466 Ríos et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
approximately 30 kg. 2. Endometrial polyp
of 2 x 1 cm., without macroscopic evidence
of malignancy. A right oophorectomy was
performed, and the frozen biopsy reported
serous cystadenoma, negative for malig-
nancy. Total abdominal hysterectomy, left
oophorectomy, and appendectomy were
performed. Abdominal cavity lavage was
performed. Normal postoperative evolu-
tion. Discharged on the 18th postopera-
tive day (May 06-22). Weight at discharge:
95.019 lb. Anatomopathological report
(May, 20-22): tumor that measured 30 x 25
cm, weighed 65.256 lb. (29.600 kg), right
ovary serous cystadenoma (Fig. 1B). Imme-
diate and mediate postoperative medical
controls were normal.
Case 3
BBIG, a 16-year-old adolescent, was
admitted to OGS-ASUHM on 04, 20-22 due
to increased abdominal volume. Abdomen,
palpable supra-umbilical mobile tumor,
not painful. β-HCG: 4.33 U/ml, CA-125:
48.70 U/ml, CA-19.99: 6.85U/ml., Alpha-
fetoprotein: 4.16 ng/ml, CEA: 1ng/mL.
Abdominal-pelvic US: space-occupying le-
sion of probable ovarian nature, rule out
the retroperitoneal origin, correlate with
abdominopelvic CT (Figure 2C). Abdomi-
nal-pelvic computed tomography: image of
probable ovarian nature, hypodense, with
regular contours, density similar to liquids,
thin walls, measuring approximately 36.2 x
25 x 16.2 cm. and covering the entire ab-
dominal and pelvic region. On 04, 21-22
an exploratory laparotomy was performed,
showing a giant cystic tumor of the right
ovary, which measured approximately 40 x
50 cm. and weighed 26.675 lb. (12.100 kg)
(Fig. 1C). The transoperative frozen biop-
sy reported papillary serous cystadenoma,
without evidence of malignancy. Postopera-
tive evolution was satisfactory, and she was
discharged in good general condition on 04
25, 2022, 5th postoperative day.
Case 4
L.O.A., 64 years old, consulted on
March 2023 for an increased volume in the
left abdominal iliac fossa region of progres-
sive growth 6 months ago, without extenu-
ating circumstances. Concomitantly refers
to pain in that area. She was evaluated, and
an abdominal-pelvic tomography imaging
study was indicated, which reported a cystic
tumor in the pelvic cavity. Elective surgery
was planned. Ca 19-19: 15 (0-47), CA-125:
41 (0-35), verified value. Abdominal-pelvic
computed tomography (CT): (March 03-23):
tumor of cystic appearance, large size, occu-
pying the pelvic cavity extending to the upper
abdomen of 27x 20cm., in diameter with a
displacement of neighbouring structures and
highly suggestive of ovarian tumor. Liquid
collection, incipient ascites at the level of the
pelvic cavity. Abdominal US (march 14-23):
suggestive signs of giant mucinous type cys-
tic tumor. Minimal ascites (Figure 2D). Chest
X-ray PA (July,14-23): Slight elevation of left
hemidiaphragm. Cytology and ascitic fluid
cell block (March, 13-23): chronic inflamma-
tory smear with reactive mesothelial chang-
es. Evaluation by oncologic surgery (March,
22-23): GOT, scant ascites. Dx Admission:
GOT. Surgical intervention (August, 05-23):
exploratory laparotomy: ovarian protocol.
Findings: 50 mL inflammatory fluid, tumor
of left ovary, 70 x 50 cm, firmly adherent to
the left uterine horn, cystic, of mixed consis-
tency. Uterus, right ovary, right uterine tube:
normal. Procedure: Peritoneal fluid sampling,
tumor exteriorization, total abdominal hys-
terectomy with tumor inclusion, right sal-
pingo-oophorectomy, vaginal vault closure,
right and left parietocolic slide, right and left
diaphragm and prevesical fascia and Douglas
pouch sampling, omentectomy, appendec-
tomy, plane synthesis, placement of drains
in subcutaneous cellular tissue, asepsis and
final cure. Tumor histological type (biopsy):
serous cystadenoma, benign, weight: 27.116
lb (12.300 kg) (Fig. 1D). Hospitalization for
48 hours with satisfactory clinical evolution.