Action Document for Inter-Cultural and Inter-Ethnic Dialogue

  • . Shermuhamedova The National University of Uzbekistan, the Uzbekistan Branch of the Russian Philosophical Society, the Philosophical Society of Uzbekistan, the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Society, the International Journal of Philosophy and Life
Palabras clave: Culture, Nation, Modernization, Dialogue, Population.


This article discusses the features of inter-cultural dialogue in the era of globalization and some tendencies of inter-ethnic relations in Uzbekistan via applying the methods of complex, comparative-historical study, and analysis; methods of empirical research – observation, description, comparison; theoretical methods – generalization, synthesis, and systematic analysis. As a result, the task of the intellectual elite is to clear this green road from weeds and, in the name of preserving peace, become a worthy example for the younger generation. In conclusion, humanity can avoid distrust, which is used as a basis for inciting hostility, hatred, and calls for violence.
Cómo citar
Shermuhamedova, . (2019). Action Document for Inter-Cultural and Inter-Ethnic Dialogue. Opción, 35, 178-195. Recuperado a partir de