Invest Clin 65(3): 358 - 368, 2024
Corresponding author: Fengnian Guo, Department of Endocrinology, South of Guang’anmen Hospital, China Aca-
demy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, 102618, China. E-mail:
Impact of a ketogenic diet on intestinal
microbiota, cardiometabolic, and glycemic
control parameters in patients with Type 2
diabetes mellitus.
Na Lu
, Xincui Zhou
and Fengnian Guo
Department of Colorectal Surgery, South of Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy
of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, China.
Department of Endocrinology, South of Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy
of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, China.
Keywords: ketogenic diet; Type 2 diabetes mellitus; intestinal flora; glucagon like
peptide-1; glycosylated hemoglobin.
Abstract. A ketogenic diet (KD), characterized by high fat and low carbo-
hydrate intake, has been proposed as a therapeutic option for Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus (T2DM). One hundred individuals with T2DM were selected and divid-
ed into a control group (CG) and an observation (OG) group, with 50 patients
in each group, to investigate the effects of a KD on the intestinal flora, Gluca-
gon Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1), and HbA1c levels in T2DM patients. Individuals in
the CG were given standard treatment and diet, while patients in the OG were
given a KD based on the CG. The blood glucose index, blood lipid index, HbA1c,
GLP-1 levels, physical examination, and intestinal flora were compared in both
groups. The FPG, HbA1c, two h PG, HOMA-IR TG, TC, and LDL-C levels in the
two groups were reduced when compared to those before treatment (p<0.05),
and the decreases in the OG were more significant than in the CG (p<0.05),
while the levels of GLP-1 in the two groups were increased compared to those
before treatment, those in the OG were significantly increased when compared
to the CG (p<0.05). After treatment, waist circumference, BMI, body mass,
and the levels of Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) and Escherichia coli (E.
coli) of the two groups were reduced compared to indicators before treatment
(p<0.05), and those in the OG were even lower than those in the CG (p<0.05).
In conclusion, these findings underscore the KD’s potential to act as an effica-
cious dietary strategy in managing T2DM.
Effects of a ketogenic diet in patients with T2DM 359
Vol. 65(3): 358 - 368, 2024
Impacto de una dieta cetogénica en la microbiota intestinal
y los parámetros de control cardiometabólico y glucémico
en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (3): 358 – 368
Palabras clave: dieta cetogénica; diabetes mellitus tipo 2; flora intestinal; péptido-1
similar al glucagón; hemoglobina glicosilada.
Resumen. Una dieta cetogénica (KD), caracterizada por una ingesta alta
en grasas y baja en carbohidratos, se ha propuesto como una opción terapéuti-
ca para la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Se seleccionaron cien individuos con
DM2 y se dividieron en un grupo control (GC) y un grupo de observación (GO),
con 50 pacientes en cada grupo, para investigar los efectos de una dieta ceto-
génica sobre los niveles de la flora intestinal, el péptido similar al glucagón-1
(GLP-1) y la HbA1c en pacientes con DM2. Los individuos del GC recibieron tra-
tamiento y dieta estándar, mientras que los pacientes del GO recibieron el tra-
tamiento estándar similar al GC, más una dieta cetogénica. En ambos grupos
se compararon el índice de glicemia, el índice de lípidos en sangre, la HbA1c,
los niveles del GLP-1, el examen físico y la flora intestinal. Los niveles de FPG,
HbA1c, 2h PG, HOMA-IR TG, TC y LDL-C en los dos grupos se redujeron en
comparación con los de antes del tratamiento (p<0,05), y las disminuciones en
el GO fueron más significativas que en el grupo GC (p<0,05), mientras que los
niveles de GLP-1 en los dos grupos aumentaron en comparación con los de an-
tes del tratamiento, los del GO aumentaron significativamente en comparación
con el GC (p<0,05). Después del tratamiento, la circunferencia de la cintura,
el IMC, la masa corporal y los niveles de Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) y
Escherichia coli (E. coli) de los dos grupos se redujeron en comparación con
los indicadores antes del tratamiento (p<0,05), y los del GO fueron incluso
más bajos que los del GC. (p<0,05). En conclusión, estos hallazgos subrayan
el potencial de la KD para actuar como una estrategia dietética eficaz en el
tratamiento de la DM2.
Received: 03-03-2024 Accepted: 13-05-2024
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a
chronic metabolic disorder marked by ele-
vated blood sugar levels
. T2DM is linked to
metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.
It is influenced by genetics, obesity, inactiv-
ity, and ethnicity
2, 3
. The prevalence of T2DM
varies globally, with a higher incidence in
developed countries. As per the most re-
cent report from the International Diabetes
Federation (IDF), the worldwide incidence
of T2DM among adults stood at 536.6 mil-
lion individuals (10.5%) in 2021. It is pro-
jected that the number of individuals living
with diabetes will reach 783.2 million people
(12.2%) globally by the year 2045
From a pathophysiological perspective,
T2DM is associated with insulin resistance,
wherein the body’s cells are less responsive
to insulin, and a gradual failure of pancre-
atic β-cells to compensate for this increased
360 Lu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
. This dysfunction is reflected in
the hallmark signs and symptoms of T2DM,
which include polyuria, polydipsia, polypha-
gia, and weight loss
Long-term complications of T2DM are
broad-ranging and include microvascular
damage leading to retinopathy, neuropathy,
and nephropathy, as well as macrovascular
complications such as coronary artery dis-
ease, peripheral arterial disease, and cere-
brovascular disease
7, 8
Diagnosis of T2DM is typically con-
firmed through several tests, including fast-
ing plasma glucose (FPG), 2-hour plasma
glucose (2-h PG) during an oral glucose
tolerance test (OGTT), and hemoglobin
A1c (HbA1c) levels, which reflect the mean
blood glucose levels over the previous two to
three months
Treatment modalities for T2DM include
lifestyle interventions, oral hypoglycemic
agents, non-insulin injectables, and insulin
10, 11
. Among the dietary strategies,
the KD (a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-
carbohydrate diet) has emerged as a poten-
tial therapeutic option
12, 13
. This diet aims to
induce a state of ketosis, where the body uti-
lizes fat as a primary energy source instead
of glucose
The KD has been associated with al-
terations in the gut microbiota, which play
a crucial role in metabolic health
. A shift
in intestinal flora could potentially influ-
ence the incretin hormone glucagon-like
peptide-1 (GLP-1), which promotes insulin
secretion and improves glycemic control.
Furthermore, the KD could influence HbA1c
levels, providing a broader metabolic benefit
for patients with T2DM
However, the literature presents a pau-
city of comprehensive studies that holisti-
cally examine the effects of a KD on both the
intestinal microbiota and the serum levels
of GLP-1 and HbA1c in patients with T2DM.
Therefore, this study aims to explore the ef-
fects of a KD on intestinal flora and serum
GLP-1 and glycosylated hemoglobin levels in
T2DM patients.
This study was conducted as an inter-
ventional study with a randomized controlled
trial (RCT) design. The study spanned over
six months, from June 2021 to June 2022, at
the South of Guang’anmen Hospital.
Based on the random number table
method, 100 T2DM patients were selected
and divided into a control group (CG) and
an observation group (OG), with 50 patients
in each group. As shown in Table 1, there
were no significant differences between the
two groups in general data (P>0.05).
Our hospital’s Ethics Committee re-
viewed and approved the study, and patients
signed the informed consent form.
Inclusion criteria: Patients with
T2DM were initially diagnosed through clini-
cal signs and symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia,
polyphagia, unexplained weight loss, fatigue,
Table 1
Clinical data of patients.
Group n
Age x ± SD BMI (kg/m
) x ± SD
Male Female
CG 50 31 19 53.11±9.69 27.32±5.23
OG 50 32 18 52.64±10.53 27.06±5.56
t/χ² 0.043 0.232 0.241
p 0.836 0.817 0.810
CG: Control group, OG: Observation group, x ± SD: mean ± standard deviation (SD), BMI: Body mass index, t:
t-test, χ²: chi-square test.
Effects of a ketogenic diet in patients with T2DM 361
Vol. 65(3): 358 - 368, 2024
and blurred vision), and serological indica-
tors (FPG >7.0 mmol/L or 126 mg/dL; a
plasma glucose concentration equal to or
exceeding ≥11.1 mmol/L or 200 mg/dL two
hours after a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test
(OGTT); HbA1c >6.5% or higher was also in-
dicative of T2DM)
18, 19
, Patients with good
treatment compliance; Complete and ac-
curate medical records.
Exclusion criteria: Patients with oth-
er serious diabetic complications such as ke-
toacidosis; Patients with other endocrine
diseases; Heart, liver, and kidney failure
patients; Patients with drug allergy epi-
sodes in the past.
The patients in the CG were given stan-
dard treatment: patients were instructed to
control their diet, exercise appropriately,
quit smoking, and limit alcohol consump-
tion, and blood glucose was closely moni-
tored. Patients in the OG were given a KD
based on treatment in the CG. High-protein
and low-carbohydrate KD treatment includ-
ed 1/5-2/5 of fat, 2/5 of protein, 1/5 of car-
bohydrate, keeping regular three meals. This
diet limits carbohydrate intake to around
20-50 grams daily and increases fats such as
meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and healthy oils. On
the other hand, adjusting protein consump-
tion is also part of this diet; if much protein
is consumed, it can be converted to glucose
and may slow the transition to ketosis. The
intake of fat was rich in ω-3 mainly, such as
sardines, salmon, tuna, and other sources of
this fat. The amount of drinking water was
more than 2000 mL/d, multiple mineral vi-
tamins needed to be supplemented, and the
amount of exercise remained at the previous
level. Both groups of patients were treated
continuously for six months.
Serological indicators
The two groups of patients had 5 mL of
fasting peripheral venous blood collected in
the morning before and after treatment, cen-
trifuged at 3000 r/min, and the supernatant
stored at 4°C. A radioimmunoassay was used
to measure fasting blood glucose (FPG) and
postprandial blood glucose (2h PG), ELISA
was used to detect fasting insulin (FINS),
and an insulin resistance index was used
to determine insulin resistance (HOMA-
IR=(FPG×FINS)/22.5. All the kits were pro-
vided by the Shanghai Enzyme Linked Bio-
technology Co., Ltd. and operated strictly
according to the specifications of the kit
instructions. The levels of triglycerides (TG)
and total cholesterol (TC) were detected by
ELISA, and the levels of low-density lipopro-
tein cholesterol (LDL-C) were detected by
the surfactant clearance method. ELISA de-
tected serum HbA1c and GLP-1 levels.
Physical examination indicators
Intestinal flora
Before and after treatment, 0.1g of fresh
feces from the two groups of patients were
collected, mixed with normal saline, and in-
oculated into the culture medium containing
aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, respectively.
The aerobic bacteria mainly refer to bifido-
bacteria and lactobacillus. The culture envi-
ronment was aerobic; the temperature was
set at 37°C, and the time was 48h. Anaerobic
bacteria refer to E. faecalis and E. coli. The
air extraction and ventilation method was
adopted, and the incubation time was 72h.
After the culture, the BIOLOG automatic
microbial identification system detected the
Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Fecal Entero-
coccus, and E. coli levels.
Statistical methods
IBM SPSS 20.0® was used for statisti-
cal analysis, and the counting data were χ
The measurement data were expressed by
mean ± standard deviation (Mean±SD) and
compared by the t-test. The difference was
statistically significant when p<0.05
Blood glucose indicators in each group
There was no difference (p>0.05) in
blood glucose between the two groups be-
fore treatment. After treatment, the levels
362 Lu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
of FPG, 2h PG, and HOMA-IR in both groups
were reduced compared to those before
treatment (p<0.05), and those in the OG
were even more reduced than those in the
CG (p<0.05), as shown in Table 2.
Blood lipid indexes in each group
Blood lipid indexes between the two
groups were no different before treatment
(p>0.05). After treatment, the levels of TG,
TC, and LDL-C in the two groups were re-
duced compared to those before treatment
(p<0.05), and the levels in the OG were
even more reduced than those in the CG
(p<0.05) (Table 3).
HbA1c and GLP-1 levels in each group
Before treatment, HbA1c and GLP-1 lev-
els between the two groups were no different
(p>0.05); after treatment, those in the two
groups were raised compared to those before
treatment, and the levels of HbA1c in the CG
were higher than those in the OG (p<0.05).
The concentration of GLP-1 in the OG was
higher than in the CG after six months of
treatment (p<0.05), as shown in Table 4.
Physical examination indexes in each
Before treatment, the two groups’ waist
circumference, BMI, and body mass were no
different (p>0.05). After treatment, waist
circumference, BMI, and body mass of the
two groups were reduced compared to those
before treatment, and the indicators of the
OG were even more reduced than in the CG
(p<0.05) (Table 5).
Comparison of intestinal flora in each
Before treatment, the intestinal flora
between the two groups was no different
Table 2
Blood glucose indicators in each group before and after six months of treatment.
Group N
FPG (mmol/L) 2h PG (mmol/L) HOMA-IR
Before After Before After Before After
CG 50 8.45±1.24 7.29±0.98
13.01±1.72 10.22±1.47
3.86±0.72 2.87±0.55
OG 50 8.32±1.07 6.57±1.01
12.83±1.66 8.63±1.25
3.77±0.67 2.43±0.48
t 0.561 3.618 0.533 5.827 0.647 4.262
p 0.576 0.000 0.596 0.000 0.519 0.000
CG: Control group, OG: Observation Group, FPG: Fasting Plasma Glucose, 2h PG: 2-hour Postprandial Glucose,
HOMA-IR: Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance, t: t-test, values are expressed as Mean±SD *:
p<0.05 compared with the patients in this group before treatment.
Table 3
Blood lipid indexes in each group before and after six months of treatment.
Group N
Before After Before Before Before After
CG 50 2.57±0.61 1.97±0.42
5.23±0.96 4.41±0.91 3.69±1.02 3.01±0.76
OG 50 2.53±0.57 1.62±0.38
5.21±1.13 3.94±0.77 3.63±0.95 2.65±0.41
t 0.339 4.370 0.095 2.788 0.304 2.948
p 0.736 0.000 0.924 0.006 0.762 0.004
CG: Control group, OG: Observation group, TG: triglyceride, TC: total cholesterol, LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol. Values are expressed as mmol/L. t: t-test, *: p<0.05 compared with the patients in this group before
treatment, * p<0.05.
Effects of a ketogenic diet in patients with T2DM 363
Vol. 65(3): 358 - 368, 2024
(p>0.05). After treatment, the levels of Bi-
fidobacterium and Lactobacillus in the two
groups were increased compared to those
before treatment, and those in the OG were
higher than in the CG (p<0.05). After treat-
ment, the levels of E. faecalis and E. coli in
the two groups were reduced to those before
treatment (P<0.05), and the levels in the
OG were even lower than those in the CG
(p<0.05) (Table 6).
The ketogenic diet (KD) has been in-
creasingly studied for its potential therapeu-
tic effects in various health conditions, in-
cluding type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
T2DM is a chronic condition characterized
by insulin resistance and impaired glucose
. This study aimed to investi-
gate the impact of a KD on the intestinal
Table 4
HbA1c and GLP-1 levels in each group before and after six months of treatment.
Group N
HbA1c (%) GLP-1 (μ mol/L)
Before After Before After
CG 50 8.41±1.12 7.51±1.09* 6.72±0.88 11.34±1.11*
OG 50 8.53±1.18 6.64±0.87* 6.64±0.52 14.43±2.28*
t 0.522 -4.411 -0.553 8.616
p 0.603 0.000 0.581 0.000
CG: Control group, OG: Observation group, HbA1c: hemoglobin A1c, GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide 1, t: t-test, *
p<0.05 compared with the patients in this group before treatment.
Table 5
Physical examination indexes in each group before and after six months of treatment.
Group N
Weight (kg) BMI (kg/m
) Waist circumference (cm)
Before After Before After Before After
CG 50 90.02±10.80 72.14±9.63
30.58±2.81 25.70±1.42
98.63±3.41 86.84±3.25
OG 50 89.12±10.72 67.76±9.58
30.46±2.92 24.25±1.35
98.56±3.35 80.62±2.20
t -0.418 -2.280 -0.209 -5.233 -0.104 -11.207
p 0.677 0.025 0.835 0.000 0.918 0.000
CG: Control group, OG: Observation group, BMI: body mass index, t: t-test, *: p<0.05 compared with the patients
in this group before treatment.
Table 6
Intestinal flora in each group before and after six months of treatment.
Group N
Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus E. faecalis E. coli
Before After Before After Before After Before After
CG 50 7.54±0.95 8.15±0.86
6.93±0.99 7.58±0.82
8.22±0.83 7.42±0.72
9.46±1.15 8.16±1.18
OG 50 7.62±1.14 8.82±0.76
6.84±0.92 8.12±0.93
8.16±0.76 6.56±0.77
9.64±1.23 7.24±0.87
t 0.381 4.128 -0.471 3.080 -0.377 -5.769 0.756 -4.437
p 0.704 0.000 0.639 0.003 0.707 0.000 0.452 0.000
CG: Control group, OG: Observation group. Values are expressed as lgCFU/g, t: t-test, *: p<0.05 compared with
the patients in this group before treatment.
364 Lu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(3): 2024
microbiota and the serum levels of gluca-
gon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glycosylated
hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with T2DM.
The present study’s findings suggest
that patients with T2DM who followed a KD
for six months exhibited significant improve-
ments in their serum levels of GLP-1 and
HbA1c, as well as their blood glucose and
lipid profiles, compared to the control group
receiving standard treatment. Additionally,
there were notable changes in the composi-
tion of the intestinal microbiota, with an in-
crease in beneficial bacteria such as Bifido-
bacterium and Lactobacillus, and a decrease
in potentially harmful bacteria like E. faeca-
lis and E. coli.
Several studies have investigated the
impact of a KD on weight, blood glucose lev-
els, and lipid profiles in patients with T2DM.
In line with the present study, the research
findings suggest that a KD can induce posi-
tive changes in these parameters, offering
potential benefits for managing T2DM. Li
et al.’s study results show that following a
KD can lead to a decrease in fasting blood
glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels
in T2DM patients, which indicates an im-
provement in blood glucose management
Zhou et al.
also conducted a meta-analysis
to investigate the role of KD in controlling
body weight and managing blood sugar in
overweight patients with T2DM. The results
show that the KD significantly reduces body
weight, reduces waist circumference, reduc-
es glycosylated hemoglobin and triglycer-
ides, and increases high-density lipoproteins
Additionally, the improvement in lipid
profiles, particularly the reduction in triglyc-
eride levels, is corroborated by Yuan et al.
The KD’s impact on lipid profiles, especially
triglyceride levels, is likely due to its effects
on insulin secretion and lipid metabolism. By
reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing
fat intake, the diet leads to a decrease in insu-
lin secretion, which in turn reduces the con-
version of excess carbohydrates into triglyc-
erides in the liver
. Additionally, the diet’s
high-fat content provides a source of energy
that is less likely to be stored as triglycerides
in adipose tissue, further contributing to the
reduction in triglyceride levels
The efficacy of insulin action is ensured
through a cellular signalling cascade, which
encompasses membrane insulin receptors
(IRS) and intracellular proteins (PI3K and
AKT). Critical for the uptake of plasma
glucose into tissues, these interactions be-
tween proteins play a vital role. Conversely,
deficiencies in cellular signal transduction
and insulin responses to insulin stimulation
(IR) can disrupt glucose regulation, conse-
quently contributing to the onset of T2DM
. The reduction in carbohydrate intake in
a KD induces a state of nutritional ketosis,
which alters the body’s metabolism, leading
to improved blood glucose levels and insu-
lin sensitivity
28, 29
. In line with the present
study, a systematic study by Huang et al. re-
vealed that the ketogenic diet can improve
insulin sensitivity in individuals with type
2 diabetes, with the most significant effect
resulting from a ketogenic diet paired with
. The study by Paoli et al. also con-
firms these findings and states that a keto-
genic diet can improve blood sugar control
and insulin sensitivity
The reduction in HbA1c levels in the
observation group supports the results of
a study by Rafiullah et al., which concluded
that very low-carbohydrate ketogenic di-
ets effectively reduce HbA1c in individuals
with T2DM
. A recent systematic review
and meta-analysis conducted by Zaki et al.
found that low carbohydrate (LCD) and KD
positively impact glucose regulation in indi-
viduals with Type 2 Diabetes. Nevertheless,
the analysis indicated that ketogenic diets
demonstrate notably higher effectiveness in
lowering HbA1c levels (− 1.45%) when com-
pared to LCD (− 0.27%)
The results of the present study showed
that the ketogenic diet increases the serum
level of GLP-1 in diabetic patients. GLP-1 is
a hormone produced by the intestines that
helps regulate blood sugar levels and stimu-
Effects of a ketogenic diet in patients with T2DM 365
Vol. 65(3): 358 - 368, 2024
lates insulin secretion
. Widiatmaja et al.
conducted a study to analyze the long-term
effect of KD on the serum levels of adipo-
nectin and IGF-1 in rats. The results showed
that long-term KD increases serum adipo-
nectin levels and does not affect serum IGF-
1 levels
. This finding is contrary to the
results of the present study, which could be
due to the type of participants and the type
of study. Since human studies on this param-
eter have not been conducted in people with
a KD diet, it is necessary to investigate this
matter further.
Finally, the present study showed that
KD improves intestinal microbiota. KD im-
proves Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus lev-
els and reduces E. faecalis and E. coli levels
in the intestine. Previous studies have also
shown that a very low-calorie ketogenic diet
(VLCKD) can lead to significant changes in
gut microbiota composition in drug-naïve
patients with T2DM and obesity. One study
compared the effects of VLCKD and a hypo-
caloric Mediterranean diet (MD) on gut mi-
crobiota in patients with T2DM and obesity.
The results showed that the VLCKD group
had more significant changes in gut micro-
biota composition
. The study of Paoli et al.
also supports this idea and results
. Since
the number of studies in this field is limited,
more studies are recommended.
In conclusion, this study confirms that
a ketogenic diet significantly outperforms
standard dietary treatments for type 2 diabe-
tes mellitus over six months. It more effec-
tively lowers blood glucose levels, improves
lipid profiles, reduces body weight and waist
circumference, and beneficially alters gut
microbiota. These findings highlight the ke-
togenic diet’s potential as a superior dietary
intervention for managing type 2 diabetes.
Authors’ ORCID number
Na Lu: 0000-0001-5222-6675
Xincui Zhou: 0009-0000-5661-531X
Fengnian Guo: 0009-0008-8713-8833
Contributions of authors
All authors were involved in data collec-
tion, article design, interpretation of results,
review, and manuscript preparation.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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