Role Of Phonetics In Forming The Communicative Competence Of Foreign Russianist Students

  • Marina Nikolaevna Shutova
  • Sergey Sergeevich Khromov
  • Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Nesterova
  • Venera Gabdulkhakovna Fathutdinova
Palabras clave: teaching phonetics, Russian as a foreign language, communica- tive competence


The article is concerned with the issues of teaching foreign Russianist stu- dents the Russian phonetics with due regard to their language proficiency (from elementary to advanced levels). Foreign students learning the Russian language complete different tasks in the field of pronunciation, rhythmic patterns and intonation. However, courses on the Russian phonetics mainly aim at teaching students to communicate in a foreign language, i.e. to form their communicative competence.

Biografía del autor/a

Marina Nikolaevna Shutova
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Sergey Sergeevich Khromov
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Moscow Polytechnic University
Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Nesterova
Candidate of philological sciences, professor, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Venera Gabdulkhakovna Fathutdinova
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Kazan Federal University


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Cómo citar
Nikolaevna Shutova, M., Sergeevich Khromov, S., Vyacheslavovna Nesterova, T., & Gabdulkhakovna Fathutdinova, V. (2019). Role Of Phonetics In Forming The Communicative Competence Of Foreign Russianist Students. Opción, 35, 28. Recuperado a partir de