The philosophy of private deterrence in the penal code

  • Jaafar Naser Abdulridha Kazan Federal University
  • Qusay Ali Abbas Al-Nahrain University
  • Salwan Jaber Hashim Al Nahrain University
Palabras clave: philosophy private deterrence, general deterrence, penal code, Iraqi legislation, preventive measures of crime.


The aim of article was to discuss the philosophy of private deterrence under Iraq's penal code. The methodology adopted was the inductive approach, which helps to extrapolate legal texts with this study and the jurisprudence of legal jurists. The Legislator applies to the threat with punishment the harm and pain that will be inflicted on them if the crime is eaten by law, what is known as public deterrence speech. For its part, the special deterrent will be responsible for reforming the meaning and morality of the offender, following various means provided by the legislature and designing a method of education of the deprived of liberty, allowing them the voluntary work determined by the conditions of each penance conditions or even by the subsequent formal and informal reintegration mechanisms of ex-convictions.  It is concluded that these methods and others can contribute significantly to the achievement of the deterrence objectives, which is to reform and evaluate the offender's conduct according to criminal gravity on a case-by-case basis.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jaafar Naser Abdulridha, Kazan Federal University
Senior Lecturer, Kazan Federal University, (Faculty of law), Al-Basrah University Republic of Iraq, (Constitutional and administrative law)
Qusay Ali Abbas, Al-Nahrain University
Senior Lecturer in Al-Nahrain University, Faculty of Law /Al Nahrain University
Salwan Jaber Hashim, Al Nahrain University
Senior Lecturer /Faculty of Law /Al Nahrain University. Iraq (International law)


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Cómo citar
Abdulridha, J. N., Abbas, Q. A., & Hashim, S. J. (2020). The philosophy of private deterrence in the penal code. Cuestiones Políticas, 38(67), 141-150. Recuperado a partir de