Leo Tolstoy’s sphere of concepts in the devel-opment of women’s education

  • Anton Afanasev, Rezeda Mukhametshina Kazan Federal University
  • Dinara Tolbayeva, Kadisha Nurgali L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Palabras clave: Women, Education, Leo Tolstoy, Literature, Con-cepts.


The article studies the effect of Leo Tolstoy’s personality and his concept sphere on the prominent Kazakh educator Ybyrai Altyn-sarin via bibliographical, receptive, comparative, and historical meth-ods. Revealing Tolstoy’s influence on the selfless activities of Ybyrai Altynsarin is the main result of this work, e.g., establishment of schools for boys, and then the establishment of schools for girls. In conclusion, Altynsarin’s chrestomathy followed the student throughout the entire learning process, serving as a textbook and a reference book
Cómo citar
Rezeda Mukhametshina, A. A., & Kadisha Nurgali, D. T. (2019). Leo Tolstoy’s sphere of concepts in the devel-opment of women’s education. Opción, 35, 906-919. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/29516