Invest Clin 64(2): 142 - 150, 2023
Corresponding author: Junmiao Li. Department of Medical Imaging,Taizhou Municipal Hospital, Municipal Hospi-
tal Affiliated to Taizhou University, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China. Email:
Analysis of the value of dynamic computed
tomography (CT) examination in the
diagnosis of early lung cancer.
Liang Sheng, Liang Wu, Xianwu Xia and Junmiao Li
Department of Medical Imaging, Taizhou Municipal Hospital, Municipal Hospital
Affiliated to Taizhou University, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China.
Keywords: CT dynamic enhancement scan; early stage; diagnostic value; blood flow.
Abstract. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital to improving lung cancer
patients’ quality of life and survival rate. This study aimed to investigate the
value of dynamic enhanced scanning examination by computed tomography
(CT) in early lung cancer diagnosis. One hundred and twenty patients with
isolated lung nodules were selected to analyze this diagnostic method, using
pathological diagnostic results of cancer as the gold standard. Of the 120 pa-
tients with isolated pulmonary nodules, the diagnosis was confirmed by patho-
logical examination in 96 patients with early lung cancer (adenocarcinoma of
the lung) and 24 patients with benign lung lesions. The sensitivity, specificity,
accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of CT dynamic
enhancement scans for the diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer were 93.75%,
83.33%, 91.67%, 95.74%, and 76.92%, respectively. Early-stage lung cancer had
significantly less blood volume and a noticeably shorter mean time to passage
than benign lung lesions (p<0.01). Blood flow and surface permeability were
higher in early-stage lung cancer than in benign lung lesions (p<0.05). The ar-
eas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for blood volume,
blood flow, surface permeability, and mean time to passage for the diagnosis of
early-stage lung cancer were 0.737, 0.724, 0.779, and 0.946, respectively. In
conclusion, CT dynamic enhancement scan has good application value in diag-
nosing early lung cancer and is worth promoting in clinical practice.
CT examination and diagnosis of early lung cancer 143
Vol. 64(2): 142 - 150, 2023
Análisis del valor del escaneo dinámico realzado por tomografía
computarizada (TC) en el diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón
Invest Clin 2023; 64 (2): 142 – 150
Palabras clave: tomografía computarizada (TC) de realce dinámico; etapa temprana;
cáncer de pulmón; valor de diagnóstico; flujo sanguíneo.
Resumen. El diagnóstico y tratamiento tempranos son vitales para mejo-
rar la calidad de vida y la tasa de supervivencia de los pacientes con cáncer de
pulmón. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el valor del examen de esca-
neo dinámico realzado por tomografía computarizada (TC) en el diagnóstico de
cáncer de pulmón temprano. Ciento veinte pacientes con nódulos pulmonares
aislados fueron seleccionados para analizar este método diagnóstico, utilizando
los resultados del diagnóstico patológico de cáncer como el estándar de oro. De
los 120 pacientes con nódulos pulmonares aislados, el diagnóstico fue confir-
mado mediante un examen patológico en 96 pacientes con cáncer de pulmón
temprano (adenocarcinoma de pulmón) y 24 pacientes con lesiones pulmona-
res benignas. La sensibilidad, la especificidad, la precisión, el valor predictivo
positivo y el valor predictivo negativo de las tomografías computarizadas de re-
alce dinámico para el diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón en etapa inicial fueron
respectivamente del 93,75%, 83,33%, 91,67%, 95,74% y 76,92%. El cáncer de
pulmón en etapa temprana tuvo un volumen de sangre de modo significativo
menor y un tiempo medio notablemente más corto hasta el paso que las lesio-
nes pulmonares benignas (p<0,01). El flujo sanguíneo y la permeabilidad de
la superficie fueron mayores en el cáncer de pulmón en etapa temprana que
en las lesiones pulmonares benignas (p<0,05). Las áreas bajo las curvas ROC
(Característica Operativa del Receptor) para el volumen de sangre, el flujo san-
guíneo, la permeabilidad de la superficie y el tiempo medio hasta el paso para
el diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón en etapa temprana fueron respectivamente
0,737, 0,724, 0,779 y 0,946. En conclusión, la tomografía computarizada de
realce dinámico tiene un buen valor de aplicación diagnóstico temprano del
cáncer de pulmón y vale la pena promoverla en la práctica clínica.
Received: 07-09-2022 Accepted: 23-10-2022
Lung cancer originates from the bron-
chial mucosa epithelium, and its incidence
gradually increases. The early clinical symp-
toms of lung cancer are not obvious, and
about 2/3 of lung cancer patients are at an
advanced stage (stage III or IV) 1. Aggres-
sive radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or surgery
can cure and extend the survival time of pa-
tients with early-stage lung cancer. However,
patients with intermediate to advanced lung
cancer have poor outcomes, high mortality
rates, and a significantly lower quality of life 2.
Therefore, early detection and treat-
ment are the keys to improving lung cancer
144 Sheng et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(2): 2023
patients’ survival rate and quality of life. In
clinical practice, the diagnosis of early-stage
lung cancer depends mainly on imaging
With the more frequent usage of imag-
ing techniques, more research concentrated
on detecting pulmonary nodules using com-
puted tomography (CT). CT enhancement
peaks and associated parameters are ob-
tained from CT dynamic enhancement scans
and analyzed for their diagnostic efficacy 3.
Due to the aggressive nature of malignant
tumors during the growth period, their mor-
phological features and enhancement modes
are commonly used for early diagnosis of
pulmonary nodules in the clinical practice.
Also, a series of radiomic studies based
on tissue analysis of lung nodules have been
considered for better interpretation of mor-
phological heterogeneity and irregular pro-
liferation of tumor cells than using tradi-
tional CT images 4,5. It was confirmed that
CT dynamic enhancement detection has
considerable value for identifying malignant
and benign nodules 6. Wang and Shan7 re-
ported that dynamic enhanced CT scanning
showed the ability to differentiate pulmo-
nary inflammatory pseudotumor, pulmonary
tuberculosis, and lung cancer, representing
its diagnostic value.
The blood supply in lung cancer is mark-
edly different from benign lesions due to tu-
mor angiogenesis, and the change in tissue
density after contrast injection is marked.
Some studies reported that malignant nod-
ules have higher blood flow, volume, and
mean transit time 8–10. Nevertheless, a study
showed that malignant lesions had lower
blood volume and mean transit time 11. In ad-
dition, the results of a meta-analysis showed
that blood volume is the best indicator and
marker for describing the blood supply, while
permeability surface has a high specificity in
quantifying the vascular permeability 4.
However, these studies focused on the
high stages of lung cancer. Therefore, inves-
tigation of CT parameters in early lung can-
cer patients is necessary.
In this study, the value of dynamic CT-
enhanced scanning examination in the diag-
nosis of early lung cancer was investigated.
Subjects and study design
Patients with isolated pulmonary nod-
ules who attended our hospital from Janu-
ary 2017 to December 2020 were selected.
Inclusion criteria included that all patients
were pathologically confirmed, aged >18
years, without lymph node enlargement, and
underwent CT dynamic enhancement scans.
Exclusion criteria were that the quality of the
images was suboptimal and that the patient
had a combination of other malignancies.
According to the inclusion and exclusion
criteria, 96 patients with isolated pulmo-
nary nodules were included in this study, of
whom 68 were males and 28 were females.
Their ages ranged from 34 to 71 years, with
a mean age of (52.04 ± 5.12) years.
CT dynamic enhancement scan
All patients underwent CT dynamic en-
hancement scans and pathological examina-
tions. A SOMATOM Definition AS multi-layer
spiral CT machine from Siemens, Germany,
was employed as the CT dynamic enhance-
ment scanning equipment. A volume of 65
mL of iopamidol injected into the patient’s
elbow vein at a flow rate of 3 mL/s. Patients
were instructed to fast before the examina-
tion and adopt the correct breathing meth-
od for the iodine allergy test. The patient’s
lung lesion and a surrounding area of ap-
proximately 6 mm were scanned at 20, 80,
140, 200, and 260 s after the contrast injec-
tion, and the CT perfusion parameters were
Observation indicators
The diagnostic value of CT dynamic en-
hancement scans for early lung cancer was
analyzed using pathological findings as the
gold standard, including sensitivity, speci-
ficity, accuracy, and positive and negative
CT examination and diagnosis of early lung cancer 145
Vol. 64(2): 142 - 150, 2023
predictive values. CT dynamic enhancement
scans were performed for patients with early
lung cancer, whose diagnosis was confirmed
by a histological study on the sample re-
moved by biopsy through bronchoscopy.
CT perfusion parameters, which includ-
ed blood flow, volume, surface permeability,
and mean time to passage, were compared
between patients with early-stage lung can-
cer and benign lung nodules. Based on the
Patlak analysis method, reflux can be calcu-
lated from the maximum slope of the tissue
concentration-time curve or its peak height
normalized to the arterial input function.
According to this theoretical model, the ex-
change between blood and tissue can be well
described by a Patlak diagram, which shows
the tissue-to-blood concentration ratio ver-
sus the AUC (area under the curve) ratio of
the blood-to-blood concentration curve. For
different time values, if the data fits this the-
oretical model, the graph will be a line with
a slope equal to the blood vacuum per unit
volume (permeability) and an interval equal
to the relative blood volume of the tissue.
Statistical analysis
The SPSS 22.0 was used for the statisti-
cal analysis of the data. The measurement
data were expressed as mean ± standard
deviation (x ± SD), and the t-test was used
for comparison between groups. The statis-
tical data were expressed as the number of
cases and the rate (%), and the χ2 test was
used for comparison between groups. The di-
agnostic value of the perfusion parameters
was assessed using the receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) curve. The difference
was considered statistically significant at
Pathological findings
Among 120 patients with isolated lung
nodules, 96 patients were diagnosed with
early-stage lung cancer (adenocarcinoma
of the lung) by pathological examination-
Twenty-five patients of those were classified
as stage 0 of TNM (Tumor-Node-Metastasis)
staging system, 44 patients were classified
as stage I A, and 27 patients were classified
as stage I B. There were 24 patients with be-
nign lung lesions, including 11 with pneu-
monia and 13 with tuberculosis (Table 1).
Demographic of patients
Out of 21 patients in TNM stage 0M, 17
patients were men, and eight were women.
Also, out of 44 patients in TNM stage I A,
30 were men, and 14 were women; out of 27
patients in TNM stage I B, 21 were men, and
six were women. There were no significant
differences in terms of gender in the three
stages of the disease.
The average age of patients in TNM stage
0M was 54.05 ± 6.4 years. Moreover, the aver-
age age of patients in TNM stage I A and TNM
stage I B stages were 52.03 ± 3.1 and 55 ±
4.2, respectively, and the patients of the three
stages were significantly different in terms of
average age (p 0.03) (Table 2).
Diagnostic value of CT dynamic
enhancement scans for early-stage
lung cancer
The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy,
positive predictive value, and negative predic-
tive value of CT dynamic enhancement scans
for the diagnosis of early-stage lung can-
cer were 93.75% (90/96), 83.33% (20/24),
Table 1
Pathological findings
Early-stage lung cancer Benign lung lesions
TNM stage 0 TNM stage I A TNM stage I B pneumonia tuberculosis
Cases 25 44 27 11 13
146 Sheng et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(2): 2023
91.67% (110/120), 95.74% (90/94) and
76.92% (20/26), respectively.
Comparison of parameters of early-stage
lung cancer and benign lung lesions
The blood volume of early-stage lung
cancer was significantly lower than that of
benign lung lesions, and the mean time to
passage was significantly shorter than that
of benign lung lesions, and all differences
were statistically significant (p<0.01). Both
blood flow and surface permeability were
higher in early-stage lung cancer than in be-
nign lung lesions, and the differences were
statistically significant (p<0.05). There
were no statistically significant differences
in lesion size and proportion of solid nodules
when comparing early-stage lung cancer and
benign lung lesions (p>0.05) (Fig. 1).
Comparison of CT perfusion parameters
for early-stage lung cancer at different
TNM stages
The differences in blood flow, surface
permeability, and mean time to passage were
not statistically significant when comparing
patients with TNM stage 0, stage IA and stage
IB early-stage lung cancer (p>0.05) (Fig. 2).
Diagnostic efficacy of CT perfusion
parameters for early-stage lung cancer
The areas under the ROC curves of
blood volume, blood flow, surface permeabil-
ity, and mean time to passage for the diag-
nosis of early-stage lung cancer were 0.737,
0.724, 0.779, and 0.946, respectively. Sur-
face permeability had the highest sensitivity
of 92.5% for diagnosing early-stage lung can-
cer and the highest specificity of 99.5% for
diagnosing early-stage lung cancer by mean
time to passage (Table 3).
Diagnostic imaging is critical for the de-
tection and staging of lung cancer. Standard
clinical imaging examinations are conven-
tional chest scans and dynamic enhancement
CT 12. Performing a plain chest examination
on a patient usually requires a continuous
change of position to ensure that the exami-
nation is completed. However, it can worsen
the patient’s lung pain, leading to poor com-
pliance. Therefore, in practice, this option is
not chosen for most patients 13 The CT dy-
namic enhancement scanning technique with
non-overlapping images allows for precise
detection of small early lesions, timely detec-
tion of enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes,
and determination of the extent of tumor in-
vasion of the pleura and surrounding blood
vessels, leading to the correct staging of lung
cancer 14. In addition, relevant studies have
shown that dynamic CT-enhanced scanning
techniques can be used as an effective adjunc-
tive diagnostic tool for early lung cancer in
clinical practice 15.
The results of this study showed that the
sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive
and negative predictive values of CT dynamic
enhancement scans for the diagnosis of ma-
lignant lesions were all at a high level. This
Table 2
Characteristics of the three groups with different pathological findings.
Characteristics TNM stage 0M TNM stage I A TNM stage I B p-value
Male 17 30 21 0.07*
Female 8 14 6
Age (y) 54.05 ± 6.4 52.03 ± 3.1 55 ± 4.2 0.03**
*p-value calculated based on chi-square, ** p-value calculated based on One-way ANOVA.
CT examination and diagnosis of early lung cancer 147
Vol. 64(2): 142 - 150, 2023
is because the imaging features in the early
diagnosis of lung cancer are manifested by
lobar signs, burr signs, vascular collection
signs, and bronchial inflation signs, which
are absent in patients with benign nodules.
These phenomena allow the identification
of benign and malignant nodules and can
improve the accuracy of diagnosis of early-
stage lung cancer. The lobar sign is caused
by the lack of clear cut and heterogeneity
of the tumor margins, which is caused by re-
stricted growth 16.
Blood volume
(ml/100 g)
Blood Flow
[ml/(100· min)]
Surface permeability
[ml/(100· min)]
Average pass
Lesion diameter
Solid nodules
Parameters between early stage lung cancer
and benign lung lesions
early stage lung cance
benign lung lesions
Fig. 1. Comparison of parameters between early-stage lung cancer and benign lung lesions *p<0.05.
Blood Flow
[ml/(100· min)]
Surface permeability
[ml/(100· min)]
Average pass
CT perfusion parameters for early stage lung cancer
at different TNM stages
0 stage
A stag e
B stag e
Fig. 2. Comparison of CT perfusion parameters for early-stage lung cancer at different TNM stages.
Blood volume
(ml/100 g)
Blood Flow
[ml/(100· min)]
Surface permeability
[ml/(100· min)]
Average pass
Lesion diameter
Solid nodules
Parameters between early stage lung cancer
and benign lung lesions
early stage lung cance
benign lung lesions
148 Sheng et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(2): 2023
Most tumor cells grow invasively along
the alveolar wall and lymphatic vessels, re-
sulting in localized venous stasis and burr.
However, signs of pneumonia may also be
present in pneumonic nodules, which can
lead to misdiagnosis. The CT dynamic en-
hancement scan examination method is
simple, quick, and has non-invasive charac-
teristics, which can detect the whole range
and location of lung lesions with clear im-
ages and high diagnostic accuracy, indicat-
ing that CT dynamic enhancement scan can
be used for the diagnosis of lung cancer to
effectively reduce the misdiagnosis rate and
improve the diagnostic efficiency.
If the differential diagnosis cannot be
made based on the imaging features of early
lung cancer, the diagnosis can be accom-
plished by blood flow parameters. The results
of this study showed that early-stage lung
cancer had significantly less blood volume,
significantly shorter mean time to passage,
and higher blood flow and surface perme-
ability than benign lung lesions. In contrast,
the differences in blood volume, blood flow,
surface permeability, and mean time to pas-
sage were not statistically significant when
comparing patients with early-stage lung
cancer at different TNM stages. These re-
sults suggest that CT flow parameters can
be used clinically to differentiate between
benign and malignant lung lesions but are of
less diagnostic value for clinical TNM stag-
ing, which is caused by the lymphatic return
and lymphatic volume of malignant lesions.
During a CT dynamic enhancement scan,
the patient’s lymphatic reflux slows, and the
lymphatic volume decreases, affecting con-
trast flow due to lymphatic lesions in clinical
malignancies. In contrast, the endothelial
space of the capillaries widens, and there are
various inter endothelial channels, which
leads to a loss of basement membrane and,
therefore, a high blood flow in the vessels.
Some studies have found that CT perfu-
sion parameters such as blood volume, blood
flow, surface permeability, and passage time
during CT dynamic enhancement scans are
of high diagnostic value for early lung cancer
17,18. However, fewer studies have separately
accounted for their sensitivity and specific-
ity. In this study, we found that the mean
time to passage was of high diagnostic value
for early-stage lung cancer by plotting ROC
In conclusion, CT dynamic enhance-
ment scan has high application value in di-
agnosing early lung cancer and is worthy of
clinical promotion. However, the number of
cases included in this study was small, and
there is a need to expand the sample size in
future studies to eliminate statistical errors.
In addition, it is necessary to further ana-
lyze the intrinsic association between peak
CT enhancement and lung cancer pathogen-
esis in conjunction with some immunohis-
tochemical indicators to elucidate the ad-
junctive clinical significance of CT dynamic
enhancement scanning technology.
One of the limitations of the study is
that it was conducted in a single hospital.
Therefore, it is recommended to carry out
Table 3
Diagnostic efficacy of CT perfusion parameters for early-stage lung cancer.
Parameters Area under
the curve
95%CI Optimal cut-off
Blood volume 0.74 0.60~0.88 13.15 85.0 65.0
Blood Flow 0.72 0.60~0.85 72.11 81.3 60.0
Surface permeability 0.78 0.66~0.89 27.27 92.5 50.0
Average pass time 0.95 0.89~0.99 10.64 85.0 99.5
CT examination and diagnosis of early lung cancer 149
Vol. 64(2): 142 - 150, 2023
similar studies in several hospitals or medi-
cal centers in the future.
Exploration of personalized screening
and graded diagnosis and treatment plans
for early lung cancer in Zhejiang Province
based on big data and artificial intelligence
(Project No: 2022C35008).
Competing Interests
The authors declared that they have no
competing interests.
Authors’ Contribution
LS, LW and JL contributed to the con-
ception of the study; LS, XX and JL per-
formed the experiment; LW contributed
significantly to the analysis and manuscript
preparation; LS and JL performed the data
analyses and wrote the manuscript; XX
helped perform the analysis with construc-
tive discussions.
Authors’ ORCID Number
Liang Sheng: 0000-0003-0620-4779
Liang Wu: 0000-0002-1247-4583
Xianwu Xia: 0000-0003-3508-0816
Junmiao Li: 0000-0001-8890-6242
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