Invest Clin 65(4): 426 - 435, 2024
Corresponding authors: Ting Wang & Yuqin Wu. Ward of Special Needs, Kunming Children’s Hospital, Kunming
650103, Yunnan Province, China. Email:;
Correlations of serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D,
CD4+CD25+CD127 regulatory T cells
and total immunoglobulin E in children
with recurrent respiratory tract infections.
Yanfei Yang, Na Fan, Xingzhu Liu, Lin Wang, Zhihai Wang, Yao Hou,
Ting Wang and Yuqin Wu
Ward of Special Needs, Kunming Children’s Hospital. Yunnan Province, China.
Keywords: cluster of differentiation; correlation; 25-hydroxy-vitamin D;
immunoglobulin; recurrent respiratory tract infection; regulatory T cell.
Abstract. Recurrent respiratory tract infections (RRTIs) have a complex
pathogenic mechanism. There may be correlations between expression levels of
serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25-OH-D), regulatory T cells (Tregs), total immu-
noglobulin E (IgE) and RRTIs. We aimed to explore the correlations of serum
25-OH-D, cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4)+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE
in children with RRTIs. A total of 150 children with pneumonia were enrolled
as the subjects and randomly assigned into a control group (97 children with
non-RRTIs) and an observation group (53 children with RRTIs). The expression
levels of serum 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE were compared
in RRTI children with different genders, stages, sites of lesions and severities
of illness. The correlation was tested by Pearson analysis. The expression level
of serum 25-OH-D was significantly higher in children with RRTIs in the upper
respiratory tract than that in the lower respiratory tract, whereas the expression
level of total IgE was significantly lower in children with RRTIs in the upper re-
spiratory tract (p<0.05). The expression level of 25-OH-D was negatively corre-
lated with expression levels of CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE (r=-0.355,
-0.314, p<0.05), while a positive correlation was found between expression levels
of CD4+CD25+CD127- Treg and total IgE (r=0.237, p<0.05). The area under the
curve of combination of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Treg and total IgE expres-
sion levels for predicting RRTIs was 0.852. The combined detection of the three
indicators is conducive to enhancing the detection rate of RRTIs.
Detection of recurrent respiratory tract infections 427
Vol. 65(4): 426 - 435, 2024
Las correlaciones séricas de 25-hidroxivitamina D,
CD4+CD25+CD127 linfocitos T reguladores e inmunoglobulina
E total en niños con infecciones recurrentes del tracto
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (4): 426 – 435
Palabras clave: cluster of differentiation; correlacion; 25-hidroxi-vitamina D;
inmunoglobulina; infeccion recurrente del tracto respiratorio,
T cell reguladora.
Resumen. Las infecciones recurrentes del tracto respiratorio (ITRR)
tienen un mecanismo patogénico complejo. Puede haber correlaciones entre
los niveles de expresión de 25-hidroxivitamina D (25-OH-D) sérica, células T
reguladoras (Treg), inmunoglobulina E total (IgE) y RRTI. Nuestro objetivo
fue explorar las correlaciones de la 25-OH-D sérica, el grupo de diferenciación
4 (CD4)+CD25+CD127 Tregs y la IgE total en niños con IRRR. Se inscribió
un total de 150 niños con neumonía como sujetos y se los asignó aleatoria-
mente a un grupo de control (97 niños sin RRTI) y un grupo de observación
(53 niños con RRTI). Se compararon los niveles de expresión de 25-OH-D,
(CD4)+CD25+CD127Tregs en suero y de IgE total en niños con RRTI con di-
ferentes géneros, estadios, sitios de lesiones y gravedad de la enfermedad. La
correlación fue probada mediante análisis de Pearson. El nivel de expresión de
25-OH-D sérico fue significativamente mayor en niños con IRRI en el tracto
respiratorio superior que en el tracto respiratorio inferior, mientras que el nivel
de expresión de IgE total fue significativamente menor en niños con IRRI en el
tracto respiratorio superior (p<0,05). El nivel de expresión de 25-OH-D se co-
rrelacionó negativamente con los niveles de expresión de (CD4)+CD25+CD127-
Tregs y la IgE total (r=-0,355, -0,314, p<0,05), mientras que se encontró una
correlación positiva entre los niveles de expresión de (CD4)+CD25+CD127
Treg e IgE total (r=0,237, p<0,05). El área bajo la curva de combinación de
los niveles de expresión de 25-OH-D, (CD4)+CD25+CD127- Treg y de IgE total
para predecir IRRI fue de 0,852. La detección combinada de los tres indicado-
res conduce a mejorar la tasa de detección de IRRI.
Received: 09-04-2024 Accepted: 25-08-2024
Recurrent respiratory tract infections
(RRTIs) possess a relatively complex patho-
genic mechanism, which involves various
pathogenic factors. Children are susceptible
to RRTIs, with a major age of onset of 2-6
years old, and in terms of the prevalence
rate, children with RRTIs account for ap-
proximately 20.00% of children with respi-
ratory infections 1,2. The incidence rate of
RRTIs is about 16.80-18.70% in children in
China, and 80.00% of children with RRTIs
are aged below 5 years old 3. 25-hydroxy-
vitamin D (25-OH-D) is mainly metabolized
by vitamin D-25-hydroxylase. Studies have
manifested that 25-OH-D is implicated in
the development and progression of RRTIs,
428 Yang et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
exerting a profound impact on the body im-
munity of developing children 4,5. Regula-
tory T cells (Tregs), a common subset of T
cells, control the autoimmune response of
the body. Animal experiments have revealed
that the content of Tregs [cluster of differ-
entiation 4 (CD4)+CD25+ Forkhead box P3
(Foxp3) Tregs] is higher in RRTI mice than
that in normal mice, but it declines signifi-
cantly after drug intervention 6,7. Generally,
immunoglobulin E (IgE) is mainly produced
in plasma cells of the respiratory and di-
gestive tracts, which has an extremely low
expression level in blood of normal people
(about 0.002% of total Ig in serum), and its
abnormal expression is related to the devel-
opment and progression of some diseases,
including RRTIs.8 Based on the above analy-
sis, it can be concluded that there are cer-
tain correlations between expression levels
of serum 25-OH-D, Tregs and total IgE and
RRTIs.Kunming is situated in the Yunnan-
Guizhou Plateau, China, where the incidence
of RRTIs may be of specific characteristics.
In addition, research on the relationship be-
tween RRTIs and expressions of 25-OH-D,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE is
lacking (or rare) at present, so it is neces-
sary to carry out such research. In this study,
therefore, the expression levels and relation-
ships of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs
and total IgE were explored with 150 chil-
dren with pneumonia (including 53 children
with RRTIs) as the subjects, aiming to pro-
vide a basis for clinical diagnosis and treat-
ment of children with RRTIs in the plateau
General data
According to the guidelines of the Dec-
laration of Helsinki, the study was performed
with approvals from the medical ethics com-
mittee of our hospital. One hundred and
fifty children with pneumonia admitted to
and treated in Kunming Children’s Hospital,
China from January 2020 to January 2023
were selected as the subjects. The children
were assigned into a control group (97 chil-
dren with non-RRTIs) and an observation
group (53 children with RRTIs) using a ran-
dom number table.
The inclusion criteria for the observa-
tion group were set as follows: 1) children
aged 0-12 years old, without gender require-
ment, 2) those who were diagnosed with
pneumonia and met the diagnostic criteria
for RRTIs, 3) those who lived in the jurisdic-
tion of Kunming, China and 4) those whose
family members and caregivers had signed
the informed consent and who were willing
to participate in this study. The inclusion
criteria for the control group were as fol-
lows: 1) children aged 0-12 years old, with-
out gender requirement, 2) those who were
diagnosed with pneumonia and did not meet
the diagnostic criteria for RRTIs, 3) those
who lived in the jurisdiction of Kunming,
China, and 4) those whose family members
and caregivers had signed the informed con-
sent and who were willing to participate in
this study.
The exclusion criteria involved: 1) chil-
dren with all kinds of congenital diseases,
cancers (liver, lung, brain, pancreas, thyroid,
etc.) or severe deformities, 2) those with var-
ious hematological, immunological or mo-
tor disorders, 3) those with airway obstruc-
tion, external tracheal compression, asthma,
bronchiectasis or foreign bodies in the bron-
chus, 4) those with abnormal diet (including
those with various nutritional diseases), 5)
those who had taken immunosuppressants
within 3 months before enrollment, 6) those
with hereditary or metabolic diseases, 7)
those with anemia or obesity (BMI>P95), or
8) those whose family members and caregiv-
ers were not informed or had not signed the
informed consent or who had incomplete
clinical data.
The control group was composed of 97
patients, including 61 (62.89%) boys and 36
(37.11%) girls, aged 0-12 (4.12±1.25) years
old. As to severity of illness, there were 51
mild cases, 24 moderate cases and 22 se-
Detection of recurrent respiratory tract infections 429
Vol. 65(4): 426 - 435, 2024
vere cases. The observation group consisted
of 53 patients, including 33 (62.26%) boys
and 20 (37.74%) girls, with an age of 0-12
(4.23±1.27) years old. In terms of severity of
illness, there were 27 mild cases, 16 moder-
ate cases and 10 severe cases, respectively. As
to the site of lesions, there were 34 and 19
cases of upper and lower respiratory tract in-
fections, respectively. The general data such
as age, gender and severity of illness were of
no significant differences between the two
groups (p>0.05), which were comparable.
Detection methods
After admission, the demographic data
(age, gender, etc.) of patients were collected
in both groups. The next morning, an appro-
priate amount (5 mL) of venous blood was
collected from the elbow of each child in the
company of their family members and care-
givers. Then, the blood was centrifuged with
a centrifuge (Beckman Coulter, USA, Optima
MAX -TL) under the following conditions:
centrifugal radius of 15 cm, centrifugal rate
of 2000 rpm and centrifugal time of 5 min.
Afterwards, the serum was harvested for mea-
surement of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127-
Treg and total IgE expression levels. The
expression level of 25-OH-D was detected
by magnetic microparticle chemilumines-
cence assay, while the expression levels of
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE were
measured by a flow cytometer and an auto-
matic protein analyzer, respectively. The mea-
surement was conducted strictly according
to the specific standard operating procedures
for detecting 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127-
Tregs and total IgE 9.
The expressions of serum 25-OH-D,
Tregs and total IgE in observation and con-
trol groups were measured and compared.
Additionally, the expressions of serum 25-
OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total
IgE in the observation group at different
stages (remission stage and attack stage),
genders (boy and girl), sites of lesions (up-
per and lower respiratory tracts) and severi-
ties of illness (mild, moderate and severe)
were measured and compared.
Statistical analysis
An Excel database was created, in which
the baseline data and research data of all sub-
jects were classified, numbered and counted.
Next, such data were included in SPSS 23.0
software for processing. Count data were
subjected to the χ2 test and expressed as rate
or percentage (%). Measurement data were
expressed by mean ± standard deviation and
subjected to the t test, and analysis of vari-
ance was employed for pairwise comparison
of means of three samples. The correlation
was tested by Pearson analysis. Receiver op-
erating characteristic (ROC) curves were
plotted, based on which the areas under
ROC curves (AUCs) were calculated to ana-
lyze the predictive values of expression levels
of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and
total IgE for the incidence of RRTIs. The
value of AUC was between 0 and 1, where 1
represented a perfect classification and 0.5
represented random guessing. The best clas-
sification threshold was selected based on
the ROC curve. At the selected optimal cut-
off value, the corresponding sensitivity (true
positive rate) and specificity (true negative
rate) were calculated. At the selected cutoff
value, the false positive rate (1-specificity)
and false negative rate (1-sensitivity) were
calculated. The significant level was set as
α=0.05 (bilateral), and p<0.05 denoted that
the difference was statistically significant.
Expression levels of serum 25-OH-D,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in
the two groups
The expression level of serum 25-OH-D
in the observation group was significantly
lower than that in the control group, whereas
the expression levels of CD4+CD25+CD127-
Tregs and total IgE were significantly higher
than those in the control group (p<0.05)
(Table 1).
430 Yang et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
Expression levels of 25-OH-D,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE
in children with RRTIs at different stages
in the observation group
Children with RRTIs at remission stage
in the observation group had a significant-
ly lower expression level of serum 25-OH-D
and significantly higher expression levels of
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE than
those of the control group (p<0.05) (Table 2).
Expression levels of 25-OH-D,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in
RRTI boys and girls in the observation group
In comparison with RRTI girls, RRTI boys
exhibited comparable expression levels of se-
rum 25-OH-D and CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs
(p>0.05), but a slightly elevated expression
level of total IgE (p<0.05) (Table 3).
Expression levels of 25-OH-D,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE
in children with different severities
of RRTIs in the observation group
A lower expression level of serum
25-OH-D and higher expression levels of
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE were
detected in children with severe RRTIs com-
pared to those in children with mild and
moderate RRTIs (p<0.05) (Table 4).
Expression levels of 25-OH-D,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in
children with RRTIs in the upper and lower
respiratory tracts in the observation group
The expression level of serum 25-OH-D
in children with RRTIs in the upper respira-
tory tract was significantly higher than that
in the lower respiratory tract, and the ex-
Table 2
Expression levels of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in children with RRTIs
at different stages in the observation group.
Stage n25-OH-D (ng/mL) CD4+CD25+CD127-Treg (%) Total IgE (U/mL)
Remission 53 22.31±2.25 4.48±1.34 98.67±12.33
Attack 53 15.64±2.17 6.81±1.55 233.61±19.55
t15.534 8.279 42.502
p<0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Table 3
Expression levels of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in RRTI boys
and girls in the observation group.
Gender n25-OH-D (ng/mL) CD4+CD25+CD127-Treg (%) Total IgE (U/mL)
Girl 20 15.57±2.26 6.25±1.37 232.51±19.82
Boy 33 15.82±2.23 6.72±1.43 234.57±20.59
t0.573 1.728 2.045
p0.568 0.087 0.043
Table 1
Expression levels of serum 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in the two groups
Group n25-OH-D (ng/mL) CD4+CD25+CD127-Treg (%) Total IgE (U/mL)
Control 97 25.34±3.68 4.87±1.32 81.62±10.28
Observation 53 15.58±2.27 7.15±1.84 233.17±18.62
t17.554 8.864 64.305
p<0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Detection of recurrent respiratory tract infections 431
Vol. 65(4): 426 - 435, 2024
pression level of total IgE was significantly
lower than that in the lower respiratory tract
(p<0.05) (Table 5).
Results of correlation analysis
The results of Pearson correlation anal-
ysis revealed negative correlations of the ex-
pression level of serum 25-OH-D with the ex-
pression levels of CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs
and total IgE (r=-0.355, -0.314, p<0.05)
and a positive correlation between expres-
sion levels of CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and
total IgE (r=0.233, p<0.05) (Fig. 1).
Analysis results of predictive value
The AUC value of combination of 25-
OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total
IgE for predicting the incidence of RRTIs
was 0.852, which was significantly larger
than that of any of the three indicators
alone (0.752, 0.654 and 0.643, respectively;
p<0.05) (Fig. 2).
The expression level of 25-OH-D in chil-
dren with RRTIs (0.5 months to 14 years old)
is lower than that in healthy children (con-
trol group), and the insufficiency or deficien-
cy of vitamin D is related to the occurrence
of RRTIs 4. The lack of serum 25-(OH)-D3 in
children with RRTIs is an important reason
for the decreased expression level of plasma
LL-37 (one of the Cathelicidin antimicrobial
peptides) 10. This suggests that RRTI chil-
dren have obvious vitamin D deficiency or
deficit. In this study, the expression level of
25-OH-D in children with RRTIs was abnor-
mal, which was significantly decreased com-
pared with that in the control group (chil-
dren with non-RRTIs). Such a decrease in
the expression level of serum 25-OH-D may
be ascribed to the following factors. Firstly,
the immunomodulatory function of vitamin
D is related to the expression of vitamin D
Table 4
Expression levels of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in children with
different severities of RRTIs in the observation group.
Severity n25-OH-D (ng/mL) CD4+CD25+CD127-Treg (%) Total IgE (U/mL)
Mild 27 15.57±2.26 4.15±1.02 201.33±16.55
Moderate 16 15.82±2.23 5.84±1.23a** 239.75±20.58a**
Severe 10 13.08±1.85b**c* 6.89±1.52b**c 292.61±23.57b**c**
F5.75 22.99 84.11
p0.057 0.0000 0.0000
q test (Newman-Keuls method) for pairwise comparison of sample means (3), a: the first vs. the second, b: the first
vs. the third, c: the second vs. the third. *p<0.05, **p<0.01.
Table 5
Expression levels of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE in children with RRTIs
in the upper and lower respiratory tracts in the observation group.
Site n25-OH-D (ng/mL) CD4+CD25+CD127- Treg (%) Total IgE (U/mL)
Upper respiratory tract 34 16.23±2.58 6.12±1.25 226.87±17.88
Lower respiratory tract 19 13.34±2.27 6.58±1.33 250.64±23.58
t 6.122 1.835 5.848
p <0.05 0.069 <0.05
432 Yang et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
receptors (in vascular endothelium, myocar-
dium, skeletal muscle, immune cells, etc.).
Vitamin D receptors have been confirmed to
have no expression in resting T lymphocytes.
However, when the body is infected, T lym-
phocytes are activated and can participate
in the mediation of 25-OH-D by expressing
cytochrome P450 family member 27B1, and
make it transform into 1,25(OH)2D. On this
condition, the endogenous nature of vitamin
D receptors is activated by stimuli, followed
by combination (vitamin D and its recep-
tors) and joint action to promote immune
cells to produce corresponding cytokines,
playing the role of immune regulation. As
a result, body immunity is enhanced 11,12.
Secondly, 25-OH-D can interact with macro-
phages and monocytes, producing tubulins
and defensins with antibacterial and antivi-
ral activities in the induction period, thus
affecting the phagocytic ability and chemo-
taxis of macrophages and monocytes, and en-
hancing the differentiation of monocytes to
macrophages 13. It follows that the decrease
in the expression level of serum 25-OH-D in
children with RRTIs is related to insufficient
intake of vitamin D and repressed expression
of vitamin D receptors.
Tregs impede the activation and prolif-
eration of target cells inhibiting the expres-
sion of CD25 (interleukin-2 receptor sub-
unit alpha, IL-2Ra) chain on the surface of
target cells. Second, Tregs suppress the pro-
liferation of effector cells and immunocom-
petence 14, i.e. Tregs secrete such inhibitory
cytokines as IL-10 and transforming growth
factor-β to participate in immune suppres-
sion of the body. In this study, the expres-
sion level of CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs in
children with RRTIs was subjected to a con-
trol study from the perspectives of disease
stage, gender, site of lesions and severity of
illness. It was found that the expression level
of CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs in children with
RRTIs was abnormal, which was significantly
higher than that in the control group (chil-
dren with non-RRTIs), implying that the devel-
opment and progression of RRTIs in children
Fig. 1. Correlation analysis results of 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE levels.
Fig. 2. ROC curves of predictive values of
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total
IgE for the incidence of RRTIs.
Detection of recurrent respiratory tract infections 433
Vol. 65(4): 426 - 435, 2024
are influenced by CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs.
Schenck et al. found that the expression
level of lymphocytes (CD3, CD4) in RRTI
children was lower than that in the con-
trol group (healthy children) 15. Moreover,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs can effectively in-
hibit the immune response mediated by CD4+
and CD8+ effector cells16,17. This shows that
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs exhibit abnormal
proliferation and activation in RRTI children,
giving rise to enhanced response advantage of
Tregs, breaking the balance between T helper
type 1 (Th1)/Th2/Th17 cell system and Treg
cell system, and leading to the disorder of im-
mune regulation. Eventually, RRTIs develop
and progress.
In this study, the expression level of to-
tal IgE in children with RRTIs was compared
from disease stage, gender, site of lesions
and severity of illness. The results showed
that the expression level of total IgE in chil-
dren with RRTIs was abnormal and higher
than that in the control group (children
with non-RRTIs), signifying that the abnor-
mal expression of total IgE is related to the
development and progression of RRTIs. This
is attributed to the fact that repeated respi-
ratory infections affect the antigens, leading
to the exhaustion of the immune system and
increasing the expression level of total IgE
in serum.
The results of Pearson correlation
analysis uncovered that the expression
level of serum 25-OH-D was negatively
correlated with the expression levels of
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE
(r=-0.355, -0.314), while the expression
level of CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs was pos-
itively correlated with that of total IgE
(r=0.237). This demonstrates that the de-
velopment and progression of RRTIs is a
comprehensive pathological process, which
may be caused by the interaction of serum
25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and
total IgE. It has previously been reported
that the children with RRTIs (196 children
aged 1 to 18 years old) had reduced serum
25-OH-D expression levels (61.00%), and
vitamin D expression level was negatively
correlated with age 18. In this state, the ex-
pression levels of immunoglobulins (IgA,
IgG) in children with RRTIs also decrease
19. In this study, when the expression level
of serum 25-OH-D in children with RRTIs
dropped, that of total IgE rose, i.e., there
was a negative correlation between the
two. It suggests that serum 25-OH-D may
be involved in mediation of humoral im-
munity. Beale et al. proved that the sever-
ity of RRTIs was correlated with the level
of vitamin D, and in RRTI children with a
low immune level, the serum 25-OH-D level
showed a positive relationship with the se-
verity of RRTIs 20. Hatam et al. confirmed
that CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs were abnor-
mally expressed in children with RTTIs,
which was an important pathogenesis of
RRTIs.21 It can be concluded that serum 25-
OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total
IgE may participate in the development and
progression of RRTIs through interaction.
Moreover, it was also found in this study
that the AUC value of combination of 25-
OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total
IgE for predicting the incidence of RRTIs
was 0.852, which was larger than that of
any of the three indicators alone, with sig-
nificant differences. Collectively, the com-
bined detection of the three indicators is
beneficial to improving the detection rate
of RRTIs.
Nevertheless, this study is limited. The
obtained predictive values are focused on
the analysis of global RRTIs (upper and lower
respiratory tract) compared to non-RRTIs.
Further studies are ongoing in our group.
In summary, serum 25-OH-D,
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE
are abnormally expressed in children with
RRTIs, and their expressions are of great
differences among children at different
stages, sites of lesions and severities of ill-
ness. The expression of 25-OH-D has nega-
tive correlations with the expressions of
CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs and total IgE, and
a positive correlation is observed between
434 Yang et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
the expressions of CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs
and total IgE. The combined detection of
serum 25-OH-D, CD4+CD25+CD127- Tregs
and total IgE is conducive to enhancing the
detection rate of RRTIs.
This study was financially supported
by the Health Science and Research Project
of Kunming Municipal Health Commission
(No. 2022-06-01-005).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
ORCID’s number authors
Yanfei Yang (YY):
Na Fan (NF):
Xingzhu Liu (XL):
Lin Wang (LW):
Zhihai Wang (ZW):
Yao Hou (YH):
Ting Wang (TW):
Yuqin Wu (YW):
Contribution of the authors
YY, TW and YW designed this study and
significantly revised this paper; NF, XL, LW,
ZW and YH performed this study and draft-
ed this paper. All authors have approved the
submission and publication of this paper.
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