Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 75
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Di rec to ra
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
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Pedro Bracho Grand
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 75 (2022), 781-791
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 15/08/22 Aceptado el 23/11/22
The communicative potential
of multinational communities to
counter destructive ethno-rumors in
modern Ukrainian society: a socio-
political analysis
Lyudmila Afanasieva *
Iryna Bukrieieva **
Lyudmila Glyns’ka ***
Natalia Hlebova ****
Natalia Falko *****
The aim of the study was to provide a sociopolitical analysis
of approaches and means to engage members of multicultural
communities in active participation to counteract the eects
of destructive ethnic rumors and build their own spaces for coexistence.
The need for sociological research on the eects of rumors is highlighted
by the importance of nding means to counteract their manipulative
use for destructive purposes. The empirical research method used was
a questionnaire survey with the aim of creating new opportunities for
interaction between people of dierent backgrounds, for the sake of
harmony and exchange of experiences and thus being able to establish
partnerships between the cities participating in the Intercultural Cities
Network of Ukraine (ICC-Ukraine). It is concluded that the research allows
us to arm the eectiveness of using the method of counteracting ethnic
rumors “Antitumor” proposed by the program “Intercultural Cities” of the
Council of Europe in Ukraine, as a systemic means of solving the problems
of communicative interactions in multicultural communities.
Keywords: ethno-cultural communities; destructive rumors; intercultural
dialogue; sociological research; socio-political analysis.
* Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical
University, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical
University, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical
University, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Dr. Sc. in Sociology, Professor of the Department of Sociology Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State
Pedagogical University. ORCID ID:
***** Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State
Pedagogical University. ORCID ID:
Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns’ka, Natalia Hlebova y Natalia Falko
The communicative potential of multinational communities to counter destructive ethno-rumors
in modern Ukrainian society: a socio-political analysis
El potencial comunicativo de las comunidades
multinacionales para contrarrestar los etno-rumores
destructivos en la sociedad ucraniana moderna: un
análisis sociopolítico
El objetivo del estudio fue proporcionar un análisis sociopolítico de los
enfoques y medios para involucrar a los miembros de las comunidades
multiculturales en la participación activa para contrarrestar los efectos de
los rumores étnicos destructivos y construir sus propios espacios para la
convivencia. La necesidad de investigar sociológicamente los efectos de
los rumores se pone de maniesto por la importancia de encontrar medios
para contrarrestar su uso manipulador con nes destructivos. El método
de investigación empírica usado fue una encuesta por cuestionario con el
objetivo de crear nuevas oportunidades de interacción entre personas de
diferentes orígenes, en aras de la armonía y el intercambio de experiencias
y, de este modo, poder establecer asociaciones entre las ciudades que
participan en la Red de Ciudades Interculturales de Ucrania (ICC-Ucrania).
Se concluye que la investigación nos permite armar la ecacia de la
utilización del método para contrarrestar los rumores étnicos «Antitumor»
propuesto por el programa «Ciudades Interculturales» del Consejo de
Europa en Ucrania, como medio sistémico para resolver los problemas de
las interacciones comunicativas en las comunidades multiculturales.
Palabras clave: comunidades etnoculturales; rumores destructivos;
diálogo intercultural; investigación sociológica; análisis
The modern Ukrainian community is characterized by deep social
transformations, accompanied by a signicant intensication of intercultural
relations, a constant complication of forms, principles and mechanisms of
social interaction.(Afanasieva et al., 2021; Oleksenko et al., 2020) Migration
processes within the country, in particular, the forced resettlement of many
residents from the occupied territories, the increase in the number of labor
migrants from Ukraine, etc., lead to the appearance in the information
space of these social groups of various biased characteristics (Potapchuk,
It is important that a signicant part of rumors is based on ethnic factors
and is actualized thanks to widespread archetypes and stereotypes, forming
the image of an outsider by voicing the negative characteristics of a certain
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 781-791
socio-cultural group, thus acquiring the characteristics of a “hate speech”.
The analysis of research materials proves that in the domestic information
space there is a tendency to consider this phenomenon in scientic works
only in a cursory, “applied” way - in the course of discussing certain
problems of social consciousness (Yurkova, 2021, pp. 121–131).
The researchers leave unsolved the question of the role of communities
as subjects of social life, in particular, the subject potential of their members
in countering this phenomenon.
Therefore, the need for a sociological study of the eects of rumors is
actualized by the importance of the problem of nding means of neutralizing
countermeasures against the manipulative use of rumors as a manifestation
of a hate speech.
A number of state acts and international documents testify to the social
signicance of the problem and the urgency of nding forms and means
of countering destructive rumors as a form of spreading, provoking,
stimulating or justifying various types of discrimination against minorities,
migrants and people with emigrant roots (National strategy for promoting
the development of civil society in Ukraine for 2021 - 2026; International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
(Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1994); Recommendation N R (97) 20 to the
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, to participating states on
“incitement of enmity”).
According to researchers, destructive rumors that always have a certain
social orientation and are clearly or covertly based on the division of social
groups into “us” and “them” are considered conict-creating (Potapchuk,
2015; Khristenko, 2012, pp. 143–150; Yurkova, 2021, pp. 121–131). When
the negative reection of a migrant of foreign origin is not presented
separately, but in connection with some signicant problem of the country,
then certain diculties in the issue of migration that can be completely
solved acquire the status of a threat to the development of communities.
The analysis of the works of foreign authors proves that rumors, as a
specic form of social communication, contain contradictory, and at the
same time, inextricably interconnected objective and subjective factors
that form the phenomenon of a “hate speech” in a multicultural society.
They characterize the dynamics of interaction of these phenomena, show
both new opportunities and the need for certain limitations in the nature of
interaction (Orban-Lembyk, 2004, pp. 47 62; Bondiyelli and Marchelloni,
2019, pp. 8–55; Smola, 2019, pp. 47-62).
Therefore, in the sociological context we distinguish the objective
prerequisites for the emergence of danger of the inuence of rumors as a
denial of the natural existence of the subject to whom they are directed and
specic subjective forms of their perception, including active opposition
Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns’ka, Natalia Hlebova y Natalia Falko
The communicative potential of multinational communities to counter destructive ethno-rumors
in modern Ukrainian society: a socio-political analysis
to the transfer of destructive subjective denitions into the plane of the
relationship of subjects of social interaction.
1. Methods
The Council of Europe Program “Intercultural Cities” (“Intercultural
Cities” Project - Melitopol State University) serves the purpose of developing
intercultural policy - prevention of segregation, discrimination, racism,
and the spread of rumors, which often lead to conicts and popularize
hate speech. One of the currently important aspects of the implementation
of the “Intercultural Cities” Program, which provides support to cities in
revising their policies through the prism of intercultural interaction and
in the development of comprehensive intercultural strategies and implies
understanding and acceptance of the diversity of ethnic, religious and
social communities as a resource of social, cultural, rural and economic
development of communities is the Anti-Rumors Program (ANTI-
RUMORS. Guide to Countering Rumors) (De Torres, 2018), which is aimed
at preventing discrimination, improving coexistence and using the potential
of diversity by initiating changes in the perception, attitude and behavior of
the general population and specic target groups.
A pre-project study of the problem in the cities participating in the
Project revealed that, despite the fact that 89% of respondents indicated
a “relatively stable sense of community and respect” in their cities, in
their opinion, there are problems in communities related to “negative
statements in social networks” (37%), “language misunderstanding” (35%),
“contemptuous attitude due to other ethnic aliation” (33%), “religious
aliation” (31%), “disrespect for customs, traditions of other peoples” (25
%), which require an urgent solution.
A third of them (30%) expressed the opinion that these problems
are directly related to rumors against specic groups of persons (ethnic,
religious communities, forcibly resettled persons, etc.). This is conrmed
by the respondents’ answers to the question: “Are there rumors about
migrants, refugees, ethnic groups, national communities or other groups
in your city?”. About 54% of respondents agree that such rumors are
spreading. More than 73% of respondents who answered in the armative
see them as having a negative content load.
This survey and focus group discussions revealed the most widespread
rumors about groups of people in the public space: “Roma are thieves”
(62%), “Ukrainians are cheap Western European labor force” (53%), “Jews
are selsh” (53%), “internally displaced persons do not want to work (live
on state aid)” (52.3%), “Muslims are terrorists and should be kept away
from them” (57.5%), etc.
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 781-791
2. Methodology
In order to identify the impact of the activities of the ICC Program of
the Council of Europe “Counterfeiting Rumors” on improving knowledge,
skills and abilities in countering rumors, creating new opportunities for
interaction between people of dierent origins for the sake of harmony and
consolidation of intercultural urban communities, exchange of experience
and establishment of partnership relations between cities participants of
the Ukrainian Network of Intercultural Cities (ICC-Ukraine), a post-project
questionnaire survey was conducted from November 28 to December 6,
2021 using Google Forms remote technologies:
forms/d/1uW9a0JgjUqzRcv2FrX2CprG1zsZLn531ScyTBsF-ftA/edit. The
questionnaire consisted of 20 questions, the content of which corresponded
to the purpose and objectives of the research.
Study sample. 108 residents of the cities of the Ukrainian Network of
Intercultural Cities (ICC-Ukraine) participating in the Project took part in the
survey. Age characteristics of respondents: 16-22 years (13.9%), 23-29 years
(24.1%), 30-39 years (22.2%), 40-49 years (24.1%), 50- 59 years old (12%),
60 years and older (3.7%). Field of activity: education workers - 24%, civil
servants - 21%, students - 14.8%, managers of enterprises/organizations/
structural divisions - 13.9%, representatives of public organizations - 12%,
representatives of small businesses - 3.7 %, representatives of religious
denominations 5.6%, forcibly displaced persons 9.3%, representatives
of ethnic communities – 13.9%, medical workers – 2.9%, lecturers/teachers
– 25%, civil servants – 7.4%, media representatives - 4.6%, trainers - 1.9%,
members of the city team “ANTI-RUMOURS” - 2.8%, library workers -
3. Results
The purpose of the conducted research was to identify the eectiveness
of the measures proposed by the Regional Council for implementation at
the previous stage of the Anti-Rumor Project in terms of:
1. the activity of involving respondents in the activities and events of
the Program (social activity as a necessary condition for eective
2. the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of the respondents
acquired during the Program (social competence as a factor in
countering rumors);
3. expectations and suggestions of respondents regarding the
eectiveness of the Program (prospects of social communication as
a means of countering rumors).
Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns’ka, Natalia Hlebova y Natalia Falko
The communicative potential of multinational communities to counter destructive ethno-rumors
in modern Ukrainian society: a socio-political analysis
Below we present the most signicant survey results for the specied
Activities / events
Communication campaigns against rumors were held in every city
participating in the Project, which reached 80.5% of respondents. The project
caused a wide resonance of these activities/events among representatives of
ethno-cultural communities, public organizations, religious denominations,
civil servants, forcibly displaced persons, teachers, domestic and foreign
students and pupils. Respondents from all cities participating in the Project
believe that the communication campaigns had an eective impact on
their communities, namely: “established/improved relations with people
of dierent origins/cultures” (94.4%) and “encouraged positive changes
in residents’ views of other cultures and expanded the boundaries of
their worldview” (94.4%); helped to “better understand the dierences of
cultures” (93.5%) and “contributed to the development of the ability to listen
and understand another culture” (93.5%); “taught to appreciate cultural
diversity as a resource for the development of an intercultural community”
(92.6%) and “increased the level of civic solidarity and social trust in an
intercultural community” (92.6%), as well as “contributed to increasing the
responsibility of residents for their actions and deeds” (90.7%).
Therefore, the use of the innovative ANTI-RUMOURS methodology
in combating rumors, which combines the promotion of civil politics with
the process of social participation, with the aim of involving a wide range
of civil society actors and participation in trainings and communication
campaigns, allowed the majority (84.3%) of participants to conrm their
expected results.
Knowledge / abilities / skills
During the implementation of the Project, the participants noted that
they acquired a set of knowledge, skills and abilities to counter rumors,
namely: “to perceive without judgment another culture, character, behavior,
or appearance of other people” (95.4%); “to be open to the perception of the
values of other cultures” (94.4%); “to form unbiased judgments about other
cultures and to try to understand them” (92.6%); “to analyze similarities
and dierences between participants of intercultural communication”
(91.6%); “to conduct a dialogue, listen to others with understanding”
(91.6%); “to get rid of superstitions and stereotypes” (87.0%); “to resolve
intercultural conicts and contradictions” (83.3%). The survey participants
also expressed the opinion that the Project’s activities “promoted the
development of critical thinking”, which is a necessary ability for countering
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 781-791
The acquired skills and abilities helped the participants to counter rumors
in their cities. In particular: “to use analytical skills and critical thinking”
(95.4%); “to use various verbal and non-verbal means to achieve mutual
understanding between representatives of dierent cultures” (94.4%); “to
make carefully considered and prejudice-free decisions” (94.4%); “to be
empathetic, to put oneself in another’s place in order to understand his
feelings and needs” (94.4%), “to prevent conicts” (93.5%); “to cooperate
more eectively with representatives of other cultures” (93.5%). The
participants also expressed the opinion that the Project inspired them to
“implement innovative measures, promotions”.
The respondents noted that they would use the acquired knowledge, skills
and abilities in various spheres of life. 94.4% of the respondents indicated
that they will apply the knowledge and skills in combating rumors acquired
during the implementation of this Project in the professional sphere
(among civil servants and participants of the Project “Implementation and
Involvement of Cultural Diversity at the International Level”; the indicator
is 100%). No dierences in respondents’ answers between cities were found.
Respondents, regardless of the eld of employment, will most often apply
the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in “everyday life” (95.4%), in
“relationships with people of dierent origins/cultures” (95.4%), in “social
networks” (91.6%), “with friends” (86.1%), with “neighbors” (85.2%).
This is conrmed by the post-project answers, where 91.6% of
respondents indicated the eectiveness of the acquired knowledge and the
intention to use it both in everyday life and when communicating in social
Expectations / proposals
The eectiveness of the Project is evidenced by the fact that a signicant
majority (84.3%) of the participants in the post-project survey claim that
the Project was useful and that their expectations were fully or partially met.
In their opinion, this gave “an impetus to their own initiatives”, “helped
expand the circle of like-minded people” and “enriched experience”, etc.
12% of respondents for whom participation in the Project did not live
up to expectations and 3.7% respondents who were uncertain, indicated
that they faced such obstacles and diculties as “indierence or lack
of understanding of the importance of this problem on the part of the
population”; “distrust of residents”, “due to quarantine restrictions,
the online format did not allow to fully communicate with people and
understand feedback from partners”, “the project is not fully adapted to
Ukrainian realities, but is aimed only at working with migrants.
Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns’ka, Natalia Hlebova y Natalia Falko
The communicative potential of multinational communities to counter destructive ethno-rumors
in modern Ukrainian society: a socio-political analysis
In general, for 96.8% of active participants who were introduced to
the method of “Anti-rumour”, took part in trainings and communication
campaigns, regardless of the city of residence, this Project fully met their
expectations. 100% of coaches and members of the Anti-rumor city team
think so. According to the respondents, participation in the Project events
helped them: “to change their views on another culture” (97.2%); “to have
a more positive attitude towards speakers of another cultur e” (96.3%); “to
live harmoniously in the world of dierent people” (95.4%); “to understand
better a representative of another culture” (95.4%); “to broaden the outlook”
Choosing possible and desirable partners for the further implementation
of ideas, the Project participants emphasize the need for partnership
and close cooperation with “representatives of local self-government
bodies, ethnic communities and national-cultural societies”;“media
representatives with local self-government bodies”; “representatives of
religious denominations with forcibly displaced persons”; “volunteers and
educational youth”; “scientists of higher education institutions, teachers
and educational youth”.
98.2% of active participants point to the expediency of further
implementation of the Project and suggest the following steps for its
implementation: “to continue information activities”; “to hold thematic
meetings and trainings”; “to continue to spread positive narratives”;
“from time to time to launch informative posts about combating rumors”;
“to attract representatives of dierent cultures to cooperation”; “to pay
attention to closer cooperation with young people”; “ to cooperate with local
self-government bodies”; “to hold more projects and joint activities”; “to
involve active members of the community”; “to hold festivals and forums”.
For more eective further implementation of the Project, they suggest:
“to organize more often joint thematic social and artistic events with
the participation of the city community”; “to cooperate with authorities
and public organizations, ethno-cultural communities, religious
denominations”; “to organize more often communication campaigns
against rumors”; “to carry out such projects in secondary schools and
higher educational institutions”; “to popularize positive narratives about
representatives of dierent cultures and communities in social networks”;
“the mass media and social networks should more widely popularize the
rapprochement of ethnic cultures and respect for citizens’ religions”, “to
implement anti-rumor campaigns through social networks and to inform
residents by placing information on boards, city light information posters,
Vol. 40 Nº 75 (2022): 781-791
The results of a sociological study aimed at identifying the impact of the
ICC Program of the Council of Europe “Countering Rumors” allow us to
state that the cooperation of intercultural cities within the framework of the
Anti-Rumor Program is a conrmation of its eectiveness in cities where
ethno-cultural diversity is the norm, promotes awareness of the potential of
community members in creating positive examples of neighborly existence.
The implementation of the Project contributed not only to the
improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities to counter rumors, but
also helped to “develop an adequate response to problematic situations”,
“attitude to cultural diversity as a resource for community development”.
The majority of Project participants noted positive changes in residents’
views on the culture of the “other”, expanding the boundaries of their own
worldview, increasing the level of civic solidarity and social trust in the
community, “intercultural competence in the process of direct participation
in countering rumors from dierent layers of communities”.
The innovative methodology of “ANTI-RUMORS” (De Torres, 2018) in
combating rumors eectively combines the promotion of public policy with
the process of social participation in order to attract the widest possible
range of participants. The key factor of eectiveness is the involvement
of a number of social partners and citizens dedicated to the ght against
superstitions and breaking the chain of false rumors that humiliate residents
and threaten their basic rights.
Participation in the Network also creates a sense of solidarity between
participants and organizations involved in its work, and participation in
joint eorts gives network members legitimacy and relevance.
Therefore, the implementation of the project in the studied communities
is a positive example for its implementation in other communities of
Ukraine, and has a signicant potential for dissemination, taking into
account both the nature of local problems and circumstances, as well as the
latest challenges of Ukrainian realities.
Bibliographic References
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Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns’ka, Natalia Hlebova y Natalia Falko
The communicative potential of multinational communities to counter destructive ethno-rumors
in modern Ukrainian society: a socio-political analysis
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 75