Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 78
Recibido el 05/02/23 Aceptado el 12/05/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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avan ces o re sul ta dos de in ves ti ga ción en las áreas de Cien cia Po lí ti ca y De re cho Pú bli-
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Di rec to ra
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
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Pedro Bracho Grand
J. M. Del ga do Ocan do
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 78 (2023), 38-49
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
State legal regulation of the hotel and
restaurant complex in the system of
development of the national economy
Oksana Poltavska *
Iryna Lashchyk **
Tetiana Nikitchina ***
Natalia Smolinska ****
Yuliia Borutska *****
The main objective of the article was to study the key aspects
of the state legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex in
the system of development of the economy. The subject of research
is the state legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex.
Based on the results of the conducted research, the key elements
of the state legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex were
considered. In order to achieve the stated objective, a hybrid documentary-
based methodology was used, which combined analysis and synthesis in
the treatment of information; selection of factual material and data based
on the normative framework; descriptive-statistical analysis. The scientic
novelty lies in the fact that, in the changing conditions of today’s world,
the further development of the hotel and restaurant industry requires an
increase in the competitiveness of these companies in the national and
world tourism market, both on the part of the companies themselves (their
owners) and on the part of the State. It is denitely concluded that this task
can only be achieved with the introduction of eective legal support in this
area of strategic interest.
Keywords: legal regulation; legal aspects of tourism; hotel and restaurant
complex; economic development.
* Department of Socio-Behavioral, Humanitarian Sciences and Economic Security, Lviv State University
of Internal Aairs. ORCID ID:
** Lviv Polytechnic National Univercity, Lviv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Odessa National Technical University, Odessa, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** Lviv Polytechnic National Univercity, Lviv, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Lviv National Environmental University, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 38-49
Regulación jurídica estatal del complejo hotelero y
restaurantero en el sistema de desarrollo de la economía
El objetivo principal del artículo fue estudiar los aspectos clave de la
regulación legal estatal del complejo hotelero y restaurantero en el sistema
de desarrollo de la economía. El tema de investigación es la regulación legal
estatal del complejo hotelero y restaurantero. Con base en los resultados de la
investigación realizada, se consideraron los elementos clave de la regulación
legal estatal del complejo hotelero. Para lograr el objetivo plateado se hizo
uso de una metodología híbrida de base documental que combinó análisis
y síntesis en el tratamiento de la información; selección de material fáctico
y datos basados en el marco normativo; análisis descriptivo-estadístico. La
novedad cientíca radica en el hecho de que, en las condiciones cambiantes
del mundo de hoy, el mayor desarrollo de la industria hotelera y de
restaurantes requiere un aumento de la competitividad de estas empresas
en el mercado turístico nacional y mundial, tanto por parte de las propias
empresas (sus propietarios) y, por parte del Estado. Denitivamente se
concluye que, esta tarea solo se puede lograr con la introducción de un
apoyo legal efectivo en esta área de interés estratégico.
Palabras clave: regulación legal; aspectos legales del turismo; complejo
hotelero y restaurante; desarrollo económico.
The development of tourism in each state was often considered as
secondary, the actions of the authorities for its organizational and economic
support were unsystematic.
Any state that is aware of the economic benets from the development of
tourism most often invests in the development of its industry, primarily in
the hotel and restaurant infrastructure, since it is from the ability to receive
foreign tourists at the highest level that the international tourist image of
the country is formed (Dishkantyuk, 2016).
But there are systemic problems in the development of tourism and the
hotel and restaurant business in countries whose legal system does not
suciently support this area, namely (Apaza-Panca, 2020: 119):
lack of eective state support for small and medium-sized tourism
and hotel and restaurant businesses;
Oksana Poltavska, Iryna Lashchyk, Tetiana Nikitchina, Natalia Smolinska y Yuliia Borutska
State legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex in the system of development of the
national economy
insucient advertising of the domestic tourism product and hotel
and restaurant services within the country and abroad;
lack of social tourism, social hotels and restaurants, which, given
the low income of a signicant part of the population, makes it
impossible for them to have such a way of recreation.
It should be noted that the state should not use outdated models and
should not directly aect the state of economic security of business entities,
but only create favorable conditions for the functioning of the hotel and
restaurant services market. The issue of reducing the level of corruption
and combating the unprofessionalism of the state administrative apparatus
remains urgent, which today has a huge impact on the system of ensuring
economic security, from the state itself to business entities (Kryshtanovych
et al., 2021).
State tourism development programs consider tourism as a highly
protable sector of the national economy and provide signicant support, in
particular, through the introduction of nancial and economic development
mechanisms, stimulating entrepreneurship in this area, creating an eective
model of investment policy, improving the organizational structure of the
industry, which will ultimately contribute to the growth of the authority as
a tourist state and strengthen the country’s economy.
However, unfortunately, not a single program takes into account the fact
that in order to maintain the status of a tourist state in the world market
of hotel services, it is necessary to create modern highly comfortable
specialized hotel enterprises with the appropriate infrastructure that meet
international standards.
1. Materials and methods
Achieving the goal of the study required the solution of certain problems,
which led to the use of theoretical ones: induction and deduction to collect
primary legal information on state regulation of the hotel and restaurant
complex in the system of development of the national economy; analysis
and synthesis of information processing; selection of factual material and
data based on the processing of the regulatory framework; descriptive-
statistical - to characterize the features of the functioning of the hotel and
restaurant complex in the system of development of the national economy;
the logical method is to comprehend the laws of state and legal regulation
of the hotel and restaurant complex in the system of development of the
national economy.
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 38-49
2. Literature review
In the system of state management of the quality of service in hotels,
an important role belongs to the regulatory and legal methods of control,
which guarantee high stability and sustainability of the quality of services.
The need to improve the quality of service in hotels is also due to the
discrepancy between national world standards. In this regard, at the state
level, it became necessary to harmonize national and world regulatory
and technical documentation in accordance with the current legislative
framework of the country (Kulagina and Tatarinov, 2009).
According to a number of authors (Oleksenko and Gosteva, 2013; Sylkin
et al., 2021), in modern conditions, management is of particular importance
for the legal regulation of economic activity in the hotel industry, consisting
of a set of legislative and regulatory and technical acts that are an integral
part of the national legal system. The state policy for the development of
the hotel industry as the main component of the tourism industry and the
service sector is aimed at improving the quality criteria for its functioning.
At the same time, other authors note (Apaza-Panca et al., 2020) that
the key administrative levers of state regulation, the use of which makes
it possible to improve the work of hotels, are licensing and certication
procedures. The introduction of licensing in the hotel sector is aimed
at protecting the rights and interests of consumers of hotel services,
guaranteeing a certain level of service, compliance with environmental,
sanitary and other norms and regulations.
The purpose of regulating the activities of hotels is the harmonization
of relations between the consumer (client) and the producer of services
(the subject of the provision of hotel services), aimed at harmonizing the
interests of the consumer, producer and society and creating favorable
conditions for the development of hotel enterprises through the production
of legal acts (Vilks, 2005).
The negative impact of tourism on the social parameters of the life of the
population is no less signicant. Tourism activity contributes to an increase
in the anthropogenic pressure on the natural and social environment,
degradation of natural landscapes through excessive consumption of
resources, land development, pollution of natural objects with waste, which
leads to a deterioration in the quality of soil, air and water in reservoirs and
seas due to an increase in emissions of harmful substances, spontaneous
arrangement of temporary places of rest, kindling hearths, tormenting
historical monuments by vandals, etc.
Some types of recreation, such as collecting plants, shing, hunting,
harm wildlife and lead to a decrease in the number or even to the complete
disappearance of some species of fauna and ora in certain areas. The
Oksana Poltavska, Iryna Lashchyk, Tetiana Nikitchina, Natalia Smolinska y Yuliia Borutska
State legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex in the system of development of the
national economy
growth in the number of visitors and population in tourist regions, the
construction of new facilities requires the use of additional natural resources
and increases the burden on the environment (Tepanov, 2018).
Experts believe that if the current trend of tourism growth continues,
by 2050 energy consumption will increase by 154%, water - by 152%, solid
waste emissions - by 251%, greenhouse gas emissions - by 131%. Therefore,
for the international community, including the European Community, the
urgent task is to develop new models for the safe development of tourism in
the interests of all mankind, its current and future generations.
In 2003, the European Commission established the Commission on
Sustainable Tourism, which included representatives of international
organizations and EU governments, regional and local authorities,
the tourism industry, trade unions, environmental and other public
organizations, as well as research and educational institutions. The main
tasks of this Commission included the development of rules for tourism
activities, destination management, the denition of indicators of tourism
sustainability and monitoring systems (Kryshtanovych et al., 2022).
Oleksenko, Bortnykov, Bilohur, Rybalchenko, Makovetska (2021: 768)
noted that:
The change in the paradigm of the role of the state in the processes of regulating
the activities of restaurant enterprises expanded alternative opportunities for their
development, intensied privatization processes, contributed to the emergence
and development of a restaurant business network of individual entrepreneurs,
stimulated foreign investment and the spread of restaurant business in the national
sphere. the economy of the most successful technology for the development of
small and medium-sized businesses - franchising, the introduction of progressive
methods of production, service and management of restaurant enterprises.
Despite the crisis and its consequences, restaurant business objects are
becoming increasingly popular, the creation of which contributed to an
increase in the number of jobs. The development of the restaurant business
is largely determined by the eectiveness of the socio-economic policy of
the state. Therefore, the task of creating an integrated and eective system
of state regulation, especially in the eld of food and services, is relevant.
Despite this, the issue of the civilizational and cultural aspect of state
legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex in the system of
development of the national economy has not been disclosed and, therefore,
is relevant.
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 38-49
3. Research Results and Discussions
The hotel and restaurant business is a complex industry that combines
production, trade, procurement of raw materials and the organization of
the process of consuming home-cooked dishes and purchased goods. Given
this, pricing in this area is also meaningful. In the end, the price as the
monetary value of a serving of food or drink must contain all the elements
necessary to cover the costs of the business, pay indirect taxes, and generate
at least the industry average.
A separate element of the price of a public catering enterprise is the
markup, which is not limited in modern conditions, and therefore is
independently set by the main body of the industry in accordance with the
type of enterprise, category of enterprise, product range, eciency of the
production process and competitive environment.
Given the particular importance of margins, we can say that the
calculation of product prices in the restaurant industry is carried out
according to a method very dierent from the industrial one. With lower
prot margins, restaurants can cut prices ahead of closings as hygiene
regulations prohibit selling food made the day before. When optimizing the
process of purchasing raw materials, there is also a large reserve in reducing
the prices of home-cooked meals. We are talking about the purchase of
quality raw materials at lower prices, which will ensure a reduction in food
However, in this case, the price will include additional costs associated
with the purchase of such raw materials on their own. Accounting for these
factors, which form the retail price (oer price) of one’s own goods, may lead
to the fact that such a price level will be very high and does not correspond
to the demand price in the current market conditions.
To prevent this from happening, the hotel and restaurant business
should develop a exible pricing policy. As part of this policy, dierent
pricing approaches can be taken based on factors such as seasonal factors,
holidays and weekends, tourist trac, and specic opening hours of the
establishment, which together constitute the demand for the industry’s
products (Sylkin et al., 2021).
The development of the hotel and restaurant business to the greatest
extent depends on the conditions of the market environment, as it is
associated with the consumer service sector and the inuence of market
economy factors. First of all, it concerns the conjuncture of the market
environment, its changes, the state of competitiveness of the enterprise.
The essence of the state-legal mechanism for managing the hotel and
restaurant industry (Oleksenko and Bortnikov, 2017):
Oksana Poltavska, Iryna Lashchyk, Tetiana Nikitchina, Natalia Smolinska y Yuliia Borutska
State legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex in the system of development of the
national economy
1. External control: Factors of external control:
political/legal (labor legislation, tax policy, law on technical
regulations and conformity assessment, privatization/deregulation
economic (interest rates and ination rate, prospects for economic
growth, unemployment rate);
socio-cultural (demographic changes, development of the society’s
value system, changes in lifestyle);
technological (creation of a new market, new discoveries, the level
of industry and government funding for research and development,
changes in communication technologies, new production
technologies, etc.).
2. Internal management:
Factors of internal management:
the purpose of the organization;
organizational structure;
technology system;
personnel and organizational culture.
Internal management is an internal economic mechanism of the
enterprise - it is a set of factors of the enterprise that form its long-term
protability and are under the direct control of the managers and sta of
the organization.
The main means of the regulatory inuence of the state on the activities
of the subjects of the hotel and restaurant business are (Bulba et al., 2021):
state order, state task;
licensing, patenting and quotas;
technical regulations;
application of standards and limits;
regulation of prices and taris.
The essence of the direction of state support for the development of the
hotel industry and the components of implementation (Fig.1).
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 38-49
Information about
the progress of the
stage A2
Information about the
progress of the stage
Strategic and structural
development of the economic
Regulation of activities of
business entities in the
provision of hotel services The spread of foreign
economic activity and
the development of
interstate cooperation
through the promotion of
Control over the progress of the
Control over the progress of
the stage
Control over the
progress of the
Information about the
progress of the stage A1
Figure 1. Model for improving the state-legal regulation of the hotel and
restaurant complex in the system of development of the national economy
(Source: Formed by authors).
For a better understanding of these processes, let’s look at each of the
steps in more detail.
1. Strategic and structural development of the economic sector:
Formulating and stimulating priority areas for the development of
the hotel industry in the long term.
Stimulating the opening and development of small hotels.
Creation of regional programs for the development of hotel
associations based on the coordination of the activities of
independent hotels, automated collective booking and reservation
Oksana Poltavska, Iryna Lashchyk, Tetiana Nikitchina, Natalia Smolinska y Yuliia Borutska
State legal regulation of the hotel and restaurant complex in the system of development of the
national economy
3. Regulation of activities of business entities in the provision of
hotel services:
Monitoring and coordination of activities of enterprises and
organizations on issues related to licensing and certication of
hotels of various forms of ownership.
Creation of an appropriate level of security and quality of the
provision of hotel services in the context of the implementation of
various aspects of master plans for urban development and market
Coordination of hotel and tourist service processes at the regional
and state levels.
Development of an eective and adapted system of responsibility
of ocials for damage caused to hotel enterprises during their
3.1. Improving tax policy:
Establishment of accrual and payment mechanisms and a system of
control over the use of targeted funds received by local budgets in the form
of hotel and tourist fees in order to develop the hotel industry.
3.2. Improving legal regulation:
Updating and harmonization of legal acts and other documentation
necessary for the formation of a market mechanism for the activities
of the hotel industry in the framework of harmonization with the
provisions of the general state policy for the development of the
service sector.
Development and approval of science-based state standards in the
eld of practical implementation of hotel services.
3.3. Reforming the organizational mechanisms of the hotel
Creation of conditions for technological modernization of the process of
providing hotel services.
3.4. Transformation of personnel policy:
Implementation of a developed system for organizing training, retraining
and advanced training of personnel, conducting research work in the eld
of hotel services as one of the key factors in the development of the service
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 38-49
4. The spread of foreign economic activity and the development
of interstate cooperation through the promotion of hotels:
Stimulation of the development of foreign economic activity in the hotel
industry, ensuring the representation of the interests of the state on these
issues abroad, the conclusion of international agreements, the development
of measures for the entry of hotels into international hotel chains.
Thus, a feature of the hotel and restaurant business is the inseparability
of the creation of a service from the moment of provision to receipt, and
from the entities providing it and receiving the service. This maximizes the
importance of providing high quality services. In the hotel and restaurant
business, the consumer directly determines for himself the level of quality
of the services received and decides whether to receive them again or,
conversely, refuse.
Decision making when receiving a service by other consumers is often
based on the opinions of previous customers of hotels and restaurants.
Consequently, the possibility of developing the capital of hotel and
restaurant enterprises directly depends on the quality of services.
The hotel and restaurant business market is one of the most highly
competitive due to the large number of entities, mostly independent of each
other. We are talking about the development of several large chains, which,
having signicantly increased their presence in the market, strengthen their
inuence on it and displace smaller hotel and restaurant business entities
from the market.
Therefore, governments should take into account these features and
work to maintain a healthy competitive environment in the industry. The
tools here are the introduction of the practice of monitoring the competitive
environment of the market, the balanced policy of the Antimonopoly
Committee, the support of competitiveness and the resource provision of
less competitive enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 78