Invest Clin 65(4): 462 - 469, 2024
Correspondence author: Carlos Briceño-Pérez. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia. ObGyn Department.
Maracaibo, Venezuela. Phone: +584146731325. Email:
Giant ovarian tumors: uncommon ovarian
tumors. Report of four cases.
Rosa Ríos
, Bayron Castro
, Oscar Hurtado
, Carlos Briceño-Pérez
and the GOT Study Group
Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Maternidad "Dr. Armando Castillo Plaza".
Servicio Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Servicio de Cirugía Oncológica. Servicio Autónomo Hospital Universitario
de Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Hospital Regional General del Instituto Venezolano de los Seguros Sociales, Uyapar,
Estado Bolívar, Venezuela.
Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad
del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Keywords: giant ovarian tumors; ovary; tumors; cysts; cystadenoms.
Abstract. Over time, the large size of some tumors has been described
with fascination. The term “giant” is frequently used to refer to these large
gynecologic tumors. Also, to call them “giants”, their measurements >10 cm,
>15 cm, >20 cm are usually used, and sometimes the limits for their defini-
tion are not mentioned. Others define “large” as those >5 cm, those measur-
ing 10-20 cm or those reaching above the umbilicus. In the English-speaking
literature, there has been an agreement for more than 53 years on defining
uterine or ovarian tumors weighing more than 25 lb as “giants”, because, in
1971, Beacham et al, reviewed the uterine or ovarian tumors reported between
1946-1970, weighing 25 lb. or more. The present study aimed to report the
clinical characteristics and management of four uncommon cases of giant tu-
mors, with good surgical management, that evolved successfully and without
complications. We defined as “giants”, gynecologic tumors weighing 25 lb or
more and the used parameter was weight, not measurements. Four tumors were
benign, cystadenoma-type, and three serous. Two patients were nulliparous, and
two were of indigenous race. All four patients were of extreme ages. The tumors
weighed 46.738, 65.256, 26.675 and 27.116 lb (21.200, 29.600, 12.100 and
12.300 kg).
Giant ovarian tumors: a series of four cases 463
Vol. 65(4): 462 - 469, 2024
Tumores gigantes de ovario: una rara serie de 4 casos.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (4): 462 – 469
Palabras clave: tumor gigante de ovario; ovario; tumores; quistes; cistadenomas.
Resumen. El gran tamaño de algunos tumores se ha descrito con fasci-
nación, a lo largo del tiempo. El término “gigante” se utiliza con frecuencia
para referirse a estos tumores ginecológicos de gran tamaño. También, para
llamarlos “gigantes”, se suelen utilizar sus medidas >10 cm, >15 cm, >20 cm;
y en ocasiones no se mencionan los límites para su definición. Otros definen los
“grandes” como aquellos >5 cm, los que miden 10-20 cm o los que llegan por
encima del ombligo. En la literatura anglosajona, ha habido acuerdo durante
más de 53 años en definir los tumores uterinos u ováricos que pesan más de 25
libras, como “gigantes”, ya que, en 1971, Beacham y col., revisaron los tumores
uterinos u ováricos reportados entre 1946-1970, que pesaban 25 libras o más.
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo relatar las características clínicas y el
manejo de 4 raros casos que, a pesar de ser tumores “gigantes”, con buen ma-
nejo quirúrgico, todos evolucionaron sin complicaciones y con éxito. Definimos
como “gigantes” los tumores ginecológicos que pesaban 25 libras o más y el pa-
rámetro utilizado fue el peso, no las medidas. Los 4 tumores eran benignos, de
tipo cistadenoma, serosos (3). Dos pacientes eran nulíparas, 2 eran de raza in-
dígena. Las 4 pacientes eran de edades extremas. Los tumore pesaron 46.738,
65.256, 26.675 y 27.116 lb (21.200, 29.600, 12.100 y 12.300 kg).
Received: 18-03-2024 Accepted: 28-06-2024
The large size of some tumors has been
described with fascination over time. These
include gynecological ones, of which cases
of enormous growth are described, espe-
cially before the advent of ultrasound (US)
The terminology of these large tumors con-
tains very varied and confusing qualifiers,
including “immense”, “extensive”, “volumi-
nous”, “massive”, “large”, “very large”, “gi-
ant”, “gigantic”, etc.
. The term “giant”
is often used to refer to these large gyne-
cological tumors. Also, to call them “gi-
ants”, their measurements >10 cm
, >15
, >20 cm
, are usually used; and some-
times the limits for their definition are
not mentioned
. Others define “large”
ovarian cysts as those >5 cm
, those mea-
suring 10-20 cm
or those reaching above
the umbilicus
. In the English-speaking
literature, there has been an agreement
for more than 55 years on defining uter-
ine or ovarian tumors weighing more than
25 lb., as “giants”
. This is because, in
1971, Beacham et al.
reviewed the uterine
or ovarian tumors reported between 1946-
1970, weighing 25 lb. or more. These au-
thors noted the following: 1. they defined
as “giants” only gynecologic tumors weigh-
ing 25 lb. or more; and 2. the parameter
used for their definition was weight, not
measurements. In clinical practice, it is dif-
ficult to gather a series of four cases of this
size, for which the present work set out the
aim of reporting the clinical features and
the management of four cases of giant ovar-
ian tumors (GOT) that weighed 46.738,
65.256, 26.675 and 27.116 lb (21.200,
29.600, 12.100 and 12.300 kg) (Fig. 1).
464 Ríos et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
Case 1
MM, 57 years, consulted the Autono-
mous Service University Hospital of Maraca-
ibo (OGS-ASUHM) or Maternity Dr. Armando
Castillo Plaza, Venezuela, on October 29-20,
due to dyspnea at medium exertion and in-
creased volume in the abdomen, from eight
months before. Genital bleeding of the me-
no-metrorrhagia type of moderate quantity,
bright red, without clots, not fetid. Abdomen:
AC: 125 cm, palpable tumor of approximately
90 x 80 cm, non-mobile, non-painful, ascites
is evident; preoperative laboratory tests: nor-
mal. Abdominal-pelvic US: evidenced from
the xiphoid region to the hypogastrium, a
large lesion occupying liquid content, multi-
located with echoes of medium echogenicity,
rounded, poorly defined irregular contours,
without vascularization, measurement by
quadrants with an approximate diameter of
41.7 x 35.0 x 35.7 mm (Fig. 2A). Conclusion:
Injury occupying the abdominal-pelvic space.
Admission diagnoses (October 29-20): Giant
tumor of the left ovary. 2. Chronic arterial hy-
pertension. On November, 13-20 an explorato-
ry laparotomy was performed with the follow-
ing operative findings: 1. Giant tumor of the
left ovary with cystic content, approximately
100 x 100 cm, with an estimated weight of
approximately 15 kg. upon inspection. 2. Left
oophorectomy was performed, and the frozen
biopsy reported papillary mucinous cystad-
enoma, which was negative for malignancy. 3.
Right ovary without alterations. 4. Abdominal
Fig. 1. Four cases of Giant Ovarian Tumor. A: Case 1, 46.738 lb or 21.200 Kg, B: Case 2, 65.256 lb or 29.600
Kg, C: Case 3, 26.675 lb or 12.100 Kg, D: Case 4, 27.116 lb or 12.300 Kg
Giant ovarian tumors: a series of four cases 465
Vol. 65(4): 462 - 469, 2024
cavity lavage was performed. 5. The abdomi-
nal cavity was closed. Postoperative evolu-
tion was expected, and was discharged on the
13th postoperative day (November, 26-20).
The anatomopathological study (December,
04-20) reported a left ovarian tumor that
measured 30 x 25 cm, and weighed 46.738
lb (21.200 kg), with a diagnosis of mucinous
cystadenoma of the left ovary (Fig.1A). The
immediate, mediate, and late (June 2021 and
November 2022) postoperative controls were
Case 2
SMPP, 43 years old, was admitted to
OGS-ASUHM on April 08-22 for presenting
dyspnea at medium exertion and increased
volume in the abdomen 3 years earlier. The
abdomen was globular, distended, and had
an ascites wave. Abdominal-pelvic US (11,
29-19): large lesion occupying abdominal-
pelvic space, of probable ovarian etiology
(Fig. 2B), simple cyst of the left ovary,
uterine fibroids. MRI (February, 04-20): Ab-
dominal-pelvic space occupation lesion. Gi-
ant ovarian cyst. Tumor markers (January
24-20): β-chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-
fetoprotein and CA-125 normal. Admission
diagnoses (April 08-20): Giant ovarian tu-
mor. Plan: 1. Laboratory tests 2. Admission
for surgery. On April, 18-22 an exploratory
laparotomy was performed with operative
findings: 1. Giant right ovary tumor, with
a cystic appearance, estimated weight of
Fig. 2. Ultrasound images of four cases of Giant Ovarian Tumor. A: Case 1, B: Case 2, C: Case 3, D: Case 4.
466 Ríos et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
approximately 30 kg. 2. Endometrial polyp
of 2 x 1 cm., without macroscopic evidence
of malignancy. A right oophorectomy was
performed, and the frozen biopsy reported
serous cystadenoma, negative for malig-
nancy. Total abdominal hysterectomy, left
oophorectomy, and appendectomy were
performed. Abdominal cavity lavage was
performed. Normal postoperative evolu-
tion. Discharged on the 18th postopera-
tive day (May 06-22). Weight at discharge:
95.019 lb. Anatomopathological report
(May, 20-22): tumor that measured 30 x 25
cm, weighed 65.256 lb. (29.600 kg), right
ovary serous cystadenoma (Fig. 1B). Imme-
diate and mediate postoperative medical
controls were normal.
Case 3
BBIG, a 16-year-old adolescent, was
admitted to OGS-ASUHM on 04, 20-22 due
to increased abdominal volume. Abdomen,
palpable supra-umbilical mobile tumor,
not painful. β-HCG: 4.33 U/ml, CA-125:
48.70 U/ml, CA-19.99: 6.85U/ml., Alpha-
fetoprotein: 4.16 ng/ml, CEA: 1ng/mL.
Abdominal-pelvic US: space-occupying le-
sion of probable ovarian nature, rule out
the retroperitoneal origin, correlate with
abdominopelvic CT (Figure 2C). Abdomi-
nal-pelvic computed tomography: image of
probable ovarian nature, hypodense, with
regular contours, density similar to liquids,
thin walls, measuring approximately 36.2 x
25 x 16.2 cm. and covering the entire ab-
dominal and pelvic region. On 04, 21-22
an exploratory laparotomy was performed,
showing a giant cystic tumor of the right
ovary, which measured approximately 40 x
50 cm. and weighed 26.675 lb. (12.100 kg)
(Fig. 1C). The transoperative frozen biop-
sy reported papillary serous cystadenoma,
without evidence of malignancy. Postopera-
tive evolution was satisfactory, and she was
discharged in good general condition on 04
25, 2022, 5th postoperative day.
Case 4
L.O.A., 64 years old, consulted on
March 2023 for an increased volume in the
left abdominal iliac fossa region of progres-
sive growth 6 months ago, without extenu-
ating circumstances. Concomitantly refers
to pain in that area. She was evaluated, and
an abdominal-pelvic tomography imaging
study was indicated, which reported a cystic
tumor in the pelvic cavity. Elective surgery
was planned. Ca 19-19: 15 (0-47), CA-125:
41 (0-35), verified value. Abdominal-pelvic
computed tomography (CT): (March 03-23):
tumor of cystic appearance, large size, occu-
pying the pelvic cavity extending to the upper
abdomen of 27x 20cm., in diameter with a
displacement of neighbouring structures and
highly suggestive of ovarian tumor. Liquid
collection, incipient ascites at the level of the
pelvic cavity. Abdominal US (march 14-23):
suggestive signs of giant mucinous type cys-
tic tumor. Minimal ascites (Figure 2D). Chest
X-ray PA (July,14-23): Slight elevation of left
hemidiaphragm. Cytology and ascitic fluid
cell block (March, 13-23): chronic inflamma-
tory smear with reactive mesothelial chang-
es. Evaluation by oncologic surgery (March,
22-23): GOT, scant ascites. Dx Admission:
GOT. Surgical intervention (August, 05-23):
exploratory laparotomy: ovarian protocol.
Findings: 50 mL inflammatory fluid, tumor
of left ovary, 70 x 50 cm, firmly adherent to
the left uterine horn, cystic, of mixed consis-
tency. Uterus, right ovary, right uterine tube:
normal. Procedure: Peritoneal fluid sampling,
tumor exteriorization, total abdominal hys-
terectomy with tumor inclusion, right sal-
pingo-oophorectomy, vaginal vault closure,
right and left parietocolic slide, right and left
diaphragm and prevesical fascia and Douglas
pouch sampling, omentectomy, appendec-
tomy, plane synthesis, placement of drains
in subcutaneous cellular tissue, asepsis and
final cure. Tumor histological type (biopsy):
serous cystadenoma, benign, weight: 27.116
lb (12.300 kg) (Fig. 1D). Hospitalization for
48 hours with satisfactory clinical evolution.
Giant ovarian tumors: a series of four cases 467
Vol. 65(4): 462 - 469, 2024
GOT are uncommon in the present
day due to early diagnosis and treatment
. GOT have previously been reported
prior to 1929 with nine tumors weighing
between 200 and 300 pounds, 87 weighing
greater than 100 and 203 weighing between
50 and 100. The most remarkable descrip-
tions of GOT are those of Spohn, in 1962,
who reported 148.6 kg (328 lb)
Tumors in the ovary generally are epi-
thelial tumors. Serous hysto-type is the more
. They are characteristically uni-
lateral, only 5-10% presenting bilaterally
and can develop at any age; however, they
are more common during the reproductive
GOT are uncommon among post-
menopausal and are extremely uncommon in
the pediatric and adolescent populations
In this series, all four tumors were unilateral
and not at reproductive ages but at extreme
ages (3 over 40 years and one adolescent).
Two of the four patients were nulliparous,
and 2 of the 4 were large multiparas. Two of
the four were of indigenous race. The four re-
ported GOT weighed 46.738, 65.256, 26.675
and 27.116 lb (21.200, 29.600, 12.100 and
12.300 kg) (Fig. 1).
There is an extensive list of differential
diagnoses: peritoneal cyst, para-ovarian cyst,
appendiceal mucocele, cystic adenomyosis,
liver, pancreatic or choledochal cyst, lym-
phocele, cystic lymphangioma, duplication
intestinal cyst, bladder diverticulum; to
name just a few
The most common clinical signs are
rapidly expanding abdominal distension and
a palpable mass; they may be accompanied
by nonspecific abdominal pain, vomiting,
constipation, ovary torsion, and rupture
Our four patients with GOT, reported in-
creased abdominal volume.
Tumor markers play a vital role, with
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA-125,
and CA19-9 more likely elevated. CA-125
was performed in 3/4 patients and CA-19-9
in 2/4; were normal
Needle aspiration for cytology provides
inaccurate results, and owing to its associat-
ed complications, it is not recommended
We did not do needle aspiration for cytology.
The primary imaging modality for eval-
uating ovarian and adnexal masses is US,
which allows accurate identification in ap-
proximately 90% of cases
. Unfortunately,
imaging studies such as US, CT and magnet-
ic resonance (MRI) do not always determine
the cyst’s origin, thus limiting its diagnostic
. In our four patients, US and
other image studies described the lesions
but were inconclusive.
The choice’s treatment is surgery. Re-
moving the cyst intact for histology is the
gold standard
. It can be accomplished by
en bloc removal of the tumor with or with-
out controlled drainage of tumor fluid. The
lateral decubitus is the preferred position
in which to operate. Resection of mass in-
tact through a transverse elliptical incision
with intense intraoperative and postopera-
tive monitoring will provide the safest and
optimal setting
. These four tumors, were
removed intact en bloc, without fluid drain-
age or aspiration, and the resection of four
masses was through longitudinal incisions.
Some epidemiological factors to con-
sider before surgery include the patient’s
age, desire to have children, nutritional sta-
tus, access to medical facilities and the sur-
geon’s experience. Careful planning will be
necessary to obtain favorable results, with a
multidisciplinary approach to management,
pre-and postoperatively, by the gynecolo-
gists, onco-surgeons, anesthesiologists, in-
tensivists and dieticians
Surgical management must consider
various factors, especially in adolescents,
where the operative strategy is to cure and
maintain fertility
. During surgery, it is
advisable to perform a cystectomy rather
than an oophorectomy
. Cryopreservation
468 Ríos et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
of ovarian tissue from the unaffected ovary
might be an option to preserve fertility.
Many potential problems have been as-
sociated: respiratory failure, intraoperative
fluids shifts, adequate exposure, orthostat-
ic hypotension and adynamic intestine
Despite our four cases being GOT, they all
evolved without complications and were suc-
cessfully managed.
Samples of peritoneal fluid for cytology
must be collected. Some advocate progres-
sive preoperative drainage
. Decompres-
sion of the cystic component before mass
excision is often necessary to avoid lesions
to the adjacent structures.
Laparoscopy can be used as an option
for diagnostic purposes in the differential
diagnosis. The tumor can be inspected, and
when there are signs of malignancy, the sur-
geon may change the procedure to an open
laparotomy. Laparoscopically in GOT, espe-
cially those that reach the umbilicus, there
is a risk of perforation when the trocar is in-
. Although many studies have advo-
cated and claimed successful removal of gi-
ant ovarian cysts laparoscopically, hardly any
study has claimed laparoscopic removal
. In
these four cases, during laparotomy, we col-
lected samples of peritoneal fluid for cytol-
ogy, did not decompress the cyst before exci-
sion of the mass and did not use laparoscopy.
In summary, giant ovarian tumors are
only weighing 25 lb. or more. Giants ovarian
tumors are uncommon. The used parameter
for their definition is weight, not measure-
ments. With good surgical management, as
in these four cases, they can evolve success-
fully without complications.
To Ana Carvajal, Betty Iguarán, the
OGS-ASUHM and the OGS-RGH-IVSS staffs.
To collaborators: Rosa Rubio, Paula
Morán, Paula Toledo, Neysaré Monegro, Ger-
mana González, Leonela Rivero, Jesús Roo,
Dreilis García, Parrasqueby Loukidis, Liliana
Sánchez, María Díaz, Daniel Solano.
The authors declare no funds.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflict of in-
Informed consent
An explanation and collection of in-
formed consent to the surgical procedure
were achieved by the patients, as well as the
consent for publication in scientific journals.
ORCID number of authors
Rosa Ríos (RR):
Bayron Castro (BC):
Oscar Hurtado (OH):
Carlos Briceño-Pérez (CB-P):
0000 0002 3270 8236
Author´s contributions
CB-P had the idea to make the study.
CBP, RR, and BC made the study design.
CBP, RR, BC and OH made the data collec-
tion, data analysis and interpretation, criti-
cal review of the intellectual content and fi-
nal approval of the manuscript.
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