On the human right to food security

  • Ainur Gabdulbarovna Demieva Kazan Federal University, the Civil Law, candidate of legal sciences
  • Denis Vladimirovich Iroshnikov The Department theory of Law, History of Law and International Law of Russian University of Transport (MIIT), candidate of legal sciences
  • Kirill Vasilievich Alekseev Dean of the faculty of the Russian philology and national culture of Yesenin Ryazan State University
Palabras clave: Human, Rights, National, Security, Food


The article analyzes the right to food security in the human rights system. In particular, the author analyzes the place of this right in the existing generations of human rights, as well as in connection with the right to development via the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. As a result, the Food Security Act of India enshrines the right to food for all inhabitants of the country as a legitimate right. In conclusion, today the issue of enforcement of the human right to food security is very complex, requiring detailed scientific study and serious research.
Cómo citar
Gabdulbarovna Demieva, A., Vladimirovich Iroshnikov, D., & Alekseev, K. V. (2019). On the human right to food security. Opción, 35, 483-493. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/29459