The Effect of Organisational Culture on Students’ Cognitive, Skill-Based, and Affective Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia

  • Omaymah Radwan
  • Ahmad Zabidi Bin Abdul Razak
Palabras clave: Organisational Culture, Cognitive Learning Outcomes, Skill- based Learning Outcomes, Affective Learning Outcomes, Saudi Higher Education


The current study aimed to analyze the effect of organizational culture on students cognitive, skill-based and affective learning outcomes in Saudi higher education institutions. It has been conducted a quantitative research methodology by distributing questionnaires which contained 95 items to faculty members at two Saudi higher education institutions. 496 responses were further analysed using the SPSS (V23) and PLS-SEM. Results indica- ted that organisational culture has a direct and significant positive effect on students’ cognitive, skill-based, and affective learning outcomes in the context of Saudi higher education. The present study has a potential to reflect positively on the Ministry of Education, academic leaders, as well as support the higher education institutions.

Biografía del autor/a

Omaymah Radwan
Departament of Educational Management, Planning & Policy, Facult of Education University of Malaya
Ahmad Zabidi Bin Abdul Razak
Departament of Educational Management, Planning & Policy, Facult of Education University of Malaya


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Cómo citar
Radwan, O., & Bin Abdul Razak, A. Z. (2019). The Effect of Organisational Culture on Students’ Cognitive, Skill-Based, and Affective Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia. Opción, 35, 83-97. Recuperado a partir de