Action Document for Inter-Cultural and Inter-Ethnic Dialogue
Palabras clave:
Culture, Nation, Modernization, Dialogue, Population.
This article discusses the features of inter-cultural dialogue in the era of globalization and some tendencies of inter-ethnic relations in Uzbekistan via applying the methods of complex, comparative-historical study, and analysis; methods of empirical research – observation, description, comparison; theoretical methods – generalization, synthesis, and systematic analysis. As a result, the task of the intellectual elite is to clear this green road from weeds and, in the name of preserving peace, become a worthy example for the younger generation. In conclusion, humanity can avoid distrust, which is used as a basis for inciting hostility, hatred, and calls for violence.
Cómo citar
Shermuhamedova, . (2019). Action Document for Inter-Cultural and Inter-Ethnic Dialogue. Opción, 35, 178-195. Recuperado a partir de