Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 77
Recibido el 12/03/23 Aceptado el 10/04/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 77 (2023), 40-49
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Control of Activities of Public
Administration Agencies: Financial,
legal and administrative regulation and
international experience
Alina Denysova *
Serhii Baranov **
Maksym Kryvonos ***
Liudmyla Chupryna ****
The objective of the research was to consider nancial and
legal, administrative regulations and international experience in
the exercise of control over the activities of public administration
bodies. The main evaluation measures are dened to ensure
the eectiveness of control measures; this evaluation is carried
out according to the following stages: determination of quantitative and
qualitative parameters for assessing the eectiveness of control; evaluation
of the competence of control bodies or evaluation of the eectiveness of
internal and external control, etc. The methodological basis of the research
is presented as comparative-legal and systematic analysis, formal-legal
method, method of interpretation, hermeneutic method, as well as
methods of analysis and synthesis. In addition, it has been concluded that
the following criteria are proposed to evaluate the eectiveness of public
administration control bodies: quality and completeness, reliability of
information received by control bodies; timeliness of control, regularity of
control, objectivity of control, lightness of control measures.
Keywords: administrative and legal principles; international experience;
control; public administration bodies; nancial and legal
* Professor, Doctor of Science in law, Head of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative
Process, Odessa State University of Internal Aairs, Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
** PHD. Associate professor of Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Process, Odessa
State University of Internal Aairs, Odesa, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Donetsk State University of Internal Aairs. Ukraine.
**** Temporarily unemployed. Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 40-49
Control de Actividades de los Organismos de la
Administración Pública: Regulación nanciera, jurídica,
administrativa y experiencia internacional
El objeto de la investigación fue considerar la regulación nanciera y
jurídica, administrativa y la experiencia internacional de ejercer el control
sobre las actividades de los órganos de la administración pública. Se
denen las principales medidas de evaluación para garantizar la ecacia
de las medidas de control; esta evaluación se realiza de acuerdo con las
siguientes etapas: determinación de parámetros cuantitativos y cualitativos
para evaluar la efectividad del control; evaluación de la competencia de
los órganos de control o evaluación de la ecacia del control interno y
externo, etc. La base metodológica de la investigación se presenta como
análisis comparativo-legal y sistemático, método formal-legal, método
de interpretación, método hermenéutico, así como métodos de análisis
y síntesis. Por lo demás, se ha llegado a la conclusión que se proponen
los siguientes criterios para evaluar la ecacia de los órganos de control
de la administración pública: calidad y exhaustividad, conabilidad de la
información recibida por los órganos de control; puntualidad del control,
regularidad del control, objetividad del control, ligereza de las medidas de
Palabras clave: principios administrativos y jurídicos; experiencia
internacional; control; órganos de la administración
pública; regulación nanciera y jurídica.
In Ukraine, control in its various organizational forms is carried out by
the majority of state and municipal bodies and their ocials. Control is one
of the main components of the management process which is an element
of a feedback which in its turn informs the subject of management about
the results of his/her inuence on the object. The results of the work of
public authorities and ocials largely depend on the proper organization
and eectiveness of control.
Control over public authorities in general and of local self-government
bodies in particular is a type of social control designed to ensure preservation
and development of the social system and coordinated functioning of its
elements. Social control is a complex of measures aimed at the formation of
social balance as the basis of the modern social system and its management
(Buha et al., 2022).
Alina Denysova, Serhii Baranov, Maksym Kryvonos y Liudmyla Chupryna
Control of Activities of Public Administration Agencies: Financial, legal and administrative
regulation and international experience
Under modern conditions of statehood development and functioning,
the issue of modernization of public administration, activation of the
role played by public administration bodies receives special attention.
This determines expediency of increasing eectiveness of the system of
control over the activities of the specied bodies, developing measures to
improve the regulatory and legal eld of state and public control over public
administration (Bezpalova et al., 2021).
The purpose of the research is to consider nancial and legal,
administrative regulation and foreign experience of controlling activities of
public administration bodies.
1. Literature review
In the scientic literature, control is considered in a broad sense as
a set of mechanisms in the social space (individual social groupings,
population organizations, etc.) which ensure its self-organization and self-
preservation by establishing and maintaining a certain normative order
and using appropriate patterns of behavior which can be, for example,
presented as moral and cultural values of a certain society, its traditionally
developed traditions, legal norms etc. In a narrow sense, it is understood as
a set of means and methods of society’s inuence on undesirable forms of
deviant behavior with the aim of their elimination (removal) or reduction,
minimization (Danylian, 2009).
Some researchers dene control through a systemic approach, which
makes it possible to understand control as a set of measures and processes
which take place in a separate social organization and are aimed at
compliance with the norms and rules of this institution, including in the
conditions of restrictions on the functioning of the system. Thus, Stanislav
Kosinov denes social control as a separate system of regulators of the
social organization functioning, including such regulators as institutions of
law, morality, traditions, etc. (Kosinov, 2013).
We believe that there is no grounds to contrast state control with social
control; state control and non-state control taken together constitute social
control (Halaburda et al., 2021).
S. Kosinov asserts that social control is an integral part of a more general
and diverse system of social regulation of people’s behavior and social life;
it is carried out through internal and external interaction mechanisms; it
involves social interaction of personality and the respective social control;
its nature, content and orientation are determined by the character,
nature and type of the social system; it maintains order and stability in the
society, and it also ensures social reproduction (succession) in the direction
corresponding to the dened development strategy (Kosinov, 2015).
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 40-49
2. Materials and methods
This research is based on the works of foreign and Ukrainian researchers
regarding methodological approaches to disclosure of nancial and legal,
administrative regulation and foreign experience of performing control
over activities of public administration bodies, etc.
With the help of the epistemological method, nancial and legal,
administrative regulation and foreign experience of control over the
activities of public administration bodies, etc. were disclosed; thanks to the
logical-semantic method, the conceptual apparatus was deepened, nancial
and legal, administrative regulation as well as foreign experience of control
over activities of public administration bodies etc. were dened. Thanks
to the existing methods of law, we managed to analyze the disclosure of
nancial and legal, administrative regulation and foreign experience of
performing control over activities of public administration bodies, etc.
3. Results and discussion
Based on the doctrine of social management, we can conclude that
control is implemented in the following areas:
determining the limits of socially acceptable behavior of an
directing behavior of objects within the limits that create an optimal
and socially acceptable behavior;
detection of deviations from the specied limits in order to take
measures of inuence (Kobrusieva et al., 2021).
In our opinion, it is appropriate to study the concept of “control” from
the standpoint of social management. According to social management,
control is a set of processes of observing and analyzing compliance of
activities performed by an object of control with dened management
approaches, as well as processes of detecting deviations from generally
established principles of organization and regulation (Kolinko et al., 2019).
Control is an important component of any management system, and this
fact guarantees and ensures its high-quality and eective implementation.
Control is dened as a part (element) of management which in its turn
consists in tracking the controlled object’s course and state of activity;
such tracking is aimed at creating a systematic review of compliance with
the norms of the current legislation of the country, and this compliance
with the norms is implemented through the intervention of control bodies
in the activities of controlled objects and is manifested as providing
Alina Denysova, Serhii Baranov, Maksym Kryvonos y Liudmyla Chupryna
Control of Activities of Public Administration Agencies: Financial, legal and administrative
regulation and international experience
recommendations, application of measures to inuence management as
well as coercive measures.
The English use the term “controlling” as a systematic control, tracking
the progress of tasks with simultaneous making adjustments for further
work. The term “monitoring” is also widely used; its meaning is practically
identical to the term “controlling”, with the only dierence that monitoring
functions include forecasting and property protection. The term “control”
is gradually absorbed by the terms “monitoring” or “controlling” (although
there are other points of view according to which the last two terms are a
component of control) (Bytiak, 2011).
A separate and widespread view of control, which prevails in the scientic
literature, consists in consideration of control as an independent branch of
government. For the rst time at the beginning of the 20th century, such
an opinion was expressed by the outstanding Chinese scientist Sun Yat-sen.
At the same period of time, he formulated the “constitution of ve
branches of power”; in this constitution, in addition to the classical
branches of power (“legislative” one, “executive” one and “judicial” one) he
also distinguished independent powers including: “examination” one and
“control” one (Bytiak, 2011).
The theory of dividing power into four branches - “legislative” one,
“executive” one, “judicial” one and “control” one still has many supporters
today. The majority of scientists dene the essence of control as a function
of authorized subjects, aimed at ensuring compliance with the law, as
a form of exercising power, as a set of techniques and methods that can
be used in the process of control activity. V. Harashchuk believes in the
independence of control as a separate management function that helps in
the implementation of all other management functions (Bytiak, 2011).
Summarizing the concepts of control activity proposed in science,
experts distinguish three approaches to revealing its nature: control as
an organic management function; control as a set of means of regulating
behavior of an individual or that of organization as a whole; control as a
limiting function of an organization of orderly activities with tasks of these
activities including ensured supervision over eectiveness of organization’s
functioning (Kosinov, 2015).
The analysis of the available scientic approaches to interpretation
of the “control” category content showed that views are characterized by
unanimity of opinions in terms of establishing and identifying control
methods, which are dened as a set of techniques, methods and actions that
help in establishing compliance of activities performed by authorities with
the norms and requirements of the current legal and regulatory framework.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 40-49
It is also appropriate to note that scientists, whose works are devoted
to the process of administration and management, also distinguish audit,
accounting, revision, inspections, monitoring, etc. among various types of
control (Kolomoiets, 2012).
Summarizing the above, we can say that a method of control is a certain
set of techniques and methods for determining compliance of organizations’
activities with current norms, rules, tasks, and instructions.
The method of control, in contrast to the function of control, does not
characterize the substantive purpose of activities performed by a public
authority, but only the method of ensuring proper implementation of the
decisions made.
Scientists distinguish types of control based on various criteria.
By subjects, control is divided into public one, parliamentary one,
administrative one and judicial one. T. Nalyvaiko distinguishes two types
of control in the system of state-society relations - state control and public
control. One of the signs determining the type of state regime consists in
analyzing the ratio of the state control and public control share and the
nature of their relationship (Nalyvaiko, 2010).
According to the nature of the relationship between the subject and
the object, control can be internal (departmental) one and external (non-
departmental) one. Internal control is characterized by functioning of the
subject and the object of control in the same plane, that is, in the same
organization; with regard to external control, it is characterized through
implementation of control by a separate external subject of activity.
Specialists in the eld of public administration distinguish between
functional control, administrative control and nancial control. Functional
control is related to the main activities of the organization, its policies,
procedures and methods; administrative control includes procedures
and documentation related to the decision-making process, and nancial
control is related to procedures for maintaining nancial documentation.
According to its stages control is divided into preliminary one, current
one and nal one. Preliminary (preventive) control is a prerequisite for
eective ongoing activity of an organization or institution. The main task
of this type of control consists in analyzing and determining institution’s
readiness to conduct its activities and perform functions assigned to it. The
key areas of verication are quality of management decisions; work with
personnel; nancial and material condition and use of resources.
Current control means control that is carried out during the activity
of an institution or organization. This type of control is divided into
operational one (based on the main current types of activities) and strategic
one (it determines the next stages of development of the organization or
Alina Denysova, Serhii Baranov, Maksym Kryvonos y Liudmyla Chupryna
Control of Activities of Public Administration Agencies: Financial, legal and administrative
regulation and international experience
institution, assessment of the level of eciency) (Villasmil Espinoza et al.,
In addition, strategic control is distinguished; it presupposes collection
and processing of information about implementation of the strategy,
comparing and matching it with the parameters set in advance in strategic
plans and programs, identifying deviations, analyzing the reasons that gave
rise to such a deviation, evaluating them and making a decision on the
corrective impact (Matviichuk et al., 2022).
The next type of control is nal control, which is related to providing a
retrospective assessment of results of the institution’s (or organization’s)
activities, as well as making conclusions of which can be drawn and used
for further planning.
To study control, it is advisable to research its main features including
such positions as tasks, goals (objectives), types, objects of control, etc.
The main purpose of control is to increase the eciency of management
decisions and other tasks (Tylchyk et al., 2022).
Objectives (goals) of control can be divided into strategic ones and
tactical (or applied) ones. The strategic goal of control activities is to create
conditions for compliance with legislative and disciplinary social norms and
norms of state administration. The tactical purpose of control activities is
revealed in “observing and analysing compliance of activities performed by
all subjects of social relations with the parameters established by the state,
as well as in certain “correction” of deviations from these parameters”.
Tasks of control are divided into general ones and specic ones. Specic
tasks cover only a separate side or a separate type of activity (use of
resources, implementation of budget programs, reliability of data display in
nancial statements, etc.). General tasks of control cover all areas of activity
performed by objects of control.
An object of control means an organization or a separate aspect of its
activity that is subject to control. Subject of control means bodies of state
power and local self-government, their ocials, a group of people or an
organization endowed with relevant powers. Subject of control is the state
or behavior of the object of control. It can include activity of bodies or their
structural divisions as a whole (general control) or individual aspects of
activity, which is typical for carrying out selective control (Leheza et al.,
Summarizing, it is worth noting that based on the above, the concept of
control can be interpreted as a set of measures of an observational nature
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 40-49
aimed at the relevant object of control, with the aim of obtaining reliable
and complete data about the state of the object; application of preventive
measures; providing recommendations on restoring the normal functioning
of the control object; identication of conditions and risks related with
violation of legislation; prosecution measures.
From the point of view of the theory, created is a basis is for revealing
the interrelationship of control with other means of ensuring legality
and discipline, in particular, identifying common and distinctive
features with supervision. The need for proper legal regulation of control
activities, updating the regulatory framework and solving many practical
shortcomings is an obvious and pressing need today. At the same time, in
our opinion, these shortcomings are not a sucient basis for distinguishing
the controlling branch of law.
So, summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that control is a
social, multifaceted phenomenon, which, from mainly philosophical and
rule-making standpoints is dened through a set of actions and measures
carried out with the aim of monitoring actions performed by natural persons
and legal entities or for establishing any phenomena, facts when studying
objects of the material world.
When summarizing achievements of scientists, we can conclude
that supervision is a separate form of control, and in the process of
implementation of this form of control inuence measures are applied after
violations are detected. According to practitioners, control is characterized
by activities within the current legal and regulatory framework including
activities of both the organization itself and its individual bodies and
Control and supervision are quite often interpreted as identical concepts,
given their single purpose (ensuring legality, restoring legal relations
violated by an illegal act, bringing guilty persons to legal responsibility) as
well as taking into account the possibility of their implementation in the
same forms (inspections, demands for reports, explanations, etc.).
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en abril de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 77