
It would be best to combine light and motion therapy (Diamandis and
Kotler, 2021).
B. Suicide is a major problem that is considered as a human risk
factor arising from the violation of the physical and psychological integrity
of the human personality, especially in extreme conditions of life. In the
Netherlands, 2.5 times more people die by suicide than on the roads. In
China, three times more people commit suicide than in the Western world,
although according to ocial statistics, the number of depressive disorders
is only 39% of all cases in the West. Inadequate treatment of depression has
been raised as a possible explanation for China’s high suicide rates.
Vitalina Nikitenko, Iryna Ryzhova, Olexandr Shapurov, Olha Kovalova, Natalia Falko y Yurii Kozar
Humanitarian measures to understand the problems of the physical and psychological integrity of
the human personality in conditions of war
The gap between rich and poor is deepening, the cost of living is constantly
rising, and good health insurance covers only part of the cost of treatment.
The number of suicides of the elderly is rapidly increasing because of the
above. Literally deadly competition contributes to these statistics, the
most important factor of suicide is mental disorders in extreme situations,
depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder of soldiers during
the war, borderline personality disorder, traumatic experience in childhood
or adolescence.
Epigenetic mechanisms, feelings of isolation and discrimination,
previous suicide attempt, war and disasters (loss of a partner, alcohol, drugs,
breakup, social oppression, etc.) The increase in the number of suicides
over the past years is associated with the economic, banking crisis and war,
and also primarily among older people. Most suicides occur in spring and
in the rst months of summer. In most cases, suicide is also associated with
mental disorders, violation of the physical and psychological integrity of the
human personality. Some patients with depression or psychiatric problems
are inclined to suicide, in China three times more women die by suicide
than men (Dixon, 2021).
C. Schizophrenia. The interaction between genetic and environmental
factors plays a crucial role in the development of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic mental disorder that belongs
to the group of psychotic disorders. It usually manifests itself in early
adulthood (approximately between 15 and 30 years). Like other psychoses,
schizophrenia is manifested by a loss of contact with reality and anosognosia,
i.e., the person suering from it is not aware of their illness (at least in the
acute phase). Due to this fact, it is dicult for a person with schizophrenia
to accept the diagnosis and adhere to medication therapy.
The rst symptoms detected by others concern changes in the sensory
process (hallucinations, which can manifest themselves in all sensory
areas) and the functioning of thinking (delusions or obsessions, such as
ideas of exile, greatness, persecution, etc.), or disorganized thinking), often
accompanied by behavioral disorders. A person may hear voices criticizing
him or commenting on his actions (auditory hallucinations). He or she may
see objects or entities that are not actually there (visual hallucinations).
He or she may attach eccentric meanings to elements of the environment
or believe that they are directed at him or her, beyond any logical connection.
Typically, the schizophrenic patient has the impression that he or she is
being controlled by an external force, that he or she is no longer in control
of his or her thoughts, or that he or she is the object of a conspiracy with
an uncertain purpose. Less obvious but equally disabling are negative-type
symptoms, especially voluptuousness and reduced emotional expression
(Kauan, 2021).
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 673-685
Schizophrenia is usually accompanied by impairment of cognitive
functioning (impaired attention, working memory, executive functions),
aective and social functioning (reduced emotions, aective inversion
or emotional lability with a strong impact in relationships with others).
Disorders aect the attitude to one’s body, emotion regulation, ability to
perform or plan goal-oriented actions, will.
The causes of schizophrenia and factors that trigger or accelerate acute
phases remain poorly understood. In patients with schizophrenia, the use
of drugs, alcohol and invasive social or emotional stimulation accelerate the
acute phase of the disease. According to the World Health Organization,
patients with schizophrenia experience human rights violations both in
psychiatric institutions and in the community. The stigmatization of this
disorder is high. This contributes to discrimination, which in turn can limit
access to general health care, education (Voronkova, 2016b).
In the occurrence of brain morbidity among the factors, the interaction
between genetic and environmental factors is highlighted. In general, the
environment, and especially the extreme (stressful) conditions of human
existence in the modern world, aect the occurrence and course of brain
diseases and the emergence of an increasing number of such diseases.
Practical recommendations for the preservation and reproduction of the
physical and psychological integrity of the human personality in extreme
conditions are made. The term “development” on a global scale means the
evolution and optimal deployment of the potential opportunities available
to each child individually.
This term includes maintaining or preserving the physical integrity of the
child, ensuring its safety. However, the main thing is to move from disease
to health, and for this, an extensive healthcare system of the digitalization
era is working today, as the system itself is being treated, as well as patients.
Work should be proactive, not reactive, doctors act after the fact, often
ghting ineective, expensive and absurd battles.
Nevertheless, changes are happening and they relate to technology:
robotics, 3D printers that change the nature of medical procedures, articial
intelligence, quantum computing, genomics, early diagnosis of diseases,
overcoming cellular aging, editing the genetic code with breakthrough
technologies, cellular medicine, new drugs for cancer and old age, the
call of the source of youth. Medicine does everything to save a person at
the earliest stages of his life, creates conditions for longevity and healthy
human life.
Vitalina Nikitenko, Iryna Ryzhova, Olexandr Shapurov, Olha Kovalova, Natalia Falko y Yurii Kozar
Humanitarian measures to understand the problems of the physical and psychological integrity of
the human personality in conditions of war
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 74