10 Madhu Ram - Bijan Davvaz
Proof. Since Mis a vector subspace of L, it is a super quasi-topological vector space with the
topology induced by the topology of L. Let ϕand πbe the canonical mappings from Mto M/N
and from Lto L/N, respectively. Let Ube open for the quotient topology of M/N. Then ϕ−1(U)
is open in M, so ϕ−1(U) = M∩Vwhere Vis an open subset of L.
Claim: U= (M/N)∩π(V).
Let η∈(M/N)∩π(V). Then η=x+Nfor some x∈Mand η=v+Nfor some v∈V.
This implies that v−x∈N, so v∈x+N⊆M+N=M. Therefore, v∈M∩V=ϕ−1(U), so
η=v+N∈U. Clearly, U⊆(M/N)∩π(V) and the claim follows.
Now let Abe open in M/N for the topology on M/N induced by the quotient topology of
L/N. Then A= (M/N)∩Bfor some open subset Bof L/N . Obviously, ϕ−1(A) = M∩π−1(B)
is an open subset of M. This means that Ais open for the quotient topology of M/N.
Corollary 4.1. If Mand Nare vector subspaces of a super quasi-topological vector space L, then
the quotient topology on (M+N)/N is identical with the topology on it induced by the quotient
topology of L/N .
Theorem 4.6. Let fbe a linear map from a super quasi-topological vector space Lto a super
quasi-topological vector space E, and let Mbe a vector subspace of Lthat is contained in the
kernel of f. The linear map gfrom L/M to Esatisfying g◦π=fis continuous (open) if and
only if fis continuous (open).
Proof. The necessity part follows from Theorem 4.1. Conversely, assume fis continuous. Let U
be a neighborhood of 0 in E. Then g−1(U) = π◦f−1(U), so gis continuous at 0. By Theorem
3.14, gis continuous.
Theorem 4.7. If Mis a vector subspace of a super quasi-topological vector space L, and if M
and L/M are both Hausdorff, then Lis Hausdorff.
Proof. Let xbe an element of Lsuch that x6= 0 and let x∈Ufor each U∈ V, the neighborhood
filter of 0 in L. Since Mis Hausdorff, x /∈M. Then x+Mand Mare two distinct elements of
L/M. As L/M is Hausdorff, there are disjoint open sets Aand Bfor the quotient topology of
L/M containing x+Mand M, respectively. By Theorem 3.14, π−1(A) is a neighborhood of x
and π−1(B) is a neighborhood of 0 in L. By assumption, x∈π−1(B), so x∈π−1(A)∩π−1(B),
a contradiction. By Theorem 3.9, Lis Hausdorff.
Theorem 4.8. If Mis the connected component of zero in a super quasi-topological vector space
L, and Ma vector subspace, then L/M is totally disconnected.
Proof. Let Kbe a closed subset of L/M such that π−1(K) is disconnected. We will show that K
is disconnected. Let Aand Bbe non-empty subsets of π−1(K) such that A∪B=π−1(K) and
A∩B=∅. As for each x∈A,x+Mis connected subset of π−1(K) and hence A=A+M=
Similarly, B=π−1(π(B)).
Since π(A)∩π(B) = π(A∩B) = ∅and (L/M )\π(A) = π(L\A) which is open, so π(A) is
closed subset of L/M . Similarly, π(B) is closed in L/M . As
π(A)∪π(B) = π(A∪B) = π(π−1(K)) = K,
so Kis disconnected. Now,
if Cis the connected component of zero in L/M, and if there is a point π(x) of L/M such
that π(x)∈Cand x /∈M, then π−1(C) would be disconnected, which is a contradiction. It ends
the proof.
Divulgaciones Matem´aticas Vol. 23-24, No. 1-2 (2022-2023), pp. 1–11