Invest Clin 63(4): 363 - 375, 2022
Corresponding Author: Ahmet Rıfkı Çora. Isparta City Hospital ,Cardiovascular Surgery Department. Ataturk Bou-
levard No:51, 32200 Isparta, Turkey. Telephone: +905053370228. E-mail:
Relationship between peripheral arterial
disease severity determined by the Glass
classification and triglyceride-glucose index;
novel association and novel classification
Ahmet Rıfkı Çora and Ersin Çelik
Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Isparta City Hospital, Isparta; Turkey.
Keywords: peripheral arterial disease; GLASS classification; triglyceride-glucose index;
insulin resistance.
Abstract. Peripheral arterial disease is a serious clinical manifestation
caused by atherosclerosis. It is one common cause of morbidity and mortality
worldwide. It is commonly seen in males, and its (prevelance) increases with age.
It is most prevalent with smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hyperlip-
idemia. Novel studies investigate the relationship between triglyceride-glucose
index (TyG) and cardiovascular diseases. Studies investigating the association
of this index and peripheral arterial disease and disease severity are generally
done by using The Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC) classification.
We aimed to study this association by using the new Global Limb Anatomic
Staging System (GLASS) classification. Two hundred patients between 25 to
90 years old diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease and admitted to the
hospital for peripheral arterial angiography between July 2021 and December
2021, were evaluated retrospectively with blood parameters and angiographic
images. Patients were divided into two groups: moderate (group 1; n=58) and
severe (group 2; n=142) according to the GLASS classification. No statistical
differences were observed for comorbidities and repeated interventional pro-
cedure rates (p=0.164). Triglyceride values were found to be statistically dif-
ferent between groups (p=0.040). TyG was found higher in group 2 (p= 0.04).
According to the binary logistic regression model, only TyG was found to have
a significant effect as a diagnostic factor (p=0.011). TyG was also significantly
correlated with the Rutherford (p=0.012) and GLASS classification severity
(p<0.001). Peripheral arterial disease and disease severity could be easily moni-
tored with simple calculable TyG. In this way, precautions could be taken, and
morbidities could be prevented.
364 Çora and Çelik
Investigación Clínica 63(4): 2022
Relación entre la gravedad de la enfermedad arterial periférica
determinada por la clasificación GLASS y el índice de
triglicéridos-glucosa; nueva asociación y nuevo sistema
de clasificación.
Invest Clin 2022; 63 (4): 363 – 375
Palabras clave: enfermedad arterial periférica; clasificación de GLASS; indice de
triglicéridos-glucosa; resistencia a la insulina.
Resumen. La enfermedad arterial periférica es una manifestación clínica
importante causada por la aterosclerosis. Es una causa común de morbilidad
y mortalidad en todo el mundo. Se ve comúnmente en hombres y la prevalen-
cia aumenta con la edad. Es más común con el tabaquismo, la hipertensión,
la diabetes mellitus y la hiperlipidemia. Nuevos estudios investigan la relación
entre el índice de triglicéridos-glucosa (TyG) y las enfermedades cardiovascu-
lares. Los estudios que investigan la asociación de este índice y la enfermedad
arterial periférica generalmente se realizan utilizando la clasificación de TASC.
Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar esta asociación utilizando la nueva clasificación
de GLASS (sistema global de estadificación anatómica de extremidades). Dos-
cientos pacientes entre 25 a 90 años con diagnóstico de enfermedad arterial
periférica e ingresados al hospital para angiografía arterial periférica entre julio
de 2021 y diciembre de 2021, fueron evaluados retrospectivamente con pará-
metros sanguíneos e imágenes angiográficas. Los pacientes se dividieron en dos
grupos: leves (grupo 1; n=58) y graves (grupo 2; n=142) según la clasificación
de GLASS. No se observaron diferencias estadísticas para las comorbilidades y
las tasas de procedimientos intervencionistas repetidos (p = 0,164). Los valores
de triglicéridos se encontraron significativamente diferentes entre los grupos
(p= 0,04). El índice de triglicéridos-glucosa se encontró más alto en el grupo
2 (p= 0,04). Según el modelo de regresión logística binaria, solo el índice de
triglicéridos-glucosa resultó tener un efecto significativo como factor diagnós-
tico (p=0,011). El índice de triglicéridos-glucosa también se correlacionó sig-
nificativamente con la gravedad de la clasificación de Rutherford (p=0,012)
y la clasificación de GLASS (p<0,001). La enfermedad arterial periférica y la
gravedad de la enfermedad podrían controlarse fácilmente con TyG calculable
simple. De esta manera, se podrían tomar precauciones y prevenir morbilidades.
Received: 14-03-2022 Accepted: 20-07-2022
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is an
important disease that arises from systemic
atherosclerosis and has effected about 200
million people worldwide 1,2. Although PAD is
most commonly seen among males, its inci-
dence in women has increased especially at
ages over 50 years 3. Its prevelance incereas-
es with age, and the reported rate is about
20% or above in individuals who are over 80
years 4. It is a pathology that could result in
The association between the peripheral arterial disease and triglyceride-glucose index 365
Vol. 63(4): 363 - 375, 2022
morbidities ranging from lower extremity
ulcers to limb losses. Despite the high mor-
bidity rates, PAD tends to be asymptomatic
until it reaches the advanced stage 5. Its pre-
sentation can vary from asymptomatic phase
to critical limb ischemia (CLI) and most
of the patients that are admitted to hospi-
tals suffer from intermittent claudication.
The most common diagnostic test for PAD
is ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurement
and values 0.90 is considered as arterial
stenosis and its sensitivity in diagnosing PAD
is 95% 6,7. Doppler ultrasonography generally
is the first imaging method choosed for diag-
nosing PAD.
Despite this type of clinical course and
well-known adverse outcomes, the patho-
physiology of PAD has not yet been fully un-
derstood. The well-known main underlying
pathology of PAD is atherosclerosis 8. Since
atherosclerosis is a common underlying pa-
thology, the risk factors for PAD are; hyper-
tension (HT), smoking, diabetes mellitus
(DM) and hyperlipidemia 9.
Insulin resistance (IR), is usually one of
the main events underlying DM, a pathology
characterized by decreased insulin sensitiv-
ity of peripheral tissues 10 and the resulting
chronic hyperinsulinemia is significantly as-
sociated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease (CVD) 11-13. It has been detected that
insulin-resistant patients endure higher car-
diovascular risk than insulin-sensitive sub-
jects 14. According to these reports, an as-
sociation with IR and vascular disease is very
likely but exact pathogenesis of this relation
remain controversial. The effect on the vas-
cular area is one of the pathological mecha-
nism evaluated in the association between
DM and PAD 15. IR related vascular damage
includes functional and structural vascular
injury such as; vascular wall elasticity loss
(arterial stiffness), increased intima-media
thickness, impaired vasodilation and vascu-
lar calcification 16.
Also the relationship between the tri-
glycerides (TGs), CVD and atherosclerosis is
still controversial. Recent studies have pro-
vided evidence that TGs and TG-rich lipopro-
teins are among the causes of CVD 17.
The triglyceride-glucose index (TyG),
a calculated index by using fasting blood
glucose and triglyceride values, has been
defined as a novel marker of IR 18-20 and stud-
ies have shown a relationship between the
TyG and CVD, stroke, carotid atherosclero-
sis and coronary artery disease (CAD) 21-23.
Although many studies have evaluated the
association of this index with CAD, CVD and
carotid atherosclerosis, there are currently
very few data about its association with PAD
and disease severity. We aimed to investigate
the association between TyG and PAD sever-
ity, by using a new anatomical classification
for PAD named Global Limb Anatomic Stag-
ing System (GLASS).
Our study is a retrospective observa-
tional comparative study that compares re-
sults of individuals allocated into two groups
according to the severity of their lesions.
Two hundred patients that were between 25 and
90 years old, admitted to our outpatient clinic,
diagnosed with PAD and hospitalized for periph-
eral arterial angiography between July 2021-De-
cember 2021 were investigated retrospective-
ley. Patient data were obtained from Isparta
City Hospital’s hospital registration system
and angiography laboratory archive. The study
was approved by Suleyman Demirel Univer-
sity Medical Faculty Ethical Committee (Num-
Patients that were admitted to outpa-
tient clinic with intermittant claudication
or extremity ulcers, diagnosed with PAD as
a result of clinical examination (absence
of palpable peripheral pulses) and low ABI
measurement (ABI≤ 0.9). The Rutherford
Classification was used for clinical staging
of existing disease. According to Ruther-
ford Classification, asymptomatic patients
staged as “Cathegory 0”, mild claudication
as “Cathegory 1”, moderate claudication as
“Cathegory 2”, severe claudication staged
366 Çora and Çelik
Investigación Clínica 63(4): 2022
as “Cathegory 3”, ischemic rest pain as
“Cathegory 4”, minor tissue loss “Cathego-
ry 5” and major tissue loss expressed as
“Cathegory 6” 24.
Patients diagnosed with PAD as a result
of clinical examination were taken to color
Doppler ultrasonography (Toshiba Applio
500; Japan) and if a pathology was detected,
Computed Tomographic Angiography (CTA)
(Hitachi Supria; Japan) was applied for de-
tailed evaluation. After performing CTA, pa-
tients that had peripheral arterial stenosis
more than 50% were hospitalized for periph-
eral arterial angiography for further evalu-
ation and treatment. Angiographies per-
formed in Isparta City Hospital angiography
laboratory (Toshiba Infinix; Japan) by the
same physician with local anesthesia from
right or left femoral artery approaches with
6F sheath by using Seldinger technique. An-
tegrad or retrograd approaches selected ac-
cording to the lesions of the patients evalu-
ated by CTA images.
Patients who underwent peripheral an-
giography were evaluated by novel GLASS
anatomic classification in terms of PAD se-
verity. (Table 1) GLASS classification is a
new anatomic classification system using
angiographic findings for severity of PAD.
It was published in 2019 by joining of three
Table 1
Global Limb Anatomic Staging System (GLASS).
Aorta-Iliac Grading
1Stenosis of the common and external iliac artery, chronic total occlusion of either common or
external iliac artery (not both), stenosis of the infrarenal aorta; any combination of these.
Chronic total occlusion of the aorta; chronic total occlusion of common and external iliac arte-
ries; severe diffuse disease and/or small-caliber (<6 mm) common and external iliac arteries;
concomitant aneurysm disease; severe diffuse in-stent restenosis in the aorta-iliac system.
Femoro-Popliteal (FP) Grading
0 Mild or no significant (<50%) disease
1Total length SFA disease <1/3 (<10 cm); may include single focal CTO (<5 cm) as long as not
flush occlusion; popliteal artery with mild or no significant disease.
2Total length SFA disease 1/3–2/3 (10–20 cm); may include CTO totaling <1/3 (10 cm) but not
flush occlusion; focal popliteal artery stenosis <2 cm, not involving trifurcation.
3Total length SFA disease >2/3 (>20 cm) length; may include any flush occlusion <20 cm or
non-flush CTO 10–20 cm long; short popliteal stenosis 2–5 cm, not involving trifurcation.
4Total length SFA occlusion >20 cm; popliteal disease >5 cm or extending into trifurcation; any
popliteal CTO.
Infra-Popliteal (IP) Grading
0 Mild or no significant (<50%) disease.
1 Focal stenosis <3 cm not including TP trunk.
2Total length of target artery disease <1/3 (<10 cm); single focal CTO (<3 cm not including TP
trunk or target artery origin).
3Total length of target artery disease 1/3–2/3 (10–20 cm); CTO 3–10 cm (may include target
artery origin, but not TP trunk).
4Total length of target artery disease >2/3 length; CTO >1/3 (>10 cm) of length (may include
target artery origin); any CTO of TP trunk.
The association between the peripheral arterial disease and triglyceride-glucose index 367
Vol. 63(4): 363 - 375, 2022
vascular societies 25. With this new anatomic
staging system, better assessment of limb
ischemia and better characterization of the
anatomic specifications of vascular disease
could be achieved 26.
After 12 hours of overnight fasting, ve-
nous blood samples for biochemical and he-
matological parameter measurements were
taken from the blood drawn from the ante-
cubital vein at the first day after hospital
admission for blood analysis. Biochemical
analysis included the serum lipid profile and
fasting glucose levels (Variant 2-Turbo, Bio-
Rad; Japan).
TyG is calculated as Ln (fasting triglyc-
erides (mg/dL) × fasting glucose (mg/dL)
/ 2). ABI was calculated as the ratio of high-
est systolic ankle pressure to highest systolic
brachial pressure measured manually.
Patients diagnosed with Buerger dis-
ease, vasculitis, acute limb ischemia, system-
ic inflammatory diseases, chronic liver and
hematological diseases; patients operated or
had vascular interventions before outpatient
clinic admission; patients who have known
malignancy and whose index could not be
calculated due to the abscence of laboratory
parameters were excluded from the study.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analyses of the study were
performed with SPSS 25.0 (IBM Incorp, IL,
USA) program. Descriptive measures were
presented as mean±SD or median (Q1-Q3)
for numerical measurements according to
their normality, and frequency (percentage
ratio) for categorical measurements. The
normality of numerical measurements was
analyzed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
Independent group comparisons were per-
formed by using the Student’s t-test and the
Mann-Whitney U test. Chi-square test was
used to determine the relationships between
the categorical variables, distribution-appro-
priate correlation analyzes were used to de-
termine the relationships between numeri-
cal measurements. To determine the factors
that affect the severity of PAD, univariate
and multivariate logistic regression models
were established. The goodness-of-fit values
and significance of the model were calcu-
lated. The model was created by using the
forward likelihood ratio logistic regression
method for avoiding the multicollinearity
problem. In order to determine the diagnos-
tic features of the TyG index, ROC analysis
was performed and diagnostic rates were
calculated. A p<0.05 value was considered
statistically significant by taking the type-I
error rate as 5% throughout the study.
The power analysis of the study was per-
formed with the GPower 9.1.2 (Universitaet
Kiel, Germany) program. By calculating the
triglyceride and glucose values and TgG in-
dex of the patients that were selected for the
pilot study, the effect size was calculated for
mild to moderate and severe patient groups
(d=0.742). The sample size for each group
was calculated as n=54 for the power value
of 95% and margin of error of 5%. However,
the moderate:severe ratio was taken as 1:2,
since the number of patients with severity
was observed to be higher among the pa-
tients admitted to the hospital.
CTO: Chronic Total Occlusion; SFA: Superficial Femoral Artery; TP:Tibio-peroneal.
Table 1
Inframalleolar/Pedal Grading
0 Target artery crosses ankle into foot, with intact pedal arch
1 Target artery crosses ankle into foot; absent or severely diseased pedal arch
2 No target artery crossing ankle into foot
368 Çora and Çelik
Investigación Clínica 63(4): 2022
Two hundred patients diagnosed with
PAD that underwent peripheral arterial angi-
ography were included in the study. Patients
were divided into two groups for the sever-
ity of their lesions according to GLASS clas-
sification as Group 1 (moderate- G1) and
Group 2 (severe- G2), (Table 2).
There was no difference for mean age,
gender and comorbidities between the study
groups. While chronic kidney disease (CKD)
was found to be higher in the G2, CAD was
found to be slightly higher in G1. Lower ex-
tremity amputation rates were found signifi-
cantly higher in G2 (Table 3).
Patients were also evaluated according
to the Rutherford classificiation and stastis-
tically significant association with GLASS
classification was observed (p˂0.001). Sta-
tistically significant relationship was also
found between the PAD severity determined
by GLASS classification and ABI (p˂0.001).
TyG values showed statistically signifi-
cant difference between the groups. TyG was
higher in severe group (G2) compared to
the moderate group (G1) (p=0.04). When
TyG comparison was studied for Rutherford
classification among study groups (Table 2),
TyG was observed significant higher in se-
vere group compared to the moderate group
There was no difference observed for
serum total cholesterol, high density lipo-
protein (HDL), and low density lipoprotein
(LDL) values among the moderate and se-
vere groups. The results of biochemical pa-
rameters were summarised in Table 4.
Since the TyG and PAD severity as-
sociation was found significant in study
groups, ROC analysis was applied to deter-
mine the index diagnostic value for PAD
severity. A significant but low-level ROC
curve was obtained. Diagnostic ratios were
calculated as 65.5% sensitivity and 58.9%
specificity (Fig. 1).
In order to determine the diagnostic
factors effecting G2, a binary logistic regres-
sion model was created by taking G1 as the
reference group. Demographic variables (age
and gender), TyG, HDL, LDL and total cho-
lesterol values were included in the model.
Variables that could cause multicollinearity
problem were excluded. The model was cre-
ated by using the forward stepwise logistic
regression method. The model was found sig-
nificant (Omnibus X2=6.971; p=0.008 and
Hosmer-Lemeshow X2=10.03; p=0.262).
Goodness of fit was found at medium-level
(Nagelkerke R2=0.05). Only TyG was found
to have a significant effect on the model as
a diagnostic factor (OR=2.075), (Table 5).
In our study, we aimed to investigate
the relationship between the severity of PAD,
which is determined by using the GLASS
classification, and the TyG. According to
the best of our knowledge, our study is the
first to examine the association of TyG with
the severity of PAD determined by using this
novel classification system; and similar to
other few studies reported in the literature,
we have found a significant relationship be-
tween TyG and PAD severity. Since we aimed
Table 2
Study groups divided according to GLASS and Rutherford classification.
Group 1 (Moderate) Group 2 (Severe)
Femoropopliteal 0-2/Aorta-iliac 1 Femoropopliteal 3-4/Aorta-iliac 2
Infrapopliteal 0-2 Infrapopliteal 3-4
Pedal 0 Pedal 1-2
Rutherford Class 0-2 Rutherford Class 3-6
The association between the peripheral arterial disease and triglyceride-glucose index 369
Vol. 63(4): 363 - 375, 2022
to determine this association by using novel
GLASS classification, we also evaluated the
GLASS classification system to understand
its relationship with the PAD severity. For
this purpose, we compared this system with
the Rutherford classification and ABI mea-
surements and found significant agreement
between the GLASS and PAD severity.
There has been some studies that inves-
tigated multiple pathological consequences
of atherosclerosis; however, PAD has been
paid less attention than the other patholo-
gies like CAD or stroke 27. Based on the lat-
est reports, it is estimated that 5.56% ratio
of people worldwide aged 25 years and older
had PAD 28. But only 10% of PAD patients
Table 3
Demographic spesifications and comorbidities.
N=58 (28.3)
N=142 (71.1)
Specifications Cathegories N (%) N (%) N (%) p
Gender Female 4 (6.9) 23 (16.2) 27 (13.6) 0.095
Male 54 (93.1) 119 (83.8) 171 (86.4)
Diabetes Mellitus none 26 (44.8) 65 (45.8) 90 (45.5) 0.885
Ye s 32 (55.2) 77 (54.2) 108 (54.5)
Hypertension None 16 (27.6) 44 (31) 59 (29.8) 0.561
Ye s 42 (72.4) 98 (69) 139 (70.2)
Smoker None 37 (63.8) 98 (69) 133 (67.2) 0.379
Ye s 21 (36.2) 44 (31) 65 (32.8)
Coronary Artery Disease None 31 (53.4) 89 (63.1) 119 (60.1) 0.216
Ye s 27 (46.6) 52 (36.9) 78 (39.4)
Chronic Renal Failure None 54 (93.1) 127 (89.4) 179 (90.4) 0.462
Ye s 4 (6.9) 15 (10.6) 19 (9.6)
Repeated Intervention None 48 (82.8) 127 (89.4) 173 (87.4) 0.164
Ye s 10 (17.2) 15 (10.6) 25 (12.6)
Amputation None 52 (89.7) 107 (75.4) 159 (79.5) 0.023*
Ye s 6 (10.3) 35 (24.6) 41 (20.5)
Rutherford Classification 0+ 5 (8.8) 0 5 (2.5)
1+ 25 (43.9) 3 (2.1) 28 (14.1)
2+ 21 (36.8) 4 (2.8) 25 (12.6)
3+ 2 (3.5) 84 (59.2) 86 (43.2)
4+ 1 (1.8) 41 (28.9) 42 (21.1)
3 (5.3)
8 (5.6)
2 (1.4)
11 (5.5)
2 (1.0)
Age (years) 67.09±9.22 68.47±11.42 0.207
ABI 0.67±0.13
0.77; 0.69-0.82
0.28; 0.24-0.36 <0.001*
*: Significant at the 0.05 level according to the Chi-Square test; +: the related Rutherford class is significantly
different between the groups. ABI: Ankle-Brachial Index.
370 Çora and Çelik
Investigación Clínica 63(4): 2022
Table 4
Biochemical parameters.
Group1 (N=58) Group2 (N=142)
Median; Q1-Q3
Median; Q1-Q3 p
129; 88.75-161.86
153.5; 113-210 0.040*
Fasting Blood Glucose 132.86±45.62
116.5; 95.25-165
126.5; 94.75-173.5 0.269
LDL 105.22±35.39
113.5; 75.25-130.75
111.14; 88-140 0.875
VLDL 27.43±11.21
26; 18.25-32.24
30; 22-41.25 0.061
HDL 42.9±16.02
40; 34-46.75
40; 33-48 0.907
Total Cholesterol 170.81±38.16
174.5; 145.5-199.25
181.5; 156-220.25 0.541
TyG 8.96±0.54
8.9; 8.69-9.41
9.2; 8.78-9.49 0.040*
*: Significant at the 0.05 level according to the Mann-Whitney U test.
TyG: Triglyceride-Glucose Index; LDL: Low density Lipoprotein; HDL:High density Lipoprotein; VLDL: Very Low
Density Lipoprotein,
Fig. 1. Triglyceride-Glucose Index ROC curve for patients with severe lesion.
The association between the peripheral arterial disease and triglyceride-glucose index 371
Vol. 63(4): 363 - 375, 2022
demonstrate typical symptomatology and
the others remain undiagnosed 5. Therefore,
it is important to determine the appropriate
biomarkers for the PAD risk and its severity.
With regular measurement of the levels of
these biomarkers will be important in terms
of determining the risk of PAD or monitor-
ing the course of the diagnosed disease. By
this means, taking early measures could pre-
vent the progression of the disease at early
clinical stages.
Insulin is a hormone that regulates the
cell metabolism, and IR is characterized by
a deficit in insulin uptake by peripheral tis-
sues. This resistance impairs glucose uptake
and glycogen synthesis of tissues and creates
an imbalance in lipid oxidation. As glucose
homeostasis deteriorates, insulin secretion
increases. Secondary to hyperinsulinemia,
oxidative stress and an increase in inflamma-
tory responses occur 29,30. Endothelial cells
get affected by this oxidative stress, endo-
thelial function gets impaired and athero-
sclerosis develops in the chronic period 31.
For these reasons, IR has been seen as an im-
portant risk factor for CVD 32,33. It has been
shown that IR and hyperinsulinemia are as-
sociated with the development of HT, dyslip-
idemia and atherosclerosis 34,35. But data that
have reported association of IR and PAD are
limited 36,37. A cross-sectional study of 3242
adults from data in the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey identified a
positive relation between IR and PAD 26,37. A
study with 4208 participants over the age of
65 years in the Cardiovascular Health Study,
found that IR was associated with a higher
risk of clinical PAD 27,38. In some reports, TyG
was defined as a marker with high specifity
and sensitivity for IR 11,38.
The positive relationship of TyG with
CVD and atherosclerosis has been shown in
many studies 39-41. Li et al. reported in a ret-
rospective study that the TyG could be used
as a high risk predictor for CVD 42. In a study
conducted with 5014 healthy individuals,
high levels of the TyG were shown to be as-
sociated with an increased risk of CVD 41. In
another study involving 4319 patients, a sig-
nificant association of the TyG with the pres-
ence of coronary calcification was reported
39. IR and PAD association was reported in
some studies 27,36,37. Although there are stud-
ies on the association of the TyG with coro-
nary and carotid diseases, studies that show
the relationship of the TyG and PAD severity
is rare. Chiu et al. reported a significant asso-
ciation between the TyG and low ABI in their
study 43. Kim et al., on the other hand, found
that the TyG was associated with arterial
stiffness and coronary artery calcification in
Korean adults 44. Among these studies, the
study conducted by Duran Karaduman et al.
showed a significant relationship between
the TyG elevation and PAD severity 3. In addi-
tion, there are studies that have investigated
the predictability of the TyG for critical limb
ischemia 45.
Table 5
Diagnostic factors effective on patients with severe lesion.
Factors Beta p OR %95 CI
Age 1.528 0.216
Gender 3.002 0.083
TyG 0.730 0.011* 2.075 1.183-6.640
LDL 2.264 0.132
HDL 0.017 0.896
T. cholesterol 3.193 0.074
TyG: Triglyceride-Glucose Index; LDL: Low density Lipoprotein; HDL:High density Lipoprotein; T.Cholesterol: Total
Cholesterol. *: Significant at the 0.05 level according to the Binary logistic regression analysis.
372 Çora and Çelik
Investigación Clínica 63(4): 2022
Despite all these reports, studies that
examine the severity of the PAD and TyG as-
sociation according to the anatomical clas-
sification systems developed for PAD, such
as TASC, are very limited. In the study con-
ducted by Duran Karaduman et al, the re-
lationship between the TyG and PAD com-
plexity and severity was investigated by
using TASC classification 3. In our study we
found a statistically significant correlation
between TyG and the severity and complex-
ity of PAD detected with GLASS classifica-
tion (p=0.04) similar to the findings of the
reports on the association of TyG and PAD
severity determined with other angiographic
classification systems like TASC 3. We also
compared this novel system with Rutherford
system and ABI measurements to determine
the positive association of PAD severity and
this system. We observed a statistically sig-
nificant association (p˂ 0.01), (Table 3).
Serum lipids also play an important
role in developing atherosclerosis. LDL is
the best known parameter for this risk but
the relationship between the TGs, CVD and
atherosclerosis is still controversial. Recent
studies have provided evidence on the fact
that TG and TG-rich lipoproteins are among
the causes of CVD 10. It has been shown that
the simultaneous presence of hypertriglyc-
eridemia (HTG) promotes the formation of
high atherogenic small dense LDL particles
46. As a summary, there is a relation between
TG levels and atherosclerosis 47,48. In our
study, TG levels were also found significantly
higher in G2 (p=0.04).
There were some limitations of our
study. The low number of patients was one
of the most important limiting factor. It was
mostly due to the limited number of inter-
ventional procedures performed in our clin-
ic. In addition, the laboratory parameters
that were used in the calculation of TyG were
absent in the data of some patients; there-
fore, the index could not be calculated and
these patients were compulsorily excluded
from the study. This was another factor that
reduced our case number. We think that the
low diagnostic value of TyG detected by ROC
analysis could increase if the study could be
performed with more patients, and by this
means the study could become more valu-
TyG is an easily calculable index. In our
study we found a significant relationship be-
tween the severity of PAD and TyG, which was
determined by using the novel GLASS clas-
sification, similar to previous studies which
use other anatomic classification systems. In
the light of these findings, we think that this
index would be a useful and simple marker
for detecting the patients’ disease severity
for newly diagnosed or cases has been treat-
ed with medically or other invasive methods.
Possible early detection of worse onset or
worsening of the diagnosed disease can be
predicted by routine use of this parameter,
and morbidities could be prevented by apply-
ing appropriate treatments to these patients
in early periods. But more large scale studies
are needed to support this conclusion.
Authors declare no funding for this article.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declare no conflicts of interests
ORCID authors
Ahmet Rıfkı Çora:
Ersin Çelik: 0000-0002-0015-3280
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