Foreign experience in professional development of private detectives

  • Denysiuk Stanislav Chief researcher of the Scientific Institute of Public Law
  • Motyl Ivan National Academy of Internal Affairs.
  • Vartyletska Inna National Academy of Internal Affairs
  • Symonenko Nataliia National Academy of Internal Affairs
  • Korotaiev Volodymyr Dnipropetrovsk Research Forensics Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Palabras clave: private detective, private detective training program, comparative studies, problems of detective practice, Ukraine.


The objective of the article is to analyze international experience in the professional development of private detectives, in order to implement some positive aspects in Ukrainian law. The methodological basis of the research was articulated in a set of general and special scientific methods of scientific knowledge, a saber: historical comparative method and legal method, dialectic, induction method, comparative and legal method, formal and legal method. Based on the analysis of international experience, the education problems of private detectives, as well as those that recycling and advanced training features, whose study is necessary for the full development of the institution of the activity of private detectives in Ukraine, reveals the revelation of modern services for the training of private detectives in Ukraine. In the conclusions, the authors pay special attention to specialists in the activity of private detectives in several countries, where private detectives have a wide range of opportunities and their activity is actually compared to the activity of law enforcement. Finally, the requirements are proposed for candidates for the position of private detective, as well as for the program of their training.


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Biografía del autor/a

Denysiuk Stanislav, Chief researcher of the Scientific Institute of Public Law
Doctor of Law, Professor, Chief researcher of the Scientific Institute of Public Law.
Motyl Ivan, National Academy of Internal Affairs.
PhD in Law, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Correspondence and Distance learning of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.
Vartyletska Inna, National Academy of Internal Affairs
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor of Criminal Law Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs.
Symonenko Nataliia, National Academy of Internal Affairs
PhD in Law, Associate Professor of Criminal Law Department of National Academy of Internal Affairs.
Korotaiev Volodymyr, Dnipropetrovsk Research Forensics Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
PhD in Law, Director of Dnipropetrovsk Research Forensics Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


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Cómo citar
Stanislav, D., Ivan, M., Inna, V., Nataliia, S., & Volodymyr, K. (2020). Foreign experience in professional development of private detectives. Cuestiones Políticas, 38(67), 536-548. Recuperado a partir de