Invest Clin 62(3): 230 - 235, 2021
Corresponding author: Mahmut Said Degerli. Department of General Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Ha-
seki Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. Phone number: +90536 957 86 88. E-mail: drmsdegerli@
Hemorrhoidal artery ligation without using
a doppler guide: Is it a feasible and safe
Mahmut Said Degerli, Dogan Yildirim, Mikail Cakir, Okan Murat Akturk, Orcun Alpay,
Alp Omer Canturk, Omer Faruk Kandaz and Muzaffer Akinci
Department of General Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Haseki Training and
Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
Key words: hemorrhoidal disease; hemorrhoidal artery ligation; doppler-guided
hemorrhoidal artery ligation.
Abstract. The objective of this work was to analyze the results of the hem-
orrhoidal artery ligation technique without using a doppler guide, in patients
with grade 3 hemorrhoidal disease; by evaluating cost-effectiveness, operation
time, recurrence rate, postoperative pain, and secondary outcomes. A hemor-
rhoidal artery ligation procedure, without using a doppler guide, was performed
on 43 patients (15 females, 28 males) with grade 3 symptomatic hemorrhoidal
disease, from June 2015 to June 2019, in the Haseki Training and Research
Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. Patients were followed up clinically for one month.
They completed a questionnaire within one year after their procedure. The me-
dian age was 46 years (range: 24 to 82 years). The main complaints were bleed-
ing in 27 patients, pain in 22 patients, and skin tag in 14 patients. The mean
preoperative VAS score was 3.4. The mean operating time was 18 mins (range:
13 to 25 min). All patients remained hospitalized for 24 h. Reoperation was
necessary for only one patient because of bleeding. One year after the surgery,
the pain was resolved in 21 (95.4%) out of 22 patients with preoperative pain,
and bleeding resolved in 25 (92.5%) out of 27 patients with preoperative bleed-
ing. The hemorrhoidal artery ligation is a simple method with a shorter learn-
ing curve producing similar postoperative results to other surgical procedures.
The surgical technique is cost-effective as it does not require any particular
device (anoscope with Doppler ultrasound) to apply.
Hemorrhoidal artery ligation without Doppler 231
Vol. 62(3): 230 - 235, 2021
Ligadura de la arteria hemorroidal sin utilizar guía doppler:
¿Es una técnica factible y segura?
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (3): 230-235
Palabras clave: enfermedad hemorroidal; ligadura de la arteria hemorroidal; ligadura de
la arteria hemorroidal guiada por doppler.
Resumen. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar los resultados de la técnica de
la ligadura hemorroidal sin usar una guía doppler en pacientes con enfermedad
hemorroidal de grado 3, evaluando el costo-efectividad, el tiempo de operación,
la tasa recurrente, el dolor posoperatorio y los resultados secundarios. Se reali-
zó el procedimiento de la ligadura de la arteria hemorroidal, sin usar una guía
doppler, en 43 pacientes (15 mujeres, 28 hombres) con enfermedad hemorroidal
sintomática de grado 3, desde junio del 2015 hasta junio del 2019, en el “Ha-
seki Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey”. Los pacientes tuvieron
un seguimiento clínico por un mes. Ellos completaron un cuestionario dentro
de un año después de su procedimiento. La edad media fue 46 años (rango, 24
a 82 años). Las principales quejas fueron sangrado en 27 pacientes, dolor en 22
pacientes y acrocordón de la piel en 14 pacientes. La puntuación media preope-
ratoria VAS fue 3.4. El tiempo medio de la operaciún fue 18 mins (rango: 13 a 25
min). Todos los pacientes quedaron hospitalizados por 24 h. La re-operación fue
necesaria para un solo paciente, debido al sangrado. Un año después de la ciru-
gía, el dolor se resolvió en 21 de 22 pacientes (95,4%) con dolor preoperatorio; y
el sangrado se resolvió en 25 de 27 pacientes (92,5%) con sangrado preoperato-
rio. La ligadura de la arteria hemorroidal es un método simple con una curva de
aprendizaje más corta produciendo resultados postoperatorios similares a otros
métodos. La técnica quirúrgica es rentable ya que no requiere utilizar ningún
dispositivo en particular (anoscopio con ecografía doppler).
Received: 14-02-2021 Accepted: 15-05-2021
Hemorrhoidal disease (HD) is one of
the most frequent reasons for consultation
in proctology. Between 4.4 and 39% of the
general population is estimated to be affect-
ed by HD (1-3). There are three treatment
options available in the literature to cure
this disease: medical treatments, instrumen-
tal treatments (elastic ligation, sclerosis),
and surgical treatments. Where conservative
treatments have failed, surgical intervention
needs to be performed to treat hemorrhoids.
There is no consensus on a gold standard
treatment. Since excisional hemorrhoidec-
tomy (EH) is associated with severe pain and
a high rate of chronic complications, less in-
vasive techniques have been developed with
lower pain and complication rates. EH is still
the preferred technique most widely used.
Newer techniques, such as doppler-guided
transanal hemorrhoidal artery ligation (DG
HAL), are considered alternatives to EH
(Milligan-Morgan or Ferguson).
DG HAL was first described by Morina-
ga (4). DG HAL is a technique that uses an
232 Said Degerli et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(3): 2021
ultrasound probe to detect hemorrhoidal ar-
teries for ligation. Studies that compare DG
HAL and EH show that postoperative pain
was lower and symptom resolution was sig-
nificantly higher in the DG HAL procedure.
No differences have been found in morbidity
and recurrence rate (5,6).
The purpose of the paper is to provide
an overview of the hemorrhoidal artery li-
gation (HAL) technique. We analyze the
results of the hemorrhoidal artery ligation
technique without using a doppler guide in
patients with grade 3 HD by evaluating cost-
effectiveness, operation time, recurrence
rate, postoperative pain, and secondary out-
Study design
A retrospective observational study was
conducted in patients with grade 3 hemor-
rhoidal disease treated with hemorrhoidal
artery ligation without using a doppler
guide (HAL) at our general surgery unit
from June 2015 to June 2019. All patients
were operated on by the same surgeon who
has extensive experience in performing the
procedure. The study was conducted with
approval from the Ethics Committee of the
University of Health Sciences, Haseki Train-
ing and Research Hospital (Ref No. 2020/79
Date: 27.05.2020).
Inclusion criteria: patients over 18
years old with grade 3 symptomatic hemor-
rhoidal disease who did not respond to con-
servative treatment.
Exclusion criteria were the following;
previous anorectal surgery, HD other than
grade 3, associated recto-anal disease (peri-
anal fistulas, anal fissures, rectal prolapse,
perianal abscess, fecal incontinence, anal
Hemorrhoidal artery ligation without
using a doppler guide was performed in 43
patients with grade 3 HD (15 females, 28
males). All patients were diagnosed with
grade 3 hemorrhoidal disease via proctos-
copy at our institution. The grade of HD was
assessed based on Goligher’s classification
(7). Patients were followed up clinically for
one month. They completed a questionnaire
within one year after their procedure.
Surgical Technique
Preoperative preparation consisted of a
cleaning enema administered the morning
of surgery. No prophylactic antibiotics were
administered. Operations were performed
in the modified lithotomy position with legs
spread apart on supports under spinal anes-
The proctoscope was introduced into
the anal canal. Distal branches of the supe-
rior rectal artery were conventionally posi-
tioned at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 h. After the
exploration and identification of the hemor-
rhoids, hemorrhoidal packs were held with a
clamp. Ligations were made with a Z-shape
suture using 2-0 absorbable polyglycolic acid
at 3 cm above the dentate line to the pro-
jection of the hemorrhoidal packs. No tissue
was excised. No further procedures were per-
Postoperative care and complications
All patients were hospitalized for 24 h
after the procedure. The patients were dis-
charged when adequate pain control and
spontaneous micturition were achieved after
examination by the surgeon to discard im-
mediate complications. Postoperative con-
sultations were scheduled to be held one
week and one month after the procedure.
The ambulatory treatment consisted of an
osmotic laxative, and paracetamol (1 g) for
7 days was prescribed to all the patients. No
diet was suggested before or after the sur-
During the scheduled appointments,
none of the patients had anal stenosis or
incontinence. Only one patient visited the
hospital for bleeding. The patient was hospi-
talized for 48 h for blood transfusion, moni-
toring, blood pressure control, and re-oper-
ated (Milligan-Morgan). Complications were
Hemorrhoidal artery ligation without Doppler 233
Vol. 62(3): 230 - 235, 2021
classified by Clavien-Dindo classification (8).
No other complication or death had been re-
Data Collection
Pain was measured by using the Vi-
sual Analogic Scale (VAS), ranging from no
pain (VAS:0) to the worst imaginable pain
All patients were hospitalized for 24 h
following the procedure. After the physical
examination was performed and postopera-
tive pain was recorded using the VAS, pa-
tients were discharged.
Documented postoperative symp-
toms, such as pain, bleeding, urinary re-
tention, and rectal discomfort during
scheduled appointments, were analyzed
The HAL procedure was performed on
43 patients with grade 3 symptomatic hem-
orrhoids (15 females and 28 males), from
June 2015 to June 2019. The median age
was 46 years (range: 24 to 82 years). All
patients had a history of persistent hem-
orrhoidal symptoms despite receiving con-
servative treatments. All patients were di-
agnosed with grade 3 hemorrhoidal disease
via proctoscopy in our institution. The main
complaints were bleeding in 27 patients,
pain in 22 patients, and skin tags in 14 pa-
tients. The mean preoperative VAS score
was 3.4.
Spinal anesthesia was used for all pa-
tients. The mean operating time was 18 min
(range: 13 and 25 min). The number of hem-
orrhoidal artery ligations performed was two
in six patients and three in 37 patients. All
patients remained hospitalized for 24 h.
When the complications were evalu-
ated, reoperation in one patient because of
bleeding was the only complication within
24 h. However, no significant complications
were observed in any patient up to the 30th
postoperative day.
In the first postoperative week, tenes-
mus was reported by two patients, headache
by seven, urinary retention was present in
three, and superficial infection in one pa-
tient. However, all of these disappeared dur-
ing the 13th-day controls.
In conclusion, one year after the sur-
gery, the pain was resolved in 21 (95.4%) of
22 patients with preoperative pain; bleeding
resolved in 25 (92.5%) out of 27 patients
with preoperative bleeding. The mean VAS
score was 1.1.
Hemorrhoidal disease is seen with a
prevalence of up to even 39% in the general
population (1,9). According to our clinical
experience, the presence of such a high rate
of hemorrhoidal disease is not an acceptable
rate. Among the reasons for the high rates
mentioned in the publications, we can count
the patients’ referring to every problem in
the anus region as hemorrhoids, biases in
survey studies, and problems in consulting
a doctor about feelings of embarrassment.
When reaching out to clinicians who can
make the correct diagnosis, we believe that
the 4.4% rate reported by Johanson et al.
better reflects the reality (10).
While the widely accepted approach in
its treatment is conservative, such as diet,
lifestyle changes, and topical treatments in
grade 1 and grade 2 diseases, more invasive
treatments are necessary for grade 3 and
grade 4 diseases (11–13).
The optimal procedure for the surgical
treatment of hemorrhoidal disease is still
controversial. New minimally invasive tech-
niques have developed as an alternative to
traditional and invasive procedures, such as
excisional hemorrhoidectomy.
One of these techniques, DG-HAL, has
become one of the leading surgical applica-
tions in treating symptomatic hemorrhoidal
diseases (14). The technique has many ad-
vantages, such as being minimally invasive
and easy to apply (15-17).
234 Said Degerli et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(3): 2021
In previous prospective randomized tri-
als comparing DG HAL and EH, DG HAL pro-
duce less operative pain and morbidity with a
similar long-term recurrence rate and report
similar chronic complications after hemor-
rhoidectomy alone (5,6). Carvajal-López et
al. compared DG-HAL-RAR (doppler guided
transanal hemorrhoidal artery ligation with
recto-anal repair) with EH and found that
the early postoperative pain was less in the
group that underwent hemorrhoidal artery
ligation (5). Trenti et al., in their study, com-
pared DG-THD (doppler-guided transanal
hemorrhoidal dearterialization with muco-
pexy) with conventional hemorrhoidectomy.
These authors emphasized that DG-THD was
not a more inferior technique than conven-
tional surgery (18).
The disadvantages of the DG-HAL tech-
nique include requiring a special procto-
scope with a doppler transducer, being cost-
ly; and the necessity for a learning process.
On the other hand, HAL is a simple
method with a shorter learning curve that
produces similar postoperative results. The
surgical technique is cost-effective, as it
does not require any particular device (dop-
pler ultrasound anoscope) for its implemen-
tation. The HAL procedure offers shorter
surgical time and similar postoperative out-
comes using only sutures.
According to our HAL experience, the
controls on the first and 13th days after sur-
gery yielded follow-up results that were least
dependent on the person and were least af-
fected by subjective personal characteristics.
In the first postoperative week, subjective
complaints due to the surgical wound in the
outpatient clinic were quite different from
person to person, even increasing VAS score
beyond levels of preoperative days. These
complaints were temporary. Tenesmus was
reported by two patients, headache by seven,
urinary retention was present in three, and
superficial infection in one patient. However,
all of these disappeared during the 13th-day
controls. Thus, more analytical results were
obtained after one month. Therefore, the
findings on the first and 30th days were em-
phasized more in the foreground in our study.
When we compare the results of our
study with the literature, Hoyuela et al.
found tenesmus was present in nine of their
30 patients (30%), postoperatively, in their
prospective study regarding DG-HAL-RAR.
In our series, tenesmus was reported only
by two patients (4.65%). In the same study,
the VAS score was 0.7 after one month (15).
However, our VAS result was 1.1. In their
DG-THD study, Trenti et al. found urinary
retention in 9.6% of patients. In the study
at hand, our rate of urinary retention was
6.9% (18). Regarding headache, Bansal et al.
reported 24% in their study, which was 16%
in the present study (19). When superficial
infections were evaluated, our results were
similar compared to the literature; Trenti et
al. reported a rate of 2.4%, which was almost
identical to our rate of 2.3% (18).
The design of this study has limitations.
There were no DG HAL and EH groups to be
compared. Further prospective studies that
compare HAL and DG HAL techniques with a
larger group of patients should be conducted.
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