CT examination and diagnosis of early lung cancer 149
Vol. 64(2): 142 - 150, 2023
similar studies in several hospitals or medi-
cal centers in the future.
Exploration of personalized screening
and graded diagnosis and treatment plans
for early lung cancer in Zhejiang Province
based on big data and artificial intelligence
(Project No: 2022C35008).
Competing Interests
The authors declared that they have no
competing interests.
Authors’ Contribution
LS, LW and JL contributed to the con-
ception of the study; LS, XX and JL per-
formed the experiment; LW contributed
significantly to the analysis and manuscript
preparation; LS and JL performed the data
analyses and wrote the manuscript; XX
helped perform the analysis with construc-
tive discussions.
Authors’ ORCID Number
• Liang Sheng: 0000-0003-0620-4779
• Liang Wu: 0000-0002-1247-4583
• Xianwu Xia: 0000-0003-3508-0816
• Junmiao Li: 0000-0001-8890-6242
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