The problems of organization and legal responsibility (civil and administrative) in the field of telecommunications in Iraq

  • Jaafar Naser Abdulridha Al-Basrah University Republic of Iraq
  • Ghani Ressan Gadder Al-Basrah University
Palabras clave: Iraqi constitution, legal regulation, telecommunications authorities, communications law, consumer protection.


The objective of the investigation is to analyze problems of organization and legal responsibility (civil and administrative) in the field of telecommunications in Iraq. The methodological basis of research consists of dialectical approaches, as well as special methods of studying legal, comparative-legal, structural-functional phenomena. Mobile phone use has spread widely among consumers. The mobile phone revolution has transformed lifestyles and livelihood resources with their envelopes to creating new business activities and changing the way people communicate. It is concluded that the use of a mobile phone has many effects, which can be social, physical, sanitary, environmental, or legal. For the latter, we note in Iraq that there is no legal regulation of communications that adheres to the provisions of consignment service providers in their relationship with subscribers. In this way, some communications authorities took on the task of creating the legal, political and administrative conditions by issuing policies that identify, in many cases, the conditions to which the mobile service provider includes in the service contract.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jaafar Naser Abdulridha, Al-Basrah University Republic of Iraq
Senior Lecturer, Kazan Federal University, (Faculty of law), Al-Basrah University Republic of Iraq, (Constitutional and administrative law).
Ghani Ressan Gadder, Al-Basrah University
Associate Professor, Al-Basrah University, (Faculty of law) Republic of Iraq, (civil law).


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Cómo citar
Abdulridha, J. N., & Gadder, G. R. (2020). The problems of organization and legal responsibility (civil and administrative) in the field of telecommunications in Iraq. Cuestiones Políticas, 38(67), 370-377. Recuperado a partir de