Modern interpretations of Shakespearian Tragedies

  • Abzalbek Maxim, Anar Yerkebay, Yelik Nursultan Kazakh national Academy of arts named after Zhurgenov, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Palabras clave: Shakespearian, classics, theatre, production, director


The purpose of the research is to consider modern interpretations
of Shakespearian tragedies by Kazakh, Russian and Georgian theatre
directors. The wise combination of different stage readings – the
Eastern and European ones – served as a basis of the article effective
research method. As a result, each theatre strives to comprehend the
high poetry and inherent lyricism of Shakespearian drama and, at the
same time, to enhance the social agency and significance of the tragic
character. In conclusion, a theatre production may acquire national
tints in order to be better understood by the audience.

Cómo citar
Yelik Nursultan, A. M. A. Y. (2019). Modern interpretations of Shakespearian Tragedies. Opción, 35(89), 114-134. Recuperado a partir de