Invest Clin 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
Correspondence author. Mei Zhu, Department of Clinical Laboratory, the Affiliated Chaohu Hospital of Anhui Me-
dical University, No. 64 Chaohu North Road, Chaohu, Anhui, PR China. E-mail:
High throughput sequencing technology
and its clinical application in circulating
tumor DNA detection in patients with
Chonghe Xu
, Dangui Zhou
and Mei Zhu
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing, People’s
Republic of China.
Department of Clinical Laboratory, the Affiliated Chaohu Hospital of Anhui Medical
University, Chaohu, Anhui, People’s Republic of China.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Keywords: high throughput sequencing; tumor; circulating tumor DNA; tumor
diagnosis; tumor treatment; tumor prognosis.
Abstract. The high-throughput sequencing (HTS) is now a highly favoured
technology in the field of genome research. A distinctive feature of this sequenc-
ing method is its data-yielding capability, which is capable of generating more
than 100 times than the first-generation Sanger sequencing platform. HTS
technology has been widely adopted for its advantages, including high through-
put, sensitivity, automaticity, information density and cost-effectiveness. Not
only does it help in the treatment and diagnosis of multiple diseases, but it
also provides new insights into the research in molecular biology of tumors.
Moreover, circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) tests based on HTS technology are
increasingly extensively implemented for clinical purposes. In this review, we
will focus on the significant achievements and performances of the HTS, and
first-hand data from extensive experience will be summarized and analyzed to
discuss the advantages and specifics associated with each sequencing system
and further summarize the characteristics of their clinical applications.
Circulating tumor DNA detection by high throughput sequencing technology 477
Vol. 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
Tecnología de secuenciación de alto rendimiento y su
aplicación clínica en la detección de ADN tumoral circulante
en pacientes oncológicos.
Invest Clin 2024; 65 (4): 476 – 494
Palabras clave: secuenciación de alto rendimiento; tumores; ADN tumoral circulante,
diagnóstico de tumores; tratamiento de tumores; pronóstico de tumores.
Resumen. La secuenciación de alto rendimiento (HTS) es una tecnología
popular en el campo de la investigación genómica. Una característica distintiva
de este método de secuenciación es su capacidad de generación de datos, que
puede generar 100 veces más datos que la Plataforma de secuenciación Sanger
de primera generación. La tecnología superconductora de alta temperatura es
ampliamente utilizada debido a sus ventajas de alto rendimiento, alta sensibi-
lidad, automatización, densidad de información y rentabilidad. No solo ayuda
a tratar y diagnosticar múltiples enfermedades, sino que también proporciona
nuevas ideas para la investigación de biología molecular tumoral. Además, la
detección de ADN tumoral circulante (ctDNA) basada en la tecnología HTS se
utiliza cada vez más ampliamente con fines clínicos. En esta revisión, nos cen-
traremos en los principales logros y rendimiento de HTS, y resumiremos y ana-
lizaremos datos de primera mano de una amplia experiencia, discutiremos las
ventajas y detalles específicos de cada sistema de secuenciación y resumiremos
aún más las características de su aplicación clínica.
Received: 15-08-2024 Accepted: 17-10-2024
The past decade has witnessed the intro-
duction and broad application of HTS tech-
nologies. Not only can it perform chromo-
some mapping, but it can also conduct deep
sequencing and whole genome sequencing
analysis on blood, body fluids and excreta
such as urine, feces, sputum, cerebrospinal
fluid, sperm, saliva, vaginal secretions, milk
and effusions
. This revolutionary tech-
nology facilitates diagnosis at the genetic
level and is especially suitable for complex
diseases that are highly heterogeneous and
involve both genes and mutations, such as
. ctDNA is an important biomarker, a
circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) generated
by the apoptosis, necrosis and secretion pro-
cess of tumor cells, and it contains relatively
complete genetic information about tumour
. Additionally, it contains the same mu-
tations as the DNA in tumor cells, including
insertions, deletions, rearrangements, copy
number variations and methylations. There-
fore, using HTS technology to test for ctDNA
can provide crucial information on the diag-
nosis, treatment and prognosis of tumors
In this review, we introduced the main
features of the HTS, such as first-generation
Sanger sequencing, second-generation HTS
platforms (454 Life Sciences pyrosequenc-
ing, Illumina/Solexa technology and SOLiD
ligase-mediated sequencing) and third-gen-
eration high throughput - next generation
sequencing (HT-NGS) platforms (Ion Tor-
rent technology, Single-molecule real-time
(SMRT) sequencing and Nanopore sequenc-
ing technology). In addition, this article also
478 Xu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
describes the application of ctDNA in the di-
agnosis, treatment and prognosis of tumors.
Overview of high-throughput sequencing
First-generation Sanger sequencing
In the mid-1970s, DNA sequencing saw a
major technological innovation, the Sanger di-
deoxy synthesis method, proposed by Sanger.
The advent of this method provided scientists
with a new means of determining four differ-
ent nucleotide bases in single-stranded DNA
using radio-labelling
. Sanger sequencing
technology, as a landmark development in
the field of DNA sequencing, has dramatically
advanced the process of genomics research.
However, this technology has certain limita-
tions in practical application, i.e., the amount
of DNA that can be processed in each experi-
ment is limited. Although this limitation
made Sanger sequencing unable to meet the
demand for high throughput in some cases,
it laid the foundation for developing subse-
quent sequencing technologies. In pursuing
higher throughput and more efficient se-
quencing technologies, scientists have made
continuous efforts and eventually succeeded
in developing the second, third and even
higher throughput sequencing platforms
Their high throughput and accuracy enable
researchers to access genetic information
more quickly and accurately, providing pow-
erful support in areas such as disease diagno-
sis, personalized medicine and biotechnology.
Second-generation HTS platforms
The second-generation HTS uses a dif-
ferent analysis principle than the first-gener-
ation Sanger sequencing. The key technolo-
gies of the second-generation HTS platform
include bridge sequencing and synthetic se-
quencing. These technologies have enabled
the platform to have a wide range of appli-
cations in areas such as genomics research,
variant detection and gene expression anal-
ysis. However, despite the significant ad-
vances in sequencing length and accuracy of
the second-generation platforms, they still
have some limitations, such as shorter read
lengths and higher error rates.
454 Life Sciences pyrosequencing
A unique sequencing method has at-
tracted much attention in exploring the
early development of NGS technologies.
In 2000, Jonathan Rothberg successfully
developed the first commercially available
NGS platform, which was innovative in that
it used a unique mechanism to read the
signals of individual nucleotides added to
a DNA template. It utilizes the properties
of luciferase, which generates light signals
when new nucleotides are added to a DNA
strand, and these signals are subsequent-
ly captured and converted into readable
. This method combines pyrosequenc-
ing technology with single-molecule emul-
sion PCR; sequencing is done through a
synthetic process in which four nucleotide
bases are added one by one to a DNA tem-
plate. Each time a new nucleotide is added,
it triggers the production of a different co-
loured light, which is caused by the release
of pyrophosphate from the microwells
In general, pyrosequencing is centred on
the concept of “sequencing by synthesis”,
which is in sharp contrast to the traditional
Sanger sequencing method, which is done
by detecting the release of pyrophosphate
to determine whether a specific nucleotide
has been added to the DNA strand. Pyro-
phosphate is released when a nucleotide
is added to a growing DNA strand. These
pyrophosphate releases are detected, and
a signal is generated. By monitoring these
signals, we can determine the bases on the
DNA template strand at each position. The
essential advantage of this method is that
it does not require ddNTPs, which means
that no terminating strand synthesis is
required during sequencing, thus increas-
ing the accuracy and efficiency of sequenc-
. During the nucleotide doping, more
than one nucleotide may be doped into the
same position. This situation leads to the
Circulating tumor DNA detection by high throughput sequencing technology 479
Vol. 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
formation of a homopolymer because the
nucleotide used lacks molecules capable of
preventing further doping. This fully doped
homopolymer will form in one cycle
With the rapid development of NGS
technologies, various sequencing platforms
are emerging. Roche discontinued support
of the platform in 2016, which resulted in
the platform being phased out, and other
more efficient and accurate sequencing plat-
forms are gradually replacing it as technol-
ogy advances. This change reflects the rap-
idly evolving field of sequencing technology
and the importance of continually updated
platforms and technologies.
Illumina/Solexa technology
In 2006, Solexa introduced an innova-
tive sequencing technology that employs a
reversible terminator strategy to enhance
adapter-linked DNA fragments through
bridge amplification. This method allows the
bases on the template strand to be read em-
ploying a nucleotide-by-nucleotide process
that involves successive nucleotide doping,
a cleaning step, imaging, and a subsequent
cleavage step
. The extraction and
segmentation of DNA is the primary step
aimed at breaking down complex DNA mol-
ecules into smaller, manageable fragments.
This process usually involves using specific
enzymes to cut the DNA, resulting in frag-
ments of a certain length. Next, these DNA
fragments need to be ligated to specific
adapter sequences to facilitate subsequent
sequencing steps. Adapter sequences are
short pieces of DNA or RNA sequences that
bind to the ends of the DNA fragments and
provide an interface for connection to the
sequencing machine. Once the adapter se-
quences have been successfully ligated to
the DNA fragments, these conjugates are
transferred to a flow cell. The flow cell is a
unique device that precisely positions the
DNA fragments on the cell surface. The
DNA fragments are copied in large num-
bers through clonal amplification, forming
clonal “clusters”. These clusters consist of
many identical single-stranded DNA frag-
ments that are physically tightly packed to
facilitate high-throughput sequencing by se-
quencing machines
During each sequencing cycle, four
fluorescently labelled nucleotides compete
for the opportunity to bind to the template
strand. This is a competitive process in which
only nucleotides complementary to the cor-
responding nucleotide on the template
strand can be successfully doped. Once a
nucleotide has been doped, the laser detects
a signal due to fluorescent labelling, identi-
fying which nucleotide has been doped into
the template strand. After identification, the
next step is to remove the blocking group
and fluorescent marker from the doped nu-
cleotide. This step is in preparation for the
next sequencing cycle, making the template
strand available again for new nucleotides to
be doped. During this process, the nucleotide
sequence on the template strand is gradually
built up, with each sequencing cycle adding
a point of information for the final determi-
nation of the entire DNA sequence. The effi-
ciency of this sequencing strategy lies in its
ability to quickly and accurately determine
the DNA sequence by detecting fluorescent
signals and complementary nucleotide in-
corporation. As the sequencing cycle is re-
peated, sequence information of the entire
genome is gradually revealed
Illumina sequencing has become an
indispensable tool in modern genomics re-
search. This technology supports a wide range
of sequencing protocols, covering areas rang-
ing from comprehensive sequencing at the
genome level to more specific exon sequenc-
ing, targeted sequencing, and macrogenomics
for studying microbial communities. It is also
widely used for methods such as RNA sequenc-
ing, chromatin immunoprecipitation sequenc-
ing (CHIP-seq) and methylome analysis
However, despite the Illumina sequenc-
ing platform’s market-leading position due
to its high output capacity and broad appli-
cability, this short-read technology still has
limitations in certain areas. In particular, in
480 Xu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
many applications in genomics, short read
lengths limit resolution and accuracy. This
means that when high precision is required
to resolve genome structure or identify low-
frequency variants, short-read technologies
may not provide sufficient information
Therefore, for these specific research needs,
it may be necessary to use a combination
of other sequencing technologies, such as
long reads or single molecule sequencing, to
obtain higher-resolution sequence data. De-
spite these limitations, Illumina sequencing
technology continues to be essential in ad-
vancing genomics and biomedical research.
SOLiD ligase-mediated sequencing
In 2007, Applied Biosystems introduced
a new sequencing platform, Supported Oli-
gonucleotide Ligation Detection (SOLiD).
This platform is similar to other sequencing
technologies in that it detects the fluores-
cence intensity of dye-labelled molecules to
determine the sequence of DNA fragments.
However, the SOLiD platform employs a
unique sequencing technique known as DNA
ligase-based sequencing
. A distinguishing
feature of this technique is that it generates
relatively short read lengths, typically 35 base
. Nonetheless, the SOLiD platform
was a significant breakthrough at the time,
providing new tools for genomics research.
The technology involves cutting the
template DNA into small fragments and li-
gating them to a known junction sequence.
This process ensures that the DNA fragments
can be efficiently captured and sequenced.
Next, these junction-connected DNA frag-
ments are transferred to a particular type of
beads, which are subsequently immobilized
on a glass surface. These fragments can be
clonally amplified on the beads using emul-
sion PCR, resulting in many identical DNA
fragments. During the sequencing stage, the
sequence of each DNA fragment is deter-
mined by a two-base colour coding method.
This method relies on different dye pairs
to identify and record each nucleotide in
the DNA sequence. The SOLiD sequencing
platform is particularly adept at detecting
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
which can be detected with an astonishing
99.85% accuracy. This high level of accuracy
makes SOLiD a powerful tool for genomics
research, especially for SNPs detection. With
this kind of precise sequencing, research-
ers can better understand genetic variations
and their relationship with diseases, provid-
ing a scientific basis for personalized medi-
cine and disease diagnosis
Like other NGS systems, SOLiD’s com-
putational infrastructure is more costly and
less convenient to operate. Nonetheless,
SOLiD technology has been widely used in
several fields, including but not limited to
whole genome resequencing, transcrip-
tomics research, targeted resequencing, and
epigenomics analysis. Currently, these three
leading second-generation high-throughput
sequencing platforms are available on the
market, as shown in Fig. 1. The commercial-
ization of these platforms provides powerful
tools for researchers and promotes research
progress in related fields. Meanwhile, with
the continuous development of science and
technology, more sequencing platforms are
under development and are expected to join
this competitive market in the future. This
will help further promote the development
of genomics research and provide more pos-
sibilities for biomedical research.
Third-generation HTS platforms
Third-generation sequencing technol-
ogy is gradually changing our understanding
of genomics. Compared with the previous
two generations of platforms, the advantage
of third-generation sequencing is that it pro-
vides longer read lengths and higher accu-
racy. The third generation of HTS platforms
uses single-molecule sequencing technology,
capable of simultaneously sequencing mil-
lions to billions of DNA molecules. The core
of this technology is represented by the Ion
Torrent technology, Single Molecule Real-
Time Sequencing and Nanopore sequencing
technology, as shown in Fig. 2.
Circulating tumor DNA detection by high throughput sequencing technology 481
Vol. 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
Ion Torrent technology
Ion Torrent technology is a nucleotide
synthesis-based sequencing (SBS) method,
which has many similarities in principle with
the 454 pyrophosphate sequencing platform,
but the technical means used in detecting
the correct insertion of nucleotides differs
between the two methods. In Ion Torrent
technology, molecules are first fragment-
ed, and then these fragmented molecules
are bound to the surface of specific beads.
Next, the target molecules on these beads
are clonally amplified by emulsion PCR, re-
sulting in a large number of identical target
molecules on each beads. This step is a core
component of the Ion Torrent technology,
ensuring effective capture of target mole-
cules and providing efficient sequencing. Af-
ter this process, each bead can be regarded
as an independent sequencing reaction unit,
which lays the foundation for the subsequent
sequencing steps
Fig. 1. Characteristics of the three leading second-generation HTS platforms.
Fig. 2. Characteristics of the three leading third-generation HTS platforms.
482 Xu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
Treated beads are dispensed into tiny
holes on the chip during sequencing. These
microholes form a microarray, with each
hole corresponding to a specific sequencing
reaction. When beads are placed in these mi-
croholes, a synthetic-based sequencing reac-
tion is performed on each bead
. During
DNA replication, each newly added nucleo-
tide causes a slight change in the pH of the
solution. This change is captured by the
sensor and converted into a voltage signal,
enabling the monitoring of nucleotide ad-
dition. Specifically, when a nucleotide pairs
successfully with a complementary base on
the DNA strand, it releases a hydrogen ion,
causing the pH to drop. This pH change is
detected by the sensor and converted into
a voltage signal. No voltage spike occurs if
no nucleotides are added in this round. Two
hydrogen ions are released when two neigh-
bouring nucleotide sites are filled with the
same nucleotide simultaneously, causing the
voltage signal to double. This doubled volt-
age change provides a direct signal to dis-
tinguish between neighbouring nucleotides.
By continuously monitoring the addition of
nucleotides and the corresponding voltage
changes during each sequencing cycle, we
can accurately determine the sequence of
bases on a DNA strand
Ion Torrent technology is favoured in
the sequencing field for its highly efficient
detection system, which does not rely on ex-
pensive cameras, light sources or scanners,
resulting in a significant increase in detec-
tion speed compared to traditional 454 py-
rophosphate sequencing
. This advantage
has made the Ion Torrent method the pre-
ferred choice for various applications. How-
ever, the technology is not without its limi-
tations. Studies have shown that while there
is a correlation between the number of base
integrations and voltage changes, it is not
a perfect relationship. As a result, the prob-
lem of homopolymer template elongation
remains, which is caused by cumulative light
intensity changes
. Despite this challenge,
the Ion Torrent technology remains essen-
tial in modern gene sequencing due to its
speed and accuracy.
Single-molecule real-time (SMRT)
In 2011, Single Molecule Real-Time
Sequencing (SMRT) technology was intro-
duced by Pacific Biosystems, marking a new
advancement in the field of gene sequencing
on long-read platforms. This technology is
unique because it can sequence up to 30-50
kb or longer DNA fragments, far beyond what
conventional sequencing technologies can
. SMRT sequencing centres on the
tight binding of a specially formulated DNA
polymerase to the target DNA, a process that
occurs in SMRT cells
. The design of these
SMRT cells is unique in that they contain
tens of thousands of tiny chambers, each
equipped with a DNA polymerase and a zero-
mode waveguide (ZMW) well
. This innova-
tive design allows the sequencing process to
be performed at the level of individual mol-
ecules, resulting in efficient and accurate
sequencing of DNA sequences. ZMW plays a
crucial role, which is a tiny structure that
precisely directs light energy to a specific,
relatively small-sized region. This property
makes the ZMW a critical factor in enabling
single-molecule sequencing
. In prepara-
tion for sequencing, the SMRT technology
takes an innovative approach, unlike tradi-
tional methods of fixing DNA strands. Spe-
cifically, high-fidelity DNA polymerase and
single-stranded DNA templates are added
to the SMRT cell chamber to serve as tem-
plates for DNA replication at the bottom of
the ZMW
. This design allows the DNA
replication process to occur at the level of
individual molecules, resulting in efficient
and accurate sequencing of DNA sequences.
An essential step in this process involves the
addition of different phosphorylated fluores-
cein markers to these tiny chambers. These
markers are present to enable precise moni-
toring of DNA polymerase activity. When
DNA replication occurs, DNA polymerase
must recognize and integrate nucleotides
Circulating tumor DNA detection by high throughput sequencing technology 483
Vol. 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
complementary to the template DNA. Phos-
phorylated fluorescein markers added to the
ZMW minicells play a crucial role in this pro-
cess. They can interact specifically with DNA
polymerase activity, thus enabling research-
ers to distinguish and detect different events
during DNA replication
In ZMW technology, integrating nucleo-
tides is a crucial step that triggers the re-
lease of fluorescein. Once the fluorescein is
released from the bottom of the ZMW, it is
no longer in the detection state and emits a
specific fluorescent signal. The uniqueness
of this fluorescent signal means that each
nucleotide produces a different fluorescence
pattern. In practice, the fluorescence signals
from the tiny chamber of the ZMW are cap-
tured by a high-definition video system and
converted into digital signals. These digital
signals are then analyzed to determine the
nucleotide sequence on the DNA template.
Since each nucleotide has unique fluores-
cence properties, the sequence of the DNA
can be determined by identifying and inter-
preting these fluorescence signals
. In
SMRT cells, up to one million ZMWs are inte-
grated on a single chip. These tiny chambers
are the core units in the sequencing process,
performing both nucleotide integration and
imaging. Each ZMW independently captures
and records real-time images of nucleotide
integration. This ability to process in par-
allel dramatically increases the speed and
throughput of sequencing
Nanopore sequencing technology
As an innovative single-molecule se-
quencing method emerging in recent years,
Nanopore sequencing technology has made
significant progress in genomics research.
Unlike traditional sequencing techniques
based on nucleotide integration, nanopore
sequencing technology offers an entirely new
strategy. This technology utilizes nanopores
as sensors to directly detect biological mac-
romolecules, such as DNA and RNA, at the
single-molecule level, thus enabling real-time
monitoring at the single-molecule level
Nanopore sequencing technology elimi-
nates the cumbersome PCR amplification
and chemical labelling steps during opera-
tion. This means that researchers do not
need to perform complex pre-processing of
samples when performing sequencing, great-
ly simplifying the experimental process.
More importantly, this technology allows di-
rect use of cell lysates for sequencing with-
out the need for additional sample prepara-
tion, which not only saves experimental time
but also reduces experimental costs. These
advantages make nanopore sequencing tech-
nology more efficient and more widely appli-
cable in single-molecule sequencing
Nanopore sequencing technology is an
innovative DNA sequencing method that uti-
lizes protein nanopores embedded in a poly-
mer membrane. In this process, when a DNA
molecule passes through a nanopore known
as a molecular motor protein, it causes a
disorder in the nanopore protein, which gen-
erates electrical signals. The conversion of
these electrical signals is the core principle
of nanopore sequencing technology, which
enables researchers to determine the DNA
sequence by analyzing these signals
Based on nanopore sequencing technology,
researchers can determine the sequence of
a DNA molecule by detecting changes in the
electrical currents it generates as it passes
through the nanopore. The key to this tech-
nique is that each nucleotide causes unique
current changes that can be detected and
recorded precisely. By analyzing these cur-
rent changes, we can tell the sequence of
nucleotides in a DNA molecule
The nanopore technology could offer a
wide range of applications in fields such as
personalized medicine, agriculture and sci-
entific research. In addition, the portability
of nanopore sequencing technology allows se-
quencers to be taken into the field for direct
sequencing, greatly expanding the range of
sequencing applications and increasing the
efficiency of field studies
. This technol-
ogy provides a direct and efficient means to
study the properties of DNA and is essential
484 Xu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
for research in genomics, molecular biology
and other related fields.
Application of HTS technology in tumor
diagnosis and treatment
Tumors have claimed numerous lives
as malignant cells continuously mutate and
evolve as they divide. Most patients died
from fatal metastasis and cancer recurrence.
However, with mature HTS technology, re-
searchers have obtained significant genetic
information on tumor pathogenesis, drug
resistance and metastasis, which will help in
the early screening and identification of tu-
mors, selection of therapies and monitoring
of prognosis.
Diagnosis of tumors
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
are critical to controlling the growth of tu-
mors. Genetic testing is characterized by
the ease of sampling, which allows research-
ers to minimize the harm to their subjects.
In order to alleviate the pain associated with
traditional invasive pathological biopsies,
researchers have turned to body-fluid-based
sequencing to assist in the diagnosis of can-
cer. Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is de-
rived from single- or double-stranded DNA
and DNA-protein complexes shed by tumor
tissue. The presence of mutated DNA frag-
ments is observed at relatively high concen-
trations in the circulation of most patients
with metastatic cancer and low but detect-
able concentrations in a significant propor-
tion of patients with localized cancer. This
characteristic ensures that ctDNA exhibits
particular specificity and can serve as a bio-
marker for clinical purposes
Lung cancer is one of the most com-
mon cancers, and its early diagnosis plays a
crucial role in improving patients’ quality of
life. However, low-dose computed tomogra-
phy (LDCT), a widely used method for early
detection of lung cancer, cannot accurately
distinguish between malignant and benign
lung nodules. Many studies have shown that
HTS technology can detect specific muta-
tions strongly associated with lung cancer in
ctDNA extracted from body fluid samples
Sumitra et al. identified tumor-related alter-
ations in 94% of patients with limited-stage
small cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC) and 100%
of patients with extensive-stage small cell
lung cancer (ES-SCLC) by performing tar-
geted ctDNA sequencing and whole genome
sequencing on their body fluid samples. This
study demonstrates that targeted ctDNA se-
quencing can identify potential treatment
targets in more than half of the patients and
shows advantages over traditional invasive
Additionally, Peng et al. have developed
a method to determine whether a lung tu-
mor can be surgically removed by perform-
ing ultra-deep sequencing on the targeted
mutations in ctDNA. Moreover, the accura-
cy of ctDNA testing is 63%, 83%, 94%, and
100% for stages I, II, III, and IV lung cancer,
respectively. The overall sensitivity comes to
80%, considering age and serum biomarker
tests, and the specificity rises to 99%
. This
body-fluid-based screening can reduce the
risk of unwanted damage and metastasis and
assess the tumor progression by analyzing
tumor mutation load.
Based on previously mentioned evi-
dence, it can be concluded that HTS tech-
nology is also widely used to diagnose
other types of tumors. Himisha et al. have
discovered that the genome characteriza-
tion of castration-resistant neuroendocrine
prostate cancer (CRPC-NE) can be identi-
fied by analyzing ctDNA in patients’ plasma
samples. This reduces the trauma associated
with traditional invasive pathological biop-
sies and provides timely guidance for clini-
cal adjustment of medication
. Cai et al.
developed a genetic diagnosis model based
on whole-genome analysis of 5-hydroxymeth-
ylcytosine (5hmC) obtained from cfDNA
samples of 2,554 individuals. The model
demonstrated superior diagnostic perfor-
mance to AFP and could distinguish between
early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
and non-HCC with an AUC of 0.884 in the
Circulating tumor DNA detection by high throughput sequencing technology 485
Vol. 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
validation set
. In addition, Yurika et al.
found that the methylated SEPT9 gene in
serum ctDNA was highly significant in the
early diagnosis of HCC with both high sensi-
tivity and specificity
. However, it should be
noted that although HTS-based body fluid bi-
opsy technology provides a new direction for
tumor diagnosis, most of the test results still
need to be combined with other imaging or
serological indicators and cannot be used in-
dependently as a diagnostic gold standard.
Furthermore, it is necessary to vali-
date the test in a larger population. In ad-
dition, the lack of research on related gene
test chips has severely limited its application
scope. However, this problem can likely be
solved with the development of technology
and the related industrial chain.
Treatment for tumors
It is important to note that low-frequen-
cy mutations can occur during the division of
tumor cells. Therefore, tumor cells can carry
different genetic mutations even if they ap-
pear histologically similar, while different tu-
mor cells can carry the same mutations. By
comparing the gene sequences of primary
and metastatic neoplasms, physicians can
assess the effectiveness of their treatment
and develop personalized therapies. They
also gain insight into the potential mecha-
nisms behind tumor drug resistance, laying
a solid foundation for accurate diagnosis and
treatment of tumors.
Targeted therapy
Today, several signalling pathways and
associated mutations associated with tumor
formation have become effective drug tar-
gets. As a result, targeted therapies based
on tumor genes have become mainstream.
As the most common BRAF mutation, the
V600E mutation is strongly associated with
the particular invasiveness of rectal cancer
cells in metastatic colorectal cancer cases.
Resistance to chemotherapy has been ob-
served in cases with V600E mutations, and
resistance to EGFR inhibitors is gradually
increasing. Scott et al. demonstrated that
using NGS technology, the concomitant use
of EGFR and BRAF inhibitors in combina-
tion with irinotecan was effective in patients
with the V600E mutation. The discovery
informed the development of new targeted
therapeutic regimens and laid a solid foun-
dation for new targeted therapies
Dasatinib is a small-molecule tyrosine
kinase inhibitor that can be used as a first-
and second-line treatment for gastrointesti-
nal mesenchymal tumors (GIST). Zhou et al.
found that dasatinib can be employed as a
preferred treatment option for patients with
wild-type GIST or GIST with the D842V mu-
tation who are unable to take regorafenib, as
they identified genetic variations related to
the tumor signalling pathway by NGS tech-
. Christian et al. investigated the
clinical efficacy of the combination of ibru-
tinib, rituximab and high-dose methotrexate
(HDMTX) in central nervous system lym-
phoma (CNSL). The results proved that the
combination is safe and effective. In addi-
tion, the analysis of ctDNA in cerebrospinal
fluid samples enables researchers to monitor
disease progression in patients with CNSL
and to adjust targeted therapy
In recent years, site-specific therapies (in-
cluding HTS-guided targeted therapies)
emerged as a promising option for patients
with metastatic cancer of unknown primary
site (CUP). A phase 2 clinical trial conduct-
ed at 19 institutions in Japan by Hidetoshi
et al. demonstrated that CUP site-specific
therapy based on NGS technology had favor-
able survival outcomes.
Moreover, targeted therapy based on the
tumor-associated mutations showed excel-
lent therapeutic responses, even in patients
with CUP
. In conclusion, NGS technology
can provide a reference for clinical drug se-
lection and efficacy evaluation by detecting
target genes and other tumor-related genes,
which has great potential in pursuing indi-
vidualized treatment today. Nevertheless, it
is essential to acknowledge the current limi-
tations of the evidence base, primarily de-
486 Xu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
rived from small, single-ethnic clinical trials.
When the mutation type is considered rare,
the subjective decision to administer chemo-
therapy over targeted therapies in the clinic
may also affect the study results.
Chemotherapy has consistently been
the focus of research. as one of the leading
traditional means of treating tumors. In ad-
dition, gene sequencing technologies, rep-
resented by HTS technology, have undoubt-
edly facilitated the chemotherapy of tumors.
Most patients diagnosed with triple-negative
breast cancer (TNBC) receive neoadjuvant
chemotherapy. Approximately one-third of
them can achieve complete pathological
remission with neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
but two-thirds will have residual disease and
a high risk of recurrence. Milan et al. con-
ducted ctDNA sequencing using HTS tech-
nology in 196 early-stage TNBC patients
with residual disease after neoadjuvant che-
motherapy and circulated tumor cell (CTC)
analysis in 123 patients. The results showed
that the presence of ctDNA and CTC in ear-
ly-stage TNBC patients after neoadjuvant
chemotherapy was associated with distant
tumor metastasis. The detection of ctDNA
and CTC in early-stage TNBC patients after
neoadjuvant chemotherapy was found to be
independently associated with disease recur-
rence and serve as an important indicator
for assessing patient status after future neo-
adjuvant chemotherapy
. Colorectal cancer
is one of the most common tumors world-
wide, with surgical resection, chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, and targeted therapy repre-
senting the principal treatment modalities.
Resistance to chemotherapy drugs in some
tumor patients has also posed a significant
challenge for clinicians. Li et al. from Pe-
king University combined the i-CR platform
with HTS technology to construct a new in
vitro tumor model, enabling personalized
drug testing and personalized treatment for
patients within 2-3 weeks and providing an
entirely new treatment option for colorectal
Osteosarcoma is one of the malignant
tumors for which early and effective preopera-
tive chemotherapy is crucial to the survival of
patients. However, the previous combination
of methotrexate (MTX), doxorubicin (DOX),
and cisplatin (DDP) has been found to have
significant differences in therapeutic efficacy
among patients, with a higher incidence of
adverse effects. Thus, there is an urgent need
to develop new drug combinations. Zhang et
al. from Central South University revealed
the heterogeneity of potential therapeutic
target genes. They elucidated the synergistic
mechanism of DOX and HDACs inhibitors for
treating osteosarcoma through RNA sequenc-
ing and second-generation sequencing (HTS)
of osteosarcoma samples. This provides a
foundation for developing entirely new che-
motherapeutic drug combinations and will
undoubtedly inspire the subsequent research-
. Researchers can also develop effective
chemotherapy sensitizers by studying drug-
resistance genes and resistance mechanisms.
A team of researchers has already demon-
strated that SMOi inhibitors can release the
drug resistance of breast cancer tumor cells
and improve their chemosensitivity to doxo-
rubicin by studying the resistance mecha-
nism in breast cancer dependent on the Hh
signalling pathway
. Based on sequencing
relevant tissue or body fluid samples from pa-
tients using HTS technology, physicians can
comprehensively assess the expected thera-
peutic effects before chemotherapy to ap-
propriately risk-stratify patients in a clinical
setting. However, it is important to consider
whether the relevant experimental results ex-
clude potential interactions with other types
of treatment given after chemotherapy, and
another vital influence is the duration of fol-
low-up, as a short follow-up period may lead
to biased experimental data. In conclusion,
further clinical studies of NGS results are re-
quired before they can be relied upon as a risk
assessment tool.
Circulating tumor DNA detection by high throughput sequencing technology 487
Vol. 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
Radiotherapy is an effective and cost-
efficient treatment. In recent years, with the
continuous improvement of radiotherapy
equipment and technology, the cure rate
of radiotherapy has increased, with the side
effects gradually decreasing. While genetic
therapies are gradually replacing chemo-
therapy and targeted therapy, radiotherapy
remains an important treatment option.
However, based on the patient’s sensitivity
to radiotherapy, HTS technology can still
guide the use of radiotherapy. In a recent
study, Raffaello et al. statistically employed
HTS technology to investigate the relation-
ship between ctDNA and tumor regression
grade (TRG) of surgical specimens in 25
consecutive patients with locally advanced
colorectal cancer (LARC) who had under-
gone long-term neoadjuvant chemo-radio-
therapy (Na-ChRT). The results showed that
the side effects of Na-ChRT were significant-
ly associated with positive liquid biopsies on
the day of surgery. This suggests that ctD-
NA assessment using HTS technology may
identify LARC patients with a poor response
to NA-ChRT to avoid potentially ineffective
Radiotherapy is one of the critical
tools in treating lymphoma, which can im-
prove the therapeutic effect and alleviate
the symptoms. However, some patients still
experience relapse or a poor prognosis due
to resistance to radiotherapy. Luo et al. em-
ployed CRISPR to construct an activated cell
line library, screened for radiotherapy-resis-
tant cells and performed HTS and bioinfor-
matics analyses to identify genes associated
with radiotherapy resistance. Sixteen of the
screened genes were identified as potential
genes associated with lymphoma radiother-
apy resistance. These genes are not only ex-
pected to be used as potential biomarkers or
new targets for therapy but have also dem-
onstrated the advantages of HTS technology
in potential target screening
. The assess-
ment of the overall condition and prognosis
of patients after radiotherapy is another cru-
cial part of the treatment, and it has been a
hot topic of research in recent years to in-
directly assess the prognosis of patients by
monitoring the relevant genes in their pe-
ripheral blood-free DNA (cfDNA) using NGS
technology. Jae et al. found the value of HPV
cfDNA in evaluating treatment response by
dynamically monitoring the cfDNA of cervi-
cal cancer patients using targeted HTS. They
found that HPV cfDNA is valuable for moni-
toring and predicting treatment response,
providing new insights for management and
evaluation after radiotherapy
Radiotherapy is an effective cancer
treatment, but it still inevitably has some
side effects. Most patients tolerate and re-
spond well to radiotherapy after surgery for
early-stage breast cancer. However, a propor-
tion of long-term survivors still develop ra-
diotherapy-related complications, with sub-
cutaneous fibrosis and capillary dilatation
being the most common cutaneous compli-
cations of radiotherapy for breast cancer. In
order to identify their susceptibility genes
and genotoxicity, Sarah et al. performed tar-
geted HTS on germline DNA samples from
48 breast cancer patients with extreme late-
stage cutaneous toxicity phenotypes and
identified a total of five single-nucleotide
variants in three genes (TP53, ERCC2, and
LIG1) with possible effects. This discovery
can provide a possible way for radiotherapy
to avoid patients susceptible to the side
effects and serious consequences of inap-
propriate radiotherapy58 and promote the
development of individualized medication.
HTS technology accelerates the discovery
of radiotherapy-resistant genes, effectively
avoiding ineffective radiotherapy and signifi-
cantly improving the effectiveness of treat-
ments. However, there are fewer studies on
applying HTS to radiotherapy complications,
and radiotherapy is mainly used as an adju-
vant treatment. Therefore, the influence of
chemotherapy or targeted therapy cannot be
excluded from the research, and its applica-
tion as a risk assessment tool still needs to
be further explored.
488 Xu et al.
Investigación Clínica 65(4): 2024
Tumor prognosis
Currently, following surgical interven-
tion and related treatments, tumor patients
need to be assessed for treatment and moni-
tored for tumor recurrence through regular
serum tumor marker tests and conventional
imaging tests. If tumor recurrence can be
anticipated at an earlier stage than the tra-
ditional examinations, early interventions
can be carried out, thus prolonging the sur-
vival time of patients. Remaining tiny tumor
foci after surgery or radiotherapy treatment
are important factors affecting patients’
prognosis, but it is more difficult to detect
their presence by traditional imaging and se-
rology screening. Fortunately, ctDNA detec-
tion based on HTS technology can provide
a new idea to solve this problem. Based on
this, Jeanne et al. performed ctDNA analysis
on stage III colon cancer patients who had
undergone chemotherapy and surgery and
found that ctDNA analysis in patients un-
dergoing surgery can serve as a marker of
In contrast, ctDNA analysis in chemo-
therapeutic patients could screen out pa-
tients who have completed the standard
therapy but are still at high risk of recur-
. HTS technology, as an emerging
test method, has advantages over traditional
serological and imaging tests. Ma et al. as-
sessed ctDNA in breast cancer patients using
NGS technology while using the molecular
tumor burden index (mTBI) in the samples
to monitor tumor burden and found that it
may have a higher sensitivity in indicating
disease progression and distant metastasis
than CT imaging
Although most patients with advanced
tumors have lost the opportunity for radi-
cal surgical treatment, appropriate radio-
therapy or interventional therapy, as well as
an assessment of prognosis, are still neces-
sary. By sequencing the RAS gene in ctDNA
from 47 plasma samples from 37 patients
with RAS-mutated colorectal cancer (CRC)
with unresectable metastases, Elena et al.
found that the RAS-mutated allele score had
an independent prognostic value for CRC
survival and could be used as a non-invasive
decision-making tool in first-line treatment
for cancer
. Zhao et al. performed target-
ed capture sequencing on 1,021 genes fre-
quently mutated in unresectable primary
HCC cases. The results showed that ctDNA
abundance correlated more closely with tu-
mor size than AFP levels. It was also associ-
ated with the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer
(BCLC) staging system. Dynamic changes of
ctDNA showed consistent or higher sensitiv-
ity compared with imaging in assessing the
response to interventions and a high degree
of consistency with tumor mutational load
of tissue and blood samples
As a focus in the realm, immunother-
apies represented by immune-checkpoint
inhibitor therapies have revolutionized the
treatment of late-stage solid tumors. Im-
mune checkpoint inhibitors and the immu-
notherapy they represent have revolution-
ized the treatment of advanced solid tumors
as a hotspot in cancer therapy. Valsamo et al.
analyzed the clonal dynamics of ctDNA and
tumor exogenous TCR parameters during
immune checkpoint blockade in non-small
cell lung cancer (NSCLC) employing the
NGS technology. They assessed the value of
liquid biopsy monitoring as a surrogate in-
dicator of treatment response. The research
results indicate that ctDNA testing after
treatment can enable patients with immune
checkpoint blockages and primary drug re-
sistance to be quickly identified for alterna-
tive treatment
Because of the side effects and drug
resistance that immunotherapy can cause,
only a small proportion of patients can
benefit from it in the long term, and it is
particularly important to provide the neces-
sary monitoring throughout the process
By measuring ctDNA levels and dynamic
changes using HTS technology, the progno-
sis and outcome of immunotherapy can be
predicted both before and during treatment
to avoid the trauma and misinterpretation
that traditional monitoring can cause. How-
Circulating tumor DNA detection by high throughput sequencing technology 489
Vol. 65(4): 476 - 494, 2024
ever, it should be noted that monitoring tu-
mors after treatment is a long-term process,
and there is still room for improvement in
terms of price and variety compared to tra-
ditional means. Before HTS can be promoted
and applied as a decision-making tool, it is
still necessary to carry out comparative ex-
periments on a large scale with traditional
means of detection in order to further prove
its reliability.
As a high-throughput detection tech-
nology, HTS can still be applied to large-scale
genetic or genomic testing, thus providing
a powerful tool for researching the mecha-
nisms of tumor genesis and clinical diagno-
sis and treatment. As sequencing technology
continues to evolve, it is anticipated that the
goal of routine screening, prevention, diag-
nosis, treatment and prognosis of tumors
will be achieved through this technology.
The authors thank all the Department
of Clinical Laboratory colleagues for their
comments on earlier versions of this manu-
This study received funding from the
Major Project of Humanities and Social Sci-
ences Research in Anhui Universities (grant
no. SK2021ZD0032) and Key Project of Nat-
ural Science Research of Higher Education
Institutions in Anhui Province (Grant No.
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
Author’s ORCID numbers
Chonghe Xu (CX):
Dangui Zhou (DZ):
Mei Zhu (MZ):
Authors’ contributions
CX and DZ wrote the original draft and
edited and critically revised the manuscript.
MZ substantially contributed to the concep-
tion and revision of the work.. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Patient consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors have declared that no com-
peting interest exists.
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