Sequence of telephone openings in the workplaces in a Kazakh community

  • Nuraisha Bekeyeva Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Senior Lecturer, Language Center, KIMEP University Almaty, 4, Abai ave 050010
  • Dina Kucherbayeva
  • Fauziya Orazbayeva Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Corresponding Member of Kazakhstan, Academy of Sciences, Kazakh language and literature Abay Kazakh National Teacher Training, Un iversity, Almaty, 13, Dostyk ave, 050060
  • Zharkynbike Suleimenova Doctor of Science, Professor, Kazakh Language, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty, 111, Aiteke Bi Street, 050000
Palabras clave: Telephone Sequence, Kazakh Community, Discourse


The current study examines telephone conversation openings in the workplace in a Kazakh community via comparative qualitative research methods. The study shows that despite the fact that the core sequences of Schegloff’s model are present in the analyzed data, it could be argued that the Kazakh telephone discourse construction is culturally specific. In conclusion, each opening telephone conversation is dependent on factors, such as co-interactants’ age, gender, position at work and a type of relationship.
Cómo citar
Bekeyeva, N., Kucherbayeva, D., Orazbayeva, F., & Suleimenova, Z. (2019). Sequence of telephone openings in the workplaces in a Kazakh community. Opción, 35, 332-361. Recuperado a partir de