Abnormal emotional behavior in children and its relationship to televised violence

  • Mohammed Wassan Nasser
Palabras clave: Televised violence, abnormal emotional behavior, children


Many psychological and educational studies confirmed that children are influenced by what is directed to them from the media, especially television, which affects two senses of their senses at the same time; moreover the speed of their influence is due to the fact that they are still at impression stage. This paper aims to identify the relationship between the number of watching hours of televised violence and the abnormal emotional behavior in children, and the abnormal emotional behavior is diagnosed by (aggression, fear, anxiety, negative behavior, dependent behavior). The sample of research reached 240 child, their age range between 6-12 years, and the number of watching hours is (4) hours and more. The results of the study indicate that most of the sample has abnormal emo- tional disorders, and in the light of the results, a set of recommendations and suggestions were developed.

Biografía del autor/a

Mohammed Wassan Nasser


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Cómo citar
Wassan Nasser, M. (2019). Abnormal emotional behavior in children and its relationship to televised violence. Opción, 35, 28. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/27382