Learning scientific concepts in the university classroom
Concepts are essential for understanding, cognitive development and human coexistence; for
thinking, feeling and doing (Moreira, 2008). Science would not exist without concepts (Strauss
and Corbin, 2002); However, science teachers ignore its value and it is necessary to resume its
important role in science education (Moreira, 2008). For Vergnaud (2007), in the
conceptualization the objects of the world are identified, their properties, relationships and
transformations. The present work was inspired by the difficulties of conceptualizing in subjects
of the experimental sciences. The purpose was to theorize the activity in the classroom, focused
on learning scientific concepts, from the perspective of university students. It is an educational
research with a qualitative approach. The theoretical analysis methodology was grounded theory.
The data collection technique was the discussion groups. As a result, it is highlighted that the
activity in the classroom generates actions and interactions of two types: a) The interaction of the
agents of the educational event and the learning styles, conditioned by contingencies that affect
conceptual learning and b) the teaching styles. The consequence of these actions and
interactions is the evaluation of conceptual learning. It is a challenge for the teacher to consider
teaching alternatives aimed at solving the deficiencies that prevent the achievement of scientific
conceptualization, since the meaning of the concept for the learners is associated with the daily
life of the same and not with a construction process in the classroom.
Keywords: Concept, conceptualization, experimental sciences, grounded theory.
Los conceptos son esenciales para la comprensión humana, el desarrollo cognitivo y la
convivencia de los individuos. Son importantes en el pensar, el sentir y el hacer (Moreira, 2008).
Lo real se percibe conscientemente de manera simplificada, esquemática, selectiva, abstracta y
generalizada, es decir, se categoriza o se filtra conceptualmente, para moldear la experiencia
idiosincrática de una persona. La conceptualización es el resultado tangible de la significatividad
adquirida en el proceso operativo de construcción de conceptos. Es transferible hacia el
aprendizaje de conceptos explícitos más complejos, y a su aplicación útil.
La ciencia no existiría sin conceptos (Strauss y Corbin, 2002); sin embargo, los profesores de
ciencia ignoran la importancia de los conceptos científicos, a diferencia de los científicos quienes
lo construyen o inventan. Los primeros prefieren las fórmulas, las preguntas con respuestas
predeterminadas, los experimentos que siempre dan resultados conocidos, entre otros. Por tal