The Effect of Economic Value Added, Market Value Added, Earnings Per Share and Firm Size on the Return of Islamic Stocks in Manufacturing Companies Listed in ISSI
Palabras clave:
Economic Value Added, Market Value Added, Earnings per Share, Firm Size to return
This study is intended to determine the effect of economic value added, mar- ket value added, earnings per share and firm size on Islamic stock returns in manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index 2015-2017. This research was analyzed using error correction models or commonly used as ECM abbreviations. The sample in this study was ob- tained as many as 30 companies that joined the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index. The results show that the variables EVA, MVA, EPS and firm size have a significant effect on stock returns both in the short and long term as indicated by the probability value of F statistic 0.041232 in the long run and short term of 0.00000 where the results are more a small number of α = 5% and a F value of statistics greater than F table. Based on data analysis that has been done it can be seen that the EVA variables both long term and short term have no effect on stock returns.
Cómo citar
Irawan, D., Idris, M., & Fauzi, F. (2019). The Effect of Economic Value Added, Market Value Added, Earnings Per Share and Firm Size on the Return of Islamic Stocks in Manufacturing Companies Listed in ISSI. Opción, 35, 909-936. Recuperado a partir de