Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
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ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 77
Recibido el 27/01/23 Aceptado el 01/04/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 77 (2023), 534-548
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Automated system of court
enforcement proceedings as element
of information provision for compulsory
enforcement of decisions
Nataliia Sergiienko *
Serhii Suslin **
Vira Pyrohovska ***
Volodymyr Serha ****
Kotovych Ihor *****
The aim of the article was to suggest ways to improve the
legislation regulating the scope of operation of the automated
system of judicial enforcement proceedings, in order to increase
the eectiveness of enforced execution of decisions while
respecting human rights. The methodology of the article was based on
the application of the following methods of scientic cognition: analytical,
deductive, hermeneutic, comparative and synthesis. In addition, the
authors analyze the legal regulation of the operation of the automated
system of execution of court judgments, as an element of information
provision for the forced execution of resolutions and, at the same time, have
revealed the gaps in its legal regulation and, consequently, have suggested
the ways to eliminate them. It was denitely established that there was no
need to amend the legislation concerning the distribution of enforcement
documents among private enforcement ocers within their districts of
jurisdiction. In the conclusions it was oered to improve certain provisions
of the Ukrainian legislation regulating the provision of information on
compulsory enforcement of decisions, in particular, to give the prosecutor
access to information on judicial enforcement proceedings on an equal
footing with the parties.
* PhD., in Law, Professor at the Department of General Legal Disciplines National Academy of the
Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** PhD., in Law, Professor at the Department of General Legal Disciplines National Academy of the
Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** PhD., in Law, Assistant at the Department of Philosophy and International communication National
University of Biotechnology and Nature Management, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
**** Lawyer, Joint Stock Company "National Joint Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine.
***** PhD in Law, Associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Private Law, State tax
university, Irpin, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 535-548
Keywords: judicial enforcement proceedings; compulsory enforcement
of a decision; automated system of judicial enforcement
proceedings; provision of information; compulsory decisions.
Sistema automatizado de procedimientos judiciales de
ejecución como elemento de suministro de información
para la realización obligatoria de resoluciones
El objetivo del artículo fue sugerir vías para mejorar la legislación
que regula el ámbito de funcionamiento del sistema automatizado de los
procedimientos judiciales de ejecución, para aumentar la ecacia de la
ejecución forzosa de las decisiones respetando los derechos humanos.
La metodología del artículo se basó en la aplicación de los siguientes
métodos de cognición cientíca: analítico, deductivo, hermenéutico,
comparativo y de síntesis. Además, los autores analizan la regulación legal
del funcionamiento del sistema automatizado de ejecución de sentencias
judiciales, como elemento de provisión de información para la ejecución
forzosa de resoluciones y, al mismo tiempo, han revelado los vacíos de su
regulación legal y, en consecuencia, han sugerido las vías para eliminarlos.
Denitivamente se estableció que no había necesidad de enmendar la
legislación relativa a la distribución de documentos de ejecución entre los
funcionarios privados de ejecución dentro de sus distritos de jurisdicción.
En las conclusiones se ofreció mejorar ciertas disposiciones de la legislación
ucraniana que regulan el suministro de información sobre la ejecución
obligatoria de decisiones, en particular, para dar al scal acceso a la
información sobre los procedimientos judiciales de ejecución en igualdad
de condiciones con las partes.
Palabras clave: procedimiento judicial de ejecución; ejecución
forzosa de una resolución; sistema automatizado de
procedimiento judicial de ejecución; suministro de
información; resoluciones obligatorias.
Information provision of enforcement proceedings plays an important
role for its eectiveness, because the set of compulsory enforcement
measures is closely related to the availability of the subject, who is authorized
to compulsory enforcement of decisions, complete and reliable information
necessary for execution of enforcement actions.
Nataliia Sergiienko, Serhii Suslin, Vira Pyrohovska, Volodymyr Serha y Kotovych Ihor
Automated system of court enforcement proceedings as element of information provision for
compulsory enforcement of decisions
The study of theoretical and legal problems of information provision
of court enforcement proceedings deserves scientic understanding and
critical analysis, because it will contribute to the identication of gaps
in its legal regulation, to the development of suggestions to eliminate
its shortcomings and, as a result, to the increase of the eectiveness of
compulsory enforcement of decisions.
The information systems of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the
direction of court enforcement proceedings include: Unied Register of
Private Enforcement Ocers of Ukraine; Unied Register of Debtors;
Automated system of court enforcement proceedings (hereinafter – the
ASCEP). Their dierence is that:
1) the concept of the ASCEP is revealed by the legislation through
the category of computer software that ensures the collection, storage,
accounting, search, generalization, provision of information about
enforcement proceedings, formation of the Unied register of debtors and
protection against unauthorized access (Regulations on the Automated
System of Court Enforcement Proceedings, 2016: paragraph 2, Section I
(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the ASCEP).
The charter of the State Enterprise “National Information Systems”,
which is the administrator of the ASCEP, determines that the purpose of
the activity of this enterprise is: “... performing economic activities in the
sphere of creation, development, support, accompaniment, improvement,
modernization and technical support of Unied and State registers,
automated systems, databases and other information systems” (The Chapter
of State Enterprise “National Information Systems”, 2019 : paragraph 2.1).
That is, the legislator distinguishes such concepts as Unied registers, State
registers, automated systems;
2) some registers / unied state registers are dened by the legislator as
components of the ASCEP, in particular:
Unied state register of court enforcement proceedings it is a
separate special section that is an archival component of the ASCEP
and contains information on enforcement proceedings registered
before the introduction of the ASCEP;
Unied register of debtors is the systematized database of debtors,
which is a component of the ASCEP;
Register of decisions, the implementation of which is guaranteed
by the state, is an integral part of the ASCEP, where the accounting
of decisions, the execution of which is guaranteed by the state, the
inventory of debts due to these decisions and their transfer to the
Treasury body, is carried out.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 535-548
The ASCEP in accordance with the legislation, ensures the solution of a
number of tasks, each of them is of great importance for the informational
provision of compulsory enforcement of decisions (Law of Ukraine “On
Enforcement Proceedings”: Part 2, Art. 8).
The authors of this article have studied certain areas that are provided
by the ASCEP, namely: the distribution of enforcement documents between
state enforcement ocers, provision of information about enforcement
proceedings to the parties to the court enforcement proceedings, and the
display of debtor’s personal data in free access.
The purpose of the article is to suggest the ways to improve the legislation
regulating the sphere of functioning of the ASCEP, in order to increase the
eectiveness of compulsory enforcement of decisions while respecting
human rights.
1. Methodology of the study
The methodology of this scientic article is based on the use of various
methods of scientic research. The application of the analytical method
contributed to the determination of the specics of legal regulation of
certain aspects of the functioning of the ASCEP. Due to the application of
the deductive method, it was possible to determine the subject matter of
scientic research.
The synthesis method made it possible to generalize the factors that aect
the distribution of enforcement documents between state enforcement
ocers; this method was used in the formation of generalizations of
proposals for improving legal regulation of the functioning of certain
aspects of the ASCEP as an element of information provision of enforcement
The hermeneutic method was used to clarify the content of law norms
regulating the functioning of certain aspects of the ASCEP, namely: the
distribution of enforcement documents between state enforcement ocers,
the provision of information about enforcement proceedings to the parties
to court enforcement proceedings, as well as regulatory legal acts on the
protection of personal data.
The method of comparison was used to compare law norms regulating
the functioning of certain areas of the ASCEP, in particular, in regard to the
distribution of personal data about the debtor-individual on the resources
of free 24-hour access, to compare the judicial practice in cases relevant in
terms of subject matter to the topic of this scientic article.
Nataliia Sergiienko, Serhii Suslin, Vira Pyrohovska, Volodymyr Serha y Kotovych Ihor
Automated system of court enforcement proceedings as element of information provision for
compulsory enforcement of decisions
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. Distribution of enforcement documents between state
enforcement ocers
The ASCEP ensures the objective and impartial distribution of
enforcement documents between state enforcement ocials. It corresponds
to the principles of enforcement proceedings and the principles of state
executive service agencies’ activities, such as fairness, impartiality,
objectivity and openness.
The distribution of enforcement documents between state enforcement
ocials is carried out in accordance with Chapter III of the Provisions on
the ASCEP (see Table 1). Such distribution is carried out in an arbitrary
order by observing the order of priority, by the established coecient and
the number of enforcement proceedings that are being executed by the
state enforcement ocial.
Table 1. Distribution of enforcement documents between
state enforcement ocials.
Factors aecting the distribution of enforcement documents between state
enforcement ocials
1. Arbitrary order of distribution. Exceptions:
- execution of decisions
of the European Court of
Human Rights, decisions on
conscation within the case
of violation of customs rules
is carried out exclusively by
state enforcement ocials
assigned by the head of
the state executive service
agency. Information about
state enforcement ocials
who are entrusted with the
execution of such decisions
is entered into the ASCEP
by the head of the state
executive service agency;
- according to the
decision of the head
of the state executive
service agency, other
enforcement documents
may be distributed to state
enforcement ocials who
execute the decision of the
European Court of Human
Rights, the decision on
conscation within the case
of violation of customs rules.
2. Observance of order.
3. Considering the established coecient:
Distribution of
is carried
out without
Distribution of
is carried out
at the level of
1/2 of the full
low or zero
is used for
the deputy
head of
the state
Distribution of
is carried out
at the level of
1/3 of the full
Low or zero
is used for
the head
of the state
Distribution of
documents is
not carried out
Source: compiled by the authors.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 535-548
The legislation provides the regulation of the distribution of enforcement
documents between state enforcement ocials. The law does not provide
the relevant procedure for the distribution of enforcement documents
between private enforcement ocials.
There are proposals in the literature regarding the need to add the list
of already existing tasks of the ASCEP with the following ones: “ensuring
the distribution of enforcement documents between private enforcement
ocials within the framework of the jurisdiction districts, where they carry
out their activities” (Krupnova, 2017: 127); introduction of the mechanism
for fair proportional distribution of enforcement proceedings between
private enforcement ocials, both that involve a signicant reward and
those that are socially signicant but not protable (Verba-Sydor and
Vorobel՚, 2016 : 90).
The stated position is controversial, because:
A private enforcement ocial initiates enforcement proceedings
with compulsory execution of the enforcement document if there are
the following conditions: a) there are no grounds for returning the
enforcement document to the execution creditor without acceptance
for execution; b) a private enforcement ocial did not exercise the
right to return the enforcement document to the execution creditor
without acceptance for execution; c) a private enforcement ocial
is authorized to compulsory execution of the decision according to
the relevant enforcement document; d) the enforcement document
presented for compulsory execution to a private enforcement
ocial in accordance with the Art. 24 of the Law of Ukraine “On
Enforcement Proceedings”.
The implementation of the proposal regarding the distribution of
enforcement documents between private enforcement ocials within
their jurisdiction districts may lead to a violation of the principle
of discretion as one of the principles of enforcement proceedings.
Has reasonably noted that “dispositiveness is inherent in all stages
of enforcement proceedings. Thus, enforcement proceedings are
initiated on the basis of the execution creditor’s application about
compulsory enforcement of the decision” (Zolotarenko, 2016: 39).
As an interim conclusion we should note that the distribution of
enforcement documents between state enforcement ocials is carried out
by the ASCEP taking into account the factors clearly dened by law and
ensures the objectivity and impartiality of such a distribution. It is not
considered appropriate to amend the legislation in regard of the ASCEP
distributing enforcement documents among private enforcement ocials
within their jurisdiction districts.
Nataliia Sergiienko, Serhii Suslin, Vira Pyrohovska, Volodymyr Serha y Kotovych Ihor
Automated system of court enforcement proceedings as element of information provision for
compulsory enforcement of decisions
2.2. Provision of information about enforcement proceedings to
the parties of court enforcement proceedings
The ASCEP is computer software, with the help of which the parties to
enforcement proceedings can access data about enforcement proceedings.
It is special computer software that makes it possible for legal entities and
individuals to obtain access to state and territorial information systems
of state authorities and local self-government agencies (Lata et al, 2022).
Therefore, the ASCEP is an element of public information service.
Access to the information of the ASCEP to the parties of enforcement
proceedings is provided by using: 1) means of electronic identication
with a high level of trust through: the web portal of the Ministry of Justice
of Ukraine; Unied state web portal of electronic services in the manner
determined by the contract concluded between the holder of the ASCEP
and the holder of the Unied state web portal of electronic services; 2) the
identier for accessing information about enforcement proceedings, which
is specied in the certicate of registration of the enforcement document
and the resolution on the initiation of enforcement proceedings, through
the ocial website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
Snidevych rightly draws attention to the fact that the parties to
enforcement proceedings do not see this information in the ASCEP, despite
the fact that the following must be included in the ASCEP: information
on the implementation of all enforcement actions and the adoption of all
procedural decisions within enforcement proceedings; information on
all documents received at the request of the state enforcement ocial;
statements of the parties to enforcement proceedings, responses to them
and their scanned copies.
The ASCEP only provides the parties with the opportunity to familiarize
with certain resolutions adopted by enforcement ocial within enforcement
proceedings, which is incorrect (Snidevych, 2019). We consider it
expedient that such familiarization should be carried out remotely during
the Coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine, taking into account
the capabilities of the ASCEP. Therefore, we support the conclusions
of Snidevych.
The literal interpretation of the provisions of the current Ukrainian
legislation makes it possible to conclude that the prosecutor as a participant
in enforcement proceedings does not have the same access to the ASCEP
as parties to enforcement proceedings (Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement
Proceedings”: paragraph 2, Part 2; Regulations on the ASCEP: Art. 8,
paragraph 2 of Chapter VII).
However, the prosecutor is a separate participant in enforcement
proceedings having the right to familiarize himself with the materials of
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 535-548
enforcement proceedings, and upon his application (in case of representing
the interests of a citizen or the state in court), the enforcement ocial
may begin compulsory enforcement of the decision (Law of Ukraine “On
Enforcement Proceedings”: Part 1, Art. 14, Part 1, Art. 19, paragraph 2, Part
1, Art. 26).
Therefore, it is expedient that the prosecutor, as a participant in
enforcement proceedings, should be provided with information about
enforcement proceedings through the access to the ASCEP on an equal
basis with the parties to enforcement proceedings. For this purpose,
amendments should be made to paragraph 2, Part 2, Art. 8 of the Law of
Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings”, paragraph 2, Chapter VII of the
Regulations on the Automated System of Court Enforcement Proceedings by
supplementing with the words “prosecutor as a participant in enforcement
proceedings” after the words “parties of enforcement proceedings”.
2.3. Displaying personal data of debtors in free access
The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine provides free and non-repayable
access to the information of the ASCEP in the Internet on its ocial website
with the possibility of viewing, searching, copying and printing information.
Such information includes data on the date, month and year of birth of the
According to the British Data Protection Act, personal data is dened as
any information relating to an identied or identiable individuals (Data
Protection Act, 2018). The concept of personal data in the General Data
Protection Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 is dened in much the same way,
and there are factors that are specic to physical, physiological, genetic,
mental, economic, cultural and social identity of such an individual among
the identiers, which assist to identify an individual (GDPR, 2016: Art. 4).
Therefore, the date of birth of an individual should be related to the factors
identifying such a person and therefore, should be related to personal data.
It has been concluded in the Law of Ukraine “On Information” (second
sentence of Part 2 of the Art. 11), as well as the Decision of the Constitutional
Court of Ukraine of 30 October 1997 No. 5-zp (the case of K.H. Ustimenko)
that the date of birth is classied as condential information (The Decision
of The Constitutional Сourt of Ukraine No. 2-rts/2012 1-9/2012, 2012).
Therefore, we conclude that the ASCEP contains personal data, including
condential information about individuals.
The Constitution of Ukraine provides the prohibition of collecting,
storing, using and distributing condential information about a person
without his / her consent, except cases specied by law, and only in the
interests of national security, economic well-being and human rights
(Constitution of Ukraine, 1996: Part 2, Art. 32). The Law of Ukraine “On
Nataliia Sergiienko, Serhii Suslin, Vira Pyrohovska, Volodymyr Serha y Kotovych Ihor
Automated system of court enforcement proceedings as element of information provision for
compulsory enforcement of decisions
Information” contains a similar provision (rst sentence, Part 2, Art.
11). However, the date of birth of the debtor-individual is displayed on
the website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the free access to the
information of the ASCEP in the Internet.
According to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679,
one of the principles of processing personal data is that such processing
of personal data must be carried out in a way that ensures its adequate
security, in particular the protection of personal data against unauthorized
or illegal processing (GDPR, 2016: paragraph f, P. 1, Art. 5). In this regard,
it is rightly noted in the literature that the entity collecting and processing
data is fully responsible for implementing security measures that must be
commensurate with the risks of certain data entities (Didenko et al, 2022).
There is a question: if the date of birth of a debtor-individual is displayed
in the free access to the information of the ASCEP in the Internet on the
website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, how can such data be protected
from unauthorized / illegal processing?
This problem becomes especially urgent in terms of the war in Ukraine,
because the enemy may use the collection of personal data of individuals for
their illegal activities. Therefore, some scholars rightly point to a cyberattack
as one of the main tools of hybrid warfare. A specic feature of cyberattacks
is the diculty in proving the involvement of states in them. Thus, cyber
warfare and cyber espionage are ideal weapons of hybrid warfare (Rekotov
et al., 2022).
We agree with those researchers who point to the overwhelming latency
of destructive information activities in the Internet, which is associated
with the eort to hide the interest and involvement of the initiating subject
in the implementation of such activities (Chernysh et al., 2022). Therefore,
the conditions of the war exacerbated the problem of the validity of the
distribution of personal data in the Internet.
Part 2 of the Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On Information” contains
the following wording: “... except for cases specied by law...”. That is, we
are talking about exceptions to the general rule of preventing the collection,
storage, use and distribution of condential information about a person
without his / her consent. In this context: “Horpyniuk notes that “access
to private information and its use without a person’s consent is possible
in cases directly dened by the laws of Ukraine, and only in the interests
of national security, economic well-being and human rights” (Horpyniuk,
2014: 42).
Therefore, the Regulation on the ASCEP is a secondary legal act and
cannot replace the law of Ukraine, the norms of which sanction the
possibility of distribution of condential data about a person without his /
her consent, such as data about his date of birth.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 535-548
Therefore, it is advisable to supplement paragraph 2, Part 1 of the Art.
8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings” with the second
sentence of the following content: “Free and non-payable access is provided
to the following data: - last name, rst name, middle name (if available),
date, month, year of birth of the debtor-individual and last name, rst
name, middle name (if available) of the execution creditor-individual;
name, identication code in the Unied State Register of Legal Entities,
Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations for the legal entity-
debtor and the execution creditor-legal entity; – number, date of initiating
and status of enforcement proceedings; – the name and identication code
in the Unied State Register of Legal Entities, Individual- Entrepreneurs
and Public Organizations of the State Executive Service, or the last name,
rst name, and middle name (if available) of the private enforcement
ocial who has (had) enforcement proceedings; the number of the
communication mean, the e-mail address of the state executive service
agency (private enforcement ocial); - details of the account of the state
executive service agency (private enforcement ocial) for paying debt due
to enforcement proceedings”.
Thus, the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings”,
the Regulation on the ASCEP and the actual state of aairs regarding the
free display of data about the date of birth of the debtor-individual in the
ASCEP will be corresponded. With regard to the protection and preservation
of the ASCEP data, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Chapter XIV
of the Regulation on the ASCEP, the Administrator of the ASCEP, which
is the State Enterprise “National Information Systems”, implements a set
of programmatic, technological and organizational measures to protect
information contained in the ASCEP from unauthorized access, and the
Administrator is also responsible for preserving information contained in
the ASCEP.
The situation is dierent regarding the display of data about the date
of birth of the debtor-individual in the Unied Register of Debtors. We
should note that the data about the date of birth of the debtor-individual
must be contained in the Unied Register of Debtors (Law of Ukraine “On
Enforcement Proceedings”, 2016: paragraph 1, Part 6 of the Art. 9).
At the same time, information about debtors included in the Unied
Register of Debtors is open and is placed on the ocial website of
the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement
Proceedings”, 2016: paragraph 2, Part 1 of the Art. 9).
We will give two examples from judicial practice regarding the
distribution of condential information about a person. Thus, the court
came to the conclusion in the decision of the Sixth Administrative Court of
Appeal dated from July 9, 2020 in the case No. 640/3859/19 that neither
the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated from January 20,
Nataliia Sergiienko, Serhii Suslin, Vira Pyrohovska, Volodymyr Serha y Kotovych Ihor
Automated system of court enforcement proceedings as element of information provision for
compulsory enforcement of decisions
2012 in the case No. 1-9/2012, nor the Constitution of Ukraine, nor the Laws
of Ukraine: “On the Access to Public Information” and “On Information”
include last names, rst names, middle names of persons to the condential
information (The Decision of The Six Administrative Court of Appeal at
case No 640/3859/19, 2020).
And the ruling of the same court dated from July 8, 2020, in the case
No. 826/13619/18, states that the last name, rst name and middle name
are information about a certain individual who is identied or can be
identied, and therefore this information is covered by the concepts of
“information about individuals” and “personal data”, which are protected
by law (The Decision of The Six Administrative Court of Appeal at case
No 826/13619/18, 2020).
The cited court decisions are interesting because similar disputes were
heard by the same court with a dierence of one day. However, the court
provided radically dierent interpretations to the same regulatory legal
The ruling of the Supreme Court as part of the Panel of Judges of the
Cassation Administrative Court dated from April 16, 2020 in the case
No. 804/4069/17 stated that the co-defendant violated the Art. 32 of the
Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine “On Information” and “On
Protection of Personal Data”. According to the court, it happened due to the
fact that the co-defendant indicated information about the personal data
of the plainti, namely: address and date of birth in the request that was
sent to the hospital institutions (The Decision of The Supreme Court at case
No 804/4069/17, 2020).
The court in the ruling of the Supreme Court as part of the Panel of
Judges of the First Judicial Chamber of the Civil Court of Cassation dated
from June 7, 2022 in the case No. 761/20750/13-ts summarized that the
absence of information about the date of birth of the debtor in the executive
letter, if there is data about his last name, rst name, registration number
of the taxpayer’s registration card and the residence address does not give
rise to reasonable doubts about the identication of the debtor for the
purpose of compulsory enforcement of the court decision (The Decision
of The Supreme Court at case No 761/20750/13-ц, 2022). This ruling of
the Supreme Court is very important for understanding the purpose of
using personal data, in particular data about the date of birth of the debtor-
Part 2 of the Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”
deals with restrictions on access to information. Some scholars rightly point
out various components in the issue of restricting access to information,
including the “protection of other people’s rights”, primarily the right to
non-interference in personal and family life (the right to privacy). In this
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 535-548
case, we are talking about a conict between two fundamental rights the
right to privacy and the right to information (Holovenko et al., 2012).
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine in its decision dated from January
20, 2012 in the case No. 1-9/2012 paid attention to the systemic relationship
between the provisions of Part 1 of the Art. 32 and Part 3 of the Art. 34 of the
Constitution of Ukraine regarding the inadmissibility of violating human
right to inviolability of personal and family life and on the realization of
the right to free collection, storage, use and dissemination of information
by a person (The Decision of The Constitutional Сourt of Ukraine at case
No. 1-9/2012, 2012). Therefore, there is a problem of adequately balancing
on the realization of various human rights, which has to be eectively
Given the purpose of this research, the following conclusions should
be made. The ASCEP distributes enforcement documents among state
enforcement ocials, taking into account the factors clearly dened by
law, which ensures the objectivity and impartiality of such distribution. It
is not appropriate to amend the legislation so that the ASCEP distributes
enforcement documents among private enforcement ocials within their
jurisdiction districts.
We consider it expedient for the prosecutor as a participant in court
enforcement proceedings to provide information about enforcement
proceedings through the access to the ASCEP, as well as to the parties to
enforcement proceedings. For this purpose, we suggest that paragraph 2,
Part 2, Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings”, as well as
paragraph 2 of Chapter VII of the Regulations on the ASCEP after the words
“parties of court enforcement proceedings” should be supplemented with
the words “prosecutor as a participant in court enforcement proceedings”.
The ASCEP suggested amendments to the Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine
“On Enforcement Proceedings” in order to correspond the provisions of
the Law of Ukraine “On Enforcement Proceedings”, the Regulations on the
ASCEP with the factual state of aairs in regard to the free display of data
on the date of birth of debtor-individuals.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en abril de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 77